Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 189 Temporary Cheating

Come on, old friend, come out quickly. Let's have a fight. If you lose, I will devour you. If I lose, won't you devour me?

Ming said this calmly, full of endless confidence.

But listening to it, it makes people feel more arrogant and courageous.

Of course, the so-called Ming himself lost and was devoured? This is impossible. When you are unconscious, you will try your best to escape.

Old friends? Haha... they are indeed old friends.

But you have completely pissed me off. If I had known this would happen, I should have spared no effort to produce you.

Don't you think that my existence has managed this abyss tens of thousands of times better than yours? Why do you want to come back and destroy this place again? Isn't it good to be alive?

You have to know that if I can kill you once, I can kill you a second or third time. You will be killed by me forever. I am extremely strong. What's wrong?

Listening to the arrogant words of Lord Hagenti of the Abyss, Ming Na sneered in his heart. It seemed that he had found a confidant. This guy is really funny. Why are he pretending? He's definitely not as good at showing off!

Haha, you guy, I call you an old friend because you are going to die soon. Don't you know?

Ming thought to himself, this guy is really shameless, what, he has never seen such a shameless person, and this abyss is the Dark Lord, of course, now it is naturally what Ming needs to get.

Moreover, this abyss belongs to me, how can I be governed by you? I can destroy them all, and then re-establish my new order as the Dark Lord on this level.

Stop talking nonsense, we should really meet each other and start fighting, right?

Ming invites a fight again, because I always feel that this guy is too trustworthy? Did he call for help again?

But Ming took the initiative this time and punched Hargenti in his hidden position.


A huge explosion sounded completely, and the space was instantly shattered, making it impossible to repair for a while.

Is this the power of the Dark Lord? Feeling the release of such a huge energy, Ming thought to himself, and it turned out that he was really strong. If he didn't rely on the power of the system, I would probably be killed!

Hmph! You are still as irritable as ever!

In the explosion of this space, Hagenti's figure could not be hidden after all, and was forced to emerge, displayed in Ming's eyes.

This is exactly the same as the powerful enemy in the Dark Lord's memory, half human and half angel.

Oh, you bastard, your subordinates are all full-form fallen angels. Why the hell are you so obviously half-human and half-fallen? You are such an ominous existence. Ming said unceremoniously, furious. The other party is fine!

What? How dare you insult me ​​with such words? Damn! You are simply...looking for death!

Okay, let's stop talking nonsense now. Half a man and half a day, Hagenti exploded like crazy. The dark atmosphere was extremely terrifying, and it was no longer possible to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

I really didn't expect that what I said touched your heart? Alas, recently I always just tell some truths that I don't even know are true or false! Ming faced the other party's explosive photo output, and then He is calm and composed, and the speed of time is not a joke.

Come on, come on, if you can chase tens of thousands of people, what if I don't fucking fight back, so what if I take a few moves from you? Ming started to show off. He always felt that if he didn't show off recently, he would feel so damn uncomfortable and couldn't live well. Worm days.

Really? Do you think I haven't grown at all in the past 20,000 years? Are you looking down on people? When he said this, Hagenti paused. Who the hell is a human being? I think of myself as an abyss lord, an abyss demon, and an extremely powerful fallen angel.

Little, little, little, little, I don't believe it, I don't believe it, come after me!

Ming may have made a mistake in his operation, and was just cheating, because after talking for a long time, he didn't seem to have started the twelve wings yet, no wonder the other party didn't feel it.

Therefore, when Ming said that, he directly opened the twelve wings in his body and blessed the body of the Dark Lord. Of course, the body of the Dark Lord was also Ming's body.

Because he was swallowed by Ming's cell armor and became part of Ming's body, Ming can directly transfer his consciousness into this body and perform various operations, just like the heart of the giant beast in the void, calling and controlling it. A series of abilities of the Void Behemoth.

Eh? You, what are you doing?

Hargenti felt like he had seen a ghost. Wasn't the damn Dark Lord always a tough guy? When did you grow wings? And judging from the fact that these wings are very powerful, they must not be ordinary things!

Moreover, this guy's wings are six more than his own. This guy seems to be much taller than him.

I feel strongly dissatisfied in my heart, no matter what, this will work!

Hmph, I don't care what kind of power you get, but if you want to compete with me in speed, I will kill you in a fucking second!


Lord Abyss~~

Shut up? Why are you stopping me now? Do you want to die?

Ah, no, Lord Abyss, how dare I stop you? I just want to remind you, Sir, you must not compete with him in speed.

What? Louder! Damn it, are you afraid of me or the enemy? If you are afraid of the enemy, I will kill you now!

Lord, I am afraid that the enemy will hear it. What I say is true!

Haha, I know what he is going to say. He will definitely tell you, oh, um, my speed is super fast. You will definitely not be able to beat me. He will ask you to change the method, or directly kill me with high energy. , otherwise it will be very troublesome. Ming Chao added shamelessly.

Huh? Is that what he said?

Yes...yes Lord Abyss.

Haha, you little thing, damn it!

The Lord of the Abyss is very angry. Is this his own subordinate? You actually said this to him at a critical moment, wasn't it a slap in the face? And why not come early? If you're just pretending, but you don't do anything, where can you put your face?

So, Hagenti directly tore his subordinate in half and threw it towards Ming, colliding at an extremely fast speed.

And Ming didn't press dodge immediately. He had the fastest speed in the world, so he didn't have to worry at all and had plenty of time to escape.

Therefore, when the attack dawn was only a few centimeters away, Hagen couldn't help but sneer and said, I really don't have the strength. Even if I have a chance to escape, I still have the ability to escape?

However, Ming smiled slyly at him.

Um, what? Disappeared?

