Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 216 Humanity Enters Cosmic Civilization

ps: I will finish this book when this month is over and prepare to start my next new book. I really don’t want to write this book and I have no motivation! Feel sorry……

After destroying the Emperor's Kingdom, Ming asked the insects to search for resources.

Because after the destruction of these two god-level forces, the civilization of this universe is no longer a problem, and they are all within the resources of his Insect Tribe.

At the same time, Ming is still well prepared, and then takes his bugs to the back of the universe to conquer.

However, I don’t know where the current Queen of Blades is at, or has she died?

Of course, in Ming's opinion, the Queen of Blades would not die like this.

After all, the bugs she controlled in her hands were many times more than his Ming's, and the bugs were all very mutated alien bugs.

Moreover, the regeneration ability of the Zerg is also very powerful, and the existence of the Queen of Blades existed many years ago. It stands to reason that there should be two Zerg queens, but apparently the other one was eaten by the Queen of Blades, or was controlled by her.

Therefore, the Queen of Blades still has hidden strength. Even if the powerful unknown creature in the depths of the back of the universe notices her, she probably won't be killed with one blow.

Even after they have fought wars with each other, they may still recognize the existence of the lord of the Queen of Blades, right?

Of course, these are all Ming's imagination, and they are also imagined in a good direction, but everyone knows.

On the back side of the universe, in the endless darkness, is the abyss world.

Among the five hundred or so floors, there is already a powerful Zerg. If the Queen of Blades attracts that guy's attention, she will probably be killed by the Zerg lord. After all, it is not impossible for one mountain to contain two tigers!

However, all this is unclear, but after letting the insects quickly clean up the battlefield, they begin to invade other planets, striving to kill all the races that are anti-war and may become a threat.

Of course, during this process, more strange, powerful, and incredible genes will also be found to develop and grow the more and more powerful Hades.

Therefore, in just a few decades, the number of soldiers of the Insect Tribe has reached tens of thousands, which is almost unimaginable.

Moreover, the power of the Hades has made all creatures in the universe feel fear, because they have seriously suspected that they are food trapped in the stars.

However, apart from one race, they were not attacked by the Hades.

Then this race has to be said to be the earth that is inextricably related to Ming.

After more than a hundred years, the earth's technology has achieved unimaginable development. Of course, the more reason is that the life of the steel family was discovered inside the earth.

Originally, Ming thought that it would take about a hundred years to discover the underground life inside the earth, but he did not expect that it would be more than ten years after he left.

It turned out to be his younger brother who took the quilt, along with the technical staff and more than a dozen superpowers arranged for him.

However, it was right to meditate. After all, his brother in his previous life was imprisoned by aliens under the earth's interior. He knew about the existence of the earth's interior.

Therefore, it is understandable that he will take countless technological people into the interior of the earth to explore.

The Iron Civilization was afraid of the existence of Hades, so after they were discovered, they decided to seek a great integration of human beings on earth, such as culture, information, life, intermarriage and so on.

Therefore, more and more new beings gain different abilities, which are equivalent to the changes brought about by the resurrection of spiritual energy, but they are not the resurrection of spiritual energy.

But their ability is to extract iron elements from any kind of metal, and then they can perform superpower operations.

And more than a hundred years later, it was Ming's younger brother who led all mankind on earth into the universe and officially launched cosmic civilization.

Ming Zaide knew all this, so he told his bugs not to disturb them or hurt them. He even asked Tian and Nocturne to learn from the human civilization that came out of the earth, learn their abilities in survival and creation, and master certain skills. Experience to manage the creation of the future voice universe.

This is Ming's arrangement.

Above the moon.

This has become a development base for earth civilization among interstellar civilizations.

Here, there are many humans with abyssal mechas. They are all new beings created by scientific experiments. They have powerful attack capabilities and can fly freely in the universe with enough energy.

At this moment, Ming came here directly with his two sons.


In the first moment, countless mechas came out.

They discovered the intruder, but of course Ming didn't bother them, but suddenly disappeared on the spot.

Through his spiritual release, he sensed the specific location of his brother.

So the next time he appeared, Ming appeared in front of his brother wearing a white lab coat.

Hey, let me tell you, we haven't seen each other for many years? Ming suddenly said.

Huh? Who are you? Li Xin is already a middle-aged man, his younger brother from the previous life.

Oh, you don't even recognize me anymore. Ming shook his head. It seems that too many things have happened in more than a hundred years. Of course, it may also be because he has not changed to his former appearance and is now a worm. appearance.

Are you my brother? Li Xin's heartbeat was actually very fast, and the blood relationship made him jump.

Look, I just said you knew it was me! Ming smiled.

Why, don't you find a place to have a good chat? Ming continued.

Oh, come over here!

Li Xin put down the experimental operation in his hands, and the dozen or so superpowers who were guarding his safety were all asked by Ming to protect his brother. Now they are still on duty, so Ming is very happy, and they just stand aside. Stay safe and sound.

Walking in a mechanical room, Li Xin still couldn't accept that his brother looked like an insect.

You, how did you become like this? he asked.

Haha, that's right. I've always been like this. You know that in my previous life, I was dead, but my soul was reborn and I have everything I had in my previous life, you know?

It's just that when I came to see you more than a hundred years ago, I had already used the power of the elves to change, so what you saw then was still my true appearance in my previous life!

I see, it seems like you are very used to this now! Li Xin said.

