Restrict, block, and unite several major brand computer companies. . .All available means have been used, but Huaxin computer is still useless.

  Not to mention that the current "League of Legends" is threatening, and the Huaxin computer system has "League of Legends" assists, and Microsoft has missed the best moment to defeat Huaxin Computer.

  In the past, Soft and Micro Computer pressed Huaxin Computer to fight, but now the identities of the two sides have been reversed, and Huaxin Computer pressed Soft and Micro Computer to fight.

  If time could be reversed, Bige would definitely choose not to despise Haoyu Group, go all out to deal with Huaxin Computer, and never let Huaxin Computer have any chance to open up the global market.

  It is a pity that it is too late to say anything, and Microsoft has missed the best opportunity, and the fate of Soft and Micro computers is almost foreseeable.

  After the official announcement of the global competition of "League of Legends", the users of CEFC's computer system soared rapidly, and the sales of CEFC's computer also soared rapidly.

  Several major brands of computers have been completely abandoned by people all over the world.

  After people experience the excellence of the Huaxin computer system, they all praise the Huaxin computer system.

  "The Huaxin computer system is really easy to use. Whether it is playing games or working, it is super suitable. It is recommended for office workers to modify the Huaxin computer system."

  "Before, I was distracted by Microsoft's advertisements and fishing reels. It turns out that Huaxin's computer system is really super easy to use. There is no false propaganda in the advertisements of Huaxin's computer system. Those who haven't modified Huaxin's computer system have switched to Huaxin. Computer system.”

  "Whether it's a Huaxin smartphone or a Huaxin computer, they're all super easy to use. After using YY, I suddenly felt that MS was really rubbish. I actually abandoned the super-excellent YY and kept using the outdated MS. I'm really stupid. ah."

  "The YY function completely beats MS, and the new functions of MS are all copied from YY. Nima, I have been using MS all the time, and it is all tricked by Microsoft, Microsoft, you have been deceiving users, you Really unscrupulous profiteers."

  "I am used to using MS, I believe in MS, and I believe in Microsoft and Microsoft, and I reject YY and Huaxin Computer. As an elite in the new century, this is really inappropriate, and I have to reflect on it. As a management of the new century, there is no such thing as A heart that accepts new things, I really shouldn't."

  Many elites feel that they have been deceived by Microsoft after experiencing the excellence of YY and Huaxin computer systems.

  If it wasn't for the fact that Microsoft and Microsoft kept saying that Huaxin computer system and YY were false advertisements, if they weren't used to MS, if they didn't have the heart to embrace new things, I'm afraid they would have already used Huaxin computer system and YY. , and will not use a better product now.

  "Elite, I am ashamed of these two words."

  "I also feel ashamed of the word "elite". Soft and Micro, let's develop our own products. Whether it is Soft Micro computer system or MS, it is far worse than Huaxin Computer System and YY."

  "There's no way. Microsoft and Microsoft have no rivals for a long time, and they have lost their aggressiveness. Before YY did not appear, how often did MS update? Half a year, or a year?"

  "As the world's largest company, it's understandable that the company lost its wolf nature. I hope that the company has not been completely destroyed. As long as the company changes completely and concentrates on research and development, there may be a day when it will make a comeback. "

  "Software has lost, and Huaxin Computer Systems and YY are rivals that Microsoft cannot catch up with in a short period of time."

  "The world's richest man, Bige, has no way to save the current Microsoft and Microsoft. The world's richest man, if you really can't, go home and retire."

  Elites from all walks of life can see clearly that Microsoft and Microsoft cannot compete with Haoyu Group.

  The three products of Soft Micro Computer System, MS, and Pingguo Smartphone are not the opponents of Haoyu Group's Huaxin Computer System, YY, and Huaxin Smartphone.

  Before the Huaxin computer system broke out completely, Microsoft can still deceive people all over the world. Now that the Huaxin computer system has completely exploded because of "League of Legends", Soft and Microsoft can no longer stop the rise of the Huaxin computer system.

  With the last shred of hope, Bige asked Pingguo Company.

  Pingguo Company gave a negative reply.

  As Bigai guessed, it is impossible for Pingguo to develop a smartphone that is better than Huaxin's smartphone in a short period of time.

  This is the same as Microsoft's inability to catch up with Huaxin computer system in a short time.

  With a negative answer from Pingguo, Bige knew it was time to make a decision.

  It will only be more detrimental for Microsoft to drag on like this.

  Since the result cannot be changed, let's decide the winner as soon as possible.

  After the "League of Legends" official announcement of the global game, players around the world are boiling.

  Dragon Kingdom players are even more ecstatic.

  Because "League of Legends" gave Long Guo a convenience, Long Guo occupied seven places in the finals.

  Ten days of registration, 20 days of competition, and seven teams will be selected. These seven teams will have huge bonuses, so how can you not be tempted.

  Any player who is a bit more powerful in League of Legends has the idea of ​​​​forming a team.

  Haoyu Game Company directly established an e-sports game club, recruiting game experts from all over the country to form a "League of Legends" game team.

  The name of the team is called Haoyu team.

  Netizens were shocked when they saw the recruitment announcement of Haoyu Game Company.

  "That's okay. Haoyu Games directly set up an e-sports game club to recruit game experts from all over the country. Is this an official team?"

  "Team Haoyu, is this name an announcement to Haoyu Group?"

  "Does Haoyu Group still use advertising? Who doesn't know Su Shen in Longguo, and who doesn't know Haoyu Group?"

  "Haha, yes, my skills are okay, I'll try to see if I can join."

