Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 71 The underestimated power of giants

Berthold Hoover transformed into the power of a super giant. Although he had a strong attack power, a huge body, the power of super heavy pressure and the muscles of his body compressed to release ultra-high temperature steam, the super giant was so huge that it caused His movements are slower than those of ordinary giants, and he is even more likely to be the target of concentrated enemy attacks.

Therefore, after striking the opponent, Ming immediately attacked and ran around him, hoping to find an opportunity to use the overweight pressure attack faster than the opponent, and take advantage of this to give the super giant a serious blow.

However, the super giant, one of the nine giants, is the power of the giant lodged in Hoover's body. This way of hosting allows the host to possess high intelligence after turning into a giant, that is, a giant with brains. .

Therefore, he saw this super giant. In order to prevent the twenty-meter-tall monster in front of him from taking advantage of his slow movement to find an opportunity to attack him, he had to use passive skills in advance to compress the muscles inside his body to release Emit ultra-high temperature steam.

Interesting, you really want to use passive skills! As Ming was running quickly, he guessed that this guy would definitely use passive skills to stop and prevent his close attacks.

So I saw that the whole body of the super giant, especially under the surface of the muscles, was already emitting some ultra-high temperature steam, but it had not been completely released and exploded. Maybe it would be completely released and exploded when he got close.

At this time, the garrison regiment on the high wall of Xiganshina was a little preoccupied with looking at the battlefield that originally belonged to them and the giants. At this moment, it had turned into two sides, becoming a battlefield of super giants and giant monsters. A second battlefield with countless mindless giants and mysterious insect swarms.

But they never thought that the brutal giants who feed on their humans would be defenseless against these mysterious insect swarms. There were only hundreds and thousands of giants, three-meter-level, five-meter-level, and nine-meter-level. Meter-level, these brainless giants resisted with physical movements, but any of their attacks and resistance seemed to be based only on attacking human targets. For these bugs that were frantically eating their flesh and blood, no matter what Don't resist too much.

There are also giants who are eaten by insects. Because they are giants with no brains and intelligence, they never feel pain. Even if the entire lower body is eaten by insects, the expressions on their faces are always very interesting. There are expressions of laughter, madness, innocence, cuteness, funny... all kinds of expressions.

As for the giants, even if they lose their lower bodies, they will not die. Everyone in the Xigan Xina army knows that only by destroying the back of their necks can they be completely killed, or in other words, all their life activities can be stopped!

Huh? Why isn't Reiner here? He left? At this moment, Allen turned his head and found that Reiner, who had been beside him, suddenly disappeared. However, Allen didn't pay much attention, but looked at the high wall. In the rear, maybe Reiner has something to do when he returns to the town in the rear!

By the way, Hoover, who was my good friend today, disappeared early in the morning. Reiner must be a little worried and wants to see him as soon as possible! Allen, who is simple, kind, and a little silly, said in his heart think.

Eren, what's wrong with you? Mikasa, who was guarding Eren, asked calmly and calmly as she watched Eren's changes at this moment.'s okay! Allen noticed that Mikasa, who was dignified and beautiful with black hair, would always touch the red scarf around her neck when she was worried about him, and he felt a lot warmer for a while.

This red scarf was Allen's favorite, but on that bitterly cold night, when Mikasa lost her parents, the young Allen gave his favorite red scarf to Mikasa. Mikasa is a kind-hearted girl who knows how to be grateful. In her heart, this red scarf is as important as Ellen, and must be protected and protected.

But when Allen lost her parents, Mikasa was very afraid. Even if Allen was in front of her and the red scarf was always tied around her neck, she would be afraid of suddenly losing anything important.

Could it be that... this monster is going to project the giant and attack the giant? Suddenly, someone in the garrison on the high wall came out in incredible shock.

At this time, Allen came back to his senses from his past childhood memories. When he looked at the battlefield between giants and monsters, he saw the twenty-meter monster. After grabbing a five-meter-level brainless giant with one hand, he The attack began and the five-meter titan held high in the hand was launched. The target was the super giant with heat and smoke emitting from its body.


The five-meter-level giant thrown out by the Ming Expressway formed a straight line with a height of thirty meters. It violently rubbed the air at high speed, and soon penetrated into the super-large giant, and the high-temperature steam layer that slowly overflowed was within the range. among.

When the super giant saw this, he was faced with two choices, either to resist the impact of the five-meter giant that was dropped, or to resist the monster's opportunistic attack during this period.

But at this moment, the super giant obviously chose to use a huge arm to exert super heavy pressure to carry out a devastating attack on the five-meter giant with open teeth and five claws, still maintaining a silly expression.


Undoubtedly, this five-meter giant that was dropped at high speed was turned into blood mist and debris in the sky under the pressure of overweight.

At the previous moment, Ming Ze took the opportunity to attack personally. Only in this way could he cause huge damage to this guy.


However, what Ling Ming didn't expect was that this guy's active and passive skills could be used at the same time. Under the slap with super-heavy pressure, he simultaneously compressed the muscles of his body and released super-high temperature steam.

Sure enough, I still underestimated the settings of the nine giants? Ming Zai suddenly faced the impact of the super-large giant and released a wide range of ultra-high temperature steam. At this moment, he could only choose to retreat quickly and use the wings of Ming Yan behind him. , to isolate the heat of ultra-high temperature steam that may reach several thousand degrees Celsius.

Of course, the whole scene has made everyone on the high wall of Xiganshina dumbfounded.

They never thought that this super giant had such a terrifying ability. If they attacked him without knowing it, they would all die from this terrifying and large-scale explosion of steam. In the heat.

Huh? But not long after.

It was easy for them to see all the changes on the fifty-meter high wall. They saw that the super giant in the high temperature heat wave that had not dissipated actually sank into the ground, at least more than ten meters high.

What's going on? They couldn't figure out why the ground collapsed on a large scale to a height of tens of meters.

Moreover, this piece of ground is within the foundation range of the high wall construction of Xiganshina. The soil layer below has been reinforced by them. Generally speaking, it cannot collapse easily. And this terrifying heat wave is obviously heading towards It is impossible for the surrounding impact to cause such a large-scale and deep collapse of the ground.

But none of them noticed that the huge monster in their eyes suddenly smiled sinisterly and triumphantly at this moment. When they paid attention again, this huge monster had begun to attack again, and the super monster that was stuck in the soil more than ten meters deep Large giant.

ps: Thank you for your support, um... and today the author's fever has gone away and his head doesn't hurt much. I would also like to thank [Xiliang Ancient City Boy] and [Xiao Yuxin] for the reward. I also personally thank the book friends from Chuangshi for the reward!

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