Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 188 Abyss Lord Hargenti

The old witch's army is invading in this abyss. Behind them is the extremely powerful Ming, who gives them strong self-confidence.

They can fight as much as they want on the 548th floor, snatch resources, and devour all the lives living in the high-rise abyss.

However, just as the fish elves and the fallen angels on this level were fighting, the so-called light on this level was constantly disappearing, and what was ushered in was endless darkness, just like the entire sky was shattering.

The so-called fallen angels are actually evolving like headphones, and their forms are changing.

Just like a so-called mecha, it possesses terrifying destructive power.

Huh? So this is their true form? Mechanical body? Ming looked at everything in front of him calmly. This seemed to be exactly the same as the mecha battles he had seen before.

However, after undergoing the darkening form change, these mecha fallen angels are much more powerful. It seems that it is already very difficult for the old witch's men to fight against them.

However, Ming didn't care about their deaths. He brought them to this abyss to see how good they were. Those who survived in the end could stay in this abyss.

Go to hell!

However, at the moment of deep contemplation, the extremely mechanized fallen angels have some kind of conjoined technological means in their hands? Or biological means.

Ming saw them launching two beams full of destructive power at him. The energy beams were blue and red.

Ming did not take action against them, but immediately covered his whole body with cell armor, and this time the cell armor directly transformed into mechanical armor, completely covering his whole body.


Two beams of energy full of destruction directly bombarded Ming's body, sparks flying for a while.

Ming actually dares to resist directly without escaping. Naturally, he has full control over me. Who makes Ming's defense so terrifyingly strong?

The cell armor can now absorb 60% of the damage from any attack and apply it to his body. Therefore, if the enemy's energy attack does not have super crushing properties, it will be difficult to harm Ming at all.


The two mechanical fallen angels were shocked when they saw the intact enemy.

I thought to myself, could this be the strongest enemy that invaded their abyss level? However, as soon as he sent the energy cannon with all his strength, it was directly resisted by his physical body. It seemed that it was indeed ridiculously powerful.

However, when their king of the abyss lords arrives, they must hold back the enemy. After all, if such an enemy shows his power, there will be endless destruction and rivers of blood. Countless fallen angels will be mercilessly killed. of killing.

Hmph! It's my turn to take action? I don't want you to know how you died!

Ming looked far away, smiled at the two fallen angels who attacked him, and opened the twelve wings. The legend was already a rapid existence in the world, and the weak enemy was completely unable to catch any trace of the existence.

Huh? Disappeared?

So the next moment, the two mechanical fallen angels who were hundreds of meters away from Ming suddenly discovered that their common enemy had disappeared without a trace. They even conducted their high-tech scans, but unfortunately, they The energy equipment was completely unable to capture the opponent's trajectory, that is, the trace of existence.


However, when the two mechanical fallen angels were confused and shocked, Ming had already appeared behind them. With two punches, they exploded the two mechanical fallen angels on the spot and shattered them into a piece of powder, which was scattered in the air. In the increasingly dark sky.

The battle on Ming's side is too eye-catching, and he himself is also the most troublesome existence for the enemy.

After all, this is their abyss level, and all the battles on Ming's side are easy to do secretly.

Therefore, in order to stop such a powerful enemy as Ming, countless mechanical fallen angels flew towards Ming and provided endless energy supply. Although these energy supplies were full of endless destructive power, they hit Ming's body. There is no pain or itching on my body.

What's more, Ming has twelve wings, and his speed is beyond what their destructive energy attacks can hit?

Bang bang!!!

A series of explosions sounded directly. This was Ming spreading out his twelve wings. With the speed of the world, he punched them and completely destroyed them.

Ask for support, please support, please support!

The mechanical fallen angels that have not yet been destroyed, and the few beings that will soon be destroyed by the underworld, send out a strong distress signal at this moment, requesting more combat power to be invested in this terrible enemy.


Then Tuan Ran was punched and exploded by Ming.

But his cry for help was taken seriously.

Countless and large amounts of combat power have been transferred to Ming's side. Even the mechanical fallen angels on the old witch's side have used most of their power to deal with Ming.

Huh? Master's side?

The old witch who was fighting for blood suddenly discovered that most of the powerful enemies they were dealing with had given up fighting them and instead dared to go in a certain direction.

The old witch took a look and saw that this was not the direction of her master?

However, the master is really powerful, how long will it take? It actually made so many enemies mainly target him.

But the old witch is very grateful. This way they will be much less of a threat, and they will be able to fight back against the mechanical fallen angels that are dealing with them.

But no matter how much support Ming has, their combat power is no longer on the same level. How can they subdue Ming?

Huh! Are they just cannon fodder-level existences? Are there no more powerful fallen angels?

After Ming's destruction, he appeared in the sky and looked at the mechanical fallen angels that were still being replenished around him, but he didn't take them seriously at all.


However, this group of fallen angels were also ruthless and did not care whether they died at the next moment, but directly attacked Ming.

Well, I will destroy you all!

Without saying a word, Ming directly drew out the Demonic Bone Sword and slashed out with one sword. Thousands of mechanical fallen angels were directly divided into two and headed for death!

But Ming is not done yet.

Abyssal Exile!

Ming used a terrifying skill, which is a powerful skill recently mastered by the Demon Bone Sword. It can exile the attacking enemy into the abyss, causing the enemy to be lost in the endless abyss.

Just then, the abyss crack that had just been cut suddenly produced a powerful abyss suction.

There was even a dark force inside, which turned into a substantial black rope and rushed out like a terrifying worm. It tightly entangled countless mechanical fallen angels and kept moving towards the cracks of the abyss. , perform pulls, and perform terrifying abyssal rifts on enemies.

