Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 228 Succubus Queen

ps: I will finish the book this month. I don’t have a eunuch, and I have written 700,000 words of unfinished content.

Regarding the destruction of Kostchichi, Ming said that there was no reason to keep him.

Because he no longer recognized himself as a soul from the earth who was resurrected here and directly became a powerful abyss demon, but as a small insect who needed to realize the abyss evolution step by step.

Besides, Ming now controls the sin domain of the gods. There are millions of sinners. If not one sinner is released into this darkness, they will be extremely terrifying existences, and they may make the strong men in the abyss feel panic. , live with excitement!

And now, Ming directly took out two powerful men from the Sin Realm. It can be imagined that no matter how powerful this angry monarch is, he is not as powerful as the advanced cosmic plane, right, so...

Master, what orders do you have that we need to do?

The two sinners who were released immediately felt their own power and seemed to be able to release it easily. In other words, now that they have left the realm of sin, they will no longer be restrained by the power of the realm of sin. This is very important to them. After being restrained for a long time, I feel really excited and happy now. It's not until today that I finally become free. Is it finally possible?

Very good, now you can freely use your power. I need you to kill that giant! At the same time, there are also those frost giants full of chaotic power, understand? Ming lightly ordered, if they can't even see these weak guys in front of them, If you can't kill them all, then there's no need to keep them, just feed them to the bugs on the spot.

Yes, Master, they are too weak, you can kill them instantly!

Don't worry, Master. If these guys block your way, you must not take action yourself. It's too troublesome for you. You should just order us to do all this for you!

These two sinners were always happy. How could they not kill these frost giants full of dark power in front of them?

Okay, let's get started! Ming is very satisfied with their current performance. At least these guys can still talk!

Hmph, you bastards, come on. In this monarch's frosty land, you bugs can't pass. I will be your demon, fearing you, killing you, eating you, and even controlling you! Kos Church said angrily, completely unaware of the existence of death. Maybe he is a dead person, and the living ones are just beings whose souls have been swallowed by anger, but it cannot be denied that he is really a human being. He also has consciousness and is not one of those people. The confused and crazy demons!

You bastard? You scumbag, kill you. You are not worthy of our master knowing?

That's right, you scumbag, I didn't expect there to be someone as weak as you. Even if we live in the darkness, we have the radiant attributes of the Holy God and will kill you all instantly!

Darkness, for people living in the divine system, their power is just enough to restrain all the evil in the darkness, such as the chaotic devil in front of them, and this group of giants carrying the power of chaos, even if they all have terrifying coldness on their bodies The power of ice, but this is not the power of the law of war, so it can be completely ignored.

Kill you, kill you, Sahel,

Angry, anger, anger...

At this moment, Kostchichi is giving himself strength, because his strength comes from anger, which is why he calls himself the Angry Lord of the Abyss!

But his power is not as strong as these two sinners, and even one of them cannot win.

Soon, not long after, the Angry Monarch died, completely dead at the hands of the people from the Sin Realm!

And his men, the Frost Giants, were eaten clean by insects and no trace was left.

In the end, Ming directly let the bugs sweep across the entire abyss plane, because there are a lot of resources here. It seems that the Queen of Blades really didn't attack this layer of abyss lords. Sure enough, there was some fart deal!


But in a huge crack, let's just say it's under a frost canyon.

There are countless ghosts and countless corpses here, but a certain corpse made Ming interested.

Through the vision transmitted by the Zerg, Ming left the place directly and came to the Frost Canyon, where he saw the corpse of the Zerg.

Even if this corpse is dead, it still has this terrifying aura. It seems that he was definitely a super strong man in life, but he didn't know how he died in this abyss. Logically speaking, such a powerful abyss thing should be in How could the countless demons who ruled the lowest level of the abyss appear here?

Ming is not sure yet, but he might as well think that this may be the Zerg creature in the abyss. As the Queen of Blades said before, under this invincible darkness, there is a very terrifying clan, which is the Ogubos clan. Bugs, if this Zerg corpse is just one of them, they are so powerful. It seems that the bugs of the Ogubos clan are really extremely powerful, at least many times more powerful than his current Zerg clan!

Naturally, Ming didn't know that this insect corpse was none other than the abyss king of the Zerg race, Ogubosi. He was an extremely powerful abyss insect king, but it was a pity that he was framed to death by the bugs of his own race, so.

Come on, decompose the corpse, inherit all the remaining power in its body, and then develop it!

