Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 200 Planting Trees

After Ming held Alice in his arms, he felt that his body was quite soft, which was not comparable to that of ordinary elves. This was probably closely related to the strength of the elf.

But compared to Elf Queen Mastia, the feel of Alice's body is several levels lower, but this is not bad for Ming. After all, he is quite satisfied in this aspect. of!

Ming, can we not do this?

But Alice was extremely shy in Ming's arms. She really wanted to find a small hole immediately and bury her whole body in it!

No, I will eat you first, and then you will be my woman. Isn't this good?

As a male species, Ming has to take the initiative. After all, the current female species is crazy if it is said to be crazy. If it is not crazy, it is boring. If it is not overbearing like a president, haha, then it is probably just talking. Then it was time to leave.

Then Elf Alice had no choice but to bury her whole hot face in Zai Ming's arms, because her two pointed ears were already red, and she was really shy.


Ming really couldn't imagine that if he ate her later, what would happen to Alice then?

Although I think so, Ming is very much looking forward to it!

Hahaha, let's go, my little baby, I'm going to eat you! Ming couldn't help but patted Alice's body, oh, I didn't expect it to be quite soft!

No! No! No!

Then Alice resisted crazily. As for whether she really wanted to resist or was just sitting there, it is probably impossible to know.

But she didn't use magic to resist, which means she has already acquiesced to Ming's next operations on her!

Then Ming directly hugged the petite body, but full of infinite temptation, onto a bed full of flowers, and then did whatever he had to do. In short, after the operation, both of them were almost exhausted.

However, each of them tasted the sweetness, and actually came back many times in the following time. After all, they are all powerful, and their physical and ability recovery is super strong. Even if they collapse on the spot, they only need to recover quickly after a few minutes. .

Of course, this aspect of supplementation still cannot be restored without limit. After all, it will take a certain amount of time to fully recover.

In the end, probably dozens of ups and downs, Styx Alice hugged each other tightly. After a long time, the two of them were completely separated.

Alice tasted this kind of happiness for the first time, and she almost died of happiness in Ming's arms.

And Ming can still fight for hundreds of rounds, but Alice really can't stand it anymore. That's right. After all, Ming is a very powerful creature. How can the system be something that Alice, an elf, can continue to resist and bear?

Right...there's really no problem, right?

And while Ming and Alice were doing this kind of thing, Masatia, the queen in the transition of elves, was naturally able to sense everything in the entire kingdom of women. Naturally, she could see what happened to Ming and Alice. Clearly, although a little jealous about it.

However, she was tolerant and understood very well and did not blame Alice. After all, it was the underworld that dominated Alice.

So, Masatia was preparing what kind of gift to give Alice. After all, now she has become an older sister, and she has become a younger sister, and is no longer her subordinate, right?


On Ming's side, he directly waited for Alice to recover, prepared the meal, replenished his strength, and left Alice's residence.

However, Ming decided to play tricks on Alice in the next few days. Anyway, Ming would not leave until Masatia left the baby. In this case, Ming would feel bored.

Now that I think about it, it’s not easy to be a strong person!

Of course, Ming naturally knew that Queen Mattia knew about this, but Ming did not feel the need to hide it. Instead, after leaving Alice's room, he came to the room of Elf Queen Mastia.

Tia, look what I brought to you?

Ming took out some rare elven fruits found in Azeroth and gave them to the Elf Queen Mastia. After all, he would definitely tell him about this later, right? It would be okay to express it in advance. Bar.

You want to give me a gift? Masatia said happily, without showing any disapproval towards Ming.

Well, this is a fruit found in the world of Azeroth. I have eaten it before. It tastes delicious. The power stored in it is also very mild, so if you eat it, it will not affect your baby. , but it will also benefit the baby!”

Yes, then I want to eat it! After hearing this, the Elf Queen was really happy. She seemed willing to do anything just for the sake of the baby in her belly!

Then Ming directly took out a few crystal clear and very beautiful fruits from the space. Anyway, they smelled quite fragrant.

Hey. Isn't this an elf fruit? This is one of the fruits that elves like to eat the most. It's just that our elves haven't eaten it for thousands of years. Well, I want to keep one and plant it, so that we can Do you think this is good so that many elves can taste its deliciousness? Masatia happily took it in her hands and was reluctant to eat it!

Okay, you want to plant now? I can help you! Ming said happily. After all, Masatia is quite open-minded and doesn't seem to mind what happened between him and Alice!

Well, come with me first. Let's plant the elves together. If you want to complete the planting immediately and have it bloom and bear fruit, you can do it immediately, because you only need to use the power of the Well of Eternity in the world of Azeroth. , it’s done!” The Elf Queen said happily to Ming, as long as Ming could spend more time with her, she would be happy.

Okay, let's go, you take me there, I want to plant trees with you... Ming took the initiative to hold Masatia's hand. In fact, Masatia's belly was getting bigger and bigger, so she shouldn't be able to Moving around at will.

But Masatia is very powerful, and her body will not be affected by her walking. She will not be like a weak life, where a small accident will lead to miscarriage. Those are completely impossible!

Masatia was naturally very happy that Ming pulled her like this, and then happily walked with Ming to a piece of green grass.

There are also some flowers here. Bees and elves are playing. When they saw the Elf Queen appear, they all bowed happily and then played around the Elf Queen. However, they did not dare to get too excited. They all knew that the Elf Queen was now pregnant. After having an elf baby, I was worried about the health of the elf queen.

