Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 152 Such an arrogant troll

After receiving the order from the lord, the Tyranids looked for every opportunity to send terrifying and endless destructive firepower into the heart of the demons.

So for a moment, there were only dark demons. When their hearts were attacked by fire, their lives were really threatened. There was also dark blood in their mouths, spitting out, floating in the sky, but falling on the ground. At this time, it can actually cause terrible corrosive power.

However, there are still more demons fighting crazily with the Tyranids, because they protect their hearts very well. Even if they are attacked by the Tyranids, they can resist the damage and fight back. Or retreat for the first time, and then look for an opportunity to attack again.

The Tyranids' heavy firepower units are constantly distancing themselves from the battlefield. They want to quickly expand the entire battlefield so that they can demonstrate their powerful attack methods. Otherwise, when their heavy firepower is released, they will let their own side lose. The insect army was also harmed.

After all, an ordinary Tyranthid with heavy firepower can affect a radius of one kilometer when it releases energy shells. Not to mention the fast-evolving and powerful Tyranids among them, their performance is probably even more terrifying.

Hmph! Let's see if you are still crazy!

At this time, the Tyran lords were close to going crazy, and they were in a good mood anyway. They saw countless demons being killed by them, and they felt a sense of accomplishment for a while. They thought that when they fought with these guys in the past, they were always unable to kill them, but they couldn't kill them. Damn it's tricky.

Fortunately, I went to the abyss several times and found more pure demons there. After many experiments and horrific disintegration research on the demon's body, I finally discovered an important secret, which was the demon's body. The fatal injury was in the heart.

Oh, so what if we know? Do you think bugs can defeat us? Suddenly, the powerful Archimonde flew out from under the sand at an unknown depth, and his whole body was hidden in a In the darkness, his true form has never been revealed in front of the enemy.

Are you a coward finally willing to come out? We are right in front of you now. If you have the ability to have a real battle with us, just don't think about escaping! Tyron said provocatively, for fear of the evil Akmon. De ran away. After all, he had fought against the demon leaders many times. He was very cunning and only bullied honest insect creatures like them.

Hmph! How can you brainless scum allow me to escape? Archimonde was already floating in the void a hundred meters high, looking down at the Tyranids on the ground, and said: But Before that, you still have to fight with the trolls! Hahahaha...


Looking at the evil Archimonde's arrogance, Tyrann Shang couldn't help but raise the insect hand equipped with energy cannonballs, directly locked on Archimonde, and fired a blast.

But Lord Shang knew that such a cannon would definitely not cause much damage to Archimonde, but the cannon must be fired at Archimonde.

Be careful!

Immediately afterwards, the Tyranid lords took advantage of this and issued an alert order. If according to Archimonde, the trolls were going to join this battle, then today would really be a tough battle.

Don't worry, I have summoned the Hive Battleship and issued an order to quickly breed a group of corpse insects internally to specifically restrain the group of extremely resilient trolls. Tai Lun Mie said with confidence. With.

After all, their powerful and huge Zerg are not only powerful in themselves, but their overall strength is even more terrifying. They have a complex biological network system, which includes a gene studio that specializes in deciphering all living things, and there are also those who steal the genes of other living things. insect.

Therefore, the genes of the blue-skinned trolls have been successfully stolen by the Zerg gene stealers in the previous battlefields, and they were used to manipulate the genes of the trolls. In order to crack it, a kind of bug was specially suppressed and produced, called the corpse bug.

This kind of bug is very small. It can be said that it exists like smoke at first, but as long as the skin of the trolls is damaged and comes into contact with the smoke at this time, they will be infected with corpse bugs.

The corpse insects immediately passed through these wounds and successfully inhabited the bodies of the trolls. Then they began to eat flesh and blood and absorb rich nutrients in the trolls' bodies, thus growing continuously.

In this way, it is not known who fell into whose hands.

Although behind the demon army is the powerful Titan God Sargeras, a powerful and ancient god with the darkest side in his heart, his ambition is to order the entire universe.

