"I also don't understand. Wasn't the fight in full swing before? Why did you suddenly admit defeat after just stagnating for a while? Huaxin Computer didn't make any big moves?"

  "It's not just that Huaxin Computer didn't make any big moves. Instead, several major computer companies were constantly making moves, begging for cooperation. The recent low-price promotions made many moves. On the contrary, Huaxin Computer didn't make any moves at all. Why did Microsoft admit defeat? ?"

  "I also don't understand, Microsoft is the world's largest company, how can it suddenly admit defeat, this is too mysterious."

  People who don't play "League of Legends" and people who seldom go online can't understand why Microsoft voluntarily conceded defeat.

  It’s true that Haoyu Group is the largest group in Longguo, but Soft and Micro is the world’s largest company. The gap between the two is there. Soft and Micro is the strong one, why did the strong suddenly admit defeat to the weak Woolen cloth?

  This is incredible.

  People in the know have explained to these bewildered friends.

  "Do you know "League of Legends"?"

  "I've heard of it, but I haven't played it."

  "Do you know how popular "League of Legends" is?"

  "It's very popular. Many people are discussing this game. Why are you asking this?"

  "I want to tell you that the reason why Haoyu Group can make Microsoft Corp. voluntarily admit defeat is because of "League of Legends", do you believe it?"

  "What? Just because of a game? Who are you fooling?"

  "Do I seem to be fooling you? Please listen to me in detail."

  "You said."

  "League of Legends is a game developed by Haoyu Games, which is a subsidiary of Haoyu Group.

  Therefore, the game "League of Legends" is limited to download by Microsoft and Microsoft computer systems.

   This has no effect at all in Longguo, because almost all Longguo computer users use Huaxin computer systems, but it has a great impact in the world.

  At first, when "League of Legends" did not explode, some people on the Internet also raised this issue, but no one took it seriously, and neither major computer companies nor Microsoft took it seriously.

  When "League of Legends" became popular all over the world, people realized the importance of "League of Legends" restricting the download of Microsoft's computer system.

  Do you know how many people on the Internet scolded Haoyu Group at that time?

  The supporters of Microsoft's computer system, as well as the centrists, are all scolding the Haoyu Group, scolding Haoyu Group for not engaging in restrictions and specialties.

  Even players who like to play "League of Legends" are very depressed. Haoyu Group restricts the download of "League of Legends" on the Microsoft computer system, which completely hinders the popularity of "League of Legends" in the world.

  Just when the players sighed, the charm of "League of Legends" could not be stopped. Internet cafes all over the world switched to Huaxin computer systems in order to allow players to play "League of Legends" in Internet cafes.

  In this way, the users of Huaxin computer system completely surpass the computer users of soft and micro system.

  Because Internet cafes can play "League of Legends", "League of Legends" is even more popular, and YY users also quickly surpass MS online users.

  At this time, Microsoft and several major computer companies still did not realize the importance of the problem.

  When it appeared on the Internet that the Huaxin computer and the Huaxin computer system were more enjoyable to play "League of Legends", the sales of the Huaxin computer suddenly soared, and it directly affected the sales of several major brands of computers.

  This is a temporary break between Microsoft and several major brands of computers.

  In order to stabilize the sales of computers of several major brands, they can only go to Haoyu Group to seek cooperation. As a result, you know it. I believe you have seen the jokes made by representatives of computer companies of major brands.

  Several major computer companies failed to seek cooperation and continued to cooperate with Microsoft.

  I don’t know when Soft and Micro realized the power of the game “League of Legends”, and I also don’t know what Soft and Micro realized that Huaxin computer system users and YY users completely surpassed Soft and Micro computer system and MS users. I only know that Microsoft has not made any moves.

  It should be that Microsoft did not think of a way, because there are rumors on the Internet that Microsoft has been looking for a game that can compete with "League of Legends".

  Even Microsoft has offered one billion yuan in gold, but unfortunately, no game company can come up with a game that can compete with "League of Legends".

