Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 142 Pregnant with baby dragon

I've detected your sudden bad behavior. You actually have evil thoughts towards me! Elf Alice suddenly seemed to be super frightened. She couldn't help but move back a few steps and stared with a nervous look on her face. deep.

What a big-headed ghost you are! Ming was speechless and depressed, but was detected by this elf with special abilities again. Alice, can you not say it?

It's not what you think, because it was the first time I experienced this kind of thing and I couldn't hold it back! Alice's nervous expression was restored, because she detected that this evil could not become reality, because Ming had no intention of doing that. They are brave, and the real goal in their hearts is their noble and sacred queen!

Hmph, take it! Mingzhen wanted to bury Alice alive with the ice cream and ice cream in his hands.

Wait a minute, let me create a magic portable space first! Alice was very happy. This is more than a hundred delicious sticks. You should stay and eat it slowly!

Now take me to your Elf Kingdom, and then you know how to arrange the rest? Ming watched Alice put the ice cream and sorbet he sent into the magic space, and then looked at Alice seriously and said.

Well, of course we know the rest of the things! Alice nodded. She knew that their elves should build more magic teleportation arrays on the planet within Ming's sphere of influence as soon as possible.

But your workload is a bit heavy. Now that my power has spread, there are thousands of planets that I have invaded. Ming reminded in particular, after all, the insect army of the Insect Tribe was allowed to go free-range before. Be independent to occupy more planets and resources!

Well, don't worry, as long as there are ice cream and ice cream to eat, the sisters will not be lazy! Alice said with a smile, and added: But I won't stay here for the time being. This time I will go back with you. Kingdom, I need to see our Queen!

That's fine! Ming nodded happily in his heart.

How can I put it, Ming can talk to this elf from the Elf tribe now, then this elf can also say some good things for Ming in front of the queen. After all, in this regard, fortunately, a good lighting engineer is needed. Commonly known as light bulbs are better!

Then I'll find some sisters. It's impossible for me to build that kind of long-distance magic teleportation array alone! After Alice said that, she flew to the front of the ice factory alone, because in her perception, the front was There are a large group of creatures with magical fluctuations, and those must be her elf sisters!

Make some heart-shaped ones for me immediately! Ze Ming took this opportunity to ask the insects to make some heart-shaped ice cream and ice cream for him. As for the specific patterns, Ming transmitted them to the minds of the insects through the power of spirit, so that these insects It can be made according to Ming's pattern.

How's it going? Next, Ming went to the core of the Hive Will ship to have an in-depth understanding of the Hive Will ship and the recent genetic creature hatch!

Great Master, the new batch of powerful bugs are perfect, but during the battle, the energy they require individually is terrifying!

What's the specific power?

We can't be sure at the moment because no actual verification has been done, but the genetic formula is completely correct!

That should be no problem! Ming thought in his mind. After all, the genetic formulas input into the Hive Will ship come from the abilities in the system and are infallible!

But I don't care about the consumption of resources, you have to do a lot of production.

Yes! Don't worry, Master, there is no need to worry too much about the manufacturing costs and basic feeding costs, and there is no pressure at all!

Then, Ming turned around and left the Hive Will ship and came to an open space, but the sky was filled with countless elves, all of them were very happy and cute. They seemed to be quite satisfied with eating and drinking here. .

Where have you been? Ai Li saw Ming finally appeared, I thought you didn't want to see the Queen!

Are you kidding me? I have to go. You are still young and don't understand, so I won't tell you more! Ming glanced at Alice. Did he have to report everything to others? So what does he, the leader of the Underworld, represent?

Oh! Sorry! Alice knew why. Her ability allowed her to know all this.

It's okay for you to be sorry! Ming rolled his eyes at Alice, and then, why didn't he probe his inner thoughts again?

Ah! No, just don't have any thoughts about me. I won't be able to detect your inner thoughts! Alice looked very innocent. You can't blame her at all. Her ability is one of a kind. Passive abilities are not active skills at all!

You really can't touch, think, or see? Ming was extremely speechless. Alice's ability is indeed a passive skill, but as any conscious creature, when seeing certain things, certain creatures, etc. , there will always be some ideas in your mind!

Anyway, Ming was helpless.

But at this moment, a dense group of insects came to Ming.

Okay, you can build a temporary remote magic teleportation array here! Because at this time, Ming took away the carefully prepared ice cream and ice cream from the hands of the insects. Of course, this gift was given to the Elf Queen, Martha. Tiya, a beautiful woman, hopes to get what she wants through this method!

Then a group of lovely elves started to get busy. After all, this is a remote magic teleportation array, which requires a relatively large amount of magic energy and magic symbols!

Sisters, you stay and build countless teleportation arrays for our allies. I will go back to the kingdom first! After some time, a mysterious magic teleportation array appeared in front of Ming's eyes, and Alice made preparations for it. Arrangements for travel!


Then when Ming stepped into the teleportation array, he felt the sky and earth turning, like stars moving in the sky.

Just like that, I don’t know how long it took, Ming came to the Elf Kingdom!

This place is still full of joy and laughter, full of warmth and harmony. In short, it is like a place without any competition from the world.

Wow, it's sister Alice who's back!

When he appeared, there were many elves around him. Because they sensed the fluctuations in the teleportation, they gathered early to wait and greet him!

Yes, I'm back! Alice joked with them for a while, then let them disperse.

Now you want me to take you to see the queen? Or should you go around by yourself first and go directly to the palace where the queen lives? Alice secretly smiled. After all, this place is full of female elves, and a male creature stays here. What is the concept?

