Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 4 The first shot that opened the age of weapons

After possessing the first batch of weapon bugs, Ming did not continue to hatch weapon bugs. Instead, he hatched more ordinary bugs in large numbers.

He feels that he should not have too many Hades units at the moment.

In the long history of the development of the Zerg race, once there are too many units, it means that the bugs have many abilities, and many of them will fight with each other. Some bugs may even be clever and want to cause trouble and rebel. They are not willing to be dominated, but Their thoughts are too simple and they do not consider the consequences of failure at all!

Ming currently does not have the absolute control over the Zerg race, and he has not yet evolved to become more powerful. If the mother bug suddenly disobeys his intelligent orders during this period, his Zerg race may be disintegrated in an instant.

So in order to better control the next trend of the Ming Zerg, Ming prepared to strengthen himself first!

He has sent tens of thousands of bugs to find resource areas, or directly returned with countless resources.

However, the mineral resources that the workers brought back every day were mostly some kind of ordinary iron ore. After devouring it, he only felt that the speed of power accumulation was too slow!

No, if we continue like this, I don't know when the system's opening conditions will be met? After thinking about it, I always feel that it is a bit far away!

It seems that this time, I have to go to extremes?

Ming began to put his ideas into the magma beneath his home, because magma is the melt of many minerals and contains many rich mixed elements.

But if I do this, will there be serious consequences?

When Ming was about to use the devouring power of the system to devour it, he was suddenly worried that his large amount of devouring would affect the balance of the magma? Could it be like groundwater, where extensive damage can cause partial collapse of the soil?

And if it affects the soil collapse at this time, then his base and all the hard work of the past six months will be wasted!

Huh? What's going on?

However, when Ming was in a dilemma, the entire earth shook violently. It felt like a terrifying earthquake, and the entire stratigraphic plate was swinging.

At the same time, at this moment, countless passages in his underground base collapsed, and thousands of insects immediately started to commotion.

But as a Ming with human intelligence, his first reaction was to immediately rectify the bugs and ask them to quickly clear the passage, even check the damage of the entire base, and repair it as quickly as possible.

After the arrangements were made, Ming was eager to know what happened on the ground just now?

An earthquake is certainly impossible. As a person from the 21st century, who has not experienced the real feeling of an earthquake? Also, their bugs are already sensitive to earthquakes. If an earthquake is coming, they should be restless for hours in advance!

In response to this, Ming sent more than ten scout bees and ants to go out to find out the news!

The Zerg scouts are indeed professionals. They are very efficient and can convey information in just one hour!

Ming learned that it turned out that a meteorite struck from the sky and was now parked in the desert of death.

Ha! I really didn't expect that I was worried about not having a decent energy object to swallow... Ming's eyes lit up at this. Maybe after swallowing the foreign meteorite, he could use it to open the evolution system.

It seems it's time for the weapon bug to come out! This time Ming decided to take his weapon bug out to have a look!

However, for the sake of insurance and transportation of meteorites on the way, he still arranged for two thousand fire ant special forces with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Soon, Ming led the insects he had arranged to leave the periphery of the primitive forest and fly over the desert of death!

When the specific location of the meteorite impact was found, there was already a sinkhole thousands of meters wide and hundreds of meters deep, with the meteorite at the bottom of the sinkhole.

But near the sinkhole, that is, the air and the red sand surface are already infested with various bugs.

There is the terrifying king of the sky - the locust swarm.

There is also the underground king's insect group - countless insects led by the Quicksand Lord, such as giant earth insects, giant earth turtle insects with strong defense, etc.

Currently, the insects from the sky royal family and the underground royal family are in a state of confrontation in order to obtain the resources dropped from the sky. The only thing left is who can take action first to fight immediately.

You, fly over carefully and attack the locusts! Ming felt that he should help them at this time, otherwise a confrontation like this with no time limit would be very tiring for him who was watching the battle secretly!

As you command!

A fire ant special soldier with red body was ordered by Ming to lurk directly, and suddenly rushed towards the locusts, raised his body and machete and killed a locust on the spot. Then it turned around and flew to the Zerg group led by Lord Quicksand. Achieved perfection to see the fault.

The Locust Lord of the Sky Zerg is a giant locust with two heads. At this moment, it is extremely angry and launches the Zerg attack order.

The bugs led by Lord Quicksand, and even Lord Quicksand himself, were still confused. They always felt that something was wrong. He hadn't issued any attack instructions yet. What happened to that insect?

But the Quicksand Lord didn't have time to think too much. All the other party's bugs were already rushing toward them. How could he be scared? After all, he is also the lord who controls millions of insects.


So at this moment, the two insects were fighting together crazily. They basically used their powerful mouths and extremely sharp hands and feet to hurt each other. In the end, there were countless casualties on both sides, and it was difficult to distinguish the superior from the inferior for a while.

However, the battlefield between the two sides is still expanding, because there is a steady stream of troops added. After all, the King of the Sky and the King of the Underground are two major Zerg races, with hundreds of millions in their clans.

Hmph! That's not okay!

But Ming will not let the battlefield continue to expand, otherwise the battle will be endless, and it may even last ten days and a half, so it is up to the Ming Zerg to end this insect war!

The cannon bugs listen to the order. You can lurk down and find a good place, activate your armed capabilities, and it's best to bomb me hard. The red ant special forces are going to have an insect-killing competition!

As you command!

Boom! Boom boom boom!! Boom boom!!

The next moment, the sound of explosions sounded on the desert battlefield, and Ming led the Zerg clan to launch the first shot of the Zerg weapon era!

I saw four hundred cannon bugs lined up in a row, crawling ten meters away from the battlefield, shooting a fireball of energy from their mouths with a cooling shell every three seconds.

Each cannonball can currently fire two cannonballs, so a total of 800 cannonballs have been fired. The power of each cannonball is very impressive. There is no misfire and the power is like a hand grenade. However, the launch distance cannot be too far, and only a dozen cannonballs can be launched. meters away.

As for the two insects on the battlefield, have they ever encountered such a large-scale destructive force? I saw people who were blown away on the spot, with corpses everywhere. The bugs on both sides could not distinguish between the east, west, north, and the enemy for a while, completely disrupting the Zerg camp!

During this period, Ming's two thousand powerful fire ant special forces rushed directly into the battlefield. Their hands and feet were very sharp, and they directly carried out crazy killings. Countless enemy insects were killed by them!

At this time, the two lords on the battlefield looked at it and felt something bad. It was an unknown enemy interfering with all this? And the enemy seems to have mysterious powers.

Seeing that they were very decisive, they immediately issued a retreat order. Suddenly, countless bugs began to escape! It can fly, it can burrow into the ground, and it will not care about those injured companions who can still be rescued.

Hmph! Strength determines all important factors! Ming saw the insects on both sides quickly retreating from the battlefield, and couldn't help but snorted in his heart!

Then he gently shook the Ming Yan Feather Film and quickly reached the bottom of the sinkhole.

There is a bowl-sized blue stone at the bottom of the sinkhole, with extremely violent purple thunder and lightning wrapped around it. Ming Neng can feel that there is very powerful energy in this fast stone.

But Ming Wu was not afraid of Lei Wei above, so he opened his vise on the spot and swallowed it in one gulp.

ps: I hope book friends will help me collect and support it and vote for recommendation. ...If there are shortcomings, I will accept them with an open mind. Although I checked some information when writing about Zerg, I still like to use my own understanding to write about Zerg evolution. I know that I will make a lot of mistakes!

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