Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 215 Chapter 218: Ming is coming


It didn't take long.

The powerful Sargeras waited for the person he wanted to wait for, and that was the current leader of the Hades.

He is also the strongest person in the universe today. Of course, he is not the strongest. Sargeras does not admit that Ming is the strongest because he thinks he is the most powerful!

Are you waiting for me?

Ming said calmly, with only Tian following him.

His bugs are all in his portable space, that is, in every leaf of the World Tree.

Humph, you understand? Do you know me? You actually know how powerful I am? Sargeras thought that he had experienced many dark ages and thought that he was extremely powerful.

To be honest, this guy looked down on Ming. After all, he knew Ming. He used to be quite weak and could be killed at any time.

But the group of guys he sent to the orcs who would never be slaves unexpectedly became slaves of the Insects instead.

Understood, I must understand, otherwise how could I come to destroy you? Ming looked down at him, wondering what other skills the other party had not brought to the table, but it doesn't matter, let's get Ye back first.

Hmph, then you took the courage of the universe? How dare you invade my great dark place first?

No, you need me, don't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't be holding on to my person, right? Ming looked at the night in Amredo's hand, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

You know? You hurt my son, but you will pay a heavy price. Tell me, what are your current conditions?

Ming said impatiently, if Ye was not in the hands of the other party, he might go berserk at any time, holding the Demon Bone Sword, start the merging insect mode, kill them all directly, and even exile them to the abyss.

Humph, he's just a weak guy. As long as you're here, it doesn't matter whether he's killed or not. Let him go! Sargeras was fearless and let Amuredo go free for the night.

Good, so I can fight you!

Fight? You will die in my hands, and I will even find all the secrets I want in your hands. Sargeras said cunningly.

As a result, the war between Hades and Sargeras was about to break out.

This war also made Saeras' goal more determined.

This is the first time that the Dark Titan's power has been hindered in his journey across the universe. However, he once longed to take revenge on the ants who disobeyed him. Now?

The sky and the earth are shattering, and the universe is constantly collapsing.

More importantly, when a planet explodes, even the star soul hidden inside is instantly destroyed.

Oh, it seems that you have hidden your strength. Without me in this universe, there should be no one who can be your opponent, right? Ming slowly walked out from the aftermath of the explosion!

This fact filled Sargeras with immense fear.

How could the Zerg master in front of him be so powerful? It actually brought a huge threat to himself.

Hmph! No matter what happens today, even if the universe is completely destroyed, my powerful Sargeras will still hold this insect in my hands!

At this moment, Sargeras decided to destroy this universe, and he never thought about his countless legion minions in this lonely universe.

He even had the idea of ​​killing the Zerg master in front of him in this universe.

Even if he uses the power of the devil and completely corrupts himself, he still has to kill the bug in front of him.

If he succeeds, then he may not need to kill the opponent with his own hands, and he may even get a powerful slave, right?

But no matter what, Sargeras knows that he must use his methods and power at all costs to severely damage your bugs.

However, the strength shown by the opponent now is so terrifying. I wonder if it can severely damage the opponent?

Oh, it would be great if we could use the power of the world of Azeroth!

At this moment, he thought in his heart, but the world of Azeroth has been destroyed by the enemy in front of him. Do you think it is hateful or not?

You know, during the War of the Ancients, Sargeras asked the upper elves to use the Well of Eternity, the lifeblood of the Titans of Azeroth, to weave a portal to summon him.

This is the first time a mortal race in the universe has attempted to create a portal capable of carrying a Titan.

The Highborne's spells were perfect, and they almost summoned Sargeras...

However, the explosion of the Well of Eternity cost Sargeras a second chance to do so...

Without a powerful energy source like the Well of Eternity, Azeroth had no means to summon the complete body of Sargeras, and Sargeras had to consider other invasion plans.

After examining the last setback, he attributed the failure of the Ancient War to one thing: the upper elf caused too much movement when summoning himself, triggering a worldwide resistance movement, and ultimately affecting the ritual of summoning himself.

He decided not to underestimate the influence of the guardians of this world on his plans. If there was a second invasion, he hoped to conduct it in a more secretive way.

The Staff of Sargeras was born for this purpose.

This is a weapon tailor-made for the Dark Titan using the full power of the Burning Legion. In the hands of Sargeras, it can tear apart all barriers and open a path to any world.

Since the portal created by the staff can cause fundamental damage to the foundation of the physical universe, continuous activation of the staff can even trigger a chain reaction, bursting out energy that can destroy an entire world.

Even so, the passage created by this staff is only enough to transmit a small part of Sargeras' power. But at this time, he felt that he had no better choice.

So he transferred part of his soul into a weaker incarnation.

And plans to launch secret operations in Azeroth to gradually restore his power.

By the time the mortal races become aware of his presence, it will be too late.

After thousands of years of waiting, the Burning Legion's remnants in Azeroth gathered strength step by step. They gathered in Northrend and summoned the incarnation of the Dark Titan into the world.

However, on the other side of the portal.

He encountered Azeroth's most powerful mage: Aegwynn.

After a horrific battle, the Guardians miraculously slew the avatar of Sargeras.

Another invasion plan of the Dark Titan seems to have come to nothing.

However, Sargeras was not blindly betting everything on this move.

He has been paying attention to the intelligence of Azeroth and has some knowledge of the new guardians of Tirisfal. While the dragons are dormant and the mortals of Azeroth have forgotten the existence of the Legion, there is still such a force that is actively exploring and sabotaging the Burning Legion's actions around the world.