Take me around first! Don't be stingy with me if you find any good places! Ming Cai was not in a hurry to see the queen, and wasn't he prepared for such a thing?

Okay, then shall I take you for a walk in the town or in the wilderness? Alice asked.

Anywhere will do! Ming replied. In fact, it doesn't matter. In Ming's view, aren't towns and wilderness the same?

Then Alice took Ming around and looked around like a tour guide.

What is the water here? In front of a lake full of mysterious energy, Ming felt that the water was very unusual.

Yes, this water is the water that allows elves to give birth to offspring!

Then why isn't there an elf nearby? Ming saw that except for him and Alice, there seemed to be very few elves in this place. Don't they all have children?

Because we came and they left! Maybe it's because they are shy! Alice explained to Ming. It was impossible for her to say that it was Alice who informed the nearby elves before coming here.

What's there to be shy about? It's really funny! Ming said lightly.

You must feel this way, because you don't know, do you want to see the elves take off their clothes and take a bath? Alice argued with reason. This kind of thing must not be seen by Ming, so she asked the elves in advance They left the lake, but they didn't expect that they would leave here completely.

Not drinking water? Why do you need to take a shower? Ming was very calm, and even if he looked at it, he didn't feel anything.

Well, you don't know this. Of course, it is for the purpose of giving birth to elves with high magic power. Of course, this kind of thing requires a certain amount of luck and probability! Alice explained this kind of thing to Ming without a blushing face or a heartbeat!

So that's it! Ming looked at the lake in front of him. Generally speaking, it was quite magical. He remembered that in his previous life, all the women in the Daughter Kingdom had a magical river. No matter if the women drank it, they would still be there. Men who drink it will become pregnant and give birth to female babies.

But there has always been a question. I don't know where this man was born after drinking it. There was no laparotomy at that time, so how could he be born?

What would happen if a male creature drank this water? What would happen if a male and female creature drank it? Then asked Alice.

Ming really plans to bring some water back to prepare for special bugs. If drinking it can give birth to little bugs, that seems good!

I don't know, there's no one who has been listed first! Do you want to try it? Alice said mischievously.

I'll forget it, but my subordinates may need these. It shouldn't be a problem to pack some and take them away, right? It's really a shame that this elf can say such a thing. If it were other elves, they would be slapped a few times. Ming Ke is the master of the clan.

Others are definitely not allowed, but you can. After all, we are allies of the alliance, so it doesn't matter! Alice was very proactive and enthusiastic. How much do you want to take away? I will help you carry it.

Look, you're just pretending, I have a lot of subordinates! Ming also wanted to say, can the whole lake be used? But after thinking about it, this is impossible. It seems a bit excessive. Is it completely cursing their elves to cut off future generations?

Where to put it? Alice was confused, Do you have a container?

Yes, Ming then took out the space world of the void beast from his body. Put it in here!

Only such a big ball? Alice was very surprised, thinking how much could such a small container hold?

This is a huge space world. Although it looks small on the surface, the internal space is actually unimaginably large! And Ming also said: Do you know the huge void dragon that is thousands of miles away? It is inside this thing now.

Ah! You, you really want to finish filling our holy water? Alice was startled. She was almost ready to fill the ball, and the holy water in the lake must have disappeared. Be dissatisfied!

Finally, Alice controlled the amount of holy water and filled it with Ming into the space. Unfortunately, the water fell near the void dragon.

Huh? What is it? The giant dragon in the void, which was lying extremely weak in a dark space, suddenly felt a wave of energy, and the arrival of this energy made its extremely weak body improve.

So the huge void dragon stood up hard and kept crawling towards the place where the energy was emanating.

This is water? Where does it come from? But why is there a power that can revive living things? The void dragon discovered that this was just a series of water, floating in the dark void!

Oops! No matter, I must be able to recover somewhat after drinking this water! The Void Dragon is looking forward to it, after all, it still wants to get out of this place.

Hey, why does my stomach feel weird all of a sudden? However, as soon as the giant dragon took a sip, he felt something was wrong with his stomach, as if something suddenly appeared in his stomach.

Damn it, did that guy want me to die? He actually put in some problematic water? The dragon always felt that something was very wrong, because the movement in his stomach became more and more obvious.

What? This is...

And soon, when the Void Dragon finally concentrated on looking inside, it discovered something that surprised and angered it!

Fuck, how could I be pregnant? I'm a serious male dragon! Then, the void dragon felt humiliated. It was simply a shame. It actually did something that other male dragons couldn't do, and also did what the female dragon did. What dragons do, get pregnant with dragon babies!

Here, these should be enough! Alice saw that the water level of the lake had dropped by more than one meter. The sincerity of the elves was considered to be true to their allies, so they returned the space ball to Ming.

Huh? Why such a coincidence? And Ming contacted the space as soon as he received it. Unexpectedly, the holy water that Alice put in fell directly into the dark range of the void dragon.

What's wrong? What coincidence? Alice asked immediately.

No! Take me to the Queen now! Ming quickly changed the subject. It was impossible to say, Oh no, the Void Dragon was pregnant by you just now, and now she is lying inside and feeling sad!

Oh, okay! Alice left here with Ming without asking.

Inside the elf queen's castle.

Martha, this is a gift for you! When Ming saw the Elf King, he sent the snacks he had carefully prepared to the queen's hands. I think you will like it. This is what I carefully prepared for you. prepare!

Yes? The noble Queen Mastia took it in her hand, looked at it, and said, It is indeed a very thoughtful gift, but what is inside?

This is something you have never seen or eaten before! Ming looked at the Elf King in front of her and couldn't help but feel excited. This was her girlfriend in her previous life, she was exactly the same.

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