Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 72 The Giant’s Counterattack

But at this moment, near the edge of the giant battlefield, a golden thunderbolt bloomed like a raging wave. It was Reiner Brown who left the high wall of Shiganshina. At this moment, he transformed into an armored giant and at the same time a super human. A fellow countryman of giant giant Hoover.

So under such manly friendship, he had to help, maybe this is because love is more important than Mount Tai!

“Bump, bump, bump—”

The armored giant ran quickly from the edge of the giant battlefield, and made an impact posture with one hand horizontally. The target was Ming who was attacking the super giant.

What? Is that... the new giant form?

At this time, on the high wall of Xiganshina, almost all the people in the garrison suddenly heard bursts of violent footsteps, bumping against the ground, getting closer and closer, and they were filled with excitement. Looking with doubtful eyes, he saw a 16-meter-tall giant, whose bones were filled with pale gold. It seemed that the entire huge body was covered with a layer of armor, giving him an indestructible look.

This guy is running crazily and fast towards the giant's battlefield at this moment.

Oh my God! Is this an armored giant with the ability to harden his entire body?

This... this should be another special intelligent giant!

His target is that guy. He wants to stop this twenty-meter-tall monster from attacking the super giant.

These people only felt that everything they saw today was too sudden and too unbelievable. In just a short period of time, so many changes happened and appeared. This kind of brain wisdom is so special that it is amazing. Two giants who felt extremely frightened had already appeared, and one seemed to be more powerful than the other!

Armored Titan? And Ming had already seen through the Zerg's vision that Reiner sneaked to the periphery of the giant battlefield and transformed into an armored giant scene after scene.

But your appearance is too late after all. This king's attack! You can't stop it for your good friend. At this time, Ming couldn't give up. You must know that this boy Hoover has transformed into a super giant and is maintaining In such a huge state, the energy consumed is very fast and terrifying.

Moreover, this guy had already carried out several attacks with super-heavy pressure just now. Especially this time, under the ultra-high temperature steam generated by compressing the internal muscles, his physical strength had been exhausted to the limit. It was Ming who was fatal to this guy. It's a good time to strike, and it's also a good time to take away the giant power that resides in this guy's body.

It was too late, but it was fast. In the middle of the attack and running, Ming flew up with wings of Ming flames, and was about to punch the super giant on the back of the neck. However, what made Ming extremely depressed was that originally, It should be possible to punch the super giant in the back of the neck at the most critical moment.

Disappeared? How dare you fool me?

Ke Ming completely punched an empty skeleton at this moment. He really didn't expect that all of this would be such a coincidence. I don't know if this kid Hoover meant this, or if this guy's physical strength suddenly reached its limit, and he directly Use the endless smoke to fade away the giant state and avoid this fatal blow?

Huh, then you can't escape my capture! Then, Ming snorted coldly in his heart.

Because of the large-scale collapse below, he ordered the bugs to dig and destroy it from the inside in advance, and there are bugs from his borer clan hiding near the collapsed strata.

So Ming immediately issued an order to find Hoover and capture the insects near the soil layer.

And soon, although Ming was in the air, through the vision of the bug below, he immediately discovered the extremely weak Hoover, lying curled up among the ruins of the deep pit. However, judging from this situation, this guy should be His physical strength reached the limit, and he didn't have enough time to escape on his own. As a result, he fell vertically as the giant shape continued to vaporize and disintegrate.

Ah! Help, help! Then, the terrified voice of Hoover suddenly came from the collapsed pit.

Sure enough, Hoover, who does not have enough physical strength to exert the power of a giant, is a very timid person who is afraid of death. Moreover, at this moment, through the Zerg's vision, through the smoke and air waves, Hoover can still be vaguely seen. He looked so anxious and afraid of death.

The bugs were not polite to him. Dozens of bugs began to bite into his body with their mouths. This was not devouring, but the bugs biting into his flesh with their mouths. Detain him, transport him out of this battlefield quickly, and send him back to the Hive Will aircraft carrier as soon as possible.


In the end, Hoover was extremely weak. When dozens of bugs bit into his body, he let out a final scream. Then he seemed to disappear in this giant's battlefield, but was actually transported away from the underground by a group of bugs.

Huh? Why did I hear Hoover's voice...

However, Allen, who was watching all this closely from the high wall, suddenly seemed to hear Hoover's voice at this moment? Moreover, Allen felt that the sound seemed to come from the giant's battlefield, but the area below was still covered by a large area of ​​smoke and air waves, and it was completely unclear what was happening below.

Am I too nervous? Allen thought in his mind, and asked his childhood sweetheart next to him, Did Mikasa hear any familiar voices?

No, Alan, please don't make yourself too nervous, okay? Mikasa said very worriedly.

Don't worry! Allen nodded to Mikasa and noticed that the armored giant with an armored body had rushed into the large-scale smoke. He seemed to be looking for something.

By the way, you must be looking for the missing super giant? Allen was very sensitive to suspicion at this moment. He even felt that he should know something? But he couldn't explain it. When he thought about it deeply, his head would be so confused that it hurt.


Suddenly, the armored giant's roar came from the smoke and air waves below. This roar completely woke Allen up. For some reason, he felt the anger and sadness of the other party from this roar.

What's going on? How could I have such thoughts? How can I sympathize with these damn giants? Allen felt terrible and angry about his own inner thoughts, even to the point of being unforgivable.


At this moment, Mikasa turned around extremely worried and held Eren tightly in her arms, because she always felt that something was wrong with Eren now. Ever since Eren's mother was torn apart by a giant, his spirit would occasionally start to become unstable. Stable, maybe I am recalling that scene at this moment.

Then you are Reiner below! And at this moment, Ming, who was fifty meters above the ground, faced the roar of the Armored Titan, and immediately felt in his heart that he was depriving the Armored Titan of its power.

Bump, bump, bump!

However, I don't know if it was the roar of the armored giant, but I saw countless giants running quickly from nearby, and this time the number of giants was so large that there seemed to be no upper limit, and they were constantly being replenished from the rear.

But Ming soon realized that something was wrong, because the giants that appeared this time were targeting countless bugs. These giants used their giant feet to trample the bugs on the battlefield crazily, and slapped the ground crazily with their giant hands. There are countless bugs on the ground, and even some giants are biting and devouring bugs.

At this moment, the destructive power of these giants still caused great harm to countless bugs. At least now, the abilities of these bugs in all aspects have been suppressed to a low point by the will of this plane. Therefore, in the face of the power of the giants, When there is a powerful attack, there will always be countless bugs, which are easily trampled or killed like ants.

Hmph! A highly intelligent giant with royal bloodline?

After Ming saw the sudden change, and based on his understanding of the giants in this world, he realized that it was impossible for the armored giants to summon so many giants on such a large scale, let alone tamper with the giants' memories so that they could stop attacking humans. The memory command was changed to a memory command specifically for attacking bugs.

Unless they are giants with the power of giants and blood memories of royal family coordinates, of course there are also highly intelligent giants with royal bloodlines.

The giant with the power of coordinates is the protagonist of this plane, Ellen. The one with the memory of the blood race may be Ymir, but it is impossible for her to awaken, so the only thing left is to have royal blood and high intelligence at the same time. The power of the giant - the giant of the beast.

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