"That's right, I feel that the TV screen of Huaxin's smart phone is small. Pingguo's mobile phone is smaller than that of Huaxin's smart phone. Isn't watching TV more depressing, can you see people clearly?"

  "The product is not as good as the Huaxin smartphone. How dare I put it on the market? I'd better buy the Huaxin smartphone."

  Many foreign netizens are not very optimistic about Pingguo smartphones.

  Longguo netizens even complained about Pingguo's mobile phone.

  "What rubbish Pingguo phone, can you play with such a little memory? It is estimated that downloading a few commonly used software from YY and Alipay will fill up the memory, and you can't play the game at all."

  "Yes, then click on the memory and log in to chat with YY. You can play games and dream."

  "It's smaller than a Huaxin smartphone, my god, how dare you take out such a rubbish product, it's a shame."

  The American people were ecstatic.

  The American people have been very unhappy that Microsoft and Microsoft suppressed Haoyu Group, which made them unable to buy Huaxin smartphones.In particular, the Huaxin smartphone announced that it will ship [-] million units next month, and the people of the United States are even more upset, and they all severely criticized Microsoft.

  It's a pity that Microsoft didn't respond, and they couldn't do anything about it.As the world's largest company, how can Microsoft be afraid of ordinary people?

  Well now, Pingguo has developed a new smart phone. Although Pingguo’s smart phone is not as good as Huaxin’s smart phone, it is also a smart phone.

  As long as they can buy a smartphone, it's almost a little bit, and they don't care at all.

  What's more, Pingguo Smartphone is a company of their US. They don't have to worry about not being able to buy a smartphone. Now people in other countries envy them, not they envy the people of the 20 countries.

  When Su Hao saw the data of Pingguo's smartphone, he was very disdainful.

  As netizens said, if you take out such junk products, who should you be against?

  Pingguo smartphones and Huaxin smartphones are completely incomparable, and they are only [-] meters cheaper. Pingguo really looks down on their products.

  If Pingguo's smartphone was cheaper by [-] to [-] meters, Su Hao was still a little worried. Now it is only [-] meters cheaper, so Su Hao is not worried at all.

  25, I'd like to see how many you can sell.

  Along with the announcement of the development of a new smartphone by Pingguo, the Samsung Group of the Bangzi Country also announced the development of a new smartphone.

  Subsequently, Nuojiya Mobile also announced the development of a smartphone.

  The three smartphones were released at the same time in February, and people all over the world cheered.

  Among them, the Samsung smartphone in Bangzi country has the lowest price, the ordinary version is only 500 meters, and the high-end version is only 700 meters.

  The price of Nuojiya smartphones is the same as that of Huaxin smartphones.

  The product data of Samsung smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones is not much different from that of fruit smartphones. They both have advantages and disadvantages.

  However, compared with Huaxin smartphones, Samsung smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones are also younger brothers, much worse than Huaxin smartphones.

  People all over the world are delighted to see three smartphones in a row.Especially the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

  Based on their understanding of Haoyu Group and Su Hao, there are new smart phones now, will Huaxin Smartphones launch the second generation of Huaxin Smartphones soon?

  Most of the people of Longguo believe that the second generation of Huaxin smartphones will be launched soon, and the three smartphones of Pingguo will be stomped under their feet. .

Chapter 293

  The people of Longguo are looking forward to the launch of the second generation of Huaxin mobile phones.

  "Finally waiting for other smartphones to appear. At this moment, I don't know whether to be happy or sad. The happy thing is that Huaxin smartphones finally have rivals, so Huaxin mobile phones are very likely to launch the second generation of smartphones. The sadness is other The emergence of smartphones will affect CEFC's market share."

  "Don't worry, whether it's a Pingguo smartphone, a Samsung smartphone, or a Nuojiya smartphone, they can't be compared to a Huaxin smartphone, they're all much worse than a Huaxin smartphone, and they're no match for a Huaxin smartphone at all. , anyway, I choose Huaxin smartphone."

  "That's not it. The competitiveness of Huaxin's smartphone products is there. Even if the other three smartphones are cheaper than Huaxin's smartphones, they are not much cheaper. Let me choose, I will definitely choose Huaxin's smartphones."

