Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 44: Hand-torn passage

With the intervention of the Leviathan snake, a revolution in aquatic species is taking place in the Giant Mirror Lake.

According to the will of the bugs brought back by the scorpion shrimp bugs and lobster bugs every day.

They show that the Leviathan snake executes the will of the insect nest in the water, constantly hunting and devouring all the alien species it sees. It is extremely excited and fearless about it, and seems to have no natural enemies.

The Leviathan snake is rapidly growing in size every day, from the original size of ten meters to dozens of meters, and even bigger and bigger!

In this way, the scorpion shrimps and lobsters of the Hades tribe, sheltered and opened by the Leviathan snakes, can bring back more food and resources every day when they go into the water.

The huge resources and food can initially ensure the operation of the entire Hive Will network.

This king is about to crush the territory of human immortal cultivators. Wherever there are powerful people, solid buildings, and terrifying magical powers, there are vast skies, abundant resources, and extremely delicious food...

On this day, Hades conveyed his knowledge of the human land to the Hive Mind.

The Hive Will accepted the Overlord's Will, analyzed the Overlord's Will, and began to hatch and produce more unit insect species for Hades, preparing for Hades to develop the power of insects to attack human lands.

Countless Zerg puppies, whose genes were transferred from the wolves in the forest and combined with the genes of ants, began to be hatched in millions of production units, becoming frontline chargers and cannon fodder.

Countless smoke bugs have adopted the genes of some kind of bacterial bun plant, probably the gray bun plant fungus, which can gradually mature into some kind of magical smoke powder after contact with the air, and combine with two species of air and land bugs, ants and bees. Hundreds of thousands of units of genes were initially hatched.

This kind of smoke bug can not only confuse the enemy's vision, but also disrupt and confuse the enemy's spiritual detection. It is a wonderful insect species specially genetically generated to target immortal cultivators.

There were also countless Baneling Bugs and Cannon Worms, hundreds of thousands of units hatched.

The cannonworms here are equivalent to the self-banaling bugs. Compared with the cannonworms hatched before the underworld, the bugs hatched by the Hive Will are more spiritual and thinking bugs.

Because they can carry out self-destruction mode through the Hive Mind, that is, the body explodes and the enemy dies together. It is a very crazy and terrifying existence, thus becoming a veritable insect of destruction for airborne and bombers.

In addition, the humanoid bug comes from the combination of human genes and mantis genes, and has a sharp symbiotic biological weapon-the mantis sword.

There are countless combinations of insect legs on both sides of their middle body, like a terrifying mouth full of fangs, but it can tightly trap the enemy in its arms with two rows of insect legs and start to strangle crazily. Or devour the flesh and blood of the enemy.

Tens of thousands of units of this humanoid bug are currently being produced.

However, due to the scarcity of human genes in the Hive Mind, large-scale gene hatching and production is currently not possible.

Next are the two heavyweight Zerg, Ultralisk and Abimon.

The two of them represent the current middle level combat power and the ultimate level of destruction of the Hades.

Let’s talk about the alien insect species like Thunder Beast first.

It is mainly a combination of genes from mammoths, elephants, and canine-toothed giant tigers, as well as heavily armored giant alien insects that are combined with genes from other corresponding species, such as horses and wasps.

As a result, thunder beasts with extremely strong defense and destructive power emerged. Their whole bodies were covered with armor-like carapace, and their huge limbs were so powerful that they could crush any building.

There are also dozens of huge mammoth tusks around their heads. If any enemy tries to block their close attack, everything will be cut by the blades of their mammoth tusks.

At the same time, when they reach adulthood, they will have a huge body of more than thirty meters tall, as well as strong muscles like steel, and extremely fast speed like lightning, which all contribute to their explosive power and destructive power.

But there is a disadvantage. Because the target of the Thunder Beast itself is too large, it often cannot withstand the concentrated attack of the enemy. However, it is still very effective to shock and destroy at the beginning.

Under the current Hive Will, only about a hundred of this kind of Thunder Beast can be produced. Due to the very high resource consumption, large-scale hatching is not possible. In particular, the Thunder Beast Larvae Cave built with gas resources consumes a lot of money.

Zeyabimon is the giant ape in the forest and the iron bull in the grassland selected by the Hive Will. The genes of these two creatures were combined with the larvae to hatch and produce Beamon without psychic attacks, that is, Today's Abimon alien species.

Although they cannot use psychic attacks, they have the agility of apes and the domineering horns of iron bulls.

Moreover, their blood volume is very thick, their defense is extremely high, and they are resistant to fighting. They can engage in terrifying hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, and they can also turn everything into weapons in their hands to fight with the enemy. Therefore, their survival adaptability is also very high. Strong.

Pressure on Behemoth, the Hive Mind hatched hundreds of thousands.

The formation of all the above insect power took half a year.

So from the formation of the Hive Will to the present, the Hades have spent a year developing.

In the original base of the primitive forest, there have been tens of millions of insects in this year, and the number is extremely large.

The most frightening thing is that the number of cannon bugs and stealth bugs is very large, each unit has millions of soldiers. Other common bug species, such as iron beetles, sandworms, and red ant special forces, have even more.

These are the development of the Hades Zerg tribe, the initial foundation of the kingdom.

But with the occurrence and development of all this, the number and unit species of the Hades have undoubtedly increased, and they need more food and resources to survive.

The only source of food provided to them by this side of the world currently comes from the Giant Mirror Lake.

But Jujing Lake can no longer be satisfied.

Just like, after the Leviathan snake grew to a hundred-meter-level overlord creature, it began to evolve and expand through the hive mind, and evolved bat-like bone wings on its huge back body in order to leave. This giant lake, to find more food, to shock and destroy more places.

However, currently, only two Leviathan snakes have evolved bone wings, and the others need more accumulation.

Have you decided? Are you leaving today?

For such a big event, when Ming gathered a huge and terrifying army of insects, the King of Beasts had anticipated it and came to Ming early in the morning. She was shocked by the terrifying development of the Hades. She couldn't even imagine it, but she was excited and looking forward to it.

Yes, this world is too small to contain the ambitions of this king and the Insect Tribe! Ming looked at the crack in the void calmly, where was his only exit channel.

If you want to tear it apart, go ahead. This was originally a sealed space, but now it has been broken and is no longer complete. With your current strength, you can even tear it open into a huge gap, allowing countless people from your Insect clan to The bugs rushed out! The King of Beasts saw Ming's thoughts and directly encouraged him to destroy and tear it apart.

But Ming didn't reply, but directly expelled the Titan bugs. In the blink of an eye, he came to the crack in the void. He grabbed the edge of the crack with both hands and directly tore the crack with his hands.

Under his powerful strength, the barrier of the seal was unbearable, and the cracks were torn directly to the ground of the Death Desert, and a larger crack channel appeared.

In the land of humans, my king's Hades will challenge everything in the future!

Ming was the first to enter the crack passage, and behind him were tens of millions of Hades insect units, like a flowing wilderness, disappearing into the crack passage with him!

ps: Thank you to all the book friends who support me. It’s all you who give me motivation. Thank you very much! But to be honest, writing a book is really difficult. Sometimes it is really difficult to write if you lack motivation. For example, after seeing some comments that are offensive, my mood for typing all day is affected!

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