Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 153 Fighting each other

The trolls did not notice any physical discomfort, but they were just curious as to why more and more black mist enveloped most of the battlefield.

Lord Archimonde wants to interfere with our battle?

Then some trolls began to secretly complain about the demons, because in their opinion, these black smoke must be related to the demons, and only they demons would often release some black things.

At this time, the Tyranid lords had already anticipated in their hearts when these trolls would die. After all, the corpse insect creatures contaminated by their Zerg tribe were devouring and destroying them in their bodies. What could they do?

Huh? Something's wrong, retreat, retreat!

Suddenly, the powerful Troll King became sensitive, and felt a strange reaction in his body, as if something was all over his body.

After a command, countless trolls began to withdraw from the battlefield.

Damn it, what are you doing? Come on, come on!

The demons were so angry that they didn't understand what the trolls were doing. They were actually fighting well, so why did they retreat?

But soon, the demons discovered the terrible changes in the trolls.

Suddenly several trolls exploded and died in their sight, and countless bugs emerged from their bodies.

What? When did it happen?

The demons couldn't believe what they were seeing. Why were there these terrible bugs in the bodies of the trolls?

By the way, is it these black fogs?

Damn it, get rid of these black fogs immediately! The evil Archimonde immediately discovered the problem and determined that it was caused by these seemingly ordinary black fogs.

After receiving the order, the demons immediately eliminated most of the battlefield. They released a large amount of darkness and curse power. Although this treatment had obvious effects, most of the trolls were already contaminated by the black mist, which was unstoppable. Corpse bugs entered the bodies of the trolls and began to destroy and grow continuously.

Therefore, many trolls died under the corpse insects, and the scene was bloody and terrifying.

Treat the wounds immediately. Don't let them enter the body. The Troll King is very powerful and has an absolute domain. The black mist cannot enter within a ten-meter radius of him.

Just like that, with the Troll King's order, scenes of self-mutilation began to appear collectively.

I saw that if there were wounds on their bodies, the crazy trolls would start to cut off the wounds on a large scale, because they seemed to have discovered that it was because of the wounds that the insects in the black mist successfully entered their bodies. It then proceeds internally to damage their body systems.

Therefore, for life, it does not matter whether the body is temporarily complete or not.

Hmph! So what if you notice it? The Tyran lords were filled with excitement after seeing these scenes.

I saw countless trolls cutting off their entire arms, or entire thighs, or even their entire lower bodies in front of them.

Of course, there is also a troll who fights to the death and chops off his entire head. Unfortunately, he still dies in the end, and the bleeding cannot be stopped at all. Even if the body's own recovery ability is extremely strong, it cannot be restored in just a few days. Within seconds, tens of seconds, a new head will grow, right?

Tsk, tsk, it's really delicious! Brother, I can't bear it anymore!

The three Tyran Lord brothers would sometimes call each other brother and brother when they are excited. The one born first is called brother, and the one born later is called brother. Of course, these terms of reference are mutual and the relationship is deep. I learned some from following the Queen of Blades. Human common sense, after all, their queen was once a human.

Let's go, take advantage of their vanity, let's all rush up and eat them one by one.

Okay, I really ate them this time.

So the Tyranids transformed, and they immediately evolved countless huge insect mouths on their bodies in order to eat the trolls alive.

However, during this period, what they did not expect was that the army of Hades had surrounded the entire planet, and the satellite insects, Leviathan whales, and other phagocytic insects aimed to destroy this planet. Completely carve up and devour this planet, which means that this planet disappears from the universe and becomes a part of their belly and body.

Listen up, people inside, I don't care who you are? Just stay there and don't move, otherwise you will face endless battles and even trample you to death. Ming directly asked the trumpet bug to amplify the sound. Bei, yelling outside the planet.

Damn it, they are really here, what should I do? What the Tyranid lords had been worried about finally happened, and the cunning Insects really wanted a piece of the pie.