  "I am very happy now, because the opponent of Huaxin smartphone has appeared. According to my understanding of Su Shen, the appearance of the opponent means that Huaxin Mobile will soon launch a new smartphone, and I look forward to the second generation of Huaxin smartphone. Haha. "

  "Regardless of his other smartphones, as long as the second generation of Huaxin's smartphones comes out, all other smartphones have to stand aside."

  "You're wrong, you don't need the second generation of Huaxin smartphones. Now the Huaxin smartphones have already smashed the other three smartphones."

  "Anyway, I'm still looking forward to the launch of the Huaxin Smartphone 2."

  "That is, who doesn't expect it, the Huaxin Smartphone 1 is so good, the Huaxin Smartphone 2 will definitely be better, just as I haven't bought a smartphone yet, if the Huaxin Smartphone 2 goes on sale, I can directly buy the Huaxin Smartphone 2 [-], hehe."

  "The Huaxin Smartphone 1 has only been used for two months. What should I do if the Huaxin 2 goes on sale? Do I have to change the phone again?"

  "Don't change, don't change, continue to use Huaxin 1, one less person to snap up, I have a chance to buy it, haha."

  "If Huaxin 2 is listed, there is not much inventory. You should continue to use Huaxin 1. Let us who did not buy Huaxin 1 directly buy Huaxin 2."

  Longguo netizens are looking forward to the launch of Huaxin Smartphone 2.

  Su Hao completely ignored these. It is not yet the time to launch Huaxin 2. We must first look at the sales of Pingguo's three smartphones.

  2 month 4 number.

  Pingguo announced that it will cooperate with Microsoft and several major brand computer vendors to advance and retreat together.

  One of the most important news was announced at the tripartite joint press conference.

  The computer system of Soft and Micro resumes restricting YY, only restricting YY, and not restricting other Internet products of Haoyu Group.

  For the same reason, Pingguo smartphones also restrict YY.

  According to Microsoft's words, Huaxin smartphones have been restricting MS, which makes them very uncomfortable, so they still have to restrict YY.

  This news once again shocked people all over the world.

  Nima, the restriction on YY has really resumed, but this time Microsoft and Microsoft took a little bit of it.

  In any case, Huaxin's smartphones have always restricted MS, and Microsoft has lifted the restrictions on Haoyu Group's Internet products. At this point, Microsoft still accounts for a little bit.

  People subconsciously forget that Microsoft restricts YY first, only that Huaxin smartphones have always restricted MS.

  Netizens who support the company are cheering and praising the company's domineering.

  "Beautiful, the company's backbone has not been lost. Just like this, Huaxin's smart phones have always restricted MS, and you have to restrict it back."

  "That's right. Microsoft is the world's largest company. How could it be restricted by others? It must be restricted back."

  "Software is really right to cooperate with Pingguo this time. Softsoft has no weakness this time, and Huaxin smartphones will also be seized by Pingguo smartphones. Haoyu Group, wait for it to go bankrupt, haha. "

  "It's right to restrict YY, this is the domineering that the world's largest company should have."

  Netizens who support YY and Haoyu Group naturally criticize Microsoft and Microsoft.

  "Software is too shameless, no, it's too shameless, once restricting YY, once restricting all Internet products of Haoyu Group, once again lifting, and now re-restricting, special meow, is this a game user? "

  "No, it's cheating users. It's one thing for Microsoft to be a completely improper user, and it's completely disrespectful to users. Originally, I was still hesitating whether to switch to the Huaxin computer system. If I use YY, then I can only switch to Huaxin computer system."

  "What is MS, it's still easy to use YY. Thanks to Microsoft for re-restricting YY, so I don't have to worry about it. Haha, I can also get the right of first refusal for smartphones. Why not do it."

  "At first, I thought it was too much trouble and didn't want to reinstall the system. Now that it's done, it won't work if I don't change it. MS is nothing compared to YY. I still think YY is easy to use."

  Netizens who support Microsoft and MS are naturally refuted.

