Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 227 Chapter 231: Angry Monarch

ps: The book will be finished this month.

Coming to the world of elves, Ming looked at the elf Alice and the elf queen Mastia beside him.

To be honest, it's been a long time since I've been with them, but it will take a long time to come back this time.

Ming, are your father and mother really happy when the sky and night are together?

Alice said very happily.

You know? The last time we went to Earth together, I was living at your house. Your father and mother were really kind to me, and especially the food cooked by your mother was so delicious. Oh, I really want to drink day and night, go there!

Seeing Alice miss him so much, Ming didn't know what to say, but after thinking about it, it was not like he had never seen Alice before, so even if he went, his father and mother would not feel strange and unable to cry. Maybe Be more happy,

So Ming said: Well...if you're bored staying here, go ahead. You probably haven't forgotten the route yet!

At this time, Alice was happy when she heard it. She said: Ming, is it true at this time? Can I really go and play?

Well, of course it's true. Besides, haven't father and mother seen you before? And you're not like the Elf Queen, who can't leave. You have a lot of time to move around freely, right?

Ming said happily.

In fact, Ming still saw the envy of the Elf Queen, and probably wanted to go to a distant place. Unfortunately, the Elf clan could not do without him as the Elf Queen. She had to stay in the Elf world and control everything.

That's great. I want to eat lots and lots of delicious food, and then how about I come back and cook it for you? Alice said sweetly, looking very happy.

Sister, after you go, you have to study hard. It's best to learn i, and then you have to teach me how to do it, you know?

The Elf Queen Mastia said, It's really upfront, but he must express his wishes. He must let Alice learn some good cooking methods, and then he can cook delicious food for himself. , this will also give Ming a good meal!

Understood, sister! Alice said naughtily, but she said it seriously. She would not be lazy as an apprentice, so there is no problem!

Well, actually here, the relationship between them was originally a superior and subordinate relationship, but since they were combined with Ming.

The Queen of Elf was very generous and directly called Alice sister. As for Alice, she also started to change her name. She wasn't calling her queen, so she changed her name to sister.

Moreover, the two of them have lived together for a long time, staying in the palace, and sometimes dealing with all the big and small things in the elf world!

By the way, I have something important to tell you when I come back this time. Ming said suddenly. In fact, he didn't really want to say much, but the matter is quite important and the danger is the same. So, I still feel that there is It is necessary to tell them.

What's the matter, Ming...

Yeah, what do you want to say?

Both the Elf Queen and Alice felt vaguely uneasy. Could it be that what they were going to do this time was full of huge dangers? Now even Ming can't guarantee that he will win? Or there’s no guarantee that you’ll come back alive?


This time, I plan to go to other universes to defeat a super strong man. I don't know if I am sure, but I think I should tell you. Ming finally said it. This is a responsible insect. Bar!

Is that so?

Although I really don't want you to leave, we will always wait for you to come back. I will wish you peace every day, and Ming will definitely come back to us!

Yes, Ming, you will definitely win, because you have long been invincible in my heart. There is no darkness or difficulty that can stop you.

Thank you, I will come back safely! Ming nodded.

Then, after having a good relationship with the two elves around him, Ming directly left the universe and entered the darkness.

Soon, after passing through the nine levels of hell, we came to the first level of the abyss. Here, it has become an abyss ruins without any buildings or anything. Of course, this place was solved by the insects of the Queen of Blades.

At that time, because she was attacked by the Great Mistress, the Queen of Blades directly launched the Art of the Sea of ​​Insects. It was unknown how terrifying the existence was, and how many types of insects directly joined in.

That one is in Mingkai. The power of the bugs of the Queen of Blades is very powerful. At least wherever the bugs pass by, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they seem to be able to easily destroy and crush them. It is really necessary not to let them go. Admittedly, the Queen of Blades is indeed different. Of course, this may be because the Queen of Blades was once a human transformed into a bug. She has a sense of management and many insights that bugs cannot learn or possess.

So Ming came into the darkness and directly released all the insects of the Ming Zerg clan.