Fortunately, Hagenti didn't laugh, otherwise he wouldn't have known how to face himself.

But the Hagen body soon discovered that this was not the case. This was not a disappearance, but a successful escape.

Then there can only be one reason, and that is that the other party really has terrifying speed.

However, Hagenti still didn't want to believe that how could the Dark Lord be so fast with such a heavy body?

So the Dark Lord gave chase, but unfortunately.

Here, this guy doesn't look like the Dark Lord anymore, does he? He's actually so fast? I didn't even notice the trajectory.

It's over, isn't it that I'm really in danger now?

What are you afraid of? Could it be that he can kill me with one blow? Huh, if I catch the opportunity, I can kill him with one blow!

Hagenti thought for a while, and it seemed that he was the only one who stayed where he was.

However, this thought was terrifying, because soon, a terrible murderous intent appeared. The murderous intent was so terrifying that it directly made him realize that he would die faster if he stayed where he was.

Well, Hagenti had no choice but to order and summon countless fallen angels of the abyss to occupy the space. In this way, he felt that he could control the trajectory of the cow.

Unless the cow doesn't attack for a long time, then hum!

His support will be felt, and it will be an easy task to join forces to kill the Dark Lord at that time.

But this time, Hagenti decided that he must kill the opponent fiercely. Even if he chases him to the bottom of the abyss again, he must kill him without giving the opponent any chance to live.

But Ming would not be stupid enough to wait for so long. If he wanted to kill, he would kill him in advance. It seemed that he already knew what Hagenti was thinking. After all, in the memory of the Dark Lord, Hagenti was so close to him. The relationship between the lords of several layers of abyss is very good.

It is estimated that as soon as he arrived, he had a premonition of the crisis as soon as the living Dark Lord woke up, and began to ask for support.

It is estimated that support has not arrived now, because Hagenti must not have expected that the Dark Lord would feel this place so quickly.

Therefore, Ming directly took out the extremely dark demon bone sword filled with the super powerful aura of the abyss, and killed countless fallen angels who wanted to occupy the space with their bodies. They were exiled to the abyss and disappeared forever.

At this time, Hagenti's eyes were twitching wildly. He really didn't expect that the Dark Lord now has so many methods, and they are all very difficult abilities.

Not only does it have twelve wings, it is terrifying because of its abnormal speed, but now it also holds a pitch-black bone sword in its hand. Feeling the power in the sword seems very terrifying. A single sword can communicate with the existence of the dark abyss, and bring other people together. Countless of his subordinates were exiled into the abyss.

Hagenti, today is destined to be the day of your death. I still have many ways. Do you think I really can't kill you? Ming felt more and more that he was going to have the upper hand, because the other party was really afraid, and he was already in his heart. The terrible shadow of death emerged.

It's very basic. Do you think I was scared? The so-called exile in the abyss? Haha, we can only deal with weak enemies. Strong people like you and me can come back as soon as possible after entering, right?

Naturally, Hagenti will not easily show that he is afraid of this or that!

Otherwise, wouldn't the enemy take advantage of this opportunity and kill him?

As everyone knows, Ming disappeared again at this time, this time by cheating, and directly selected a method and ability in the system to kill the enemy invisible.

Of course, this ability can only take effect when the enemy is weaker than the current strength, otherwise it will be counterattacked.

Therefore, this is a double-edged sword for the user.

But Ming dared to bet, because he believed that the opponent Hagenti was not as strong as him, but if Ming didn't use this move, it would still take a lot of time to kill the opponent.

But Ming didn't want to waste more time talking, and was a little worried that the other party's support would arrive at any time.

However, as long as you can kill the other party, then the support the other party calls for, haha, that's really embarrassing, the most you can do is say hello to him.

Hi, long time no see, go on, we are just passing by!

After all, the pig's feet that invited them were fucking dead, so it would be pointless for them to go to the murderer's house. It would be ridiculous if they accidentally died in the hands of the other party.

How could this happen? Where is this guy? Why do I feel like I can't avoid it anyway? What kind of special means does he use?

No, are you trying to scare me, really make me exposed in fear?

However, this murderous intention is so realistic, how can I ignore it? No, I still have to resist. I don't believe it. I can't kill him instead.


However, when he was about to burst out with the extremely terrifying power of the abyss, he was penetrated by the Ming Yi Sword, and the endless darkness of the abyss swallowed him continuously.

Why? Why can you appear in front of me without any breath or fluctuations and kill me?

Why? Ming looked at it indifferently, but it was really a bit dangerous. When performing this ability to kill people invisible, the system's alarm had reached 90%. If it reached 100%, he would Killed immediately by the opponent.

Because I am a pig's trotters, and I am a cheating pig's trotters! Ming said to him at the end, watching him being swallowed by the dark abyss.

It is really unbelievable that a powerful abyss lord died in the hands of Ming like this. But if he was temporarily defeated, how could Hagenti defeat Ming?

It was good to die happily. He was lucky not to be brutally killed by Ming. Even though Ming originally said to devour the other person, Ming did not do so in the end.


The old witch was so excited that her master actually killed the abyss lord who she thought was powerful, and what happened was so terrible.

So what are they waiting for now? They rush forward and kill all these fallen angels. Are they still afraid of their resistance?

It's a joke, the master is here to intimidate, and besides, the other party just witnessed their Lord of the Abyss die like this. He is probably on the verge of complete collapse, and he is still fighting!


But Ming stopped the old witch. After all, this abyss must be guarded by powerful creatures, and he would leave the abyss for the time being.

Tell them that if they surrender, they will be reborn, and those who violate it will die completely!

Yes Master!

Soon, the old witch came to report.

Master, they are willing to surrender, unconditionally!

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