  At this time, several major computer companies that had nowhere to go returned to the arms of Microsoft and Microsoft and continued to cooperate with Microsoft. This led to the complete ban of Haoyu Group by Microsoft and several major computer companies all over the world to engage in low-price promotions.

  It is a pity that the actions of Microsoft and several major computer companies are completely ineffective, and Haoyu Group can crack the tricks of Microsoft and several major computer companies with one move.

  Haoyu Group announced the "League of Legends" global competition, the champion prize money is as high as [-] million.

  It is precisely because of this news that several major computer companies are completely desperate.

  After Haoyu Group announced the League of Legends global competition, "League of Legends" became even more popular all over the world. Almost everyone who played the game had to play "League of Legends", and countless teams were formed.

  In order to better practice the operation, most players spend money on Huaxin computers, which leads to almost zero sales of several major brands of computers, even ultra-low price promotions are useless.

  Even those players who don't buy computers are modifying the Huaxin computer system. Think about it, the whole world has switched to Huaxin computer system, can Microsoft and Microsoft not admit defeat? "

  People who don't understand the reason are shocked after listening to the explanations of their friends.

  "That is to admit defeat. Most netizens around the world have switched to Huaxin computer systems, and Microsoft and Microsoft must admit defeat if they do not admit defeat."

  "It's amazing and shocking that Microsoft was actually beaten by a game."

  "So, come and play "League of Legends". If you are talented, maybe you will be selected by a game club, and then you will have a high-paying job."

  "I was selected by the game club, do I get a salary?"

  "Nonsense, as long as you are selected by the game club, you are a member of the team. Whether you are a regular player or a backup player, you will get super high salary, which is definitely higher than your current job salary."

  "But is this stable?"

  "It's not stable, but if you become an official player and reach the finals of the global competition, you will definitely become famous. Are you afraid that you won't be able to make money after becoming famous?"

  "The money you earn by being famous is the money you can't earn in your entire life by working now. How about instability?"

  "It makes sense, I'll try League of Legends too. It would be great if I had talent."

  According to my friends, people who don't play games are also very excited about "League of Legends", no, it should be said that they are very excited about the prize money of the "League of Legends" global competition.

  In Longguo, the people of Longguo were all overjoyed when they learned that Soft and Microsoft voluntarily admitted defeat as if it were a Chinese New Year.

  "Soft and Microsoft voluntarily admit defeat and ask for peace, it's really awesome, Su Shen is awesome."

  "I know that Microsoft Computer will be defeated by Huaxin Computer sooner or later, but I didn't think that this day would come so quickly. God Su is really awesome. Haha, God Su, you are my God."

  "The world's largest company, Microsoft, was truly defeated by Su Shen, and the whole world celebrates with flowers."

  "Su Shen is worthy of being the endorsement of miracles. Before Soft and Microsoft announced their defeat, who would have thought that Su Shen could defeat Soft Microsoft? This is amazing, Su Shen is worthy of being Su Shen, Su Shen, my eternal God. ."

  "Believe in God Su and get eternal life, haha."

  "What about the world's largest company? It hasn't been defeated by God Su, God Su is really awesome, God Su, I'm proud of you."

  "The world's largest company has been killed by Su Shen. Su Shen is really amazing. Now Su Shen is not only the idol of young people, but the idol of the whole country."

  "Software was defeated by "League of Legends", haha, I guess Microsoft never dreamed of being defeated by a game, now I finally understand why Su Shen participated in the development of "League of Legends", it turns out Su Shen We're going to take down Microsoft with this game."

  "Su Shensuan's plan is to be the spokesperson of miracles and the glory of the country."

  Not only the Chinese people are happy, but also the top leaders of the country.

  It is definitely the glory of the Dragon Kingdom to have the world's largest company, Microsoft, voluntarily concede defeat and ask for peace.

  Although Haoyu Group is only a private company, Haoyu Group belongs to Longguo, and Su Hao is from Longguo. This is the glory of Longguo.

  The second elder and the leader chatted together for a long time because of this.