Because he still needs the bugs to grow up, it would be meaningless if he tramples directly into the abyss. After all, his purpose here is not to destroy the abyss, but to enter the time channel and enter the god system. He wants to verify everything, Destroying this place is really just incidental.

After I don’t know how long it took, Ming led the insects into the depths of the abyss. It is estimated that based on the levels of the abyss, there should be more than a hundred levels!

Huh? I didn't expect that the Queen of Blades' invasion would progress so fast and that it would be destroyed here. It's really terrifying!

Ming saw the destruction of Oud almost all the way, and no place was complete.

However, just when this idea came out to make a living, the Zerg's vision came to a different scene.

Because in the lower level, there is still a complete abyss world. Does this mean that the Queen of Blades will stop here?

But this is obviously impossible. I remember that the Queen of Blades has been to a world deeper than this dark world. How could she stop here?

Who is here? I am the Angry Lord Kostchichi, the lord of the 190th floor of the abyss.

Suddenly... Ming heard the voice of a powerful abyss demon.

I thought to myself, the angry Lord Kostchi?

Hey, suddenly Ming got relevant information from the inheritance of the ancestor of the sharks.

This guy was once a strong man on the ancient earth. Unexpectedly, after the earth changed, these guys actually came to the root of darkness and became a demon in the darkness!

In addition, Kostchichi was not actually born a devil.

Instead, his soul full of anger and hatred drove him to the bottomless abyss after death.

When Kostchurch was still a human, Kostchurch was famous for his boundless hatred - he was born to live only for hatred, and only in hatred can he get pleasure.

Perhaps that monstrous hatred is simply stationed under Kostchichi's ugly face.

With twisted limbs and a deformed face, women shunned him, and the tribe abandoned him. Only anger remained with Kostchichi.

After a long period of struggling in extremely dangerous environments, Kostchichi's strength has continued to grow.

When his power was strong enough, he returned to the tribe that abandoned him and destroyed it, killed the woman who had laughed at him, and became the new king of the tribe.

Those who tried to challenge Kostich were surprised to find that their attacks could not bring any pain or harm to Kostch. In the end, these challengers all fell under Kostch's wrath.

In fact, when Kostchurch was wandering in the wilderness, he met a person even more evil than himself: the old witch of the forest.

Kostich's first reaction when he saw this strange woman was to rush to attack her, but after being knocked down time and time again by the old witch, Kostchurch was finally willing to stop and listen to her.

The old witch was obviously interested in Kuster, but why she was interested in Costchurch remains a mystery.

But after this meeting, the old witch gave Kostchi an equally horrific gift - a set of interlocking skulls.

The outermost and largest one is the skull of a frost giant, wrapped inside is an ogre's skull, a human's skull, a halfling's skull, and the innermost is a quaser's skull.

Hidden inside these skulls is a black diamond that can conceal the soul of a mortal within.

After Kostchichi hid his soul in the black diamond, his body no longer feared any blow.

As time passed, Koschich's rule became more secure.

His tribe keeps growing and he never seems to age.

However, his anger was growing day by day, and both mentally and physically, he was completely controlled by hatred.

Kostchurch's body also gradually changed. His ugly body continued to grow in size, first becoming the size of an ogre, and then reaching the size of a giant.

Finally, the ferocity and bloodthirsty of Kostchich and his tribe attracted the attention of a celestial hero - Gwen Haviv.

This powerful aegis led an army into battle against Kostchurch and his tribe.

In the beginning, even Gwen Haviv's power could not harm Kostchurch, who hid his soul in the black diamond.

But after Gwen Haviv discovered Kostich's secret, she finally found and completely crushed the black diamond. Kostich's soul returned to his body, and with it came the secrets contained in his soul. The overwhelming hatred completely took over Kostchichi, and he was furious and launched an attack on everyone on the battlefield - including his own army.

The exhausted Kostchurch could no longer resist Gwen Haviv's attack, and Gwen Haviv finally killed Kostchurch.

