After the annual meeting, there are successive holidays.

  Because Haoyu Group is at war with Microsoft, there are many people on duty.

  Su Hao also came home on the 21st.

  When he got home, Su Hao was not idle either, and kept paying attention to the market. After the implementation of the bundling of Huaxin computers and smartphones, and the market recovered, Su Hao was a little idle.

  This year was Su Hao's busiest year.

  Busy with visiting relatives and friends, and paying attention to the world market, Su Hao really wanted to say, it's too difficult for me.

  After the Huaxin computer system opened up because of bundling, Su Hao was free.

  The time has come to January 1, and it is the time for a new round of smartphone sales.Ten thousand.

Chapter 292

  On the evening of January 1, no one in 29 countries finally lined up to buy smartphones.Because people know that the purchase rights of smartphones have been allocated to people who have switched to CEFC's computer system.

  Going in line now doesn't work at all, you don't have the right to buy, and you won't be able to buy a smartphone tomorrow.

  Anyone who wants to buy a smartphone without the right to buy is frustrating and will have to wait until next month.

  October 1th.

  People from 20 countries came to exchange for smartphones one after another.

  Thirty million smartphones were sold out in one day.

  At seven o'clock in the evening in China, [-] million smartphones in Huaxin's mobile phone store on were sold out in one minute.

  Smartphones are still selling well, and it is also a serious stimulus to other mobile phone brands.

  Microsoft executives saw the smartphone boom and knew they couldn't sit still.

  If the bundled sales of Huaxin Computer and smartphones cannot be solved, Huaxin Computer will gradually occupy more of the market. Within a few months, Huaxin Computer will definitely impact the hegemony of Soft and Micro Computer.

  After Su Hao learned that [-] million smartphones were sold out, he immediately announced that a new round of overseas purchase rights began to be exchanged.

  This time, it's the right to buy 3 million smartphones on March 1.

  Fifty million smartphones were distributed to 20 countries, with [-] million units in each country.

  People from 20 countries were overjoyed when they heard the good news.

  "Haha, this time it's [-] million units. It's really a pleasant surprise. We have to thank Microsoft for this. If it weren't for the competition between Microsoft and Huaxin Computer, we would not have such benefits."

  "That's right, in order to open up the Huaxin computer market, Haoyu Group put the production capacity of [-] Huaxin smartphones in the foreign market for a month. This is simply too surprising. Thanks to Microsoft, [-] million Ministry, this time I will definitely be able to buy a smartphone."

  "I can't buy it this time, but I can definitely buy it next time, haha."

  Domestic netizens are a little confused when they learn that the overseas shipment of Huaxin smartphones will be [-] million units next month.

  "Huaxin smartphone, have you just abandoned the domestic market?"

  "Shen Su, how can you give up on us, I haven't bought a smartphone yet."

  "Shen Su, don't give up on us."

  Su Hao fans all support Haoyu Group's decision.

  "Haoyu Group's decision is to allow Huaxin Computer to open up the market. We must support Su Shen's decision and must not hold him back."

  "That's right, Huaxin Computer is now being strangled by Microsoft and several major computer brands. We must support Su Shen's every decision, and we must not hold Su Shen back."

  "We support Haoyu Group, but we can't sell all of them abroad. There are still many people in China who haven't bought smartphones."

  People who didn't expect smartphones are naturally a little upset.

  When Huaxin Mobile saw the news, it immediately issued an announcement.

  Huaxin Mobile has not given up on the domestic market, and Longguo still has [-] million smartphones on sale.

  Seeing the announcement of Huaxin Mobile, those dissatisfied voices on the Internet disappeared instantly.

  "[-] million, that's fine, [-] million is not bad."

  "Fifty million plus [-] million, isn't that Huaxin mobile phone with a monthly production capacity of [-] million units, [-] million units, my God, it's amazing."

  "It used to be more than [-] million, and [-] million is normal. How I hope that Huaxin mobile phones can meet the global market at once, so that Huaxin Computer can definitely stand up overseas."

  "Yes, if there are enough smart phones, CEFC can definitely open up the overseas market and grab the market of Microsoft and Microsoft."

  "Isn't the situation also opened now, [-] million plus [-] million this time, there are [-] million people using Huaxin computer system, is this still not opening the situation?"

  "Is [-] million people much better? A conservative estimate of the world's computer use is one billion, eighty million is less than one-tenth, is that a lot?"

  "At least [-] million users must use the Huaxin computer system for the Huaxin computer system to be truly successful."