Ming directly ordered countless bugs to first decompose the corpse of this powerful bug, and then mainly let the bugs extract genes, hoping to use something in the bugs, or to overlap the genes, and then hatch more powerful bugs. Come.

Not long after this, important genetic power was indeed extracted. This can be said to have brought the improvement of the Zerg race to a new level. After all, the genetic thing is the bug, so the power of the gene is very easy for the bugs to pass on and inherit. , and then hatched many guys similar to this kind of abyss bugs, but they are still very weak now and need to continue to grow and evolve, but even if they grow to a large enough size in the end, there is no guarantee that they will have that bug. The horror of corpses may only guarantee that these newly hatched bugs may have some power from that corpse after they grow up!

Then, in the center of this level, Ming found a huge teleportation gate, and there was also the aura of the Queen of Blades. It seemed that the Queen of Blades had entered this teleportation, and she didn't know where the teleportation gate was leading to. Where exists.

However, Ming directly ordered all the bugs to return to the world, and then he took the world into the teleporters alone.


And in the abyss of the 570th floor.

The Lord of the Abyss, Mecanshut, is a graceful beauty with a teasing smile on her red lips. The curved horn protruding from her forehead holds her long black hair back, and her eyes are filled with dangerous fire. Red lust. The broad wings stretch out from the back, and you can see sharp claws like sharp knives on the joints.

And a flat and slender devil tail with a curved thorn at the end completed the portrait of this beauty. She wore an exquisite and convex silk gown and a studded belt. She was playing with it leisurely. A long whip made of adamantine thorn chains that can burst out electric sparks.

Malcanthet is a succubus queen, chaotic evil medium outsider, chaotic, evil, extraplanar, tanar'ri.

Her incomparable spirit and enchanting beauty

She has perceived damage and an accompanying domination effect.

Malcanthet's dominate effect works like dominate person, except that it does not affect creatures immune to poison. Any action that neutralizes the poison removes the effect. The saving throw difficulty is based on Constitution.

At this time, the Queen of Blades and her bugs, who came from the portal before, descended into this abyss.

Now, he is fighting against Mecanhut.

Silkworm Sleep is very exciting and terrifying, but obviously the Zerg Queen Blade seems to be no match for the opponent.

Because the voluptuous beauty of Canciut, the stunning beauty gives her a deflection bonus on defense equal to her Charisma bonus.

A good creature must make a Fortitude save with a pause of several seconds each time it makes a melee attack or touches Malcanthet. If it fails, it is drained of two levels because its will has been corrupted by the queen.

Moreover, she has a seductive gaze. If the Queen of Blades meets Malcanthet's gaze and fails to resist her stunningly beautiful creature, the remaining combat rounds include attacks, damage, saving throws, skills, abilities, and levels. All tests are subject to certain constraints and penalties.

However, as a highly intelligent and conscious Queen of Blades, she quickly developed strategies and tactics.

She found Malcanthet's fighting prowess to be terrifying, but she found it no fun to be involved in combat.

Therefore, she prefers to summon allies to fight for her, while she stands back and observes the battle, while using mind fog, mass charm monsters, charm monsters, emblem of persuasion, and advanced command to sow the seeds of division among the enemy. .

When the enemy rushes in front of her and has to be involved in the battle, Malcanthet will generate anger and direct all attacks to one target. If conditions permit, she will form a flanking attack with her allies to create sneak attack damage, while attacking Use a combination of tripping and disarming to keep your opponent off-balance or unarmed.

Malcanthet uses Improved Feint only when hitting an opponent is difficult, in which case she can make only one whip attack, but uses her highest attack bonus and can deal sneak attack damage.

Even, use bugs as slaves, or become enemies and targets.

So it was the prepared Queen of Blades and her fighting warriors that stopped, they retreated from each other and the warriors stopped fighting.

It seemed that Melcantheut immediately withdrew from the battle because he felt a powerful wave.

Because the underworld is about to come here.

Now, the launched Melcanthet lives in Shendiraville, an exquisite and beautiful plane in the abyss.

To outsiders, this place looks like a paradise, but this paradise belongs only to Malcanthet, the succubus queen who derives extreme pleasure from the torture of her visitors.

Therefore, now in the court of Malcanthet, many male and female succubi, as well as a royal orchestra of thirteen enchanted poets called Sisters of Radiance, serve the queen alone.