Hmph! You are so brave. This interstellar area is my sphere of influence, and everything belongs to me. Now that you are invading here, is it really good? Ming continued to let the trumpet bug repeat what he said.

Now, I give you a chance to live. Either surrender or fight to the death!

What should I do? Let them eat? The three Tyranids were discussing at this time. They had witnessed the power of the Hades, and they were quite powerful. At least they could destroy them all, and even destroy the planet in just a few minutes. thing!

Then what else do you want? You can only give up! Who told us that we don't have much military power this time?

Several lords were very depressed, and finally had no choice but to surrender. Of course, their surrender was a fake surrender, a fake surrender.

So there were a lot of Tyranid bugs. I found some white cloth somewhere. It must be that some bugs can spin silk threads. I saw many bugs lifting large pieces of white cloth high and shaking it constantly. To express surrender, to express surrender.

Haha, the king of trolls, the evil Archimonde, didn't expect that, did you? Let's see how you get out alive this time! Before leaving, the lords became proud. Let's see how the trolls and demons face the underworld today. The tens of billions of Zerg troops are terrifying to imagine, but they are still looking forward to it.

The demons and trolls, watching the countless Tyranid bugs flying into the sky, should be preparing to leave the planet.

Hmph, let's go out first!

The evil Archimonde and the Troll King looked at each other, as if to say, Thirty-Six Strategies is the best strategy.

So the demons kept flying into the sky, and the trolls started the battleship they came on, getting closer and closer to flying out of the planet.

Huh? Those guys didn't even surrender, they just thought of it? Ming sneered when he saw this. In short, he is the master of this planet at this moment. Is it possible that the army of more than 10 billion insects cannot completely control a planet? The presence?

Covered, armed and ready!

Following Ming's order, all the insects of the Ming Zerg tribe directly surrounded the entire planet. With the help of the teleportation array of the elves, the speed of encirclement was still very fast.


Hmph, these Tyranids can come out, but you can't!

As a result, the evil demons and trolls were forcibly hindered. Even if they charged hard, they would not be able to get out of the encirclement of the Insects.

Why? Are you close relatives? The evil Archimonde got angry when he said this, Mmp, where did this barbaric race come from? Do you want to be destroyed?

Archimonde did not believe that the bugs in front of him were part of the Kingdom of God led by the Queen of Blades, so in his opinion, such civilization must be just some advanced civilization.

Why? Ming laughed coldly, Just because you didn't respect me and asked you to surrender without showing any performance. Even if you don't know how, you can't follow them?

Hmph! Do you know who we are? If you hinder us here today, your race will be destroyed tomorrow! Ahkmund threatened. After all, the dark forces of their Titan clan are almost spread throughout most of the universe. , if it really wants to spread, all it takes is an order from the great Lord of Titans, Sargeras, to cause horrific destruction.

Isn't it just the Titans? There's nothing to be afraid of. Besides, this place is my sphere of influence. Do I have to look at the eyes of the Kingdom of God to do something? Ming looked at the enemies in front of him. They only had this little military power and were still so arrogant. , do you really feel that the day of death is coming too slowly?

You, you guy, do you think that because the Kingdom of God protects you, you don't need to be afraid of us? The evil Archimonde doesn't think that a less powerful civilization dares to be so unafraid of the Kingdom of God behind it, unless there is someone. The Queen of Blades' protection is correct, after all, they are all bugs, and they are all part of the Zerg race.

Hey, what you said is that this clan is independent and is not protected by anyone. The Tyran lords of Blades immediately corrected them: Don't say it, they may not be afraid of your kingdom.


To be honest, we have never eaten demon meat or troll meat. We don't know if it tastes good, but looking at the troll meat, tsk tsk, the whole body is full of muscles. It seems to be very chewy and energetic! Ming Du drooled, he really wanted to eat them.

