Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 147 The Terrible Tyrans

Didn't you come after me?

The night elves who have escaped, under the leadership of Queen Azshara of the Night, continue to stay away from this terrible star, and are preparing to return to the world of Azeroth to fight against the ancient dragon - who controls Azeroth. Neltharion's reaction to the earth and the abyss of the world.

If the ancient gods are dissatisfied, they can go out for another expedition, but they hope that the dragon will provide strong troop support, and it is best to send a powerful dragon to go with them.

Yes, my queen, the moon god Elune successfully stopped that terrible enemy!

Yes! I didn't expect that there are such terrifying creatures outside the world of Azeroth. I wonder if those ancient and powerful gods in the world of Azeroth can destroy them? A night elf said hopefully. With.

However, at this moment, all the night elves did not care about the comfort of the moon god Elune. Can they leave alive? Are we already chasing them, and are we waiting for her on the way?

The Queen of the Night and the Moon Goddess Elune haven't followed yet. I suggest you wait here for some time for her. If she doesn't follow, she may have fallen into the hands of the enemy. Only the demigods in the Kaldorei Forest, Sa Narius mentioned at this moment, worried about Luna's comfort.

Lord Demigod, although your suggestion is good, if Elune has been captured by the enemy, then the enemy may be chasing her now. Although we are far enough away, who can guarantee that we will stay here for a long time and will not let him go? Are the pursuing enemies coming?

This is very dangerous. We can slow down the evacuation, right? In this case, as long as Elune is still free, she can find us and fight with us, right?

The proposal of the demigod Cenarius was instantly resisted by some narrow-minded, selfish and self-interested elves. They did not think that Cenarius's proposal was correct. This might cause the enemy to catch up with them. After all, they could not be sure at all. Did the enemy abandon them!


But as a powerful demigod in the world of Azeroth, Cenarius glanced at this group of dark elves with great disgust at this time. He did not expect that there would be so many degenerates among the night elves.

Thousands of years ago, these night elves had always respected this powerful demigod. Is it because of the power of the Well of Eternity that their hearts and minds had become extremely twisted and corrupted?

I am a powerful demigod. You have received my protection and a lot of help in the past, but now I don't want to hear what you night elves want. I want to know what Azshara, Queen of the Night, means.

At this time, Cenarius, the satyr, looked at Azshara, Queen of the Night, angrily. How could he treat Elune like this, who was willing to help them and buy time to evacuate?

No, Cenarius, listen to me. You have seen how powerful the enemy is. There is no existence that we can resist. Our race and countless lives are still in the world of Azeroth. They need us. Go back quickly, we can wait for Elune to catch up while walking, I guarantee that there will be enough time to open the original altar! But if you have to wait here, I will not be willing to accompany you and your men!

The Queen of the Night has become very arrogant. She is no longer the same as before, smiling and respectfully talking or communicating with the powerful demigod. If the powerful demigod insists on bringing down his anger on her, then she will definitely let him. Cenarius and his men remain outside the world of Azeroth!

You, it turns out that you have also fallen? Cenarius was extremely angry, but he suppressed this anger because he knew very well that he could only return to the world of Azeroth with the help of the Queen of the Night. can be achieved.

In short, even a powerful demigod couldn't afford to offend her at this moment and didn't dare to bring down his anger on her.

Degenerate? Life is always ascending to higher levels. We night elves are constantly getting stronger. How can we talk about depravity? The Queen of the Night felt that Cenarius's words were very ridiculous. Could it be that as the strength became stronger, she began to If oneself, the surrounding environment and the world are different, or have a higher level of perspective, how can it be seen as the corruption they say?

Azshara, if you continue like this, you will only fall into darkness! This is the last advice given by the demigod Cenarius to the Queen of the Night. You don't understand that in the world of Azeroth, there was something older than that. The gods are even more terrifying existences. They may be your ancestors, but like you, they lost the protection of all life in the world of Azeroth and were eventually destroyed!

Ha! How many thousands of years have passed! Those elemental beings are not as noble as us night elves, how can they be compared with us? We night elves are creatures full of wisdom. You'd better say less now, otherwise I can't guarantee my son. The people hate and loathe you in their hearts!”

The threat from the Queen of the Night made the powerful demigod Cenarius not know what to do. He could only pray in his heart that if Elune escaped alive, she could travel well in this unknown and vast world. Hope this all goes well.

Cenarius, in fact, you don't have to worry about Elune's safety. Didn't you listen to them? They will not harm Elune. If they are caught, the most they will be is closed in a small space. But having traitorous elves will definitely make Elune's life better, right? They have received favors from Elune.

The Queen of the Night was very anxious and entangled when she saw the powerful demigod Cenarius, but her attitude towards Cenarius suddenly became much better. Perhaps the Queen of the Night did not want to completely become enemies with the powerful demigods.

After all, in the world of Azeroth, they are not only the continent of Kaldorei, nor are only forests like Kaldorei home to powerful demigods, because in the world of Azeroth, there are many other Civilizations, such as trolls, greenskins, druids, etc.!

Cenarius, who was already disillusioned with the night elves, fell silent. He had lived longer than these night elves. How could he not know the conspiracy and calculations involved?

Queen Azshara! However, at this moment, an elf came from the front with urgent news, There are terrible enemies. They are like a group of terrifying locusts, quickly approaching our coordinate point!

Queen of the Night Azshara felt the fear and panic in this elf's heart, and realized the terror and terror of the enemy.

Change direction and move forward at full speed! The Night Queen immediately issued an order. Hundreds of huge iron-framed ships began to change the direction of the original road signs. There were also a large number of night elves, displaying colorful magical power, for the huge black iron The boat adds forward driving force.

