Haoyu Entertainment has recruited all kinds of talents, and the conditions for behind-the-scenes personnel are slightly relaxed, and the requirements for artists are very strict.

  After the National Academy came around, Haoyu Entertainment Company recruited many newcomers.

  On the YY live broadcast, Su Hao also found a few good seedlings and signed them.

  On August 8th, Haoyu Entertainment Company directly announced major moves, TV series, movies, records, and more.

  In order to accelerate the development of the film and television industry, Su Hao directly won most of the domestic cinema chains and renamed these cinemas as Haoyu Cinema.

  When people see Haoyu Cinema, they are a little confused.

  "Su Shen won the movie theater quietly?"

  "Isn't this nonsense? Will Su Shen care with such a little money? Since Su Shen enters the entertainment industry, he will naturally make a big show, and he will appear in a good movie in the future."

  "That's how it should be, Haoyu Cinema, it feels different when you come in."

  "It's not the same as before, it's just a different name."

  "There are new cinemas in many places, and when those cinemas are renovated, it will definitely be refreshing for us."

  "Haha, looking forward to Haoyu Entertainment's masterpiece."

  8 month 25 number.

  Haoyu Entertainment announced that it will produce a national talent show with Mango TV, welcoming talented boys and girls of school age across the country to participate.

  The rewards for the top ten places shocked all the young dream chasers, and they had to sign up for the competition anyway.

  Su Hao just told him to go on, and he just let it go. He was too lazy to participate in the entertainment industry.

  On August 8, Su Hao received a call from the president of Donghai University.

  "Su Hao, school starts soon, when will you go back to school to see?"

  Su Hao: "Principal, you'd better speak directly. I'm not used to you."

  Principal: "Stinky boy, then I'll say it straight."

  "Because of you, Tunghai University's admissions scores have skyrocketed this year, but students from all over the world are giving priority to Tunghai University, which is all thanks to you."

  "Freshmen come to Tunghai University for you, can you show up when the semester starts?"

  Su Hao: "Principal, this is no problem. I have to go to school to report when school starts."

  Principal: "I mean can you give a speech at the all-school freshman convention?"

  Su Hao: "Principal, it was the freshman representative giving a speech. I'm a junior, how embarrassed."

  Principal: "There's nothing to be ashamed of, you can simply say a few words at the end of the stage, as long as you come to the stage."

  Su Hao: "Okay, Principal, you've already spoken. I can't agree, as long as it's not for those who sing on stage."

  Principal: "I don't mind if you want to sing."

  Su Hao: "That's fine."

  Principal: "September 9st, I'll ask Zhang Mengqi to remind you then."

  Su Hao: "Okay, principal, I won't forget it."

  When returning home at night, Zhang Mengqi also told Su Hao about it.

  "Su Hao, the principal asked me to tell you, don't forget to give a speech on September 9st, he said you promised him."

  Su Hao said: "Well, I promised the principal, and I want to give a speech again. It's too difficult for me."

  Zhang Mengqi said: "How many people can't ask for a good thing, why is it difficult for you?"

  Su Hao joked: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid that the female schoolgirl under the stage will knock me down."

  Zhang Mengqi said, "I think you are too eager."

  Du Ruomeng said, "That's right, Meng Qi, keep an eye on him."

  Su Hao said fiercely: "Ruo Meng, what you said seriously hurt my heart. I'll see how I deal with you later."

  Du Ruomeng rolled her eyes at Su Hao and flashed.

  Su Hao directly chased after him.

  Another happy night.

  It's September 9st.

  Su Hao arrived on schedule and gave a speech at the Dongda Freshman Conference for a few minutes.

  Su Hao's appearance made the new students excited and happy.

  Most of the freshmen chose Donghai University because of Su Hao. Now that they can see Su Hao, they are very satisfied.

  Seeing the youthful smiling faces of the juniors and juniors under the stage, Su Hao was also very happy.

  "In four years, everyone should study hard. In four years, we will meet at Haoyu Group."

  Such a sentence makes the freshmen full of motivation.

  Haoyu Group, the largest group in the country and a world-renowned group, who doesn't want to join it?

  After the speech, Su Hao quickly drove away.

  9 month 3 number.

  Su Hao decided to let Feilong Motors enter the overseas market. .

Chapter 329

  After several months of development, Feilong Motors has completely occupied half of the market of Longguo.

  The first choice for most young people to buy a car is Feilong Motors.

  Because Feilong cars are affordable and functional.

  In recent months, Feilong Motors has also launched various styles one after another, and the car styles have been improved.

  However, Feilong Motors is only famous in Dragon State, and has no reputation at all abroad, and even foreigners don't know Feilong Motors at all.

  As a result, many successful people in Longguo will not choose Feilong when they buy a car. In the eyes of successful people, they are still more high-end and high-end cars from foreign big brands.

  Such as Daben, Marble, Ferrari. . .