In fact, during the time he was talking, Ming had already ordered the invisible insects of the Insects to penetrate into the enemy's interior, and was directly prepared to kill the demons and trolls easily.

Then what do you want!

And even the evil Archimonde cannot guarantee 100% escape when faced with such an enemy and such a huge number.

Do you want to leave safely? Yes, I can give you the only chance. Ming said lightly.

What chance? Evil Archimonde asked tentatively.

Let's do this. You order all your men to commit suicide, and then let the trolls commit suicide too. Then I can let you go! In Ming's view, demons are living beings that can do anything. The so-called order For them, it is really a dispensable existence. Sometimes when they are happy, they will self-destruct and then resurrect for a long time, which is normal.

Hmph, it seems you have no intention of giving me a way to survive? The evil Archimonde was thinking in his mind about the pros and cons, or whether he should take a gamble on this opportunity.

Do you have compassion? Can't bear to kill your loyal subordinates? Ming asked: Aren't you the evil Archimonde? There was once a king who wanted to betray you, Sargeras!

Nonsense, I am loyal to the god Sargeras! Hearing that the insect in front of him actually said what he had been thinking, he was frightened. His life and death were determined by Sargeras. Controlling that terrifying power, even if he fled to the ends of the universe, the powerful god Sargeras could completely make him disappear forever with just a thought.

Hahaha...yes? Mingxiao laughed. Sometimes you need to put some appropriate pressure on the enemy who is wandering to do nothing, and you will naturally be able to see what you want to see.

Ah!! The evil Archimonde roared, as if he was going crazy, but what he did was very satisfying.

Kill these rebellious trolls! Because with his order, countless demons rushed towards the trolls in the battleship and fought with them first.

Archimonde, are you crazy? The Troll King's eyes widened. He didn't expect Archimonde to actually kill them. Although they are the lowest-level legions of the Titan Kingdom, they are all Loyal to the god Sargeras.

Hmph, then don't blame us for resisting you. How dare you do this to us? We will resist even if we die. The Troll King really raised the bone-crushing stick in his hand and had to violate the order of the Titans. The superior demon legions launched a counterattack.

Haha, it's so. Troll King, I will give you a chance. As long as you kill all your own subordinates and demons, you will also have a chance to live. As for whether you believe it or not, you can think about it for yourself, but there is a saying that the strong will not Mind any weak ones alive.”

The troll king didn't say anything, he just led his trolls to kill the demons crazily.

In the end, the two sides fought for three hundred rounds, with most of the demons dead and most of the trolls dead.

It's too slow, I don't have much time to give you! Ming said very ruthlessly, as if he wanted to force the evil Archimonde and the Troll King to use their methods. After all, as the leader and king of his subordinates, there is always a chance. Isn’t it the power or means to control the life and death of his men?

Troll King, are you ready? I'm going to kill you! Archimonde seemed to remind the Troll King, because the hateful bug seemed to have lost its patience.

The troll king was not a good demon king in the first place. He once killed their troll chief with his own hands, and then he ambitiously dominated the entire troll tribe, and then he achieved his current status.

So in the next step, Archimonde and the Troll King seemed to be having a final showdown, directly launching powerful mystical power.

But when the two mystical powers burst out, the demons in Archimonde's hands suddenly died one after another, and the trolls in the hands of the Troll King all held their heads and screamed in pain. It seemed as if the troll's head was about to explode.

Just like that, after a while, the extra demons and trolls were all eliminated by the king himself.

Come on, I will kill you. As long as you die, my subordinates will forgive me! The Troll King's eyes were scarlet. In order to survive, he must kill the demon in front of him. Only then could he have a chance to stay under the protection of Sargeras. Next, the troll clan prospered again.

Hmph, it's a pity that you don't have a chance, you are just a slave. The evil Archimonde smiled sinisterly, and it seemed that at this moment, he finally broke out in his most terrifying scene as a demon.

I saw...

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