Kostich's angry soul eventually traveled to an iceberg-filled level of the Abyss, where Kostich and his rage were resurrected again.

Here, Kostchichi became a demon and a self-proclaimed angry lord.

Became chaotic evil super large alien creatures (chaos, cold subspecies, evil, extra-dimensional, tanar'ri), etc.

Are you Kosraqi? Ming asked directly.

Oh? Is this the language of the earth? Suddenly, the powerful Abyss Princess spoke.

It seems that you are indeed an earthling. I know everything about you. How about returning to the earth with me? Ming said lightly. This is to give the earth that is about to recover, the master power, whether it is justice or justice. Evil, right!

Hmph, that's ridiculous. It's a pity that you're not the Queen of Blades. Don't talk nonsense. If you want to pass through here, you have to fight me. Do you understand? He said coldly.

Now, Kostchichi's domain is located on the 183rd level of the Abyss. It is a frozen ruin - a desert covered by solid ice.

He rules over all the frost giants there.

Kostchurch's hatred is so intense that other demons simply can't stand it.

Most demons chose to ignore Kostchurch, but there were quite a few demons who planned to punish Kostchurch for his newly reckless actions - Kostchurch had recently spread his wrath into the bowels of the Abyss.

This action led him to form an alliance with some very dangerous ancient demons - demons that predate the multiverse even before the gods.

Do you think you will succeed in killing me? I am the one who killed the ancestor of the sharks, do you understand? Ming said calmly. Of course, after seeing countless twin giants appearing, I guess these guys wanted to come. Come and kill yourself if you want!

Of course, knowing that Kostchurch was resurrected after the birth, what he did is pretty crazy.

For example, Kostich's primary goal at the time was to completely and completely control all the frost giants.

From very early on, Kostchichi regarded himself as a member of the frost giants, completely ignoring the fact that he was actually a human.

One of the most controversial aspects of Koschich is his rapid rise in the Abyss. Only the most stupid people would think that Koschich was very weak for a period of time, because as soon as he came to the Abyss, Koschich Qi was already very powerful when he came to the Abyss, and he did not start from a larvae like other demons.

In fact, Kostchichi regards himself as a frost giant or even a demon. If anyone dares to talk about Kostchichi's other life experience (meaning that he was once a human), there will no doubt be punished by Kostchichi very quickly. .

So you are angry? Because I said you are a baller? Or are you just a human? Ming Que still said lightly. The power of this world is still no match for him. He just doesn't want to take action personally. When entering the battle of the gods, let the bugs warm up. Of course, the enemies are of ice attribute, so they should be cold!

Haha, what a joke, how could I possibly do this? Because there is no need for all this!

Because, after that, Kostchich regularly attacked the main material plane and Joseph Garden.

Riding his ancient white dragon named Sabbath and leading an army of frost giant barbarians and frost mages, Kostchurch launched an invasion of the frost giant tribes in these planes.

Kostchichi branded his invasion as a salvation, to free the ignorant and blinded frost giants from the servitude of the frost giant god).

When Kostchurch reaches a tribe of frost giants, he will give the tribe a chance: give up their original beliefs and fall into the arms of the angry lord, and then he will lead the tribe back to the frozen ruins to join his army.

Kostich's method of dealing with those tribes that refuse his demands is simple - destruction. The fate of the women of these tribes is particularly miserable. Kostchitch regards them as tools for breeding frost giant soldiers and comfort women.

Women in the Kostchichi army were ordered to separate from their children, and they were usually rewarded by Kostchichi to young and brave frost giant warriors.

It's rare for Kostchurch to encounter a tribe of frost giants that can withstand their own army.

But once encountered, Kostchichi will fight until his army is annihilated before fleeing back to the Abyss.

Finally, the Wrathful Lord hopes to create a huge army of giants so that he can fight after creating a second portal in the Abyss - this time this portal will lead to the Wild Wilderness.

He is eager to lead the giant army to directly attack Gwen Haviv's territory in order to avenge the humiliation of the disastrous defeat that Gwen Haviv brought to him.

