Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 146 Moon Goddess Elune

The dark hand held the demonic bone sword in his hand. As he swung it towards the void, the powerful power in the sword seemed to split the void into two in an instant, and a dark crack in the void was formed inconceivably!

And this is not an ordinary cutting force, it seems that the power of darkness is devouring the surrounding void and spreading in all directions.

At the same time, what is powerful is that the space barrier cannot be healed and is forcibly eroded by this dark force. It seems that from this moment on, the darkness here will never disappear.

Come on, feel the erosion of darkness! After sending out the power of a sword, Ming gradually mastered this powerful power, and as expected, as the life in the Demon Bone Sword said, it can communicate with the endless darkness. , and even directly mobilize the endless darkness at the edge of the universe!

Hmph! Is this what you call a special move?

Azshara, Queen of the Night, was disdainful and seemed to look down upon Ming's attack.

I don't know if you have to kill me. I only know that you will feel endless fear because of this! Ning looked at Queen of the Night Azshara evilly.

Just like that, the two of them directly activated the attack methods in their hands. The diameter of Azshara's Chaos Cage became larger and larger, and the destructive power it unleashed was unimaginable. The space of thousands of miles became as fragile as Like glass, constantly breaking and collapsing!

After Ming used the power of a sword, Ming directly used the sword to communicate with the endless darkness at the edge of the universe, and the endless darkness surged directly from the crack.

Your cage of chaos is nothing but space. My power of darkness comes from the darkness at the edge of the universe. It exists endlessly! Ming is not afraid of letting the other party die clearly.

That ugly creature indeed has two brushes!

At this time, the night elves, who had retreated thousands of miles behind, had to worry about the Queen of the Night when they saw that the enemy had such powerful power!

After all, as the evil creature said, the Queen's Chaos Prison cannot be destroyed, so the Queen can only think of other means to prevent the terrible dark erosion. Otherwise, after being eroded by the dark power, the consequences will be completely unimaginable!

Let me see how much dark power you can mobilize. Is one world enough? The queen suddenly smiled evilly, and saw the chaotic cage that was already the size of a washbasin, suspended in the broken void, suddenly above it. A black hole appears.

Who knew?

Ming glanced at the Chaos Prison cast by Azshara, and an existence like a bottomless abyss appeared above the prison. And when this black hole appeared, the endless darkness mobilized by his communication was directly Swallowed by the Chaos Cage!

Moreover, the Dark Queen Azshara seemed very confident at this time, because this chaotic cage can also collapse the space it passes through, and it contains the space of a world.

Now Azshara has opened the entrance to this world, wanting to swallow up all the dark power of Ming to achieve the crack!

In this way, a large amount of dark power continued to enter the world of Chaos Cage.

However, Queen Azshara will not know that the dark power of Ming is truly endless, and it is the true darkness that comes from the edge of the universe. Where the darkness can be endlessly mobilized by him, and even turn this universe into a complete Darkness, he can do it!

So, let alone a world in a cage of chaos, how can it absorb all the power of darkness?

Huh? How is that possible!

Therefore, not long after, the Queen of the Night, Azshara, felt something was wrong, and even panicked and feared at this moment, because between the dark cracks, the terrifying darkness was still spraying endlessly. It directly flooded the space, and there was no shortage at all.

Is this the order of darkness? Azshara, Queen of the Night, felt a little powerless. Even the space of the world could not contain all the darkness. So she could only accept the order of darkness and be eroded in it?

But it seems that it is urgent to escape now, but in this case, how to explain to the tens of millions of night elves behind? She is the proud Queen of the Night Azshara, how can she escape at this moment?

Oh my god! Am I dreaming?

But at this moment, the night elves behind them saw that something was wrong. Why did the Queen's Chaos Cage stop absorbing darkness? Is the world of Chaos Cage already full? But in this case, what powerful means does the Queen have? Isn't she very dangerous?

My Lady Queen, run away!

Therefore, a night elf suddenly shouted, even if they fight, their queen must ensure safety, otherwise, what should they do without the leader's army? And more importantly, the keys to the original altar that can return to the world of Azeroth are still with the Queen!

No, Her Majesty the Queen cannot die. Hurry, someone please take Her Majesty the Queen away!

Yes, whoever goes, otherwise we won't be able to go back!

At this time, these dark elves felt more and more horrified the more they thought about it. It would be really terrible if the queen died. Will they stay in this terrifying universe forever and never return to the world of Azeroth?

Cenarius, demigod, don't we, the Queen of the Night, always have a good relationship with you? And you are so powerful, shouldn't you help the queen? Some night elves questioned the powerful demigod Cenarius, why? He is still so calm at this time. Is it because he is afraid of death?

I'll get it!

However, before Cenarius, who was still hesitating, could speak or make a decision, the powerful Moon Goddess Elune had already spoken and stood up. She said: You are no match for these creatures. If you don't leave, you will all be destroyed. Lost in that dark world!”

Sorry, Elune, I'm worried about my people. I hesitate to make a choice! At this time, the demigod Cenarius looked at the moon god Elune very apologetically. If he had more strength, , how could we let the kind-hearted Elune go?

It's okay, and I have to go! Moon Goddess Elune said with a smile.

And she is very calm. She knows that if they do not rescue Azshara, Queen of the Night, they will indeed never be able to return to the world of Azeroth, because even she cannot open the primitive tower hidden outside the world of Azeroth. altar!

Great, respected and great Lord Moon God, we know that you will never abandon us. In fact, we have always loved you, but some dark elves have lost their minds in the face of power and arrogantly ignored you. Everything!

