Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 43 Leviathan Serpent

Ming's will is the master of the Hive Will.

I saw countless scorpion and shrimp crawling out from the surface of the insect nest. With the blessing of the purple carpet, they moved very fast, like a red wave, a crimson disaster, and a rapid erosion like a viral infection. Touch the earth.

Soon, the tail of each scorpion shrimp held high and shook its cold and terrifying poisonous hook. They appeared in large numbers on the edge of the shore of Giant Mirror Lake. They followed the will of the nest and all entered the water at the next moment and scattered. Find resources and food under all water.

The number of this batch of bugs is about 100,000. However, the Giant Mirror Lake is very large and deep. There are also terrifying creatures in it. Of course, there may also be unknown water creatures, so the number of 100,000 does not count. many.

After these bugs entered the water, it took about a few hours to continue hauling food, or double-armored pincers holding food ten times heavier than themselves, or thousands of huge aquatic creatures carrying it together. .

Capture small and medium-sized elephant octopus, countless small and medium-sized fish, underwater pythons, etc., as well as countless ores, gold ore, iron ore, and amethyst ore that contains the power of space.

In this way, a large amount of food and resources continue to enter the Hive Will. There are a large number of living body storage rooms in the Hive Will, and they are divided into high and low levels.

When these resources and food were transported back, the Hive Mind began to produce a large number of worker insects, that is, farmers, including bees, ants, locusts, etc.

The production of these farmers will help the Hive Will to better operate various network needs.

For example, additional construction, internal transportation, cleaning up the garbage from the insect nest, and other tasks.

But this time, these scorpion shrimps expressed their will in the insect nest.

At best, they can only search for all the food and resources they can in water several kilometers deep, and there are also huge aquatic creatures that pose a huge threat and interference to them.

Regarding this point, Pingdu did not need to activate the will of domination, and the will of the hive began to take corresponding measures in order to completely conquer and eliminate all threats and obstacles in the giant mirror lake.

The Hive Mind has begun the production, hatching, and birth of new insect species.

If it dares to threaten or hinder its hive will, the will of the supreme master, it will forcefully clear away all enemies and obstacles.

So ten days later, the higher insect body Leviathan was hatched by combining the genes of the Hive Will.

However, due to limited mineral resources and food, only ten Leviathan-level water super insect species have been hatched.

This kind of insect species is above the history of the Zerg race. They are the true overlords in the water.

In the Hive Mind, the genetic incubation of Leviathan is through the insect species that is combined with the tentacles of the original Vonabi snake and the original elephant octopus and the body of the mammoth on land.

The original Warnabi snake is a very huge strange snake that comes from the water. They are as big as a yellow barrel and are hundreds of meters long. They have a blood-spurting mouth of more than ten meters, terrifying fangs several meters long, and have Extremely hard scales.

But they are non-venomous snakes, and some have terrifying power that cannot be underestimated.

When some huge monsters face them, they are often tied to death by their proud bodies. It can be said that at the bottom of the Giant Mirror Lake and the primitive elephant octopus are both super giant water monsters, the existence of the two overlords under the water.

But this time, the primitive Wernabi snake was unlucky. It encountered the scorpion shrimp of the Hades clan.

Small in size and extremely flexible, they have become the nemesis and nightmare of giant snakes.

So thousands of scorpion and shrimp insects used huge, strong and extremely sharp terrifying claws to tear tightly on its huge body, shattering the giant snake's proud scales, thus breaking the giant snake's defense. Finally, thousands of scorpion shrimps swing up the poisonous hooks on their tails, introducing toxins that can destroy the flesh and blood cells of all living things.

In the end, this huge water snake was unable to resist the toxins of thousands of scorpion and shrimp insects. It could only be killed by this group of small but terrifying insects, and was dragged out of the water and transported back to the will of the insect nest.

The Hive Mind extracted its genes, matched and combined them with other genes to produce a new insect species at the Leviathan level, or a heterogeneous monster with the spiritual will of the Zerg race.

Sure enough, only with the Hive Will can we better hatch more insect species! Ming looked at all this excitedly and sighed at the Hive Will that was like a systematic network.

If he were allowed to carry out gene incubation by himself, I am afraid it would take a long time to prepare all this, and perhaps it would be possible to complete a Leviathan-level aquatic insect species.

Okay, from now on, you are the Leviathan snakes of this king, the Zerg clan!

Ming labeled the new insect species in front of him as the Insect Race. From now on, his Insect Race may be inclusive of the Insect Race, and all insect species can appear in his Insect Race.

The Leviathan snake of the Hades tribe has an octopus-like head on its head, with a huge hollow mouth that opens like a dark abyss.

But there are hundreds of tentacles of varying sizes and lengths at the edge of the abyss. This is like the production of symbiotic biological weapons. These tentacle biological weapons can tightly entangle the enemy, and on the head of the tentacles, there is a full-length The suction cups with tiny sharp thorns can forcibly absorb the enemy's blood and flesh, or in other words, all the enemy's nutrients.

The middle body of the Leviathan snake is a combination of the mammoth body on land. Although it has snake scales, the most important thing is that it has the four legs of mammoth, which are extremely thick and can support their entire grotesque body on land.

The tail of the Leviathan snake is a swinging Wernabi snake tail, the total length accounts for two-thirds of the entire length. It appears flexible at the tail of the body, and seems to be able to sweep across all solid objects with ease. .

However, the Leviathan snakes in front of us are only ten meters in size. They must go into the water to replenish food and energy to quickly grow their bodies. They can become huge Leviathan snakes in a short time and become the only ones at the bottom of the Giant Mirror Lake. The aquatic creature that dominates.

By then, all other underwater creatures will change their color and become its food!

“Go, with the will of the Insect Hive, kill and devour all enemies that hinder the development of the Insect Tribe, and open up a smooth avenue for the diggers of the Insect Tribe.

The diggers here are naturally countless scorpion and shrimp insects, ensuring that they can collect resources and food better and faster, providing more resources and food for the Hive Mind.

As a result, ten Leviathan snakes trampled on the ground with a roar, leading hundreds of thousands of insects into the Giant Mirror Lake.

Among the hundreds of thousands of bugs here, they include scorpion bugs, which mainly attack, and lobster bugs, which mainly dig holes.

The lobster worms are a batch of lobster worms with strong stress resistance hatched by the Hive Mind in order to prevent the insects from entering deeper water and improve the mining efficiency. They have also genetically modified the turtle's shell armor as a symbiotic biological defense. They are extremely hard, and it is difficult for ordinary attacks to destroy their carapace.

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