The Angry Lord in the Abyss has two other purposes.

First, Kostchurch wanted to keep expanding his territory.

The territory is infinitely vast, with rolling mountains and glaciers everywhere traveling outward from the center of Kostich's territory.

Kostchichi hopes that one day he will be able to control the entire 180th layer of the Abyss, an almost impossible goal, to satisfy his endless vanity.

But compared with the previous purpose, Kostchichi's other recent purpose is even more bizarre--

He intended to destroy the entire Tanar'ri race, and perhaps the Lord of Wrath never considered that he was a Tanar'ri himself.

It is this strange purpose and the portal controlled by Kostich that has attracted the covetousness of countless demons, which makes the tanar'ri become more and more hostile to Kostich.

And something that happened recently made the Angry Lord's anger burn even more fiercely.

The battle between Dark Prince Graz'zt and Succubus Queen Malcanthet has long spread throughout the Abyss.

After Graz'zt accidentally came up with a dangerous plan that could both humiliate Malcanthet and gain the right to use it for himself, the Dark Prince immediately put it into action.

Transforming into the succubus queen, Graz'zt seduced Kostich. Through superb acting skills and hundreds of secret trysts, the Dark Prince successfully gained Kostich's trust.

Kostchichi did not see through Graz'zt's disguise at all. The Dark Prince convinced Kostchichi that he was willing to become the bride of the angry lord, and combined their wisdom and power to completely eradicate other demon lords.

When everything was going smoothly, an accident happened. Malcanthet discovered Prince Dark's conspiracy through a demon-possessing subordinate.

This demon was the Succubus Queen, who was placed undercover in Graz'zt's core area. She discovered that Prince Darkness spent a lot of time in the frozen ruins.

The undercover agent was so successful that she became one of Graz'zt's favorite lovers, but before she could discover more secrets, Graz'zt discovered her identity and ultimately destroyed her.

However, it was too late by now.

Through one of his men, Melcantheut explained the fact that he had been deceived to Kostich, who was furious and immediately launched an attack.

Although Graz'zt defeated Kostchich's army without any effort, the Dark Prince realized that his plan was dead, so he interrupted it.

Graz'zt's disguise was so successful that rumors of Malcanthet's affair with Kostchurch quickly spread throughout the Abyss - so although Graz'zt did not achieve his goal of obtaining the right to use it, he did. The Succubus Queen's reputation was dealt an extremely heavy blow, so this disguise operation was actually a great success.

For Kostchurch, nothing could have been more humiliating than this.

He hated women even more because he was manipulated by a woman, even if the woman was pretended to be Graz'zt, and other demon lords, especially Graz'zt, saw him as a A stupid idiot caused all the anger of the angry lord.

After a fit of rage, Koschich destroyed more than half of his palaces, but from these destroyed places Koschich's most ambitious plan was born.

After being completely humiliated by Graz'zt, Kostchich accidentally discovered a very dangerous potential ally - the ancient Lord Obiris, the former Demon Prince and the Prince of the Zerg.

For countless centuries, Orbis has been hidden in the 663rd level of the Abyss - a realm known as the most terrifying nightmare.

Kostchurch found a demon who had the same interests as himself.

They also hate the tanar'ri, and their plans are very similar - to eradicate the entire tanar'ri race.

But Kostchurch's attempts to forge a solid alliance with Orbis have so far failed.

On the one hand, it is because of the angry diplomatic methods of the Angry Lord, and on the other hand, it is because of the bad habits of the Zerg Prince-he always eats the visitors before they can speak.

But if this alliance is finally formed one day, then there is no doubt that the entire Abyss will be plunged into great turmoil.

Therefore, this is also one of the doubts why the Queen of Blades can pass safely. Apparently, he has reached some kind of agreement with the ten boxes of Queen of Blades, or in Koschet's view, the Queen of Blades can replace the evil power of the Abyss Zerg August.

But why is it so unwelcome to see the Insects here?

He also said, Huh, another Zerg? But I only need one.

