After the underworld destroyed the world of Azeroth, the world of Azeroth has become like an empty shell with nothing and nothing anymore.

The grass is burning, countless large green leaves are missing, there is gunpowder smoke everywhere, insects are everywhere gnawing at the place, the water in the creek is gone, and the white clouds in the sky are gone, in short , everything ceases to exist.

Think about it, how glorious Azeroth used to be? Countless strong ones

Countless space travelers, when they see the incomparably beautiful planet Azeroth, whether it is affected by its own inner power, naturally it is more about its beauty, right?

But think about it, who doesn’t like a more beautiful planet? Sometimes when you are tired, you will feel like stopping. I think those travelers in the starry sky think the same way.

Finally, Ming brought all his bugs back to his territory.

During this long journey, I don’t know how many years have passed.

But on this day, when Ming returned, his own insect race had greatly developed and improved, because some of the genes brought back from the abyss were rumored to have hatched a large number of new species, such as abyssal bugs, fallen bugs, etc. Angel bugs, Kunpeng bugs, zombie bugs, lost bugs, accepted bugs, in short there are many new varieties.

And now, Ming's Hive Will ships are not as simple as one or two, because as the Zerg continue to erode, they continue to collect more food and resources, destroy and kill more, and then destroy more As a result, a large amount of life forms were obtained, and a large amount of flesh and blood was obtained, and a large number of aircraft ships were built, which could carry the huge technological Zerg race to travel through the universe. In the war, it would be better to just drive biological battleships. But one day, when the Elf Queen's pregnancy with Ming's flesh and blood became larger and larger, Ming knew that this was not the time for his former king to conquer the entire interstellar world. He had to wait for his flesh and blood to smoothly pass from the Elf Queen, Mastia. He was born in his belly, right? After all, he is his own flesh and blood, right? One day he will inherit all his achievements and continue to erode them, right?

So Ming has been idle and has nothing to do within the scope of his own strength, but during this period the monster brought back the nine-tailed talent.

I didn't expect you to get in so well now!

Haha, yes, long time no see, are you okay? But after saying these words, Ming An was a little uncomfortable. He was so good at singing Hammer, and the monster destroyed his entire home. Now I must be wishing to kill myself!

Haha, I'm so sorry. Maybe I asked you about your sadness! Ming said lightly, but it was impossible for him to say anything to apologize. He is so powerful, he is afraid of a hammer, not to mention that he should have The king's status must be displayed properly.

Well, it's okay, Tony Fu, what do you want to do with me now? The nine-tailed sky fox was very nervous. Could it be that this guy Ming is interested in him?

That’s right, the nine-tailed sky fox is as beautiful as a flower, a goddess descended to earth, pure and pure, and she is probably still a virgin! Moreover, I had some cooperation with Ming for a while, so I had to let her think about it!

It doesn't mean anything else. I just missed you. Didn't I say before that I wanted you to take refuge in me? Ming looked at the nine-tailed sky fox on his forehead. Damn it, it seemed even more beautiful.

This... to be honest, after tasting the sweetness given by the Elf Queen, Ming became a little addicted, so he didn't mind being a lustful bug, right? No one saw it anyway, so I just wrote it like this, can you How sure are you?

Really? But there seems to be something wrong with the way you look at me. Don't you have any ideas? The nine-tailed sky fox was very angry. This guy obviously wanted to eat me or fall in love with me, but he still had a pure and pure body. Why? Can it be left to such a guy?

Well, to be honest, I have fallen in love with you. Come to my room tonight and I will marry you so that you don't have to die. Otherwise, when my Zerg dominates the entire starry sky, everything will be destroyed. Destruction, countless creatures will die, but... if you get what I want, you can go to the end of your life, instead of dying under such an old and beautiful body!

Then the fox did not speak, but remained silent.

But the silence didn't matter, Ming directly took Fox to see his Zerg combat power, which frightened the fox to death. This was too scary. Is this quantity and combat power still the Ming he knew before?

Let me think about it, although, to be honest, we have worked together a long time ago. I am not annoying to you, and I often think of you inexplicably. But, as long as you give me some time, this kind of thing You can’t force it, right? Otherwise, it wouldn’t be in line with your thoughts, right?”

Finally, Fox and Ming said this. They didn't know whether they meant it or not, but Ming directly agreed.

Okay, I still have enough time to wait, but sometimes I will be extremely lonely. I don't mind you living next to me, so if you figure it out right away, I can fall in love with you right away, right? Haha Ha ha……

Ming smiled shamelessly, what can be done? Who made me break the habit a long time ago? Isn’t it normal to become addicted now?

Yes, but you can't force yourself on me. I...I know that I am born with the power of temptation, but you are so powerful now, I think you should be able to control yourself, right?

Yeah...yes, yes! Ming Lianlian nodded, but thought to himself, what does this mean?

Finally, Mingxian left the fox's side, but he would have to eat some of the fox's meat sooner or later.

Next, Ming came to the side of Elf Queen Mashatia and stayed with her. After all, the Elf Queen was pregnant with her own flesh and blood. Alas, she was so shy!

Yes, Masatia was full of shy happiness. She never expected that such a holy elf queen would accidentally fall for an insect creature like Ming.

But apart from the fact that humans on earth have obvious concerns about males and females, other races in the universe, especially creatures that have great power and live for countless years, can only look at things like love, union, and offspring. With the top of your eyes, everything else can be ignored.

ugly? nonexistent!

insect? nonexistent!

Not of the same race? This doesn’t exist either!

