Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 90 The Ultimate Forms of the Two Kings

In the sky 10,000 meters high, the large area of ​​infinitely rolling black clouds is actually the power of darkness swallowed up by the Demonic Bone Sword in Ming's hand.

The formation of this dark power is terrifying, because Ming feels that the blood in his body is constantly flowing into the Demon Bone Sword. It seems that only with the transportation of blood, the Demon Bone Sword in his hand can continue to flow. Swallowing out the overwhelming power of darkness.

And this power of darkness is extremely powerful. It seems that it can not only corrode all enemies, but also devour all enemies!

It seems that I cannot fully control this dark power, but you are a bone in my body after all. Ming admitted that the dark power on the sword is very powerful, but he does not think that it has become a bone in his body. Some of them can even threaten his life.

Therefore, as for his own blood being absorbed by the Demon Bone Sword, Ming felt that at most it was because he was not familiar with this powerful force!

Come on, let's use my blood to condense the powerful power of darkness! So, Ming began to let the blood in his body be absorbed by the Demon Bone Sword.

Because Ming knows that any dark force is a terrifying force, and its existence is a representative of evil, because such a force can destroy the genetic order in many living things. If the dark force is strong enough, it can completely destroy it. The formation of living things.

For example, wounds eroded by the power of darkness cannot be healed easily. Even if you want to use the cells of creatures killed by the power of darkness for biological cloning or culture rebirth, it is difficult to clone and regenerate them. Reborn alive.

Kedi, let's completely release the Stone Soul Heart!

At this time, the King of Kyle felt the oppression crisis brought by the sky. He had already made the worst plan. He knew that the dark power was terrible. It seemed that the light was under the oppression of this dark power. Under this, the power of their fighting spirit bodies is already weakening.

You must know that the power of the fighting spirit body is not only their powerful fighting power, but as long as the fighting spirit body is immortal, even if their body is destroyed countless times, they can achieve infinite resurrection.

And this power comes from the Stone Soul Heart that he and the King of Kaidi jointly control, which is the power of the most precious treasure in this world!

But at this moment, the King of Kyle felt that the power the enemy exerted this time could threaten their infinite resurrection, could devour their fighting soul bodies, and even destroy the stone soul heart. Strength, that is to say, if their body is broken, it is really broken, and it may be difficult to resurrect.

Hmph, I, the King of Kaidi, don't want to be a pawn of any civilization! King of Kaidi did not reject King of Kyle's plan. If he was asked to choose between living and dying, he would not establish a contract with the Titans and be teleported out immediately. This world, and even this star, is willing to make the final resistance and release the power of the stone soul clan's precious treasure to deal with the enemy's evil power, and even cause heavy damage to the enemy.

So I saw the golden warhammer in the hand of King Kyle and the silver shield in the hand of King Kaidi, raised high and crossed together. At this moment, a strange force was released in the form of a whirlpool, and King of Kyle The King of Kaidi was immediately in the power of this whirlpool.

For a moment, the two stone giants were seen rotating at high speed, as if they were going to be completely integrated into the vortex of energy. The speed of this integration was getting faster and faster, but soon a strange scene appeared. The two stone giants Kyle and Kaidi in this energy vortex actually merged directly.

Finally, when the energy light disappeared and the energy vortex disappeared, a thousand-meter-large stone giant appeared between heaven and earth.

This is a combination of the King of Kel and the King of Kaidi, with two heads, four hands and two feet. Because one side has the appearance of Kaidi and the other side has the appearance of Kyle. They hold a huge silver shield on one side and a golden war hammer on the other.

At the same time, the stone giants standing tall on the sky and the ground, and a huge shadow of a war spirit, emanated directly from their huge bodies of thousands of meters, and radiated upright on the sky. They seemed to be thousands of meters tall, looking extremely sacred and majestic, like the sky between heaven and earth. gods.