Behind the Tyranids is the powerful Queen of Blades, a highly intelligent insect creature that also controls powerful and terrifying power. There are hundreds of billions of insect subordinates in the kingdom in her hands, and She also has a terrifying ambition, which is to occupy the resources of the entire universe and provide unlimited food and resources for the bugs in her hands.

But despite this, both parties on this planet seem to have forgotten the existence of the Hades.

Of course, the Tyranid bugs of Blade may know that the Hades bugs will not be their enemies for the time being, but they cannot guarantee that when the Hades bugs are hurting both of them, or completely defeat the demon army and the trolls, the Hades bugs suddenly jumped out, and then Steal the fruits of their victory openly and openly.

After all, they are bugs, and bugs don’t have much resistance to delicious food and resources. Maybe they will be robbed as soon as they are said to be robbed?

As for the demon side, they must know that there is an unknown force in the dark. Although they are paying attention and taking precautions, they really don't think that much at this critical moment. After all, even the enemy has not seen it. So in the hearts of demons, this matter is really easy to forget.

Soon, the crazy trolls arrived with support. They rode tens of thousands of warships and descended on the planet where war had broken out.

Old friends, we meet again!

When the battleship on which Troll King Trundle was riding was about to land on the bumpy ground, it roared at the bugs, seeming to want to attract the bugs' attention, and even wanted to become the number one target of the bugs' collective attack. Jumped out from the landing battleship.

Boom boom...

The obvious target was naturally attacked by countless Tyranids, which dropped dense and terrifying energy shells.

This painless energy is of no use to me. Who can fight me to the point of flesh and blood?

When the Troll King saw the intensive artillery fire coming towards him, he tightened the bone-crushing rod in his hand, and saw that the bone-crushing rod burst out with a layer of blue energy, which was a little cold, but went directly to the Troll King's body. The surface of the body was covered and turned into a piece of frost armor in the blink of an eye.

When countless dense and terrifying energy shells exploded around him, it seemed that all the destructive damage was absorbed by the frost armor on his body. He stood up with his whole body intact and landed on the sand like an explosion.

Evil, come to fight me? The Troll King roared, and began to name Tyran Lord Evil, who was very strong in close combat, to have a happy battle with him.

But the evil troops were ushered in. Countless insects were seen crawling towards the Troll King, as if they wanted to completely tear this arrogant target into pieces and devour it.

Ice and Snow Realm! After seeing this, the Troll King laughed coldly, and directly smashed the bone-crushing stick in his hand towards the ground at his feet.

Suddenly, the huge bone-crushing rod produced an extremely cold force, and at the same time radiated at an extremely fast speed to an area of ​​more than two hundred miles in radius.

The area radiated by the energy was frozen on the spot, and the Tyranid bugs in the ice and snow field directly turned into ice sculptures and lost their ability to move.

After the Ice and Snow Realm was completed, the Troll King's speed inside was so fast that it was impossible to see the trajectory of his movements. All he could see was that the Tyran ice sculptures in the Ice and Snow Realm were disappearing at the rate of thousands per second. , disappearing means complete death!

Prepare heavy artillery to destroy the ice and snow field covering hundreds of miles!

As for the evil of the bugs who control his subordinates at any time, he naturally has to know immediately that thousands of Tyranid bugs died in the ice and snow domain of the Troll King!


After receiving the Lord's Insect's order, hundreds of thousands of heavily armed Tyranid Insects directly mounted their main guns on their bodies and began bombing.


However, who would have expected that the Troll King roared loudly, and a large group of trolls suddenly ran behind him. Each of them carried a huge bone stick on their shoulders. They jumped up and began to use their bones in mid-air. The stick slapped the energy cannon. Incredibly, the energy cannon was deflected back like a football.

Boom boom!!!

Finally, the energy shells fired by the Tyranids detonated directly in the rear, causing the battlefield behind to fall into brief chaos.

Slow ability?

The lords naturally know that the trolls' innate ability is to control the speed of moving objects, so that when facing enemies and dangerous objects, they can forcibly reduce the moving speed to a certain level, so it was possible to slap them just now. Energy shells.

