"Good boy~" Shangguan Yingrui smiled with satisfaction. It seemed that her baby was still very good, so she would not punish him. Then she walked to the refrigerator and started looking for food.………

Half an hour later, Shangguan Yingrui came out of the kitchen with four dishes and a soup...put them on the table, and called Ziyun to come over for lunch,"Brother Ziyun, come here, sister will feed you~ Come, open your mouth………"

Ziyun looked at Shangguan Yingrui's smile and couldn't help shuddering,"Haha... Thank you, senior sister, it's not necessary, I can do it myself."

But in his heart he was thinking, damn it, if he keeps doing this, he will be fed into a cripple sooner or later!

"Brother Ziyun, how can you refuse my love for you? Be good and open your mouth... or I will be angry.………"Shangguan Yingrui pouted her lips pretending to be angry and glared at Ziyun...

When Ziyun saw Shangguan Yingrui's expression, he thought to himself that something was wrong. He decisively stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the vegetables that Shangguan Yingrui fed him and put them into his mouth, swallowing them without even chewing.………

Seeing Ziyun swallow the vegetables, Shangguan Yingrui regained her composure:"How is it? How does it taste?"

"Well, it's delicious, but the taste is different from before.……"

"Oh, really? What's the difference?"

"I can't explain it, I just feel it's weird." Ziyun thought about it carefully and shook his head.

"Brother Ziyun, do you want to know what your sister added? Shangguan Yingrui showed a sly smile and blinked her beautiful eyes at Ziyun.

"What was added?"Ziyun asked curiously

"add……"Shangguan Yingrui curled her lips and smiled, leaned close to Ziyun's ear, and whispered:"I love you so much~"

Ziyun's whole body stiffened when he heard it, and goose bumps appeared all over his body,"Ahem... cough cough cough………"

Ziyun choked and quickly picked up the cup beside him and drank a few sips of water.………

"Hehe... Brother Ziyun, you are so excited~" Shangguan Yingrui laughed and teased when she saw this.

"Hehe...Hehe……"Ziyun pulled the corner of his mouth awkwardly, not knowing how to answer her.………

""Okay, eat quickly! Otherwise the food will get cold and won't taste good." Seeing that he didn't want to talk any more, Shangguan Yingrui picked up another dish and fed it to Ziyun. Ziyun had no choice but to bite his teeth and eat it. Seeing this, Shangguan Yingrui continued to feed Ziyun with a smile.………

The lunch passed by so strangely.………

After finishing lunch, Shangguan Yingrui licked the corner of her mouth, looked at Ziyun and said,"Brother Ziyun, are you full?"

"Hmm~" Ziyun nodded

"Then it's my sister's turn to eat~" Before she finished speaking, Shangguan Yingrui had already pounced on him.

"Well………"Ziyun was caught off guard and pressed to the floor. He was kissed on the lips and was forced to swallow the air from Shangguan Yingrui's mouth. The feeling of suffocation spread throughout his body.……

""Hmm~" He groaned, holding Shangguan Yingrui's slender waist tightly with both hands, twisting in resistance…………

Shangguan Yingrui noticed the struggle of the boy in her arms and slowly opened her eyes. She saw Ziyun twisting his body desperately, trying to break free from her, so she let go of Ziyun, sat up straight, and crossed her legs over Ziyun.………

Ziyun took the opportunity to sit up, gasping for breath………

"Brother Ziyun, it hurt me so much when you struggled like that just now………So you'd better be honest~" Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun with a smile, and she looked like a little fox...

Seeing that Ziyun still didn't speak, Shangguan Yingrui lowered her head and bit his chest.

"Hiss~!" Ziyun took a breath and looked at her with a frown.

"Haha~ Does it hurt?" Shangguan Yingrui looked at Ziyun with a smile, her look was simply charming.

"pain………"He uttered the word with difficulty.

"Then stay still and don't move~" Shangguan Yingrui pinched his chin evilly, then stood up and walked towards the bedroom.

Ziyun was relieved when he saw her leave. He touched the place where Shangguan Yingrui had bitten him, and the stinging sensation was still there. This woman was so cruel.………

Not long after, Shangguan Yingrui entered a room.

Shangguan Yingrui turned on the computer on the table and watched the surveillance video of the room this morning. Seeing Ziyun's helpless expression when he tried to pry the lock but failed and wanted to jump out the window but saw the electrified anti-theft net on the window, Shangguan Yingrui chuckled. Brother Ziyun was too cute. However, she didn't like his behavior of trying to escape.

But the next scene made her frown, because Ziyun disappeared out of thin air!

Shangguan Yingrui stared at the monitor in surprise. What happened?

Shangguan Yingrui pressed the mouse and switched the surveillance. She found that Ziyun appeared in the living room. Did Brother Ziyun master some special abilities?

Impossible! Shangguan Yingrui denied her guess because there were no special abilities in this world, otherwise it would be too fantasy. Could it be that Brother Ziyun discovered the camera I installed in the room? This was not right. These unnoticeable micro cameras were all high-tech products newly developed by Shangguan Group. Even the world's top hackers might not find them, let alone Brother Ziyun, an ordinary college student?

Since she couldn't figure it out, Shangguan Yingrui simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, her brother Ziyun couldn't escape her Five Fingers Mountain. Hehe~

Then she walked out of the room and just went downstairs to the first floor, she heard a voice coming from the door. The voice was Ziyun's.

"Senior, um... I'm going to school. I have two classes in the afternoon.………"

As for why he had to tell her, it was naturally because of the system. The little girl told him that if he went to school like this without telling Shangguan Yingrui, she would definitely be angry.………So, Ziyun had no choice but to tell her.

As expected, after hearing Ziyun's words, Shangguan Yingrui immediately stood up and ran to the gate, opened the door and shouted:"Wait! Brother Ziyun,………"

Ziyun stopped and turned to look at her in confusion.

But she ran over, hugged Ziyun, tiptoed and kissed him on the corner of his mouth,"Be careful on the road~! I'll make you something delicious tonight!" Shangguan Yingrui said sweetly, like a wife admonishing her husband.

""Okay~" Ziyun nodded in agreement, then opened the door and left. However, as soon as he stepped out of the door, he felt dizzy and then fainted.

"Brother Ziyun~!!" Shangguan Yingrui smiled when she saw this, and immediately rushed over to support Ziyun, and then carried him back to the room. She gently put Ziyun on the bed, and looking at Ziyun who was sleeping on the bed, she couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek, gently bit his ear and said: I'm sorry, brother Ziyun, sister didn't mean it, it's because I love you too much………

Then, she lay beside him, quietly watching her baby


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