But when our Ming heard this, he knew what this guy wanted to say.

Why, you think my Zerg are weak? Ming said lightly, but it is absolutely certain that this guy must have done something with the Queen of Blades' Zerg.

Oh, you know? This is the most important place in the frozen ruins. It is now recognized by all visitors as the center of an infinitely vast realm.

Although I, Kostchi, came to the Frozen Ruins very early, it was not until he created this portal that I could truly rule the Frozen Ruins.

Do you still know? This portal is connected to Joseph Garden and was created by Kostchichi after he sacrificed his only biological daughter. Kostchich's daughter was the product of a woman named from Joseph Garden who was raped.

With the blood of the Bottomless Abyss and the Garden of Joseph flowing at the same time, the daughter of Kostchurch became the best material for casting this portal, and at the same time, despair was an important factor in making this portal stable.

After torturing her daughter to death, this center became one of the few permanent portals in the Abyss that can connect to other planes.

I don't know, but I'm happy to hear what you have to say! Ming was interested in hearing the last words of this guy who was about to die.

Hmph! The Queen of Blades has entered this inverted teleportation formation. This teleportation formation can arbitrarily link countless world powers in the abyss.

What happens next? Ming asked!

Now the Queen of Blades has probably entered the depths of the abyss and will kill August for me because he deceived me.

First of all, this huge crack portal is located in the core control area of ​​​​Costchurch, on the side of a black iceberg hundreds of miles away.

Kostchurch discovered this crack recently, roughly when Graz'zt was beginning to implement his disguise plan. Koschich was greatly interested in this 20-mile-long, dark and deep fissure. After sending an expedition team deep into the fissure but receiving no sound, Koschich finally decided to go and find out for himself.

At the bottom of the fissure Kostchurch found a huge, frozen corpse of a long-dead demon lord, about six hundred feet long.

Kostich felt extremely strong mental fluctuations emanating from this corpse. Relying on his own tenacious will, Kostich was able to avoid being affected by it and becoming crazy.

But his men were not so lucky: they turned on each other and eventually tore themselves to pieces.

The memory of the dead demon lord flooded into Kostchichi's head, and Kostchichi also learned the origin of this corpse: The dead demon was named the Insect King, and he once controlled an entire layer of inhuman beings. The powerful Lord Obiris from the bottom of the abyss, after being killed by his own people, his body was smashed against the frozen ruins, eventually forming this huge crack.

From then on, whenever violent venting could not soothe his anger, Kostchurch would go to this rift, because he found that reading the memory of this Lord Obiris could calm his anger.

It was precisely because of reading these memories that Kostchichi knew about August's existence.

The recent calm in Kostchurch has made his servants and believers feel strange and frightened, guessing what twisted and bizarre plans are brewing in their master's head.

Kostchurch's anger is his most powerful tool, but it is also his greatest curse - his anger often appears when it shouldn't, causing him endless trouble.

So why does his anger fade?

What caught Kostchi's attention?

If Kostchurch continues to go to this crack and read the filthy and dirty memories of the dead demon, who knows what strange and serious consequences it will bring?

What evil things will be hatched from the evil combination of the two?

Yes, this product appears today.

He needs to move towards new revenge. Over there is the destruction of the Abyss Zerg. Even the Hades Zerg in front of him must be destroyed. Because he has an absolute ally, the Queen of Blades, and there is no need for other Zerg to enter the abyss.

If you do this, you will die miserably! Ming smiled coldly.

You have successfully aroused my anger, which is also one of my most powerful sources of strength! Lord Koslaqi said angrily.

No, I, the Insect Race, are even more angry. I am angry that all weak enemies will come to block our way forward.

As he spoke, Ming directly ordered the Ming Zerg to form an insect pest and devour all the frost giants and demons in the frozen ruins!

But it has to be said that these cool giants and demons, led by the angry princess, are very terrifying.

Therefore, Ming had to take out a few of the sinners in the world. They must exist, and there should be no danger in killing these demons completely!

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