There are even companies that directly offer a super high price of [-] million pop-ups three times.

  The three pop-ups are divided into morning, noon and evening, which means that YY pop-up advertisements can earn [-] million yuan three times a day.

  Such a high price tag scared the YY advertising manager.

  Zhou Xue received feedback from the advertising department, and there was no accident.

  There are more than one billion YY users in the world, is there a lot of advertising costs?

  Not much at all. For some brands that want to enter the global market, YY pop-up ads are definitely the best choice.

  "The matter of advertising is answered uniformly. YY has no idea in this regard for the time being. If advertising is opened, an announcement will be made."

  Zhou Xue didn't dare to make a random decision on this matter, she decided to ask Su Hao.

  "Three pop-up windows with [-] million advertising fees, are these companies really willing?" Su Hao also sighed when he learned that the advertising fees for three pop-up windows were [-] million yuan.

  Zhou Xue: "Then do we want to accept advertisements?"

  Su Hao said: "No, YY is now telling the development period, don't accept advertisements for the time being, our internal advertisements are fine, if we advertise to other companies, it will lead to users' plans, we do not lack that advertising fee, members and YY talents It is YY's most profitable."

  "Membership fees and consumption of YY Show are very cheap for foreign users, and strive for half of the foreign users to become members and play YY Show."

  Zhou Xue said: "Okay, I will work hard on this."

  "By the way, mobile phone scan code payment is basically popular across the country. Do you have any plans for the follow-up?"

  Su Hao said: "It became popular so quickly?"

  Zhou Xuedao: "Everyone realizes the convenience of mobile phone scan code payment, and they all want to use mobile phone scan code to pay, and the popularity is naturally fast."

  Su Hao asked, "Has Huaxin Bank also opened all over the country?"

  Zhou Xue: "The Huaxin Bank has already opened all over the country. Have you never asked Rongrong? Aren't you afraid of her running away with money?"

  Su Hao: "I've been so busy lately that I rarely ask questions. You're staring at her. What am I afraid of?"

  Zhou Xue: "You are busy, you are busy with the entertainment industry, I think Ruo Meng is right, do you like any female star?"

  Su Hao shouted injustice: "How come, the company has not signed a popular female star, I also arranged it and don't care. I am busy developing 4G network now, how can I manage those."

  Zhou Xue: "I'm too lazy to care about your troubles. Do you have any follow-up arrangements with Alipay?"

  Su Hao said: "Go to Li Rongrong for this, the financial aspect of Alipay should follow the development of the bank."

  "By the way, in order to make everyone more accustomed to using Alipay, let's launch a public welfare project."

  Su Hao briefly talked about the project of watering and planting trees.

  After listening to Zhou Xue, he asked, "Is this okay?"

  Su Hao said: "Why not? As long as Alipay users plant a tree in Alipay, we Alipay will have a tree in the desert. Maybe in a few years, we will build an oasis in the desert."

  "Such a good project, the country and the people are absolutely in favor of it."

  Zhou Xue: "You're amazing, I'll arrange it, and let YY promote it. Such a good project really needs to be done well."

  Su Hao said: "Yes, now that Haoyu Group has grown, it's time to start some public welfare projects, otherwise some people with ulterior motives will use it to attack."

  Zhou Xue said: "Isn't there an elite school program?"

  Su Hao said: "It's not enough, the more money you make, the more social responsibility you will have."

  "Let's talk about this after a while. The charity fund will definitely do it, but it's not in a hurry."

  Zhou Xue: "Well, you can figure it out."

  Zhou Xue completely agreed with Su Hao's thoughts and decisions.

  Isn't it because Su Hao has a kind heart that he can get to where he is today?If Su Hao is the kind of ruthless profiteer, no matter how talented Su Hao is, it is impossible for him to reach such a high level so quickly.

  Major foreign auto companies paid attention to Feilong Motors' announcement to enter overseas markets.

  Major foreign auto companies knew that Feilong Motors would enter overseas markets sooner or later, but they did not expect this day to come so soon.

  In Longguo, foreign brands of cars dare not fight with Feilong Motors, but in the world market, major foreign brands of cars do not discourage Feilong Motors at all.

  Feilong Motors, Longguo is your territory and your home ground. I can't help you, but in the global market, if you want to gain a firm foothold quickly, just dream.

  9 month 4 number.

  A number of foreign brand car companies announced the launch of new cars.

  They have been ready for a long time and have been waiting for Feilong Motors to enter the overseas market, and now it is finally here.

  The new car is aimed at Feilong Motors.

  The introduction of new models by major brands of cars has sucked the popularity of Feilong Motors.

  For people all over the world, those famous brand cars are more attractive.

  Su Hao saw that all major brands of cars were launching new models, and instantly understood what was going on.

  I know it's not so easy. It's not a good thing for these brand car companies to resist not fighting in the Dragon Country. It's not easy to gain a firm foothold in the global market.

  Su Hao knew that he couldn't hold back the popularity of new models of major brands of cars for a while, but Su Hao didn't hesitate, and Feilong Auto stores in various countries opened as scheduled.

  Su Hao intends to keep flowing.