But these simple little things, I don’t understand why the Elf Queen combined with the bug in front of her and then conceived the baby. I wonder if she can mix it with the water in the lake?

Because their mother drank the water from that lake and became pregnant with them, and then gave birth to them a few years later!

I'm going to plant an elf tree here. If you be obedient, I'll give you delicious elf fruits, you know? Masatia said happily, looking at a few cute and little elves. After all, looking at these little guys, you will think that your future babies will definitely be like these little ones!

Wow, Queen, is this true? But what is an elf tree?

Yes, the elf fruit is the very sweet fruit that we often eat? But the Queen said, we really want to eat it!

Yes, yes, yes, I want to eat too. My Queen, I will help you plant trees!

Then there was a group of little elves chattering non-stop, not to mention how happy they were.

Look at me from the side. You can't plant elf rats at this moment! The Elf Queen touched the head of an elf and said motherly. It seems that the Elf Queen can't help but want to be an elf. Mom!

Of course, after watching all this, Ming didn't know why, but felt that creatures like them didn't seem to be the life they pursued in their previous lives? It's just that it's impossible in this life. This can only be his short-term peace. He will eventually go on with great vigor.

But it’s okay, in this bustling insect life, it feels pretty good to have such a peaceful break in life, right?

Therefore, Ming regarded everything as a kind of enjoyment, watching their quiet operations from the side.

General Mastia chose a fertile land and did not use the power of magic. Instead, he took a wooden digging tool and dug a hole in a place that could bury the fruit. Of course, the fruit did not It's not very big, so the potholes aren't very big either.

Then Masatia took out a small green bottle from her body, and then...then poured the energy water in the bottle into the small pit, and then poured the crystal clear water that smelled super fragrant. The fruit was put into the hole.

But, next, Mastiako used magic, and a stream of green light continued to disappear into the pit.

This is the small place where the fruit was buried. A small sapling suddenly grew up. The sapling looked quite tender, and it continued to grow. Finally, it became more and more numerous, and countless branches began to grow. , until the last time the branches and leaves are luxuriant, it has become a towering tree.

However, at this time, Masatia is still continuing to use some kind of magic method, which should be adding nutrients to the tree. Otherwise, it may take a long time for the small tree to grow into a big tree on its own.

At this time, many elves have come here. They surrounded the city and watched the queen planting trees. There were also many beautiful butterflies and bees... all flying over Ali. They were surrounding this moment. The towering trees are full of vitality, singing and dancing, so happy.

But this scene is really amazing.

Moreover, at this time, the flowers are blooming and the bags have been opened. We need these bees and butterflies to collect nectar to make the Elf Fruit more delicious, right?

Then, the labor of these bees and butterflies finally caused countless flowers to bloom and begin to bear fruit.

Wow, it smells so good!

Yes, yes!

Yes, it seems we have never eaten this fruit. Why is that?

Let's see, it's working, we want to eat it!

Then there were a group of little guys who couldn't help but fly to the tree and seemed to be circling around the elf fruit that was gradually growing and maturing.

As for the Elf Queen, Mastia looked at the fruit that she had planted until it was about to reach maturity, ATV showed a happier smile on her face than before.

And not long after, the fruit of the Elf Tree matured, from one to a fruit that can never be eaten, because soon, this Elf Tree will also turn into many Elf Trees, and then bear more fruits. Many fruits.

Of course, the elf mouse in front of me is very commemorative to the elf queen Mastia, because it was planted with Ming, symbolizing feelings!

In the end, the Elf Queen picked three pieces from the queen, one for herself, one for Ming, and the other one, naturally, for the baby in her belly!

Come on, I'll help you, but are you okay with picking your teeth? In fact, Ming was quite worried that Tia's use of magical power would harm herself. After all, female species during pregnancy are quite fragile.

It's okay. For the sake of my baby being born smoothly, I guess I won't not cherish myself!

Ming nodded, and then sent Mastia back to her palace.

Moreover, before leaving, Ming also gave the Elf Queen a gift. Over there is a leaf of the World Tree. You must know that in each leaf, there is a big world. For any life, To say the least, this is a pretty good thing!

Is this the leaf of the World Tree? Mastia was curious when she held it in her hand. That's right. When she led some elves to leave Azeroth, there was no dream space and the appearance of the World Tree. !

Yes, this is the World Tree. When you are bored in the future, you can take a walk and play in this world!

Yeah, okay! Mastia nodded.

In the end, Ming left the kingdom of elves and returned to his own Zerg sphere of influence to cook. In fact, the kingdom of elves today has been protected by the Zerg at all levels, and it is almost regarded as a planet that the Zerg mainly protects.

When Ming returned to the Zerg, he immediately came to the place where the fox lived, but the fox was no longer home, so Ming looked through the Zerg vision and found that the fox was visiting some of his Zerg bases.

As a result, Ming traveled through space.

After a wave of fluctuation, he soon arrived in front of the fox.

Fox was not nervous when he saw Ming's appearance, but he was really embarrassed because he didn't have the courage to look into Ming's eyes and speak.

Moreover, I didn’t expect Ming’s power to be so powerful. After all, it was right. One of her men destroyed her country. Alas, it seems tiring to talk too much!

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