Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 143 The waiting crisis

What is this, a heart? The Elf Queen gently opened the delicate ice box and saw that it was filled with many heart-shaped things. She said in surprise, And it's still cold!

Yes, the heart shape at this time means full of love and heartbeat. Ming explained a little, otherwise he would feel that his heart was cold and insincere after being so distorted by the Elf Queen!

What, why don't Martha taste it now? It's delicious! Ming's eyes were full of longing, and she was looking forward to seeing the elf queen's happiness and laughter after tasting it.

Okay! I like snacks like this very much! Elf Queen Mastia suddenly smiled sweetly. It was very beautiful. She said: The workmanship is also very small and exquisite.

Wow! Is there such a thing? Masatia took out a piece of white ice cream with her slender little hands, then put it on her petal-like lips, opened her mouth and bit it gently, then used her tongue to touch it, and suddenly Masatya screamed.

There must be more! Seeing Masatia's look, Ming knew that she already liked this kind of food. After all, this thing did not exist in their kingdom.

Then I want to eat it, will you bring it to me? Masatia blushed slightly. She always felt so shy about this kind of thing, but the food in her hand was really delicious, so there was nothing she could do about it. , said it with a blushing face.

Yes, I'm glad to prepare it for you! Ming replied very happily, because she felt very happy suddenly.

That's good! I find that I like you a little bit! After hearing Ming's affirmative answer, Masatia couldn't help but blush, looking at Ming and saying shyly.

Only a little bit? Ming Qiang suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked Masatia seriously, Is it because of the food that you like it?

Yes, because it's delicious! Masatia was very direct and didn't seem to consider Ming's inner feelings.

It seems that making you fall in love with me is a very rare challenge! Although Ming had expected it, he still couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Thinking about the past life, if he cared a little bit, she would be happy and moved for several months. But it is a pity that he did not cherish it all, and only in this life did he want to love again!

And she is no longer her in front of her now, just a woman who is very similar to her, but not the same person. However, Ming also thought that she and she are actually the same person, but they exist in different worlds, just like in the previous life. Sometimes, people always say that there may be another real version of themselves in another dimensional world.

Therefore, since Ming's past life's ideology dominated his body, the elf queen in front of him has actually been thought by Ming to be her from another world, that is, the girl who silently guarded him when Ming was still alive in his previous life.

You can't blame me for this. We elves are just so naive, but we don't have much feeling in this aspect at all. After all, you know, our elves don't need any male creatures. Drinking some holy water can delay offspring. Moreover, there is a magical sea of ​​life in our Elf Kingdom. With its existence, we elves will not suffer from illness, but our life span will be extended indefinitely! The Elf Queen felt a little aggrieved, thinking whether it would really be possible to defeat herself. Is it difficult?

Haha~~ I'm just saying, actually it's interesting when it's difficult! Ming smiled, and it was the first time he saw the Elf Queen being aggrieved in front of him.

However, in Ming's heart, although it is interesting, it is too damn difficult, and Masatia seems to have no feelings and love lines. It seems that everything she does now is based on kindness. Just like she said before, I can try to cooperate with you...

Actually, you can give up. You said that I look very much like your lover? But why don't you find her? Is she no longer there? Masatia suddenly said this, feeling that she couldn't fall in love with him, and she always felt that she couldn't fall in love with him. She will blame herself very much, after all, she is a kind elf.

...I don't know where she is, I forgot the location of that planet! Ming was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he had never thought about returning to Earth to find her.

But if she really found him, he would no longer be the same person he was in his previous life. Would she believe it? After all, she is an ordinary mortal with no supernatural power or magic. How can she accept herself as she is?

We elves can help you find it! Masatia said seriously.

Really? That planet is called the Earth, a very beautiful planet! Although Ming was hesitant, he still told the Elf Queen honestly.

Eh! It's called Earth? However, the Elf Queen was surprised when she heard it and said happily, If I'm not mistaken, we elves have been there before, but it was a long time ago.

When we elves were looking for a place to settle on the planet, we found that beautiful blue planet, but when we saw that there were already human beings living and working in it, they were really ordinary and had no magical power or other magical powers. With super powers, we finally left the planet they called Earth.

Really? But why did you choose to leave, because you didn't want to break their ordinary life? Ming felt that it was too coincidental. These elves had been to the earth where he lived, but according to Masatia's story a long time ago, It should be a very distant earth era.

Yes, their life was very good. Men farmed and women weaved. If we entered by force, we would destroy that beauty, so we left and finally found this beautiful uninhabited planet! Masatia nodded. , and said: We elves have also marked that planet, but its location is very far away, and it seems to be on the edge of a certain god-level civilization.

Can it be teleported? Ming had some thoughts. If he could really find the earth, he still wanted to go back and have a look, because everything in his previous life had not been resolved, and his heart was never completely released!

It's possible. Although it's been three thousand years, the coordinates of the previous route should still be preserved. Masatia said with certainty, but Martha soon became worried and said: But now we have to pass through a place called the Blade. The god-level civilization ruled by the Queen, their sphere of influence has spread horribly.

Queen of Blades? After thinking about it, this is really a big obstacle.

Moreover, the earth is on the edge of a god-level civilization, so it may be invaded by the Queen of Blades' Zerg at any time.

He has always retained his feelings for the earth. After all, it was the place where he lived in his previous life. Even if he is now reborn as a bug, his family will never forget it. Therefore, it is okay for his family members to grow old, sick and die, but once The thought of being swallowed by those insects is definitely something that Ming does not want to see and cannot forgive!

Yes, it's the same as your racial civilization! Masatia nodded.

Martia, actually after hearing what you said today, I really want to ask you something! Ming said very seriously.

