Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 54 Hive Mind Aircraft Carrier

You must have forgotten the cold soul beads you once swallowed, right?

The fox became even more cold and terrifying. She felt that this insect was going to have a showdown with her today, or even burn the bridge!

You mean the Cold Soul Bead? That thing has always been dispensable. It cannot restrain me at all.

Facing the fox's cold gaze, Ming acted very calmly. At the same time, at this moment, he directly let the system swallow the cold soul beads in his body, and immediately made the fox fully understand what it means to have no choice!


At this moment, the fox felt that she had suddenly lost control and induction of the cold soul beads in Ming's body. In other words, she had lost the bargaining chip to control the insect in front of her.

Understood? I said you have no choice. Now you should decide whether to take me to get the original energy? If the fox refuses, Ming will really lose any patience and will directly regard her as an enemy and even attack her immediately. She's a killer!

I really have no choice?

After the fox was silent for a long time, she lost the cold air of a hundred miles away and began to look at Ming Dao seriously, as if she wanted to see Ming give her a very important promise.

It is your best choice to help this King's Ming Zerg tribe rise. Naturally, what I promised you will be done for you. As for whether you believe in me or not, it all depends on your courage! Ming was very excited at this moment. He answered the fox seriously.

...I, the King of Beasts, have indeed seen you right. If you really let me choose, heavy treasure cannot be compared with freedom! At this moment, the fox suddenly smiled, and it has already shown that courage is such a thing. She, the King of Beasts, is still some.

Come with me!

She followed the fox and turned around, inviting Ming to follow her to get the origin of the world.

Soon, Ming followed the fox to a seemingly boundless snowfield.

How do you know that I have the origin of the world?

At this time, the fox suddenly asked, because the place where she usually stays is in the illusion, and everything outside the illusion, without her personally bringing it in, it is impossible to come here, let alone discover that there is a world inside. The origin is hidden.

Well... I have long felt a mysterious force from this world, and therefore guessed some possibilities. Of course, I am completely sure that it is the origin of the world. Thanks to my trip to the human world, he meditated. Want to say.

But he did feel that deep in the primitive forest, there was a mysterious force spreading between the world, and finally knew that this was the origin of the world, and the answer was only known through the system.

I see, but if the power of the world's origin is not too powerful, and I can't completely cover up its aura now, otherwise you wouldn't know all this!

Huh? Are we here?

But at this moment, a snow peak suddenly seemed to appear in front of Ming out of thin air. Even at this moment, he had a strong feeling that the original energy of the world was within this snow peak.

Whether you can take this thing away depends on your own ability! The fox led the way and walked directly to a snow cave at the foot of Xuefeng.

Mingze followed behind and soon entered the snow peak.

The space inside is very large, and it is like an independent world, and in the center is an ice box that is bubbling with cold air. The so-called power of the origin of the world is constantly leaking from the ice box!

Look...the original power of this world is in the ice box! The fox reminded: This ice box is a valuable treasure of mine. If you can take it away, I can lend it to you to use the world's origin for the time being.

Thank you very much! But I will return it to you soon!

At this moment, Ming walked up directly, his cell armor quickly covering his whole body, because he could feel the extreme cold of this box, and the power of ice he possessed had reached an unimaginable level!

It's so cold!

Just when Ming grabbed the ice box, he felt that his body was completely cold. It seemed that only his mind and soul were still alive. At the same time, there was also a powerful ice vine force that quickly spread from the ice box to his whole body. up and down.

At this moment, his whole body was frozen into an ice sculpture. Even though he was mentally prepared in advance, he was still extremely scared when he experienced it. Fortunately, there was a cell armor that absorbed 30% of the ice power and quickly transformed it. It was blessed with absolute defense, but Ming could not crush the ice vine layer on his body like before.

Huh? This is...?

At this time, the fox on the side felt very incredible about this. She knew her own precious treasure best. Why did part of the ice power released on the ice box disappear when it touched Ming's body?

However, just as the fox thought this, Ming's entire body suddenly became larger and grew, growing tenfold in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the fox knew that after this insect used this method, its strength would seem to increase to about ten times, reaching an incredible level.


With an explosion, the ice vines on Ming's body exploded and turned into snow and rain. At the same time, his giant hand had tightly grasped the ice box in his palm, and there seemed to be a powerful force. Forcibly suppress the ice power released by the ice box.

And when Ming took the ice box in his hand, all the surrounding environment changed rapidly at this moment, and seemed to be restored to its original appearance - it became a tall and wide cave, and there were countless things outside the cave. Surrounded by virgin forest.

Okay, you can take it and get out of here.

The fox had no reaction to all these changes. The establishment of the ice and snow illusion all relied on the ice box treasure. Now that the ice vine power of the ice box treasure has been completely suppressed by Ming, naturally all the illusions here will return to reality in the blink of an eye. .

Then Ming kept the Titan Bug and stepped out of here directly, arriving on top of the huge Insect Hive Will. No! To be precise now, it should be on the body of the Hive Will aircraft carrier.

As for why it is called a body, it is because there is not enough energy for the Hive Mind aircraft carrier to take off.

You must know that in these nearly twenty days, the Hive Mind has launched a large number of underwater insects, which have completely wiped out the space mineral crystals at the bottom of the Giant Mirror Lake, and even caused the water in the Giant Mirror Lake to be extremely unstable. Up to now, the entire The lake level has dropped by more than ten meters. Perhaps the Giant Mirror Lake will disappear completely soon because the space below has been completely destroyed.

All the ore resources obtained were used to build the aircraft carrier of the Hive Mind. In fact, it evolved into a monster that could carry the entire Hades clan to move and fly, because the Hive Mind itself was a huge living thing.

As Ming directly carried the ice box containing the world's original energy and flew under the giant mouth on the Hive Will aircraft carrier, he directly came to a huge space nest inside.

There are countless biological pipelines crisscrossing here. This is the forbidden area of ​​the Hive Will aircraft carrier. Only he, the master, is qualified to enter, because this is the heart of the Hive Will aircraft carrier.

Then Ming opened the ice box in his hand, and a ball of milky white original light flew out. It seemed to have a strong spirituality, and it wanted to run and escape from here.

However, it is impossible for the Hive Will aircraft carrier to allow this huge world source energy to escape. Countless biological pipes are seen flying densely, directly wrapping this milky white source energy layer by layer.

At this time, it can be seen with the naked eye that these biological channels are continuously absorbing and devouring the original energy of this world, and transmitting the original energy to the entire Hive Mind aircraft carrier.


At this moment, a terrifying and shocking scene happened. A piece of ground with a radius of tens of thousands of miles shook violently, and even kept breaking away from the entire stratum and rising into the sky, like a city in the sky!

ps: Dear book friends who are following, thank you for your support. In order to express my gratitude to everyone, well... I decided... there will be only one chapter today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. hey-hey. In fact, the author is in a hurry these days and has been very busy, and there is not much time to type. However, the author must be grateful to the book friends for their support for this book, so I will make up for it after these few days, and even break out next month, at least every day Three chapters are guaranteed, except for special circumstances.

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