Some dark elves looked at Moon Goddess Elune with joy and excitement, because as long as Moon Goddess Elune takes action, she will be able to save the Queen who is about to be eroded by darkness! After all, Lord Elune, the Moon Goddess, has the power of a god!

The so-called power of God means that every move can directly affect and harm the existence of the universe!

You guys should step back first!

The moon god Elune did not look at this flattering elf. What she did was not because Azshara was the queen of the night elves, but because she did not want to see the elves destroyed.

Yes, Lord Moon God, you must be careful of the enemy's insidiousness!


What are you doing here? Even if you don't come, I can still escape safely. When the Queen of the Night saw Elune coming to her, she didn't seem to appreciate Elune.

Then tell me how to open the original altar, and I can take them to retreat immediately! Moon God Elune is a little indifferent to Azshara, and is even a little angry with Queen Azshara. Is this just because she wants to? Holding the lives of countless elves as a backing? What kind of mentality is this?

So this is what you're after? Azshara sneered, That's impossible. I won't tell anyone how to open the original altar!

This is her biggest support. How can she tell others? How can her life safety be guaranteed?

Then you go back alive and well. It'll be nice to have me here! Moon Goddess Elune calmed down and stood in front of Queen Azshara. It seemed that her petite body was so majestic at this moment that Queen Azshara I felt completely safe!

Hmph! It's best not to die here! After saying this, Queen Azshara was able to escape and retreat to the rear under the resistance of the Moon Goddess Elune!

Moon God Elune, you know that I will not kill you! Ming watched as Moon God Elune performed moonlight magic. A piece of sacred moonlight swayed directly from her body endlessly.

These sacred moonlights seem to have a mysterious power. When they cover the area eroded by the power of darkness, the power of darkness summoned by Hades seems to be forcibly suppressed. The originally violent darkness stops eroding at this moment. , seems to have stabilized!

Yes, sister Elune, come to our Elven Kingdom. Queen Mastia will be very happy to see you! Alice saw the moon god Elune running out to stop Hades. She was very anxious and afraid. Ming Hui hurt Elune, so she immediately came to Ming, but when she saw that Ming did not hurt Elune, Alice breathed a sigh of relief!

Yes? Are you okay? Moon Goddess Elune glanced at Alice with a smile.

Well, we are very good, and they helped us some time ago. In fact, they are only evil to their enemies. If they are friends, they will treat them with courtesy! Alice looked at Elune seriously and said, hoping that Elune Being able to understand and understand them, their elves have not fallen, and have always maintained their good intentions!

I understand, but I have to do what I have to do now! Elune said with a smile, Actually, I know that I don't have enough power to stop your power. You are just fulfilling your promise, so you don't directly You hurt me, and in order not to hurt me, you just watched Azshara leave, right?

Moon Goddess Elune looked at Ming and said with a smile. In fact, she did not hate Ming, and unlike what they said, the enemy in front of her was evil and ugly!

Of course, your power can only stop me for a while, but you still succeeded, right? Ming said lightly, You can leave now. You don't want to go to Alice's Elf Kingdom, and I can't do anything to you. Sample!

Maybe! Elune said with a smile, I actually came to the world outside Azeroth. I want to see everywhere!

But, I want to thank you!

Sister Elune, are you really not here in our Elf Kingdom? It's so beautiful, really! Alice really wanted Elune to stay in their Elf Kingdom.

Yes, let's go there if we have the chance in the future! he said. Elune withdrew her power and disappeared directly in front of their eyes. They didn't know where she went. She probably wouldn't return to the world of Azeroth!

Look. She's gone after all! Ming looked helplessly at Alice, who was already in tears. But it's okay to leave. After all, her whereabouts are not decided by us, but she is really nice. , who is beautiful, kind-hearted, and can truly devote himself to the elves.

Of course, because she is my sister Elune. Even if she is among those elves, she will not fall for it. Instead, she will sincerely consider them. Just like now, she would rather sacrifice herself. Let those hateful elves escape!

By the way, do you want to chase them? Do you really want them to leave? Suddenly Alice seemed to remember something!

Chasing? No need! Sooner or later I will enter the world of Azeroth, and I already have the coordinates there! Ming said lightly, Let's go, this is the case, there is no need to pay attention to them, it's just They are just a group of weak beings, and without elves like Elune, there is no telling whether they can return to the world of Azeroth alive!

Well, but I really thank you this time. After I go back, I will definitely say a lot of good things about you in front of Her Majesty the Queen! Alice stuck out her tongue. She also knew some things. It is said that Ming is letting you Her Lady Queen fell in love with him and said it was a powerful challenge and training!

Haha, yes? Then I have to thank you very much. You can eat as much ice cream and sorbet as you want when you go back! Ming couldn't help but smile.

It's a promise, don't go back on it! Alice was happy!

Yes, what should we do here? Alice suddenly thought that these dark forces would erode this star, wouldn't it affect the existence of her own race?

You mean these darkness? Ming smiled, That's it, I want the darkness to continue to expand. Even cover the entire interstellar direction and become the new order of the universe!

Ming will not take back these dark powers, but will endlessly mobilize the darkness at the edge of the universe to this place to establish a dark new order for his Ming Zerg tribe.

Will this affect your development? Alice asked worriedly.

How could it be? These dark forces are controlled by me, so they can provide shelter for the Hades. Moreover, if the enemy forces their way into the darkness, over time, they will lose their true intentions and even get lost in the darkness!

As he spoke, Minghui raised the Demon Bone Sword in his hand and cut several void cracks directly in other directions in the void, allowing more dark power to come here from the edge of the universe and spread to a wider area. The interstellar space is eroding away!

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