Obviously, there is no need for Sargeras to pretend to be defeated by Aegwynn.

He wanted to defeat Aegwynn.

And transform it into a chess piece of the Burning Legion.

But he also planned for the eventuality.

But after the final defeat, Ivan used his greatest strength to drive him away from the world of Azeroth. At this point, his scepter must only be able to send out the most powerful force with the power in the world of Azeroth. strength.

At this moment, Ming looked at Sargeras holding a black scepter in his hand.

Oh, this is the most powerful weapon tailor-made for you, the staff? I heard that it can erupt with terrifying dark power, and can even break through all barriers for you, right?

Ming said calmly.

Of course, he still knew about the scepter.

You need the power of the world of Azeroth? As long as you can make me fight happily, I will give you enough power of Azeroth to let you use the power of the scepter, and even lift all the curses and curses in the scepter. seal.

What? You actually know these things?

However, Sargeras was a little surprised. These things happened many years ago, and the creature in front of him had been in his sight for only a few hundred years.

Who are you? The devil in the dark?

Oh, don't know too much, you might die!

When Ming said that, he directly gave him the power of the Well of Eternity in the world of Azeroth!

At this time, Sargeras was very surprised after seeing this power, because he could use the power of the scepter to worship the terrible enemy in front of him?

However, even though Sargeras had absolute confidence in his own strength, the previous battle forced him to prepare a backup plan beforehand.

But next, Sargeras's so-called power of the scepter was the existence of a clone. However, under the violent power of Hades, Sargeras and his incarnation were knocked down. Of course, the other party also suffered from the continuous fierce fight. Becoming exhausted.

Ming took advantage of this opportunity and released his terrifying spiritual will, which descended directly into Salas' body.

However, as a powerful dark titan, Sargeras, his so-called soul?

In Ming's opinion, it was quite powerful and tough, which he had never expected.

However, although the Dark Titan Sargeras was very determined and was not immediately defeated by his spiritual power, Sargeras was also severely wounded.

But at this time, due to the mental shock, the dark Titan Sargeras had a dark influence, that is, it was demonized, completely dark, and his body even turned into a ball of black smoke.

Is it really the power in the abyss? Ming looked at Sargeras who had turned completely dark.

However, although the huge incarnation of the Complete Dark Titan seems very terrifying, Ming is always calm about whether this body will stand up again and bring destruction to the world.

On the other hand, Sargeras and he seem to be both dark abyss forces, aren't they?

Therefore, one can imagine what kind of impact the evil energy released by Sargeras will have on him?

There shouldn't be one, right? After all, the abyss experience in his body is a powerful Dark Lord!

Although Ming knows many unknown secrets of Azeroth and Sargeras, he even knows that during the War of the Ancients, the upper elves of Suramar City used five Titan artifacts to seal the second teleportation of the Burning Legion. The Gate and the powerful dark scepter of Sargeras.

Although this has caused the location of the portal to sink to the bottom of the sea, they believe that this seal is enough to erase the remaining evil power of Sargeras' incarnation.

Finally, there is the Scepter of Sargeras.

The Council of Tirisfal had information about many artifacts in the world, but Ming could tell at a glance that the power of this staff far exceeded anything she had ever seen.

However, from this moment on, even if the Dark Titan's will repeatedly takes this terrible staff as his own, he still instinctively warns of its danger.

But just because Ming somewhat understood the true power of the staff, he knew that no one could truly control it, and if anything went wrong, this staff would even be enough to destroy the people around him, such as Tian and Ye.

Sargeras then tried in vain to free his avatar and staff.

The powerful will of Hades further prevented Sargeras from becoming dark and prevented the explosion of the incarnation, which is the scepter of darkness.

Although Sargeras had always been aware that there was a soul within the scepter that contained a hint of darkness.

But he was unable to contact the soul of the Dark Titan within.

However, taking this opportunity, Sargeras transferred his soul to Night.

At this moment, Ye went directly to darkness, and even tried to resist Ming, his father.

God, take control of Ye. His body is being corroded by the dark soul of Sargeras. You have to be careful.

Of course, Ming might not have expected this, which allowed Sargeras to take advantage of the dark soul hidden in his clone.

Yes, father!

Tian is a decisive person. Even though he felt that the night had become scary at this moment, he rushed forward directly. This was his younger brother, and he had to drive the dark, fallen soul out of him.

Because they have to follow their father's wishes and create new life in the universe in the near future.

Therefore, under the control of heaven, the soul of Sargeras hidden deep in the soul of night gradually emerged. Although this guy tried to threaten Ye's life many times, Ming on the side had a strong will, and even the dark body of Sargeras was still under Ming's control.

Until the dark power given to Sargeras was completely exhausted, the part of Sargeras' soul power that remained in Ye's body disappeared. I thought that the scepter at this moment had lost its dark luster. No, it was not enough. By summoning a clone of Sargeras, the so-called evil soul hidden in the scepter was imprisoned again.

Finally, it is the end of the Burning Legion, because it has to accept the strongest wrath of the underworld.

However, although there were many Burning minions who opened the portal, and under the command of Archimonde, they were ready to abandon their leader, Sargeras, who was in the hands of Hades.

But in the end, this army was attacked by the insects released by Ming, and all of them died and were swallowed up.

But there are still many Burning minions who have been planning another escape from the Legion.

And their chance depends on the opportunity brought to them by Archimonde's death.

That is to say, thanks to the civil strife.

After all, their king Sargeras has been subdued. As the strongest spokesperson of the legion, he is controlled by another king. He survived for a while and successfully reached the Lord to negotiate together.

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