Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 91 The power of thousands of years of faith?

The body of the 10,000-meter-large fighting spirit held a huge fighting spirit hammer. When the hammer struck down, it seemed to have affected the power of heaven and earth. For a moment, the wind roared and the space exploded, giving Ming a huge sense of oppression. .

But Ming was extremely fast. The film behind him was so dark that it looked like a burning flame. With a slight flicker, Ming turned into a strange black shadow and disappeared within the attack range of the War Soul Hammer.

However, things don't seem to be that simple. The hammer of the war spirit that blasts the sky and blocks the sun is still hammering down. It seems that even if the main target is lost, it doesn't matter, because it can completely destroy the earth and even destroy countless people. The bugs are dying!

Then I saw the huge war soul hammer, carrying a huge force, directly bombarding the broken earth from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Boom! Jump!

There was a shocking loud noise, with a ringing like a mountain falling and the earth cracking, and the tens of thousands of miles of earth cracked instantly. Countless huge and extended cracks, after breaking open, formed a huge line of hundreds of feet|thousands of feet. It's an abyss, but beneath the abyss is hot and terrifying lava, which erupts like a volcano at the next moment, spurting out extremely hot.

Countless terrestrial bugs among the Hades were instantly harmed. They were shaken into huge cracks by the force of the huge hammer. Even when a large amount of hot magma flowed out, some of them could not fly and had combat power. It's not like the very strong bugs were instantly swamped.

Damn stone warriors, how dare you destroy countless insects of this king! Ming was heartbroken that those weak people were still defenseless in the face of such a huge force.

But if the bugs are allowed to step on the corpses of their companions to get close to the fused giant, or even push or lift the fused giant sideways, it is completely possible with the current strength of the Hades, but doing so will kill and injure a lot of bugs. .

Ming can be cruel to his enemies, but he really can't bear his people to die like ants, so it's not worth it. His worms still need to grow, and it's not time to face the enemy directly.

Let the Leviathan come out!

So Hades contacted the Hive Will ship, completely waking up the Leviathan whale from its slumber, and came to the battlefield to build a huge bridge, allowing the flightless bugs to crawl onto the 10,000-meter-large whale, and get rid of the erosion of countless magma. After all, a pterosaur insect that can swallow fire cannot swallow all the magma flowing within a radius of tens of thousands of meters at once.

In fact, Ming wanted the Leviathan Whale to directly swallow the six-thousand-meter-large stone man in one gulp. However, the Leviathan Whale had never tried to swallow such a huge target, and the target of the whale itself was too huge and might be affected by it. The attack of the war soul body is also risky for the Leviathan whale. After all, the opponent has a powerful war soul hammer and war soul shield. It has both offense and defense, and it cannot be underestimated!

But at this time, the combined stone giant, after being hit by the hammer of the soul of the first battle, began to use his huge body and huge power to carry out continuous damage and destruction, almost everything he passed became a tomb of death. , because even if there is lava flowing on his huge feet, it will be resisted by the body of the fighting spirit outside. It seems that the body of the fighting spirit can avoid being soaked in any way, not to mention those little bugs that can't fly?

But Ming Cai doesn't believe that the other party can be absolutely invincible under the soul body!

I saw the whale at this time, already showing a huge body of 10,000 meters, swimming quickly from the void behind. It looked like a huge butterfly fish, but this was a whale that could swallow stars in the later stage and belonged to the Zerg tribe. The whale of the Leviathan series is one of the Zerg creatures that can exert its biological power to its peak. Even then, it can be compared with the behemoths of the stars or the beings of the stars.

But now its growth is far from enough, and its size is far from enough. So after arriving on the battlefield, it began to let countless flightless insects crawl onto its huge body!

And such a process takes a certain amount of time, so during this period, in order to prevent the advancement and destruction of the combined stone giant, the Underworld ordered all flying insects of the Underworld to conduct air strikes, whether they have artillery capabilities or psychic powers. The bugs must all focus on bombarding the huge target in front of them.

For a time, tens of thousands of self-destruction bugs, born for the sake of art, flew towards the fused stone giant, and carried out self-destruction test bombings. There were also countless cannon bugs that fired energy shells, and countless pterodactyl bugs launched from Fire bombs are ejected from the evil mouth, and even as a bug of the Tyranid series, under the leadership of the tyrant Carl Dragon, it releases mysterious power and instantly blesses countless Tyranids.

Subordinates, evolve your flying ability and fight for the Hades! The tyrant evil Carl Dragon passed through his mind to countless Tyranid subordinates, ordering the Tyranids to quickly explore their genetic potential, because they are hundreds of species. A combination of genetic organisms, with the ability of flying genetic organisms hidden in the body.

So under the mind of the evil Carl Dragon and the blessing of the mysterious power, countless powerful Tyranid bugs were seen. Not only did they have countless biological weapons devices on their bodies, but they also suddenly evolved at this moment. The more powerful Tyranid bugs have evolved forms with the ability to fly, and have evolved mechanical bone wings directly from their mechanical steel backs. Some are like the armor wings of Western dragon bugs. The weakest wings may be the regenerated flesh wings!

With the flight evolution of countless Tyranid creatures, they immediately became the main force of air strikes. Led by the command of the tyrant evil Carl Dragon, tens of thousands of troops formed a lineup, surrounding the Fusion Titan at high altitudes, and carried out continuous They bombarded them wildly, and their artillery fire was the psychic power of the Zerg. Its power was indeed dozens of times higher than the damage caused by cannon bugs and baneling bugs.

Well done, Evil Kal Dragon! Ming saw tens of thousands of Tyranid creatures, led by the tyrant Evil Kal Dragon, suddenly evolving the ability to fly. Ming was very happy. Sure enough, the Hell Zerg still needed it. There are many powerful bugs, and many highly intelligent bugs with Zerg consciousness, isn’t this? Ming Sheng is more worried.

So when the combined giant faced an unprecedented blockade and bombing, it was shocked for a moment that its huge soul body of 10,000 meters actually showed an early warning of rapid energy consumption. Even the main body of 6,000 meters was also in Zerg. Staggering around under the bombardment of unlimited firepower, unable to move forward to destroy and destroy.

The ideologies of Kyle and Kaidi, who only existed in the combined body, suffered an unprecedented blow. They felt very desperate at this moment. The powerlessness and helplessness made them completely discouraged. Could they die together? Can't do it?

Can the power of faith for thousands of years only stop here? Suddenly, the combined stone giant roared. This was the common will of the two kings, Kyle and Kaidi.

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