What's going on? Have you decided to go to Earth? Masatia asked, I will definitely help you. Are we not allies?

Yes, I want to go to Earth!

How long will it take? I can arrange it for you!

I can't go recently, there are still some things that need to be dealt with. After some meditation, Alice told him the Void Dragon's final intention.

I'm worried about the crises caused by other civilizations!

How do you know? Has Alice already told you about this matter? Ming looked at Masatia in surprise. When did Alice talk about this matter to the Elf Queen?

No! Masatia shook her head, I'll take you to a place now!


So Ming followed Masatia and walked towards the end of the fortress world. It was very big, but there were many magic restrictions in it.

And with Ming following Masatia, it was not difficult to move.

But after walking for a while, Masatia led Ming to a large sealing formation. It was a white mist that shrouded a very wide area, and it was impossible to see what was hidden inside.

What's inside here? Ming Zai was deeply attracted when he saw this white mist.

The magical ocean of life! Masatia seemed to be lost in memories, she said: Actually, our elves also come from the world of Azeroth, and are particularly sensitive to the power of the world of Azeroth. Understand the pull of the power of the world of Azeroth.”

This is the magical ocean of life. It comes from the Well of Eternity in the world of Azeroth. When we left the world of Azeroth, we took away some magic-filled water from the Well of Eternity. After thousands of years, With the cultivation, this place has become a sea of ​​magic. Although it is not as powerful as the Well of Eternity, it can also make our elves become more and more powerful in the attainments of magic!

So that's it! Ming Shuan understood all this. They sealed this power because they were afraid of leaking it and attracting the attention of other civilizations.

So, a few days ago, I sensed your sphere of influence, and the power of the world of Azeroth exploded! Masatia said: In this way, there will be civilizations many light years away who can find your sphere of influence. The coordinates may put your civilization in crisis!

I know all this, but we, the Ming Zerg tribe, are fearless, and only civilizations that have experienced more battles are qualified to embark on the path of becoming a strong tribe, Ming said firmly.

In fact, Ming's Zerg power is not weak now, after all, the numbers are there.

I always believe what you say, but if you need it, just tell me that you know? Masatia was very sincere.

For Masatia, this is not a war for Ming alone, it is also a war for their elves. If other civilizations are allowed to completely invade this star, their elves will also be invaded, not to mention that she has Ai here. The power of the world of Xerath.

Well, I'm already preparing for the next war. I just don't know if the 100,000 elves you arranged for me can complete the establishment of multiple teleportation arrays on thousands of planets in a short time, and they are still with each other. The kind that’s connected!”

Don't worry about this. Although the number of our elves is not very large, I will continue to send millions of elves to assist you and even fight! Masatia said. After all, Ming was there to help them solve the problem in the first place. The crisis brought to them by the dark elves.

Of course this is better. After the upcoming crisis is resolved, I will still need your help to send me to the earth.

Well, I will prepare it too! Masatia nodded, I will take you to other places. I know you are leaving soon, right?

Not yet, I haven't accompanied you yet, how can I leave? Ming said with a smile, because there are some words that even if they are, they can't say yes.

Go to the Sun Sea? Masatia said happily, as if that place was very interesting.

Finally, Ming accompanied Masatia to a sea of ​​sunflowers for a walk. In fact, the flowers in the so-called sunflower sea are exactly the same as sunflowers, but the difference is that these flowers emit gentle light, which is full of mysterious power. .

But it has no effect on Ming. On the contrary, it will be affected. It seems that these lights are purifying him all the time. After all, Ming itself has a dark side.

After walking through the sea of ​​flowers and Masatia, Ming led millions of elves out of the Elf Kingdom, followed of course by the elf Alice!

Hey, why did the Queen say that she wants me to go to a far away place after a while? Alice was very curious, but the Queen did not explain it to her in detail.

Maybe I want you to follow me deep behind enemy lines! And it's also within the sphere of influence of a god-level civilization. Ming explained and threatened.

Hehe, just go, I'm not afraid of death anyway! Alice smiled, And I haven't been away from home for a long time. It was only a long, long time ago that I was so happy.

Along the way, they just chatted and returned to their own sphere of influence.

After returning, millions of elves were reasonably dispersed to other planets and began to join in assisting other elves in completing the magic teleportation array. Because the workload of establishing a teleportation array is very large, often at least a hundred teleportation arrays need to be established on a planet. .

As for building the magic teleportation array, all the materials needed are provided by the Hades themselves, because this is not a temporary magic teleportation array, but a magic teleportation array built in an altar mode, so that it can be retained and used for a long time.

And time is passing by so fast, and the crisis of the Hades is getting closer and closer, and Ming is also making quick preparations, calling on all the bugs and armies of the Hades to be on high alert.

However, during this period, the Void Dragon, who was imprisoned in the Void Beast World, successfully gave birth to a little black dragon. This dragon was very special. It turned out to be a magic black dragon. It should be because of the water!

But what Ming didn't notice was how the void dragon was born? Isn't he a male dragon?

Haha~ Very good! I will take it away! Ming cast his will into the space world and ordered a mysterious creature soul to bring the void dragon's cub to the outside world.

No, my son, that's my son! At the moment when he was taken away, the giant dragon in the void roared heartbreakingly. The baby it finally gave birth to was completely lost at this moment. Already?

But Ming Cai ignored it lazily, but looked at the cub in his hand, and immediately used a mental brand to control it. After all, it was easier to tame the dragon while it was still young.

From now on, you will be part of my Insect clan, and you will be called the Dark Tyrant!

This is the imprint given to it by Ming, an indelible imprint.

ps: It has been on the shelves for a month, and it’s so sad to see so many subscriptions every day! Woohoo, who said persistence can make things better? Liar, huh!

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