  Therefore, Su Hao decided to let Feilong Motors enter the overseas market.As long as Feilong Motors makes a name for itself overseas, Feilong Motors will definitely become a high-end and high-end famous car in the eyes of everyone.

  9 month 3 number.

  At ten o'clock in the morning, Feilong Motors announced its entry into overseas markets.

  This news spread quickly, and YY directly recommended Feilong Motors through the pop-up window. This is not a recommendation from Long's country, but a recommendation from all over the world.

  YY rarely does pop-up recommendations at the global level. This time, Su Hao made a complete sacrifice in order to make Feilong Motors famous and gain a firm foothold in the world.

  YY users all over the world see the YY pop-up window recommending Feilong Motors, and they are all curious to click on it.

  Seeing that it is Feilong Motors under Haoyu Group, and looking at the styles and data of Feilong Motors, I am also very surprised.

  "This Feilong car is very cost-effective, completely outperforming other brands of cars. How is this Feilong car sold in Long Country?"

  Foreign users are very curious about the sales volume of Feilong Motors in Longguo.

  "After watching Feilong Motors, the first impression is that the price-performance ratio is very high, completely surpassing other brands of cars. Is this Feilong Motor really good? Friends of Longguo, come out and talk about it."

  "I know Feilong Motors. Feilong Motors has been on the market for a few months. The sales volume in Longguo is very good, and it has occupied half of the market in Longguo." This is the voice of Shui Jun.

  At the critical moment, Su Hao naturally asked the fat man to instruct the navy to cooperate, and completely boosted the reputation of the Flying Dragon Motor.

  "The driving experience of Feilong car is super perfect, I feel super comfortable to drive, foreign friends, just buy it, Feilong car is worth owning."

  "Friends from abroad, Feilong Motors is not only the most cost-effective, but also the most advanced in other aspects, and the engine is the best in technology. It's just right to sell, Feilong Motors is worth owning."

  "The quality of Feilong cars is definitely better than other cars, especially the cars in Sakura Country. The safety performance of Feilong cars is many times better than that of cars in Sakura Country. It is absolutely right to buy Feilong cars."

  The navy is always boasting about flying dragon cars and praising them to death.

  The critical moment is not the time to be humble. The more bragging at this time, the more foreign people will pay attention to Feilong Motors.

  Foreign netizens: "Is it really that good? This data looks good, but is it true? Are there really such good cars?"

  Shui Jun: "Feilong Motors is a subsidiary of Haoyu Group, and Haoyu Group's reputation is absolutely guaranteed."

  Foreign netizens: "The speed increase is really so powerful, and the fuel consumption is still the least, is this possible?"

  Shui Jun: "Everything is possible. Haoyu Group can beat the world's largest company, Microsoft. What's impossible? Just buy a Feilong car. Feilong car is definitely worth owning."

  Foreign netizens: "Why do I hear that the successful people in Longguo don't buy Feilong cars? Is Feilong cars bad?"

  Shui Jun: "Of course not, it's because the reputation of Feilong Motors is not loud enough. In order to build the reputation of Feilong Motors, Feilong Motors chose to enter the world market in advance. You must know that the current production capacity of Feilong Motors is only enough to meet the needs of Longguo, not at all. Excess production capacity to enter the world market. However, in order to allow car lovers in other countries to own the Feilong Motor earlier, Feilong Motors had to enter the world market in advance. Feilong Motors is worth having 々ˇ.”

  After the overwhelming praise of the navy and the publicity of YY, Feilong Motors has been completely impressed in the hearts of people all over the world.

  Car lovers are thoroughly interested in Feilong Motors.

  "I have to go and see Feilong Motors. I want to see if it is as good as YY advertises."

  "Haha, I went here with the false propaganda of debunking Feilong Motors. I don't believe that there are such good cars. If they were really that good, Feilong Motors would have been famous all over the world."

  "Flying Dragon, made in Longguo, is really as good as the propaganda says? Why can't I think of a car made in Longguo?"

  "Don't think about it, there is no famous car made by Longguo at all, so everyone is so suspicious of Feilong Motors. Just go and see. If it is really that good, we will make a profit. If it is false propaganda, we will expose Feilong. The ugly face of the car."

  "Flying Dragon Motors is a subsidiary of Haoyu Group and will not play false propaganda. Haoyu Group will not do this kind of smashing its own brand." Foreign netizens who support Haoyu Group naturally support Haoyu Group.

  Foreign netizens who do not support Haoyu Group naturally want to expose the true face of Feilong Motors.

  In any case, Feilong Motors is a small hit.

  This is the power of the YY channel.

  After being promoted by YY, Feilong Motors, which is not well-known in the world at all, is a complete small fire.

  Other companies see that netizens are discussing Feilong Motors, and they are extremely envious of the effect of YY's promotion of Feilong Motors.

  At the same time, I am more aware of the horror of YY as a propaganda channel.

  For a time, many companies called YY to ask if they could advertise on YY, and it was easy to say how much the advertising cost.

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