Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 23 The Bottom of Giant Mirror Lake

Ming disagrees!

As a bug who dreams of ruling the universe, why should he compete with a willful female fox?

If this female fox becomes demonic, sexy, and charming, she will really reveal her true nature as a fox and immediately become a monster that can eat both men and women!


Is there any treasure in this primitive forest? I now need these treasures in order to become stronger. Ming tentatively entered the topic, acting very calmly.

Doesn't he think that as the mysterious and powerful king of beasts, he doesn't know enough about this area?

If the other party really wants him to become stronger quickly and eventually help her in turn, then the other party will definitely try his best to help him!


Don't you Zerg need endless food...and endless ores as a powerful source of energy?

The fox's eyes were a terrifyingly dark blue, and she stared directly at the black bug in front of her, wanting to see through it completely at a glance.

However, she had fought countless battles with the other two Zerg tribes, and even though she knew the queens of the two Zerg tribes, she could not see through the insect that suddenly appeared in the near future.

However, this is also the direct factor why I chose to trade and cooperate with him.

Ah! That's right, but I am tired of ordinary food and ordinary iron ore, and need more advanced and rare resources!

Oh? I do know some good energy veins, and I also know that they are rare resources for you Zerg tribe, but...

Fox admitted that she wanted to help Ming, but in the end she hesitated, or was disappointed for him. It was impossible to get those mineral veins, so she didn't say anything!

Just what? Do you think that even if this king knows, he won't get all that? Ming refused to give up. Is this fox really looking down on him? Could it be that the energy veins are under the mountains of swords and seas of fire?

Fox, you don't have to worry about anything else. Just tell me where it is, and I will get the rest myself!

Ming doesn't believe that the other party really dislikes him so much? Don't even bother to say it? If this is true, then this transaction is meaningless, at least the most basic trust is gone!

At the bottom of the Giant Mirror Lake, there are amethyst veins! The fox finally said it!

Under the Giant Mirror Lake?

After some meditation, it seems that there is only one lake here, which acts as a link between the sea of ​​stone forest and the primitive forest!

How deep is this lake? Is there any good way to help me open a way down?

Ming's heart was already moved. As long as there was a way for him to reach the bottom of the lake, there was no need to bring these ores out. He could devour them all at the bottom of the lake.

Tch! It's a hundred miles deep, and I can't even figure it out!

The fox was suddenly upset. This bug came one after another. It was so shameless. Was it giving orders to her? Even though he is not as powerful as her, he still wants to die!


But suddenly, Ming used reality to prove it to her. The Titan's tenfold insect body was directly displayed in front of the fox. The huge body and terrifying power were already obvious.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for me, please don't underestimate my other methods!

Ming Ming wanted to use this method to tell the fox in front of him not to underestimate bugs! As long as there is a way to send him down, he will have a way to get the amethyst vein.

What a tip of the iceberg!

The fox was not surprised by Ming's sudden titan insect body transformation.

Although the combat power of the bug in front of her suddenly increased tremendously, in her opinion, it still couldn't defeat the queens of the other two Zerg races. Its combat power was almost the same as that of the guardians under the Zerg queen. !

What's more, what about her? Will you be afraid?

I do have a way, but I can't send a large number of insects down. The most likely thing is to send you down successfully. As for how you come up later, I am completely powerless.

You'd better think about it yourself before doing the last thing...!

The fox was a little worried that the bug in front of her would die at the bottom of the lake, and then the deal between them would be completely lost, which would be detrimental to her!

Fox, what are you worried about? You won't die unless you are the king! Send me down quickly!

Ming interrupted the fox. He was afraid of a hammer when the system was in his hands. Would he die like this? Don't be kidding, how is that possible?

Hmph!!! You better not disappoint me!

The fox stopped trying to persuade him. The bug in front of him was very arrogant and wanted to get rid of the sun.

But if he can come back, it will give him a new attitude towards cooperation and transactions.

The next moment, a cold air shield that could accommodate two people appeared directly around the fox.

Restore your body and crawl in!

At this time, Ming didn't think much. He just felt that he was awesome, so he exited the Titan insect body and quickly got close to the fox.

Then, I wonder what kind of magical power the fox used? They disappeared directly, and when they appeared, they had already arrived at the shore of Jujing Lake.

At that time, Ming only felt that everything happened in the blink of an eye, and he arrived at the shore of the Giant Mirror Lake, opposite to the sea of ​​​​stone forest ruled by the Queen of Heaven.

It seems that the fox’s ability is a bit extraordinary! Space teleportation? Or is it so far away? Ming Biao has never practiced immortality and has insufficient knowledge and insights!

This cold air cover can take you to the bottom of the lake quickly, and you don't have to worry about being attacked by underwater monsters...!

Okay... let's just start sending this king down!

Fox: ... Fuck your grandma!

Huh? Holy shit? So fast?

Ming didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, the scene and pictures would be turned upside down.

I originally thought that it would start from the surface of the lake and continue to sink rapidly to the bottom of the lake. Then I could take this opportunity to see what magical water monsters there are in the lake. Are there any genetic species that I am interested in? I didn't expect to arrive at the bottom of the lake so directly. What is the difference between this and the great shift of the universe?

Damn it, is this the bottom of the water?

Then, Ming observed the surroundings. It was not very dark down here. The bottom of the lake was bright and beautiful. There was a lot of purple light refracted from the rock formations at the bottom of the lake into the nearby water and sparkling.

Huh? That seems to be it?

Suddenly, just as Ming was about to find a suitable place and start devouring the amethyst ore below, a huge creature swam towards him from far to near, becoming increasingly clear.

Go ahead, this body is really huge!

Ming recognized this guy as the tentacle monster that launched a sudden attack last time - the primitive elephant octopus. As the name suggests, this octopus's face is somewhat like an elephant's face.

Now this elephant octopus seemed to be simply passing by under the water and did not seem to notice his existence.

Amazing... I didn't expect this cold air mask to be so magical. I really don't have to worry about being attacked by water monsters!

Ming felt relieved at this. If he was really attacked and directly faced the unimaginable water pressure, it would be too dangerous. Life and death would be completely unpredictable!

The sea bottom is so quiet at this time!

Kacha... jam...

Unfortunately, before Ming could completely relax, he suddenly heard a faint sound of tearing.

At first glance, several cracks suddenly appeared on the cold air cover. It seemed that it was about to reach its limit and might completely break and disappear at any time.

I thought in my heart that it was unlucky, but why did it break apart at this time?

Didn't he know that the elephant octopus was playing with his tentacles not far away?

Huh? What's going on? It, why did it swim directly towards me?

What was even more unlucky was that after the cold air mask appeared a tearing crack, the elephant octopus not far away seemed to have discovered his presence and moved directly towards him.

damn it!

Seeing this, Ming could only keep running in the cold air cover to drive the cold air cover to move in one direction.

Under the water, Ming could not figure out the east, west, north, and south at all. He only hoped that he could find a hole or something like that at the bottom of the lake and get in quickly before the cold air cover completely shattered.

ps: Please'm going to cry, I'm really going to cry. Seeing how few recommendation votes there are every day, am I going to rush out? Please vote and let me give it a try! ! Thank you all! !

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