My Queen, the speed of the enemy is very terrifying. They seem to have a carrier that can travel through space. They are coming towards us very quickly and there is no way to get rid of them.

But the queen's order did not relieve the crisis and get rid of the enemy. Instead, it made countless dark elves on the black iron ship feel fear.

Can't get rid of it? It seems that the enemy's target must be them!

Hmph, give me the information to control them. The Queen of the Night was in a very bad mood. She had just gotten rid of the terrifying power that claimed to be the Hades, and now a group of terrifying creatures appeared.

Bao, it's the Zerg tribe. It's very similar to the creatures of the Underworld Zerg tribe, but those creatures look even more terrifying. Their whole bodies are filled with terrifying power of blood, floating around their huge bodies.

Damn it! Queen of the Night gritted her teeth forcefully. She was really unlucky to meet such a terrifying creature again. Not only were they numerous, but they were also very powerful individuals.

Haha... I actually encountered a group of delicious food on the way. It seems that this interstellar area is really rich!

On top of a huge worm hive battleship thousands of miles away, there are countless powerful zerg Tyranids, all armed with mechanical steel. Moreover, the whole body is covered with sharp thrusts in many places.

But some are more like terrifying weapons. What’s even more terrifying is that they have unlimited firepower, such as biological guns, biological hand cannons, biological missile tubes, biological cannon barrels, Gatling machine guns, and even similar ones. A terrifying light weapon similar to a biological laser.

Yes, the Queen is really powerful in waking us up from the Dark Council this time. The smell reminds me of the power of the world of Azeroth, and it has made me crazier and crazier!

Haha!! First, let those creatures have endless fear and tell them that we are a god-level civilization and a symbol of cosmic disaster.

On top of the thousands of miles of huge Hive Battleship, there are three very powerful Tyranid leaders, each of whom controls a powerful Tyranid insect army.

The Tyranid army that fights in close combat is controlled by Tyranid Evil, the Tyranid army with light firepower is controlled by Tyranid Sorrow, and the Tyranid army with heavy firepower is controlled by Death.

Yes, make them fearful, and the food in fear will be easier to eat! Tyran Lord, who controls close combat, looked at Mie with a vicious roar and said: Mie, your men have heavy firepower and should be able to carry out a large-scale attack on them. If there is a bombing, you give the order first!

Just what I wanted. I swallowed the remains of a giant starry beast some time ago. I didn't expect to gain positioning ability from it. The attack we launched can stabilize the target!

Mie is a tall and powerful Tyran, with a height of fifteen meters. Its steel-like hands are two biological cannons, and there are two large biological cannons mounted on the back of its wide back.

Haha, okay, your heavy firepower force is stronger than us? Shang, who controlled the light firepower force, smiled, Then let's watch the performance of your subordinates first!

So, next, the heavy firepower unit controlling the Tyranids was wiped out and directly ordered its subordinates to conduct remote positioning attacks on the fleeing creatures in front of the huge insect nest battleship.

Boom boom!!!

For a time, countless Tyranid heavy fire bugs were seen, launching unlimited heavy fire attacks, bringing darkness and fear to the food tens of thousands of miles ahead.

At this moment, the universe with a radius of 100,000 miles is trembling, constantly shattered and destroyed under the impact of biological heavy firepower.

How is it possible? Are they so far apart that they can attack and destroy us?

Countless night elves felt like they were in a dream, thousands of miles away from the enemy. At this moment, they all felt boundless fear, as if their lives were about to be lost!

Damn it, resist! The Night Queen began to give crazy orders. Countless night elves used magic to build a strong enough magic barrier on the black iron ship, hoping to prevent the enemy's heavy fire attacks.

Huh? It's interesting. It's such a tenacious life! Okay, come again! After Lord Tyran saw it, it became even more crazy and terrifying. It seemed that the more tenaciously the enemy resisted, the more interesting it found it.

Then Tyran Lord Mie directly summoned the Tyranids.

The Giant Tyranids are mutant Tyranids formed by the fusion of four powerful crawling Tyranids. However, the four of them together carry a super biological cannon. It seems that their existence is specifically used to destroy the enemy's strongholds. Prepared for city walls and more solid defenses.

But they move very slowly, and it seems that the barrel they are carrying together is very heavy.

Your goal is to destroy the defenses thousands of miles away! Lord Tyron ordered.

As you command!


As a result, powerful heavy firepower was launched, which seemed to be able to kill and destroy all obstacles in front of it. It was more than a hundred times more terrifying than the previous heavy firepower attack.


At this time, the Queen of the Night felt a strong crisis. It was so terrible that their magic defense seemed unable to withstand this heavy firepower.


The final terrifying energy explosion produced terrifying and destructive power. The magic barrier that the night elves clenched their teeth to insist on was immediately shattered, and the dark elves directly devoted themselves to the light of daylight.

At the critical moment, the powerful demigod stood in front of his people, showed his strongest attack method, and forcibly resisted most of the damage for his people. However, under such damage, The powerful demigod had been seriously injured and continued to escape with his people, vomiting blood all the way.

And the selfish king of the Queen of the Night actually conserved her strength and abandoned most of the people of the night, and did not resist harm for her people, causing countless night elves to die from the terrible heavy fire attacks!

Mie, damn you, couldn't you have been gentler? Tyron Lord Shang saw that countless pieces of food had been destroyed, which seriously affected his mood. Look, some of them were completely destroyed!

It's really annoying. How did I know that those creatures were so vulnerable? Mie was very depressed. This was not only food for Shang, but also for itself!

Forget it, leave everything to me. My light fire force will only kill them, not let them disappear on the spot!


Puff puff!!!

“Swish, swish, swish!!!”

As a result, countless energy bullets were fired at the fleeing creatures like a rain of bullets.

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