Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 53 I am the immortal Hades

Next, Ming wandered around the great rivers and mountains of the human race. At the same time, he had the vision of the Zerg, that is, more than 10,000 assassins lurked in the wider realm of the human race. All the people and things they saw could be seen by Ming at the same time. Seeing it, it was like countless pictures were presented in his mind, just like what he saw at the scene with his own eyes.

Therefore, through the information obtained by the assassin's lurking, Ming initially understood that the number of immortal cultivators in the human world was quite prosperous, and the gap in cultivation at each stage was not very different, and that there were ten major immortal cultivating sects in this world. , these ten together control the world today.

He has now come into contact with two major sects of cultivating immortals, namely Tianmen Sect and Tianjian Sect. These two sects have a very great influence among the top ten sects of cultivating immortals, ranking first and second respectively.

But now it seems that the world of the human race is peaceful, but in fact it is full of undercurrents. It seems that there is a shocking secret buried under the calm surface. At the same time, there is only one fuse left to completely trigger the major forces of the human race. disputes.

And this fuse? Unfortunately, it has been successfully established by him.

The second day.

In a city where the human race is extremely prosperous, there are tens of millions of people living there, one-tenth of which are immortal cultivators.

But most of these immortal cultivators submit to a cultivating sect—Tianmen Sect.

The Tianmen Sect is located in the very center of the city. The buildings they own are all tall and majestic and resplendent. At the same time, the aura is very rich, like a fairyland.

In the main hall of Tianmen Sect, there are dozens of masters with powerful auras, all of them are old monsters with monstrous blood. They have the aura of time on their bodies, and they seem to be old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years.

They are all dead, and all the large spiritual mines have disappeared. I asked you to come out today to hear what you mean!

A middle-aged man with blond hair sat at the top of the main hall. He looked carefully at the old monsters on both sides below him, and seemed to have made some important decision in his heart.

The master actually summoned me to come out this time, so of course our life and death will be for the sake of the sect.

The first person below was an old man with a white beard whose body was extremely dry. He seemed to be a man whose days were numbered. There was even a lot of lifelessness on his face that was full of wrinkles from time.

I will do everything for the sake of the sect, even if I die! Immediately afterwards, all the old monsters in the hall expressed their determination to die.

Okay, this time the Tianjian Sect killed dozens of top Nascent Soul masters of our Tianmen Sect first, and even used big means to empty out our Tianmen Sect's spiritual mines. We, the Tianmen Sect, must take back this bloody feud and let the Tianmen Sect get it back. The Sword Sect has plummeted since then!

Then the blond middle-aged man suddenly sat up, holding a glass of spiritual wine in his hand, and began to invite all the elders present to raise their glasses and drink.

Soon after, the old guys in the hall stepped out of the hall one after another, and outside the hall there were already tens of thousands of cultivators in uniform to fight on their behalf.

These immortal cultivators will obey the sect's highest order and follow the ancestors of their sect to attack the Tianjian Sect.

And Ming was in a mountain peak at this moment, seeing all this through the assassin's vision.

Hmph, when this king comes back again, everything in this world will finally surrender under my feet!

But he will not watch this scene of infighting among the human race in person. Instead, it is time to return to the Hive Will and his own Hades to make all preparations. The next time he comes, the entire Hades will descend. .

In the end, the battle between the Tianjian Sect and the Tianmen Sect lasted for half a month. Both sides suffered heavy losses, but it also started the general trend of internal fighting among the human race. At this point, the world of cultivators is in panic!

In particular, the disciples of the ten major immortal sects suddenly suffered a large number of assassinations, which directly brought the internal fighting to the surface again. At the same time, it also caused the ten sects to doubt each other, and no one believed anyone. Gradually, They all began to use various excuses openly and openly to kill people, seize resources, redefine their spheres of influence, etc.

There are even old monsters dying every day, but in the end, they still have to fight for the sect's background, and whoever has the deeper knowledge can benefit from this internal fight.

But they seem to have a common purpose, which is to annex each other, as if to obtain something powerful.

During this period, Ming Ze arranged everything in his own world. When the human race was completely in chaos, he, like a foreign civilization, descended into the human race's world and began to declare the ownership of this world!

I'm really looking forward to your future. I didn't expect that your intervention would cause chaos in the human world!

Suddenly the King of Beasts appeared in front of Ming, but this time the fox changed a lot. Her aura was several times stronger than before, and she now had four tails.

Don't you think you still have five tails? Ming opened his eyes and temporarily withdrew from the sight link on the human side.

Huh? Why do you think so? The King of Beasts was shocked in his heart. What does this insect mean?

Because of the three changes, I don't know much about your demon clan. I'm just guessing!

Ming said lightly, but in fact, he didn't take her seriously at all in his heart. No matter what her final form was, everything would only change when his Hive Mind aircraft carrier and psychic bugs came out. It will not pose any threat to him.

By the way, you came just in time. In a few days, I will lead the entire Ming Zerg tribe to the human world. But before that, everything in this world will be exhausted! Ming began. He stared directly at the fox in front of him.

What? Including my primitive forest? The fox was shocked again, wondering what Ming was preparing?

Of course, it also includes the world's origin energy you collected!

H-how do you know?

At this moment, the fox looked at Ming in complete disbelief, feeling that this insect seemed to know too many things today.

Huh~~ But I hope you are willing to help me. Ming took a deep breath and did not answer the fox's question, but only talked about his own question.

However, the fox was silent at this time. How could she be willing to take out such a treasure as the origin of the world?

Hmph! I already know the location of the source of the Ten Square Array, and I have the ability to completely destroy it. Compared with your freedom, you still have to make a serious choice, but whether you choose it or not, I must get the energy of the source. If you want to stop me, or even become my enemy, you will die completely in my hands!

Seeing the fox's silence, Ming became more and more aggressive, and even took the opportunity to use his spiritual power to influence the fox in front of him.

Aren't you afraid of death?

Suddenly the fox's four tails spread out, and a terrifying cold air was released from the whole body. Everything in the path of the cold air was frozen, and in the blink of an eye, a hundred miles around turned into a sheet of ice and snow.

Death? Don't forget, this king is the immortal Pluto!

The thick layer of ice on Ming's body immediately exploded, and he stood in front of the fox intact.

You have no choice. If you really want to become an enemy of this king, you will definitely die!

ps: Alas, all the great masters these days are asking for tickets. As a sluggish person, I still kneel down and beg all the book friends to throw in my tickets. Thank you!

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