  "Come on, my rank is not enough, let's see if I can rush up these two days, otherwise the conditions for registration are not enough."

  "It is normal to have rank requirements. If there are no restrictions, many people will sign up to join the Haoyu team. This is the official team."

  "It's the same whether it's official or not. In Su Shen, there is no insider or unspoken rules. I believe that Su Shen will definitely be fair and impartial. It is impossible to give Haoyu team convenience just because it is a team of Haoyu Game Company."

  "That's natural. If you don't believe in Su Shen's character, who else would you believe, haha."

  Netizens don't care about Haoyu's advertisements, but other companies do.

  Inspired by Haoyu Game Company, many companies have invested in the establishment of e-sports game clubs, and the name is naturally named after the company.

  Now that "League of Legends" is so popular, the advertising effect must be super powerful.If they can become one of the top seven teams of the Dragon Kingdom and enter the finals, the people of the whole country will know their team. This is a free super advertisement.

  Especially the finals, which is broadcast on TV, and then the advertising effect will be there. . .

  All companies think of the super advertising effect, all of which are the founding teams of Meizizi.

  Now invest a little money, if you accidentally enter the finals, two words, super value.

  Every company with a name in the Dragon Kingdom has established an e-sports game club, seeking game masters across the country to form a team.

  Players on the "League of Legends" king list are invited by clubs across the country.

  But the masters want to enter the Haoyu team.

  For nothing else, just because the Haoyu team belongs to Su Shen.If you can become an employee of Su Shen, maybe you can get close contact with Su Shen, and maybe you can talk to Su Shen. . .

  Who wouldn't want such a good thing.

  Who asked Su Hao to personally post on Weibo, saying that all "League of Legends" masters are welcome to join the Haoyu team.

  Su Shen has spoken in person, which master is not moved.

  The reality is so red.

  Su Shen is the idol of young people all over the country, and many young masters naturally choose Haoyu team first.

  All the masters who looked at the list of Long Guo signed up for the Haoyu team, hoping to become a member of the team.

  In the end, the Haoyu team selected 20 people. 20 people are all super masters on the king list.

  Players who become Haoyu team are very happy.

  Regardless of whether they are the last five contestants, 20 people are very happy to be members of the Haoyu team.

  As for those players who have not become Haoyu team, they can only choose other teams as second best.

  Other teams quickly divided up many masters.

  However, all players in the Dragon Kingdom know that the first championship was almost locked by the Haoyu team.

  There is no way, it is to let the masters be selected by the Haoyu team first, 20 people are all super masters, the Haoyu team has a great chance to win the championship.

  To the surprise of the 20 members of the Haoyu team, on the night of joining the Haoyu team, Su Hao suddenly came and invited them to a meal.

  Looking at Su Hao, who is approachable and approachable, the 20 people were nervous and excited at the beginning, and got along well at the end. They were even more fortunate to be able to join the Haoyu team. .

  The news that the Haoyu team is all masters spread abroad.

  Foreign players expressed dissatisfaction.

  What (Wang Lihao) are all masters, they are only masters of your Dragon Kingdom, have you asked me about masters of the United States?

  Have you asked me the masters of Eagle Country?The champion of the first "League of Legends" competition must belong to the Eagle Country team.

  I admit that "League of Legends" is a game developed by Dragon Kingdom, but it has absolutely no advantage for Dragon Kingdom players. When it comes to games, I will always be the strongest in my country.

  The Sakura Country is the strongest, and the first "League of Legends" champion must belong to the Sakura Country.

  Players from all over the world believe that their country will win the championship.

  Players from all over the world have been hyping it up on the Internet, which has made "League of Legends" popular all over the world.

  Countries that did not get the right to participate are also ravaged by "League of Legends", and they are preparing for next year's competition.

  The popularity of League of Legends has driven the sales of Huaxin Computer, and several major brands of computers are completely desperate.

  Microsoft has completely given up competing with CEFC.

  On July 7st, Bige finally made a decision to stop competing with the Huaxin computer system and concentrate on improving the Huaxin computer system.

  When the function of the software and micro computer system surpasses that of the Huaxin computer system, the company will make a comeback.

  Bige's decision was approved by all senior executives at Microsoft.

  There is no way if the top management disagrees. Instead of wasting manpower, material resources and funds to struggle, it is better to admit defeat as soon as possible with the remaining funds to improve the Microsoft and Microsoft computer systems.

  Because no matter how much struggle is now, it will not help, and ultimately it will not change the result of the defeat of the Microsoft computer system.

  At 12 noon, Microsoft officially released an announcement.

  Soft and Micro Computer withdrew from the competition with Huaxin Computer and lifted all bans on Haoyu Group.

  Microsoft would like to express its highest apology to Haoyu Group and hope that Haoyu Group will lift the restrictions on MS.

  When the Microsoft announcement came out, people all over the world were shocked. .

Chapter 320

  As the largest company in the world on the bright side, Microsoft actually voluntarily announced that it would concede defeat. This news is too shocking.

  If Microsoft conceded defeat to the world's second and third largest companies, everyone would not be so shocked.It is the Haoyu Group, a start-up company of Longguo, that can make the number of Soft and Micro companies.

  Haoyu Group has only been established for two years, and it has actually defeated the world's largest company. This is a miracle. For most people, this is a miracle.

  "How did Haoyu Group do it? Not only did the Soft and Micro Company voluntarily admit defeat, but also the Soft and Micro Company took the initiative to seek peace. How did Haoyu Group do it?"

  "It's unbelievable that Soft and Microsoft actually conceded defeat. I couldn't understand why Soft and Microsoft conceded for a while."

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