Hmph! If this doesn't work, let the Tyranids immediately evolve and arm themselves with flamethrowers, forcefully enter his ice and snow domain, and then carry out crazy destruction!

Therefore, the three Tyranids, directly through the spirit and will of the Zerg, immediately issued orders to the Tyranids tens of thousands of miles away, allowing them to evolve directly in the battle. Of course, there were Tyranids that evolved flamethrower biological weapons. Only insects can evolve, and those without relevant genes will naturally not evolve.

In this way, in a short moment, countless Tyranid bugs transformed like armored warriors.

After the transformation, the Tyranid bugs each possess biological weapons that can produce high-temperature flames. Some are sprayed directly from their mouths, some have symbiotic biological weapons in their hands, and some have a flame cannon on their backs. In short, there are flames everywhere. freed.

At this moment, the Troll King's ice and snow domain was directly cracked by countless insects with flames.

After the Troll King's domain was cracked, his speed returned to normal, but within ten meters around him, he was still in an absolute ice and snow domain.

But among the insects with fire, there is something terrifying.

I saw a pillar of fire spanning ten miles, appearing directly in front of the Troll King.


The Troll King was startled and felt the threat in it, because he found that this was not an ordinary flame, but the temperature of the flame was extremely high. Even his body with strong recovery power did not dare to make any attempts, and Not only is the temperature extremely high, it also seems to have very terrifying penetrating lethality.

Therefore, how could the Troll King dare to be careless and resist with his body?

He used the bone-crushing stick in his hand to resist the terrifying pillar of fire coming across.

After ten seconds, half of the bone-crushing rod in the Troll King's hand was burnt crimson. It seemed that even the extremely cold power in the bone-crushing rod could not continue to resist.

Well done, I didn't expect that the insects would evolve with good fire value this time!

The three Tyran lords were very happy after seeing this. One of their bugs suppressed a troll king. I'm afraid even the bugs wouldn't believe it.

Huh? What's wrong?

However, just when they were happy, the pillar of fire suddenly disappeared.

When he quickly swept his mental will over, it turned out that the bug that released the flame was not harassed by the troll, but lacked enough energy to launch such a terrifying flame again.

Hahaha, finally gone?

At this time, it was the Troll King's turn to roar.

I won't play with you anymore and let's have a real battle. With your little military strength, how dare you compete with my huge troll army? In short, today is the end of your Tyranids!

After finishing speaking, countless trolls gathered and fought directly against the Tyranids, fighting each other!

At this time, the demons did not evacuate, but released the dark and evil curse power into the Tyranids' wounds. This approach was like adding salt to the Tyranids' wounds.

After all, the battle between the two sides left some scars on their bodies, which was very normal, but the power of the demons was very terrifying. Not only did they have very powerful corrosive power, but they also had weird curse power, which began to destroy the Tyranids from within.

Therefore, under such a battle, many Tyranid bugs suddenly died, and some bugs died even more horribly, turning directly into a puddle of black water, and not even a bug bone could be found.

And looking at the trolls, even if their bodies were cut by insects with a wound of one meter long and ten centimeters deep, or even a leg and an arm cut off directly, what is incredible is that with their powerful recovery power, It was all repaired in less than a minute.

Damn it, it's not here yet?

When the lords saw this situation, they were very angry and thought that if they didn't show their power, they would suffer a big loss.

Lord, here you come, already here!

Then I saw streams of black fog falling from the sky. To the trolls and demons, these fogs were very ordinary existences. They didn't seem to be dangerous, so they didn't pay attention to them.

As everyone knows, these black mist are corpse insects of the Zerg tribe. They are very small at first and cannot be detected by the naked eye.

Of course, these bugs cannot inhabit demons and destroy their bodies. Instead, they are bugs specifically bred to target the genes of trolls. It can be said that they are specifically designed to restrain trolls. After all, trolls have very powerful recovery capabilities and do not impose any special requirements. How can we make them feel fear with such means?

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