Just when Shen Yi was wondering who he was talking to, there was a scene that shocked him.

I saw a few dogs that were still lying on the ground, and three of them stood up immediately, one chased directly to the front yard, and the remaining two ran into the kitchen.

After a while, he ran out with a cloth bag in his mouth and ran to the front yard.

Shen Yi felt that his eyeballs were almost protruding from their sockets.

Before, he only heard Li Wenhui say that her dog is very smart, but that was after all, he always thought that what his fiancée said was a bit exaggerated.

Now this scene happened in front of his eyes, which made him unable to understand.

Is this really a dog? It can't be a person in dog's skin, right?

"It's really so smart." Shen Yi whispered unconsciously.

"Hmph, I told you that my dogs are very smart, but you still don't believe it, do you believe it now?"

"I believe it, I believe it, never mind!" Shen Yi stared at the dog sitting next to his fiancée's lap with bare eyes.

"Can I touch it?"

"Yes." Li Wenhui knelt down and patted the dog's head.

"Touch now, lightly."

Shen Yi stretched out his hand and carefully touched the Great Sage's head twice, but he didn't dare to touch it too much because he could clearly feel that the Great Sage didn't like him.

Li Wenhui comforted the Great Sage twice before standing up.

"It's not bad, at least I haven't been scaring you all the time. There is an uncle who has been with my dad for more than 20 years. Every time they come to the house, a few of them will whine, so that uncle is alone in my house. Don’t dare to move around.”

The more Shen Yi listened, the more interested he became, he squatted there and looked at this one and that one.

Li Wenhui could tell at a glance what her fiancé was up to.

"Put away your little thoughts, these dogs can't be given to you, even if we get married in the future, at most we can hold one when we get another puppy."

"Why?" Shen Yi asked a little puzzled.

"Anyone who feeds the dogs in my house, except my parents, won't eat them. Don't look at it being obedient in front of my sister. Ask my sister to feed it and see if it eats."

Before Li Wenhui could say anything, Li Wenxuan who came from the front yard after taking a shower spoke first.

"There's another thing to say." Shen Yi clapped his hands and stood up.

"Wenxuan, can you feed me too?"

"No, it's the same for everyone except my parents. Unless one of them is around, that's about the same."


While talking here, Aunt Wang also woke up and came out from the West Wing.

After a while, Ding Qiunan seemed to be stuck in time, she had just bought it earlier, and she also came out of the house.

Looking at the two full buns, Shen Yi swallowed with difficulty, this is too much, no matter how big the appetite these few people are, they can't finish it.

What the old man did next opened his eyes again.

Here they are eating steamed buns and drinking porridge around the stone table.

Over there, Li Chu kept taking buns from a cloth bag and feeding them to the dogs one by one.

Good guy, this food is as good as it is for people.

Shen Yi had a preliminary understanding of the financial resources of his fiancée's family.

No wonder I was able to buy three sets of yards in one go.

"Xiao Yi, eat quickly, and go to rest after eating. You should take care of your body when you are young, or you will suffer when you grow old."

"Uncle Li, I know, I don't usually stay up late."

"He may be a little new to the new environment. He didn't have a good rest last night. I asked him to catch up on sleep after dinner. He still has to take the train at night."

Seeing Aunt Wang and his daughter-in-law looking inquiringly at her, Li Chu explained.

While eating, Shen Yi peeked at the dogs, he counted, and each dog ate five buns, which was bigger than his appetite, and he was a bit full after eating three of these big buns.

Then he saw the old man went to the kitchen to lie down, and when he came out, he had three boxes of canned food in his hand. After opening it, he took a look, it was meat.

The seven dogs divided the three boxes of canned food equally, and after eating and drinking, they all slipped back to the roof to rest.

What kind of family is this? How much money does this old man earn a month?

Shen Yi felt that at this moment his mind was full of question marks.

He remembered that his grandfather seemed to earn a little more than 400 a month. Could it be that the salary of the old man Ganzi was higher than that of his grandfather? No way.

After eating, while Li Wenhui sent him back to the guest room in the front yard to rest, he asked about his doubts.

"Huh? I heard my mother once said that my father's salary seems to be five or six hundred."

Sure enough, it was higher than his grandfather's salary.

Are all technical people so good?

He is now a proper county official, and his salary is only one hundred.

In fact, Li Wenhui didn't make it clear to him that the five or six hundred that Wenhui said was a salary from the General Hospital.

And the health care team didn't mention it, and the monthly subsidy of 50 from the school committee didn't count.

Li Chu is now at the highest technical level, and his salary is not surpassed by anyone in the country.

And those who are more than him are basically in the Northwest.

One of them was treated by him last month, and he just recovered, so he ran back to the Northwest without even saying hello to him.

Li Chu was so angry that he jumped straight, he had no choice but to chase after his butt and also passed by.

It turned out that because he was on the cargo plane of the headquarters to deliver the goods, he arrived a day earlier than that person.

It is conceivable that the man who had just returned to the base the next day saw Li Chu's face darker than the bottom of a pot, as if he had seen a ghost, and was quite frightened.

When he heard that Li Chu came by the cargo plane from the headquarters, he slapped his thigh regretfully, and bluntly said that he knew that he would also take this flight, which wasted his day.

In fact, it wasn't that the headquarters didn't let him sit, but that the cargo plane was really uncomfortable to sit on.

Li Chu is such a strong person, he hasn't fully recovered yet, and there is still the roar of the engine in his ears.

These people are all national treasures. No matter which one is missing, it will be a loss for the entire nation.

Therefore, for the sake of their health, it is impossible to let them take a cargo plane. In case of any accident on the way, who can afford it.

Li Chu stayed here in the Northwest for half a month this time, and checked the bodies of these old comrades in the base one by one, and told the team doctor here in detail about those who should order a doctor.

Half a month later, he returned on another cargo plane carrying supplies.

During this trip, he also took a look at Wang Bing, the second son of Uncle Wang's family, and his wife and children.

They also brought back good news that Wang Bing and his troops are coming back soon.

At that time, his wife, son, and teenage son will all come back together.

Li Wenhui sent Shen Yi to the door of the guest room in the front yard, and was about to return to the middle courtyard.

As soon as he turned around, he saw his younger brother and Wang Yueyue coming out of his room one after the other.

"You two don't avoid people at all now, don't you?" Li Wenhui teased.

"Sister Hui, you can go in too, we just pretend we didn't see it." Wang Yueyue said not to be outdone, and pointed to the guest room with her eyes.

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