Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 22 Rare Purple Creep

The bugs follow Pluto's instructions every day, producing an acidic saliva and daily fertilizing excrement from their mouths in this rotten land covered with white fungi.

But the most important thing is that the amount of saliva spit out from the mouths of workers is much larger, because workers are more professional in this aspect. After all, as farmers of the Zerg, they are the main creators and producers.

A few days passed like this.

This morning.

Ming first went to the third-level incubation pool and ordered the bugs in the incubation building to build several more third-level incubation pools to better satisfy the growing power system of the Ming Zerg tribe. He hoped to speed up the acquisition of some new weapon bugs and advanced weapons. Mutant bugs.

The specimen body of the golden lizard king killed that day is still preserved in eggs.

This lizard king has a very good genetic chain in it.

Based on the sudden situation that day, Ming directly deduced that while changing color, this lizard also had an advanced camouflage function.

Under this camouflage, these lizards can become invisible for short periods of time.

You can even hide your own breath and all life activities.

Otherwise, how can we successfully evade all visual and innate abilities of the insects?

Now in order to obtain these new genetic abilities, applying them to his bugs will be a huge force.

So for now, we are just waiting for the new third-level incubation pool to be built quickly, and then put the body of the golden lizard king into the incubation pool to serve as a gene provider for the eggs to absorb the gene chain during the incubation process.

Originally, Ming wanted to directly build a more advanced and powerful fourth-level incubation palace, but ordinary workers and bees that were proficient in the third-level incubation pool did not have more advanced skills and technologies.

Therefore, it seems that the fourth-level incubation hall can only wait for the opportunity to obtain genes from the enemy Zerg to link.

Afterwards, Ming came to the ground and spent several days running a two-point and one-line work schedule.

Now that half of the primitive forest belongs to him, and there is no threat or interference from ferocious beasts, he starts the Zerg construction without any scruples and openly, starting with the construction of tall and solid walls.

Holy shit, purple...purple...purple creep?

But at this time, Ming unexpectedly saw a purple blanket, like a purple ocean, that was constantly forming and expanding.

It's so dreamy, but it's real!

Ming was very excited, it was as if treasures and luck suddenly fell from the sky, and he was stunned.

My luck has skyrocketed!

Unexpectedly, in this almost devastated land, a rare level of fungus blanket was directly obtained.

Ming originally thought that only a white ordinary carpet would be formed here at the beginning. Later, when more energy elements were absorbed from the ground, an advanced blue carpet would gradually form. How could he have thought that this carpet would be so willful?

A word of disagreement? When he wasn't paying attention...he jumped two levels in one night, reaching the rare purple carpet.

Sixty percent movement speed...

Sixty percent recovery treatment...

There is also an improvement in vision...

Ming ran up excitedly and tried to feel it. This rare level of purple fungus carpet was very powerful. It directly blessed him with 60% of his movement speed, 60% of his physical recovery, and even Even the field of vision has become wider, and it is much clearer when looking into the distance, as if a whole new window of the world has been opened.

When other bugs are active on it, it is obviously different from the past, and it can be accurately confirmed. His analysis results are correct!

Haha... mmp...

Ming couldn't help but laugh anymore. The rapid rise of the Ming Zerg tribe in a short period of time was no longer a dream!

With the rare level of creep, his bugs will become more powerful. The various Zerg buildings built on the purple creep will be blessed and will not be easily destroyed. They are like fortresses one by one, and they may also bring their own self. Repair ability.

It seems to be a treasure land, it's not easy!

Then, Ming's eyes lit up, and what did this mean?

It means that there must be some kind of rare energy material underneath the primitive forest, maybe rare energy mineral crystals, or other incredible treasures, but no matter what they are, their reserves must be very rich. !

Otherwise, how could we reach the purple carpet overnight?

To know the changes in the level of the fungus carpet, the most important thing is to cover the ground surface and then absorb various energy elements contained in the ground. The higher the level of the natural elements, the higher the level of the fungus carpet formed!

And his bugs just become a catalyzer and decomposer on it, accelerating the formation of an energy and material structure that is beneficial to the bugs.

Looks like it's too late!

The workers will focus on speeding up the construction of the wall covering a radius of several hundred miles.

As you command!

Ming directly ordered the construction workers to focus on building a wall first, directly surrounding the purple carpet, and quickly controlled their Zerg applications.

He clearly understood that no matter whether it was other Zerg species or his own Zerg species, the blessings of this creeping species, except for some flying insects that could not be blessed, other reptiles could receive the blessings of the creeping species as long as they moved on the creeping species.

And now his Zerg are damn weak, their numbers are still very small, and they need time to accumulate.

If by chance, a large number of enemy insects directly invade this purple carpet during this period, then his insects will lose their relative advantage.

In order to avoid this, the land must be enclosed and protected now, otherwise other Zerg will definitely invade the resource land here after discovering it, and the situation will be difficult to control. They have received blessings and are still in trouble!


Then Ming suddenly flew into the sky, went into the primitive forest, and left the vicinity of his base.

Right now his Zerg is in the basic stage of development.

In the process of accumulating numbers, accumulating insect soldiers, and accumulating the hatching of insects with various abilities...

Therefore, it is not possible to invade, plunder, or even harass the enemy Zerg.

There are no other big things that need to be done.

In the basic stage of the development of the Hades, he only needs to issue orders and arrange tasks.

At this moment, Ming was heading to the depths of the primitive forest and had not yet begun to transform into a Titan insect body.

During the period of the transaction with the King of Beasts, all the ferocious beasts here, no matter which ferocious beast king they were, did not dare to attack Ming.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, Ming felt that he had almost reached the depths of the primitive forest, because it was getting darker and darker inside, and even the sun could not be seen, and the deeper he went, the more terrifying the auras of various ferocious beasts inside, and there were even A trace of the prehistoric atmosphere is permeating the air. After a careful taste, there is an extremely long-lasting breath of time, and the source is in the deepest center.

What brings you to this king?

Unexpectedly, suddenly, a white fox appeared, its whole body filled with cold air. The surrounding space seemed to have solidified due to the extreme cold, forming a wall of white air in front of Ming!

Her appearance in such a way seems to contain secrets that cannot be known to other creatures, including Ming.

Oh...King of Beasts? You're here just in time. I'm here specifically to see you this time!

Ming didn't think deeply about it, why did this fox do this? All he knew was that this fox was getting more and more outrageous. The other person's uniqueness told him that this guy was not a pure king of beasts, but a fox demon with demonic power!

The only thing that puzzled Ming was that obviously the beasts inside were all ordinary ferocious beasts, and none of the bugs were monster bugs. Why was this fox a mysterious fox monster? Where does it come from?

Hmph, what do you want from me?

The fox was very proud and glanced coldly at Ming with her beautiful blue eyes. She seemed to be very angry at the sudden intrusion of the insect in front of her.

ps: Please the results are not good, it will probably be over! ! It's very important to have motivation, woo woo woo... I hope book friends will work hard to vote, thank you very much, and I really want to thank my friends who vote every day! ! I remember your full support! !

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