Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 3 The underground kingdom begins to operate, hatching fireworms with weapon abilities

Sixteen days later, the eggs in the hatching base were successfully hatched on this day.

The egg hatching success rate is 99%, but only one egg is in a scrapped state. It is probably because the male worm has been drained so much that the remaining positive essence is not enough to collide with the negative essence!

Now you can see that the hatched larvae have received good genetic inheritance. Their whole bodies are covered with red flesh, and their appearance color will basically be red when they grow up naturally.

However, it is still unclear what abilities the larvae will eventually turn into, because they still have an important process of mutation and growth.

That is: egg-larva-pupa-adult.

Now the larvae have just reached the second stage.

So Ming began to put a large amount of prepared ordinary food into the incubation base.

Because after the eggs become larvae, they can directly absorb the flesh and blood to obtain energy, maintain normal development, and even begin to form a layer of cocoons outside the body.

The cocoon period is an important stage for these bugs to change again.

As time passes day by day.

Two days later, the hatched larvae begin to wrap themselves in cocoons.

Three days later, these bugs emerged from their cocoons one after another!

Ordinary farmers account for a large proportion of insects, and they are almost the same as primitive ants.

Some of the bugs are soldier bugs. They are strong and powerful, and their combat power is much more powerful than ordinary farmer bugs, but there are only about a hundred of them.

In addition, there are more than ten bugs with reconnaissance capabilities, which are small bee and ant bugs, and more than fifty flying ant bugs with feather membranes. At the same time, Ming's luck exploded, and among these insects was a young female insect.

Now if you want to put these bugs to work, Ming must arrange a feeding period for them, which should be about fifteen days!

Therefore, Ming carried all the prepared food into a nest hole and allowed these insects to develop quickly to share his worries.

Half a month passed quickly, and Ming was ready to relax.

Because the first batch of bugs fully grew up during this period, their size has now reached about one meter high and two meters long, fully reaching the basic size of the original adult bugs.

Now Ming cannot directly control the thoughts of these bugs, but he controls the mother bugs in his hands, and he can control the hatched bugs through the mother bugs.

Therefore, Ming established a certain status and rights for himself in front of these bugs through the mother worm, and then began to make a clear division of labor for these bugs.

There were five hundred worker insects, one hundred fighting soldier insects, and ten scout bees. They were then evenly divided into five teams, each of which dived into the depths to find rich food and resources.

Soldier bugs are responsible for mid-term battles, worker bugs are responsible for food and resources, and bee bugs that can transmit information over long distances are responsible for reconnaissance information!

The primitive bugs evolved from ants here cannot be said to have no magical abilities at all. It can only be said that they do not have decent weapon power.

Because they currently have the ability to convey information through their tentacles, even if the tentacles are completely shed during continuous evolution, this ability to convey information is still retained and has become one of the innate abilities of the insects themselves, but they only see There are different strengths and weaknesses in communication abilities!

For this reason, after these bugs are dispersed, they will be like a large invisible net. When they can communicate with each other over long distances, it will be of great benefit whether it is finding targets or avoiding crises!

And their tentacles can also sense hot and cold at long distances, like a heat and cold detector, which makes it easier for them to find food!

As for the remaining bugs, Mingze kept them in the base and gave them absolute orders to continue to expand the base and build more incubators!

The three female worms will continue the next round of pregnancy, and the other small female worm will also prepare to be pregnant.

Just like this one month later, two months later, three months later.

Today's female worms have entered the peak period of egg-laying, and one female worm can lay thousands of eggs at one time.

Four months later, the total number of Ming's bugs had reached more than 10,000. The number of bugs gradually increased, and Ming sent out more bugs based on the original division of labor.

Five months later, Ming's Zerg members doubled to 20,000.

And now his underground base construction has been dug to a depth of three thousand meters.

However, one day, a stream of hot magma suddenly flowed out. The explosive power was not very strong, but the light and fire was enough to illuminate most of the underground base.

On this day, Ming had a new idea in his mind.

Can I start the hatching of weapon bugs myself?

In fact, he had already planned this because while the worker insects kept digging, he also asked some insects to dig channels for the magma to be discharged.

The natural purpose is to dig out the magma under the ground, and then use the rich energy in the magma to start trying to build a second-level incubation base, and then use genetic incubation technology to see if it can incubate animals with fire attributes. weapon bug.

For example: cannon bugs, fire-breathing bugs, lighting bugs, lava bugs and other mutant bugs with fire attributes.

So half a month later, a secondary hatching base was built by the bugs on the flowing magma mouth.

Then, the flying insects with wings are allowed to mate with the female eggs. At the same time, in order to obtain enough genes, the female insects are allowed to eat the flying insects directly after mating.

Because according to the formula of genetic hatching technology, these flying insects meet the conditions for hatching together with the hatching base, because their original insect species came from the extremely hot desert and have their own fire bodies.

At present, as long as it is combined with the rich organic minerals provided by the magma, there is also heat element energy in the period. Therefore, if genetic incubation is carried out under such conditions, Ming feels that hatching fire-attributed weapon bugs has a high success rate.

During the construction of the incubation base, four female worms were fertilized and a total of 5,000 eggs were produced. Now it is time to take out all of them and use them to grow in this secondary incubation room...

After fifteen days of incubation under constant temperature, the incubation went very smoothly. The incubation time was shortened by ten days compared to the past. The entire incubation process was from egg to larva to pupa to adult.

Then when five thousand eggs hatch, there will be one thousand weapon bugs. The success rate of weapon bugs really reaches the accuracy of the genetic formula, which means the success rate is 20%.

Among them, there are 500 cannonworms with cannon sacs on their abdomens.

There are 300 fire-breathing insects with extremely pointed heads.

There are two hundred illumination bugs emitting weak light from their tails.

The remaining 80%, 50% of which are enhanced insect species, totaling 2,500, are designated by Ming as the new units of the Zerg tribe - the fire ant special forces of the Zerg tribe.

Fire ant special forces are about twice the size of ordinary insect soldiers, which is about two meters high and three meters long. They have very sharp and terrifying hands and feet, and the red carapace on their bodies is very thick. They seem to be able to withstand powerful attacks from the enemy. , obviously the combat power must be two to three times higher than that of ordinary soldiers!

Well...the remaining 20% ​​are discarded insect eggs. Ming lets the newly emerged insects eat these discarded eggs in order to obtain some energy from them.

Then grow up quickly, quickly reserve weapons, and start the era of weapon bugs!

ps: I hope book friends will collect and recommend it. If there are any shortcomings, I will humbly accept it! thank you! …

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