  The price/performance ratio of Feilong Motors is there, and Su Hao believes that there will always be people who know the goods.

  On September 9th, Feilong Motors stores opened in various countries.

  On this day, major brands of cars launched new models.

  The stores of Feilong Motors in various countries are not as popular as expected, and it can even be said to be a bit deserted.

  People go to major brand car stores, naturally they will not patronize Feilong car stores.

  Su Hao didn't care about these at all, and continued to promote it online, continued to promote it on YY, and continued to let the navy bombard the Internet.

  9 month 5 number.

  The flow of people in the Feilong Auto Store is slightly more.

  After people went to look at the major brands of cars, they went home at night and were bombarded by YY propaganda and naval forces. The next day (Wang Wangzhao) naturally couldn't help but come to Feilong Motors to take a look.

  "¨'I didn't expect Feilong Motors to open yesterday, and I forgot to come and have a look yesterday."

  "It's normal. Several major brands of cars launched new models yesterday. It's normal to forget about Feilong Motors. The popularity of Feilong Motors is a little bit worse."

  "I can see if Feilong Motors is really as good as advertised today?"

  "Yesterday, the new models launched by major brands of cars were all good, and many people couldn't help buying them."

  "I almost couldn't hold back. If it wasn't for the data of Feilong Motors suddenly popped out of my mind, I would have bought it."

  "Haha, I didn't expect you to be the same as me, and so am I. The moment I couldn't help but want to buy it, the data of Feilong Motors popped into my mind. At that time, I resisted the impulse to decide which brand to buy after seeing Feilong Motors."

  "I hope Feilong Motors will not let me down. If Feilong Motors makes false propaganda and makes me buy a car I like one day later, I will definitely black out Feilong Motors."

  "Same, haha."

  Many car lovers walked into Feilong Auto stores.

  The moment they saw Feilong Motors, these people felt that Feilong Motors gave them a very different look and feel.

  "Dude, do you think the Flying Dragon looks smoother and more comfortable?"

  "I was just about to ask you, the exterior design of this Feilong car is really good, and it looks very smooth and comfortable. In terms of appearance, Feilong is better than other brands of cars."

  "Actually, they all have similar shapes, but the Feilong car gives people a smoother feeling, which is really strange."

  "Thinking about the design of Huaxin's smartphones, Feilong Motors and Huaxin's smartphones are both from the same parent company, and it's not surprising that Feilong's exterior design is excellent."

  "Yeah, I'm looking forward to Feilong even more now.".

Chapter 330

  People who walk into Feilong Auto stores look forward to Feilong Auto when they see the super smooth, beautiful and comfortable appearance of Feilong Auto.

  Perhaps Feilong Motor's advertising is not exaggerated at all, Feilong Motor is really good.

  When foreign netizens got into the Feilong car, the overall feeling was even more extraordinary.

  "It feels very comfortable. This seat cushion feels more comfortable than other brands of cars. What material is this seat cushion made of?"

  "This steering wheel feels so comfortable to the touch, and I can't wait to test drive it."

  Foreign netizens: "This car really only costs [-] yuan?"

  Feilong Auto Store employee: "Yes, sir, this car sells for [-] yuan."

  The cheapest Feilong car currently sells for [-] yuan in Longguo and [-] yuan abroad. This is because of tariffs and other costs. The foreign price is only [-] yuan more expensive than domestic mobile phones.

  The same is true for other brands of cars. The price of Longguo is more expensive than that of foreign countries. The same reason.

  Foreign netizens: "It's too cheap, can I test drive it?"

  The price of [-] is really too cheap for foreign netizens.

  Even the price of new models for Feilong Motors launched by major brands of cars is more expensive than that of Feilong Motors.

  Not to mention the previous styles of the major brands of cars, the price is much more expensive than that of Feilong Motors.

  Employee: "Of course no problem."

  Foreign netizens have test drives.

  After the test drive, foreign netizens were full of praise for Feilong Motors.

  "This car is amazing. It's better than the experience of major brands of cars, and the price is cheap. Feilong Motor Country is really as advertised on YY, and the cost performance is super high."

  "After the test drive, I fell in love with the Feilong car. Not to mention it is so cheap, I would buy it even if it is [-]."

  "Fortunately, I held back from buying other brands of cars yesterday, otherwise I would definitely regret it now. YY's propaganda is right, Feilong Motors is worth owning."

  "The experience is very good. Whether it is the appearance, the interior, or the driving experience, the Feilong car feels impeccable. The Feilong car is really good."

  "I especially tried to increase the speed. The Feilong car is really as advertised, sixty in one second, one hundred in two seconds, Nima, this is not a sports car but it has a speed increase comparable to that of a sports car. The flying dragon car is really amazing. ."

  "I have tried various functions, all of them are as advertised, only the fuel consumption is not clear for the time being, but so many aspects are the same as the advertised, I believe that Feilong Motors is also true in terms of fuel consumption, Feilong Motors really does not Lie to us, all the data in the ad is true, it's awesome."

  "The price/performance ratio of Feilong Motors absolutely subverts all cars. It's really great. I never dreamed that 12 could buy such a good car. It's really cool."

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