This kind of abyssal exile is terrifying. In the endless abyss at the bottom, there is generally no correct direction and trajectory, and you can get lost in it at any time. There are even some abyss in the darkness that are still, everything is still.

If you get lost in such an abyss, you will be unable to leave. You will wear it in one place forever and enjoy everything where time and space stand still.

However, this is very scary for living beings. Who can stay still in one place forever?

I think I'm going to die now!

So Ming left this place and started heading towards the more prosperous buildings. Where is the important place?

Huh? Church?

Soon, Ming noticed that more and more churches appeared in his sight, and there seemed to be a statue in the church.

Go down and take a look first!

Ming decided to go down and have a look before talking.

Who is it? There was a fallen angel outside the church door, blocking Ming from entering.

Haha, I am the father of your abyss lord, will you let me in?

But as Mingkou said this, he punched the opponent with his hand, killing him on the spot.

So Ming rushed in directly, tsk, what?

Ming looked at it and saw that in this church, there was nothing more than the enshrinement of Hargenti, their Lord of the Abyss.


Without saying a word, Ming blasted the Hagenti statue they enshrined into rubble.

Mmp, I asked you not to come out now?

After this place was destroyed, Ming directly destroyed it all the way, and at the same time, everything in its path was destroyed.

But as the destruction continued, the old witch led her countless people, riding countless huge black Kunpeng, to catch up with Ming.

It seems that they have become smarter and know that once they leave Ming, they will not be able to survive here, so they catch up with Ming immediately, hoping to follow Ming all the way and get strong protection.

But Ming didn't say anything, just come, anyway, these buildings also need them to be destroyed crazily.

As for the enemies who came to stop them? Huh, just let Ming solve these problems, there will be no problem at all.

Let your abyss lord come out, let him clean up strangely, and wait for me to kill him.

Let your Hagenti crawl out and die!

Let your king get out and let him hand over this abyss level to me!

Amid such a roar, countless lives in this abyss plane were frightened for a moment. What a powerful enemy it was. It seemed that only their Lord of the Abyss could stop it.

But their Lord of the Abyss was rushing back from the upper levels of the Abyss. How could they stop him immediately?

It seems that these fallen angels are also in bad luck.

Hmph! It doesn't stop? Then don't worry about me destroying the entire abyss level! Kill you all!

Ming is confident enough that he may control the power of the Dark Lord. It can be said that he has directly become a super strong man in the abyss.

Moreover, Ming has made all preparations. He is here to conquer this abyss and have a life-and-death duel with Hagenti. However, it is impossible for Ming to die. If he really cannot beat him, Ming can leave at any time.

As for the old witch who didn't run away, haha... then there's nothing wrong with him.

Just wait, our Abyss Lord will come back soon, and you will die completely under our great Abyss Lord!

Suddenly, a relatively powerful fallen angel appeared directly in Ming's sight with an army of tens of millions. And when commanding tens of millions of fallen angels to fight, he did not forget to threaten Ming with bold words.

Haha, you mmp, do you think I was raped?

At this moment, in order to deal with the attack of tens of millions of fallen angels, Ming directly used the body of the Dark Lord, and at the same time used the Dark Lord's power and his own power at the same time.

The cell armor directly covers the Dark Lord's body, instantly increasing the Dark Lord's combat power several times, and protecting him from the most terrifying elements.

The Dark Lord himself is a powerful abyssal creature like an iron bull. At this moment, given him the ability to add cellular armor, his whole body is indestructible. He can directly resist countless destructive attacks without dying!

What?? Oh my God, this is the Dark Lord?

In the midst of battle and destruction, the presence of the Dark Lord was recognized at first glance.

For a moment, fear occupied them all. After all, 20,000 years ago, the power of the Dark Lord had cast a huge shadow on them. If their Lord Hagenti, the Lord of the Abyss, had not mobilized and united several powerful Lords of the Abyss, what would have happened? Maybe drive the Dark Lord away? Or even pursue him until he disappears into the abyss at the bottom?

Hmph! So someone still knows about my existence? Actually, I think you all know what I am here for!

Yes, Ming wants to take back this layer of the abyss that should belong to the Dark Lord as the Dark Lord. After all, 20,000 years ago, Hagenti was not the Dark Lord's opponent. If Hagenti hadn't asked the abyss lord to join forces, After defeating several powerful abyss lords, how could it be possible to deal with the existence of the Dark Lord?

However, soon, the entire sky suddenly turned dark, and the demonic clouds above the sky were rolling.

Great, Lord Abyss is back, just wait to die!

Death? Huh, but you go to hell first! Ming couldn't bear to hear the other party's words, so he directly threw a ball of Mingyan fire, burning the other party completely.

Who is it? Dare to come to my abyss territory in Hagenti?

Before anyone arrived, the voice of Hagen's body roared throughout the abyss territory of this layer.

Ming Neng could feel the strength of the other party through Hagenti's voice. He seemed to be a very powerful opponent. He didn't know if the current Dark Lord could still deal with it, or if his own power combined with the Dark Lord's power could What if the opponent cannot be subdued or killed completely?

Who is it? Humph, you don't recognize me? Hargenti? Ming said calmly. After all, you can't win in a fight. You have to fight to know. What if this guy hasn't made any progress in more than 20,000 years? Or maybe after being seriously injured in some battle, his strength never improved?

Remember, the Dark Lord almost killed the other party in that battle.

It's you, you finally came out after 20,000 years? The Lord of the Abyss, who had not yet appeared, naturally knew that the person coming was the Dark Lord.

He had also investigated that the Dark Lord was sleeping in a certain abyss, possibly healing his wounds. After all, everyone almost died in each other's hands in that battle!

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