These succubi showed none of the impatient bad temper that other succubi are known for, and their songs lingered in Malcanthet's palace all day long. For the guests, it is a loud noise. There are also many human-faced lions, human-faced harpies and half-purgatory water elves for the queen to drive.

Malcanthet's most powerful allies among the demon lords are her two lovers, Pazuzu, who already has many incredibly powerful succubus offspring, and Demogorgon, whose offspring are of course best left unmentioned.

She also had trysts with several other demon lords at the same time, but these were just side activities planned by the Succubus Queen in order to gain help or benefit.

There are several low-level lords who intend to compete for the throne of the Succubus Queen, such as Sami-Amor and Linkab. But since Malcanthet took the throne it has never been successfully usurped.

She has been in constant conflict with Yenogwu for a long time, with their most recent contact being her sending an army to attack his kingdom (or vice versa). The exact source of their enmity is unknown, but it seems to be related to the Morris, a powerful wizard family who lived in a majestic castle in the main plane many years ago.

Among the Moris family, the most powerful disciple of Malcanthet was a witch named Eluvia.

The other factions of House Moris all believed in Yeenoghu, and Eluvia launched a coup in an attempt to gain control of the house (with the support of Malcanthet), which resulted in a magical disaster that destroyed the entire family, leaving no one Win from it, except maybe Malcanthet.

From then on, Malcanthet and Yeenug'u fought against each other in almost everything.

The relationship between the Queen and Graz'zt was terrible.

Malcanthet claimed that the cause was centuries ago when Graz'zt was rejected when he courted him, and his pride was hurt, creating an irreparable rift between the two.

Grazt, on the other hand, held the opposite interpretation.

The confrontation between the two men was not an open war, but a secret long-term plan on how to subvert the other's country and thwart the other's attempts.

Malcanthet has many followers on the main plane - including high-class prostitutes, hedonists, and empty nobles looking for more excitement in their lives.

Her clerics have access to the realms of Chaos, Evil, Temptation, and Trickery. Her holy symbol is a drop of blood dripping from an iron thorn piercing her red lip.

As for the Queen of Blades, how could she return to the edge of this abyss? Because the enemies in this dark abyss were too expensive and powerful, she had to make a new plan. After all, she entered directly from more than a hundred levels. There are more than five hundred floors, and the powerful among them have surpassed many.

But at this time, our Ming appeared.

His arrival attracted the attention of the Queen of Blades, and he was invited to the Queen's temporary base.

Why are you here? I saw that you came not through the power of communication with the abyss, but through the portal? Queen of Blades asked Ming.

Haha, of course it's not the power of communicating with the abyss, or even teleporters, and I killed Kostchichi. Ming looked at the expression of the Queen of Blades when he said that, but he was a little surprised to see her at this moment.

Did you kill him? Queen of Blades asked confirmingly,

Yes, a useless demon can only become food for my Zerg tribe! Ming said lightly. Now that he is so powerful, even facing the Queen of Blades in front of him, he is completely worthy of it, because he can easily kill The Queen of Dead Blades!

That's good! The Queen of Blades did not continue to be shocked. Perhaps she thought that Kossi was dead, and his only use value was to get the portal.

Instead, Ming began to ask, Why, this layer of enemies is blocking you and your Zerg race?

This is only temporary. I have clearly analyzed her strength and methods. As long as I think of countermeasures or let the bugs draw bugs to restrain her, there should be no problem. It just takes a certain amount of time. Queen of Blades He said calmly.

Then can I watch a good show? Tell me, what did you find? Ming said with a smile. In fact, I really admire the Queen of Blades for her stunning performance, but no matter how stunning she is, it is not as good as One-tenth of him!

First of all, the beauty of Mecanshut is a power that can turn into evil. It can even absorb a certain amount of life from the attacks and touches of good creatures, so it is difficult to kill her existence.

Secondly, Malcanthet can use a variety of abilities to control the minds of creatures: she has many spell-like abilities of the enchantment system, and her tail spines can absorb charm and dominate creatures. Even her glance can erase a person's autonomy. will, making it her eternal slave.”

In addition, if the control spell or any attack released by Malcanthet fails to affect the enemy, it can be rebounded to the caster. This may also cause the caster to become the slave of the Succubus Queen.

Listening to what the Queen of Blades said, Ming felt that the enemy in front of her was really special, with so many powerful methods?

However, Ming feels that a truly strong person can break through all means, but now it remains to see how the Queen of Blades deals with it!

Anyway, when entering the divine system, there is no rush, just take your time!

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