  Leader: "Su Hao is really amazing, he actually defeated Soft and Microsoft so quickly. Soft and Microsoft is the largest company in the world. I really didn't expect Su Hao to beat Soft and Microsoft. I always thought that Su Hao would not be unbeaten. Not bad, I still underestimated Su Hao."

  Grandpa Su: "Who would have thought that Su Hao defeated the world's largest company with a game. I'm afraid not even Bige from Microsoft? This is a miracle in itself."

  Leader: "I heard that Su Hao participated in the development of the game "League of Legends", which shows that he has a plan. This kid is really amazing. He quietly stole the Microsoft company. Fortunately, he is from the Dragon Kingdom. ."

  Grandpa Su: "Yes, our Dragon Kingdom finally has a business genius. This is the luck of our Dragon Kingdom."

  Leader: "Su Hao is only 20 this year?"

  Grandpa Su: "It's 20 years old."

  Leader: "20 years old to create such a miracle, Huaxin Computer has now occupied most of the market, YY is also popular all over the world, and Haoyu Group has two more popular products all over the world, so that Su Hao is hopeful this year. To be the richest man in the world?"

  Grandpa Su: "I can't say for sure, Huaxin Computer is naturally very profitable, but I don't know anything about the Internet, but I heard that YY is also very profitable. However, the investment in Longteng Real Estate is too large, and Su Hao is not in the bank. In terms of loans and group profits, it is estimated that there are not many, and it is uncertain if we want to be the richest man in the world this year.”

  Leader: "Is that so? Then give him more convenience, no matter what he wants to do, as long as it doesn't violate the laws of the country, as long as it doesn't harm the interests of the people, give him more convenience, and try to make Su Hao the richest man in the world this year. "

  Grandpa Su: "Will this be too urgent?"

  Leader: "Don't worry, we Longguo have to build a benchmark. With a benchmark, the national atmosphere will definitely be improved. At that time, we don't need to retain it, many talents will take the initiative to stay in the country, which is more beneficial to the construction of our country. "

  Grandpa Su: "Then I'll ask Su Hao to see if I can help him. I'll help him."

  Leader: "Well, tell him, let him try his best to be the richest man in the world this year, just say what I said."

  Grandpa Su: "Okay."

  After Grandpa Su talked with the leader, he called Su Hao.

  Su Hao received a call from Grandpa Su and guessed that Grandpa Su was shocked by the news that Microsoft voluntarily conceded defeat.

  "Grandpa Su, you don't need to congratulate me. I've already received many congratulatory calls today."

  Grandpa Su: "You boy, don't be proud of your achievements, there is still a long way to go."

  Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, don't worry, I won't be proud. I know that Microsoft is just the world's largest company on the surface. Those low-key conglomerates that are stronger than Microsoft and Microsoft have many family businesses. went."

  Grandpa Su: "It's not bad that your kid has this level of consciousness. In short, the world is far from what you see, and the richest man in the world is like that."

  Su Hao: "Well, I see, Grandpa Su."

  Grandpa Su: "But even if the richest man in the world is only the richest man in the world, if you can beat him, it is enough to prove your strength."

  "The leadership suggested that you try your best to be the richest man in the world this year? If you need help, you can ask the country."

  Su Hao: "Being the richest man in the world? Isn't there a rush? Not this year, I will definitely be able to reach the top next year."

  Grandpa Su: "Our Dragon Kingdom needs a benchmark for the whole world, which is more conducive to the development of the country. Only you can do this, what do you think?"

  Su Hao: "That's right, Grandpa Su, tell the leader that I will definitely work hard to become the richest man in the world this year."

  Grandpa Su: "Well, if you dare to say this, it shows that you have confidence. If you have any requirements, please tell me."

  Su Hao: "Is it possible to ask for anything?"

  Grandpa Su: "The premise is that the country's laws cannot be violated. As long as the country's laws are not violated and people's interests are not harmed, the country will try its best to satisfy you."

  Su Hao pondered, what kind of request should he make? .

Chapter 321

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