Why are you here! Aren't you busy?

The Elf Queen Mastia said very shyly, isn't it, she got pregnant with Ming's baby in one careful step.

Haha, I'm not busy. Everything is waiting for a while. You will give birth to my baby soon. I don't want to fail to take care of you personally.

Ming said with concern, Husband, by the way, I brought back the power of your Well of Eternity from the world of Azeroth some time ago. I will give you part of it now. I think it will be good for you and the baby in your belly!

Well, thank you, it will definitely be beneficial. The baby should be born very strong, and his life should be full of vitality and health!

Masatia said, in fact, she has thought about this problem in her heart for a long time. After combining with Ming, the baby born in the future will definitely be very powerful.

Yes! Can my son be extremely powerful? Ming said narcissistically. Of course, he immediately handed over the energy water containing the Well of Eternity to the Elf Queen Mastia.

Masatia was very happy after getting it, because in this way, her elves will continue to live and will not continue to die over time.

Then, Ming stayed with her like this for several days, and of course she got the enjoyment she deserved during this period.

Tia, who taught you this craft, Alice? Ming ate the rice and side dishes cooked by Queen Mastia herself. She felt that it tasted like her mother's cooking on Earth. ah!

Originally, Ming didn't want the pregnant elf queen, Masatia, to do such a thing, but Masatia insisted on giving it to Ming, and then Ming definitely had no choice but to remind him to take you carefully and not to disturb the fetus. Angry!

Yes, Alice has been taking care of me recently and even told me about things on Earth. She said the food on Earth is super delicious. Then when she knew she was leaving one day, she asked your mother to teach her. How about some cooking methods? The dishes we cook are delicious, right? the Elf Queen said happily.

Well, it's very delicious. I will eat it often in the future. After the baby is born, you should also cook it well for him!

Of course, he is the product of our abilities. I am very happy that he is coming soon!

At this time, the Elf Queen didn't know what was going on, and she suddenly came ashore. She probably knew that Ming might leave. Thinking that her baby would not be able to see her father for a long, long time, she would be very unhappy. of!

What's wrong, don't think too much, and you can't be unhappy. According to my hometown, it will affect the baby in the belly, you know?

Okay, I get it, I was just a little bit a little bit, but I'm fine now! Elf Queen Mastia suddenly said happily.

Well, eat quickly. Next time, let me show you my skills and let you eat delicious food, because there are some dishes that I hate in my hometown, and I know many of them! Ming smiled. Speaking of which, looking at the Elf Queen, Mastia’s belly is getting bigger day by day. I think she will give birth to a baby in a while!

Yes Yes!

Finally, after Ming and the Elf Queen had a meal together, Ming left. It was okay, he stayed with the Queen for three days!

However, Ming did not leave the world of elves. Instead, he went to where Alice lived. This little beauty was very quirky, but since he married the Elf Queen Mastia, this little beauty has become very strange. Not coming to play with me anymore really made me feel guilty.

In fact, why didn't Ming know that Alice liked him? She had already seen it. She didn't know how she was doing now. Could she have missed Ming too much and been unhappy all the time?

Hey, Ming, you're here! Alice saw Ming appear in her sight at a glance, not to mention how happy she was at that second, in short, she was very happy.

Yes, why don't you welcome me and let me sit in? Ming said with a smile. It seems that this little beauty really likes me, otherwise she wouldn't be so happy and nervous to see her.

Is this okay? Alice said: If the Queen knows that you have come to me, she will not only enter my room...

Haha, what's the point? When you and I came to the earth, everything was fine, wasn't it? Ming explained.

But... that's completely different. You and the Queen weren't married yet, okay?

Then the dead elf Alice blushed and felt so shy. Maybe she was trapped in that beautiful time and couldn't extricate herself.

It's okay. I really just went in to take a look. I heard that you learned a lot of cooking techniques from my mother. I came here specially to try it. There should be no problem! Ming continued to say with a smile, but if you can It shouldn't be a problem to take down Alice as well. After all, the queen can't satisfy her own queen. The fox is still thinking. Now it is estimated that only Alice can help him. Let's have some fun here!

Okay then, you come in and sit down. I'll cook for you. Don't blame me if it's not delicious! Alice introduced Ming into her residence, then stuck out her tongue and started running to cook. Meals are ready.

Ming looked at Alice's residence at this time, but this was Ming's first time here, and he had never been here before.

Hey, at this time! Suddenly, Ming saw a photo in Alice's room, and it was of himself in the previous life. Hmm... after thinking about it, it should have been secretly taken by Alice when she was on Earth, or asked. My mother wanted it, otherwise how could she have it!

Well, it seems that this little beauty really likes me, so forget about his crazy counterattack. Besides, that man doesn’t have three wives and four concubines. Besides, who said that insects can’t have concubines?

So, Ming Qiaokan came to the place where Alice was cooking, and then hugged Alice in his arms.

Ming, you, what are you doing? Alice was extremely shy on the spot, and even her voice trembled when she spoke. It was really unbearable for Ming, thinking...

Haha, stay with me. I've always heard that I like you, and I also know that you like me, right? Ming looked at her with a smile. After all, you just do what you say, so you can say whatever you want. Okay. !

But, is this okay? Will the Queen forgive us?

Are you kidding? I am a responsible person, and I am also a strong person. Strong people are easily lonely. I think the queen should understand this too! I should thank you in the end. Besides, you two have become Is my person bad?”

Besides, one day I left and you two had babies. Can't the babies still talk and play with each other? Right!

Hahaha...let me laugh!

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