  "MS is the most user-friendly chat software in the world, YY is a piece of shit, Pingguo smartphones are also better than Huaxin smartphones, and they're cheaper, don't buy the cheaper ones, buy the expensive ones, Are you fools?"

  "The Pinguo smartphone is the best smartphone in the world. Compared with the Pinguo smartphone, the Huaxin smartphone is simply garbage."

  "It is absolutely right to choose a Pinguo smartphone, and the Pinguo mobile phone is our best choice."

  "Cheap is not good, understand?"

  "Open your eyes and talk nonsense. At first glance, Pingguo's mobile phone is an imitation of Huaxin's smart phone. At first glance, it is a copycat, garbage."

  "Yes, the appearance is exactly the same, and the position of the camera is the same. This is a copycat of Chiguoguo."

  "Pingguo Smartphone, have you paid the patent fee for Huaxin Mobile? If you don't remember to pay the patent fee, it is illegal for your mobile phone to be listed."

  "Haha, most of the patents for smartphones are from Huaxin smartphones. It is difficult for Pingguo smartphones to not pay the patent fee, haha."

  Netizens were arguing.

  Microsoft also cooperated with Samsung and Nuojiya, but it was a pity that both Samsung and Nuojiya refused.

  YY is now a super popular chat software, plus their mobile phones are so popular in the Longguo market, they dare not cooperate with Microsoft.

  Cooperating with Microsoft Corporation must restrict YY, which will offend Haoyu Group, offend Haoyu Group on behalf of offending the people of Longguo, and represent loss of Longguo market, such a simple arithmetic problem, Xingsan Group and Nuojiya Group will still Calculated.

  Only companies like Pingguo, which have no market share in Longguo, dare to cooperate with Microsoft.They still have to rely on the Longguo market to make money, so they won't be stupid enough to cooperate with Microsoft.

  If you really want to choose, Xingsan Group and Nuojiya Group will choose to stand on Haoyu Group's side without hesitation.

  YY to MS.

  Huaxin Computer System VS Soft Micro Computer System.

  No one is inferior to anyone. For the sake of the Longguo market, they will choose to stand with Haoyu Group without hesitation.

  It is a pity that Haoyu Group will not give them a chance, because Huaxin smartphones are also their competitors.Now they just want to level the playing field with CEFC smartphones.

  No, it should be said that the Haoyu Group should not suppress them. If the Haoyu Group is fully aimed at suppressing them, in the Longguo market, the Xingsan Group and the Nuojiya Group really do not have the courage to start a war with the Haoyu Group.

  In the past, there were supermarkets of major brands, electrical appliances of major brands in the back, and computers of major brands recently. All major brands that fought with Haoyu Group ended in failure.

  In Longguo, Haoyu Group is completely supported by the people of Longguo, and its products are super competitive. When it goes to war with Haoyu Group, there is only one result in the end, and that is failure.

  The Samsung Group and the Nuojiya Group do not want to go the same way as those big-brand supermarkets, big-brand computers, and big-brand electrical appliances.

  As long as they can survive in the Dragon Country market, they will definitely be able to make money. Although they don't earn as much as before, they still earn more than other countries. The Dragon Country market is so big, they don't want to give up.

  The Samsung Group and the Nuojiya Group are now secretly praying that the Huaxin smartphone will not go to war with the Pingguo smartphone.

  If the two go to war, it will inevitably affect their smartphone sales. Maybe Huaxin smartphones will fight them together. It was really a disaster at that time.

  The cooperation between Pingguo Company and Microsoft Corporation, several major brand computer merchants, is full of advertisements.

  Except for the Dragon Kingdom, all countries in the world are like this.All the channels of the three parties are in operation, making announcements frantically, and the three parties are mutually beneficial.

  In this way, people are still attracted by the advertisements of the three parties.

  The sales volume that Huaxin Computer just remembered was suppressed again.

  However, the Huaxin computer system was not affected at all, and many people still visit Huaxin stores to install the Huaxin computer system every day.

  Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that Huaxin's computer system still maintained a growth rate.

  There is nothing to do now, only time.

  Su Hao turned around and devoted himself to the research of Feilong Automobile.

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