"Chen Xiangnan?" Ding Qiunan raised his voice a lot.

"He went to Liaodong?"

"Well, in May when Liaodong was re-elected, he is now a deputy senior official in charge of economics, and he is still a member of the team."

"Hey, he can climb fast enough!"

"With education, qualifications, means and ability, coupled with Uncle Chen's help, it is normal to be promoted quickly."

"Uncle Chen has already retired, right?"

"Yeah, it's just a retreat to the second line, not a complete retirement."

"Then... ah..."

Ding Qiunan wanted to ask another question, but Li Chu turned over with her arms around her...

"Honey, it's time to work."

"Hmph, don't you know who should do the work?" Her eyes were about to drip from just that one movement.

"As you order, my lady."


Proper exercise every night can always make people sleep more soundly and get better rest.

After a good rest, you will be full of energy when you wake up in the morning, and your whole person will look energetic.

The opposite of Li Chu was Shen Yi who was yawning.

After talking with my father-in-law last night, he couldn't sleep for a long time in the guest room.

Later, he simply got up and lay down on the table, and wrote all the things he had just memorized in his mind in his notebook.

As a result, he didn't pay attention to the time. When he realized it, it was already bright outside.

If it's in your own home, it's nothing to continue to sleep at the moment.

But it was the first time he stayed at the old man's house, so he didn't dare to sleep in. When he heard the movement in the middle courtyard, he walked over.

As soon as he came over from the corridor, he saw the father-in-law taking his fiancée and younger brothers and daughters-in-law, boxing in the yard.

The two female guards who lived here also followed suit.

This was the first time he saw his fiancée punching, and he didn't disturb everyone, just stood in the corridor and watched quietly.

It doesn't matter, but his heart twitched.

It's over, what is wrong with this girl's family, so why do she just follow suit and learn boxing.

How does this make him live at home in the future?

He couldn't tell whether the punch was good or not, but the momentum was quite frightening.

Moreover, if the guards can follow the initiative to practice, can it be bad?

What should he do? It is a bit exaggerated to say that he has no strength to restrain a chicken, but the title of a frail scholar is absolutely correct.

Look at Li Wenhui again, his punches are always windy.

You can tell at a glance that you have practiced for more than a day or two.

Thinking about how I said that day that I would protect her in the future, isn't this a joke, Amitabha is the only one who can protect herself.

Shen Yi suddenly had a feeling that the sky was dark, and he probably would never have a bright future at home.

However, he changed his mind and thought that in the past two years of dating, Wen Hui didn't seem to have any violent tendencies, alas, I hope it will be the same after marriage.

It took more than half an hour for several punches to stop, and everyone was sweating profusely.

Thanks to the convenience of taking a shower here.

"Hey, why did you come here so early?"

After receiving the fist, Li Wenhui noticed her fiancé standing aside.

"I didn't go back last night, okay, I'm staying in the front room."

When Wen Hui stuck out her tongue cutely, she really didn't know that she went to bed early last night, thinking that he would go back at night.

"Good morning, Brother Xiaoyi!"

"Good morning, Wenxuan and Yueyue! Good morning, Uncle Li!"

"Could it be that Xiao Yiyi has changed to a strange environment and can't sleep?" Li Chu asked after taking a look at Shen Yi's expression.

"No, I just wanted to write down what you said, Uncle Li, last night, but I didn't pay attention to the time, and I accidentally overdid it."

"After the meeting, you go back to your room and go to bed early. I'll help you get the ticket later. When you leave in the afternoon, let Huihui lead you to pick up the ticket. She knows where to get it."

"No need, Uncle Li, I don't need to sleep."

"Oh, just listen to my dad." Li Wenhui became anxious when she heard that her fiancé stayed up all night last night.

Li Chu smiled and said nothing, but went straight to the main house.

Li Wenxuan and Yueyue greeted Shen Yi, and went back to the front yard to take a shower.

"You sit for a while, I'll take a shower, and then go to bed after eating breakfast, or else I'll be on the train all night tonight, and I'm sure I won't be able to sleep well."

"Okay, I'll listen to you, you can go take a shower." Shen Yi smiled and nodded.

Sitting on the stone bench under the grape arbor, this was the first time he sat here alone.

This yard is much better than his grandfather's yard.

Seeing a few dogs under the eaves, he stretched out his hand to tease them, barking incessantly, trying to call the dogs to his side.

He often heard Wen Hui mention these dogs, and knew that they were like family members in his fiancée's heart.

So he also wants to have a good relationship with the dog.

In the end, he saw something, contempt, it was definitely a look of contempt, Shen Yi felt as if he was struck by lightning, he was actually despised by a dog.

He was still a little unconvinced, and stood up muttering, wanting to walk up to the dogs.

He stood up, and several dogs who were lying on the ground also stood up.

And the movements are very uniform, they all stood up and bared their teeth at Shen Yi, woo hoo.

This made Shen Yi terrified, he stood there and dared not move.

Didn't it mean that these dogs don't bite people, so what are they trying to do?

"What are you guys doing? Sit down."

Fortunately, Li Chu came out to relieve Shen Yi, otherwise he really wanted to yell loudly, and he didn't even notice that these dogs had already surrounded him.

Seven dogs weighing nearly a hundred catties, if they really pounced on them, not to mention Shen Yi's small physique, even Li Chu would have to kneel there and sing "Conquer".

"Thank you Uncle Li, these dogs are too scary."

Seeing that Shen Yi's forehead was covered with sweat, Li Chu laughed.

"They know you're going to abduct their little master, and they're trying to scare you on purpose."


Shen Yi turned his head to look at the dogs that had regained their laziness. Is this still a dog? I'm afraid it has become refined.

Didn't it mean that animals were not allowed to become sperm after liberation?

"What's the matter, Dad? What's the matter with the dog?" Li Wenhui, who was worried about her fiancé, quickly took a shower and came out.

"It's okay, they frightened Xiao Yi just now."

Wen Hui pursed her lips and smiled, walked to the furball closest to her, stretched out her hand and patted its head lightly.

"Bad guy, don't scare people in the future."

"Woo~~" Maoqiu snorted, sticking out his tongue to lick Wen Hui's palm.

"Okay, I'm going out to buy breakfast, you two can talk, can Xiao Yi eat steamed stuffed buns and porridge?"

"Uncle Li, I'm not picky."


"Whoever goes out with me today can take things by himself." Li Chu walked towards the front yard on his own, and said in his mouth.

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