Ming took a sip of tea, Well, this tea is very good. I remember I haven't drunk tea for hundreds of years. You know? When I was reborn, I was among a primitive Zerg tribe. I have experienced countless hardships. Kucai has evolved into what he is now. I was originally destined to be in a human body, so naturally I still miss human life. Of course, it is not human life, but because I miss you.

I may understand what you are thinking. I have known all this since you came back more than a hundred years ago. Even now, you still come to look for us, right? Of course, I also learned from those superpowers you gave me. Got a lot of protection from you for us humans on Earth.”

It took us just a hundred years to develop civilization in the universe. We continued to explore and create our human civilization on each planet. Isn't all this because of your protection? You will kill all the creatures that threaten the civilization of the earth, right?

This is the only thing I can do. At least among the humans on earth, I still have relatives from my previous life. It is impossible for me to forget this memory, and I know you will not let me down one day. Now I come here It’s a witness!” Ming said happily.

However, he sighed a little at the next moment and said: It's a pity that I have to leave this universe again. I really want to watch the development of human beings, but you know?

What... Li Xin asked nervously, because he suddenly saw Ming strangely. Was he reluctant to let go? Or why?

Oh, because the universe is now under my rule, and all civilizations are under my control! Ming said casually.

What?...You... Li Xin didn't know what to say, but he felt incredible.

Yes, he has just led all the humans on earth into cosmic civilization, but his brother has already ruled the entire universe. That is, the life on earth and all activities in the universe that he leads are all under the control of his brother. In control?

Or should I say, what did he come here to do today?

Of course, do you know how many bugs we have in the Hades? Ten billion? Hundreds of billions? No, there are already five quadrillion. This army of mine. They are very hungry. I can't carry out complete destruction of this universe, at least... We should leave some resources for you to have the opportunity to develop, right?

Hearing his brother say this, Li Xin didn't know what to say.

Haha, don't be nervous or afraid, what I said is true. Ming smiled, this was the first time he saw such a serious expression on his brother's face.

Well, let's see. The reason I came here this time is to let my two sons learn from you for a while. After all, the creations of humans on earth are very powerful, right? Ming suddenly said such words.

“If you agree, I can transfer the entire Milky Way, which is also known as Tianhe, Milky Way, Xinghe, Tianhan, etc., in short, to the barred spiral galaxy where the solar system is located.

Including 100 to 400 billion stars and a large number of star clusters, nebulae, and various types of interstellar gas and dust, I will keep them all for you. Do you think this is okay? Ming put forward conditions.

But Li Xin was very surprised. He said: You actually have a son? Are they the two powerful creatures outside? But they are nothing like you?

Haha... What is there to dislike? In fact, they are very similar to me. They have extremely beautiful mothers, so they are naturally different from me. But I don't want them to follow the same path as me, so I won't leave anything to them. External forces do not want them to enter our Zerg tribe, nor do we want them to use the power of the Zerg tribe, as this will prevent me from expecting them! Ming said.

After all, Ming wants the sky and night to create this universe and expand it, right?

What are their names? After hearing this, Xin asked directly. No matter whether the temptation was great or not, at least they were his brother's biological descendants, his nephews, and his relatives, right?

Tian and Ye, in the future, the universe will be protected and created by the two of them. Of course, humans on earth will move towards a higher level of life. This is also the day that I am looking forward to infinitely, you know? Ming said.

What a great name. No problem. He can follow me and learn, but he can't stop my decision!

Haha, it depends on you. You should understand what I want to say.

You think I will hurt him? No, they are also my nephews. You know, father and mother are still alive now, and they may live forever.

Of course I know, but you can't kill them. The people who rule this universe are all given to them by me. I just got rid of the Warhammer Empire and the Dark Titans. As for my father and mother, I can naturally know, you The region did not disappoint me, but weak lives will always lose their lives one day, and so will you, so I really hope that you can continue to work hard and don’t relax even once. When you reach a certain height, you You will find that this universe is just a place to stay. After meditating on the world on the back of the universe, the more advanced universe world, the existence of the gods, and the creatures that are more powerful than him, it is really, really too great. Too much, at least he doesn't have the ability to say where he violated everything.

Even the system in the body can't do anything, and the actual permissions, or lack of data and information, etc.!

We know this, but you really don't want your father and mother to see them. Maybe they will be very happy. Although they are still alive, they are always not very happy. This... I think you should also know, right? After all, everything can't be attributed to the previous life, can it? As long as you still have memories, all of this is inescapable! Xin said calmly.

He wanted Tian and Nocturne to meet his father and mother. After all, they were his brother's descendants, right? In this case, the two elders should be very happy, right?

Although he has successfully developed a vitality liquid over several decades, which can restore a certain vitality to human cells, it will no longer be miraculous after being used three times in a person's life. In other words, after humans enter the universe, they can Live for about three hundred years.

After that, he is still confident that he can develop more magical powers to replace human life, improve the quality of life, and continue to live.

After all, now that we have entered the universe, everything is possible. The country will not limit life, but advocates the more the better. After all, the universe is endless and more humans are needed to control everything and go to different planets. Go up and expand the territory.

Therefore, he still has some different opinions on Ming Ming's statement, so he feels that his mother and husband and wife should know these things, instead of two different people who don't need to meet again. After all, they will live for a long time!

Also, just like you now, have you discovered a civilization outside the universe?

Of course, you can't know this yet, so I refuse to talk about it. Maybe, maybe, but it's very slim. I won't say it anymore. In short, just work hard. I will leave the sky and night to you for the time being. Maybe They can help you develop quickly!

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