And above the head of this stone giant, there is an extremely dazzling energy ball floating. It is not very big, only the size of a small bowl, and this energy ball is the heart of the stone soul, which is given to countless stones. The source of strength for the warrior's life and spirit.

Soon, perhaps because of the appearance of the Stone Soul Heart, countless stone warriors on the battlefield were turned into the most primitive stones, and quickly merged into the combined bodies of Kyle and Kaidi.

Soon, as thousands of stone warriors became part of the combined body of the two kings, the combined body of the two kings became larger and larger, from one thousand meters to two thousand meters, three thousand meters... until it had six thousand meters. When it was as huge as 10,000 meters, the incomparably sacred body of the fighting spirit had now expanded to a size of 10,000 meters!


Then I saw the combined bodies of Kyle and Kaidi moving. His movements were very slow, but the power he brought was terrifying. With just one step, a huge pit of 1,000 meters was created on the ground on the spot.

Is this their ultimate power? Ming, who was ten thousand meters above the sky at this time, looked at the body of the fighting spirit that suddenly appeared in his horizontal line of sight. He really didn't expect that the other party could actually condense a huge fighting spirit of ten thousand meters. Body.

No, is this guy going to destroy? But then, Ming found that the stone giant suddenly merged below and was moving forward slowly. When the opponent stepped out, it was thousands of meters away, and it seemed that it wanted to destroy Countless bugs behind him.

Well, I will try your ultimate form! At this time, the Demonic Bone Sword in Ming's hand had released enough dark power. Ming Ze immediately swung his sword at the stone giant body below, and Not their 10,000-meter fighting spirit body.

For a moment, the demon bone sword in Ming's hand was mobilized to release a large amount of dark power, which immediately turned into a huge dark sword mark and quickly slashed towards the stone giant's body.

However, unexpectedly, the body of the fighting spirit on the stone giant has achieved all-round defense of the body. In other words, if you want to attack the stone giant's body, you must first defeat the 10,000-meter-large fighting spirit body.

Obviously, now Ming cannot gather more dark power to forcefully break through the layer of fighting spirit on the stone giant. If he must come, it is estimated that the blood in Ming's body will be forcibly sucked dry, because it is obvious that , there is a source of energy on top of the stone giant's head, which seems to be blessing the body of a huge fighting spirit of 10,000 meters at all times, and it will never be dispersed.


However, just when Ming was about to mobilize the Insects, all the insects with artistic bombing capabilities, to carry out non-stop bombardments, hoping to continue to consume the power of the stone giant's fighting soul, and then he found the weak point and directly used the Darkness again. When you use a powerful sword to completely defeat the opponent's defense.

At this time, the huge war spirit body of 10,000 meters actually raised a war hammer high above 10,000 meters and suddenly fell from the sky. The target was Ming standing in the void!

ps: add, this is not a magical power system, it is simply a power that can help insects evolve!

In addition, the abilities of bugs are diverse. In my information, mechanical, technological, psychic, biological, natural, elemental, and chaotic energy are all possessed by some bugs! Don’t think that bugs can only use biological energy to fight against machinery and technology!

And I have taken your suggestions seriously. They are nothing more than asking me to focus on biological, mechanical, technological and psychic abilities!

But I won’t change it anymore. The first dozen or so chapters were changed over and over again because of various suggestions from some readers, so I decided to write the main plot, if you really like it. Just follow it!

But I’m really crazy about it. I have to have a good attitude before putting it on the shelves, so I don’t expect whether I have a subscription now, because not many people are watching it, and even if I have a small amount of subscriptions, I won’t get any money. The rules of the starting point You have to reach a certain amount before you can sign up. I estimate that it will take me half a year to get a 200 yuan subscription.

So I don’t even want to earn New Year’s money, because I really can’t earn it emmmm.

Before going to bed at night, I have to encourage myself to work hard and finish writing once, otherwise I would have been a eunuch, because I would have to find a job quickly. I just graduated and have been interning, but I am no longer interested in my professional work. You have to find it all over again!

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