  "Are you ignoring our domestic market subconsciously? It is conservatively estimated that there are [-] million to [-] million users in the domestic market who use the Huaxin computer system. In addition to the Longguo market, there should be nearly [-] million users who use the Huaxin computer system, which is not too small. Bar."

  "Hey, that seems to be the case."

  "The one billion I'm talking about excludes the Longguo market, plus the Longguo market, there are only one billion users who use computers."

  "Yes, wait, now Huaxin Computer needs time, adding [-] million users a month, and giving Huaxin Computer half a year, Huaxin Computer will be able to stand up completely."

  "Actually, it doesn't take half a year. When many people use the Huaxin computer system, the word of mouth will ferment. At that time, more and more people will use the Huaxin computer system, and the Huaxin computer will stand up completely."

  "I hope that other brand mobile phone merchants will develop smartphones later, so that Haoyu Group will have more time to develop."

  "I heard that a mobile phone manufacturer in the United States has developed a new smartphone. I don't know if it is true."

  "Someone said it last month, and it hasn't been announced in the past month."

  "It has been more than half a year, and it is estimated that other mobile phone manufacturers are about to develop new smartphones."

  Huaxin Mobile announced a new round of purchase rights. Naturally, the people of the 20 countries will not miss this opportunity, and have embraced the computer to switch to the Huaxin computer system.

  After a month of development, all major cities in 20 countries have joint facades of Huaxin Computer and Huaxin Smartphone, no longer five big cities.

  In this way, it is more convenient for people to switch to the Huaxin computer system, and the channels are gradually improved.

  The [-] million places were all distributed in less than three days.

  Suddenly, [-] million more users use Huaxin computer system.

  After these [-] million users experienced the excellence of the Huaxin computer system, they also took the initiative to help Huaxin Computer to promote it.

  Seeing the excellent voice of Huaxin Computer on the Internet, [-] million users also stood up before, and the voices praising the computer system of Huaxin formed a small wave on the Internet.

  Seeing so many people saying that the Huaxin computer system is easy to use, netizens who have never used it can't help but ask, is it really that easy to use?

  The answer received is naturally a positive answer.

  Super easy to use, old iron, give it a try, you will never regret it.

  In this way, many people choose to try the Huaxin computer system.After these people tried it out, they all fell into the pit and joined the team that praised and recommended Huaxin computer system.

  In this cycle, more and more people choose to try the Huaxin computer system.

  The executives of Microsoft and Microsoft saw the voices complimenting the Huaxin computer system on the Internet, and they surveyed the market and learned that more and more people choose to try the Huaxin computer system, which is a headache.

  Than Gai is thinking about countermeasures.

  Increasing the number of branded computer merchants is also a headache to see the gradual decline in sales.

  After the negotiation, several major brand computer merchants directly approached Microsoft.

  Bige personally received.

  "Mr. Bigai, that's not the way to go. Is there any way you can deal with Huaxin Computer?"

  Bige said: "The reason why CEFC's power system can break down is entirely because of CEFC's smartphones. If we can solve the problem of smartphones, everything will be solved."

  "Smartphone? How to solve this? The only company in the world is Huaxin Smartphone. How can we deal with Huaxin Smartphone?"

  Isn't that the same as saying nothing?

  Bige said: "Everyone, rest assured, I have contacted Pingguo Company, Pingguo Company has developed a new smartphone, we are discussing cooperation with Pingguo Company, I hope you will also join in."

  "Really? Pingguo really developed a smartphone?"

  Big Gay said to Kenda, "Yes, I don't need to lie to you about this."

  "Okay, then let's join too, let's work together." Several major brand computer merchants were overjoyed.

  There are Pingguo smartphones that restrict Huaxin smartphones, and the Huaxin computer system will be silent again.

  Microsoft and several major brands of computers are united, and the top management of Pingguo is naturally excited.

  Even if there are not several major brands of computers, Pingguo will still choose to cooperate with Microsoft.Now that several major brands of computers have joined, Pingguo is naturally willing to cooperate.

  The three parties work together.

  2 month 3 number.

  At ten o'clock in the morning, Pingguo held a global press conference.

  At the press conference, Pingguo announced that the Pingguo smartphone has been successfully developed, and introduced various data of the Pingguo mobile phone.

  The Pingguo Company announced that the Pingguo mobile phone will be released on February 2, and also directly released the price.

  The Pingguo smartphone is the same as the Huaxin smartphone, and it is divided into a regular version and a high-end version.

  The regular version is 599 yuan, and the high-end version is 799 yuan. Both versions are [-] yuan cheaper than Huaxin smartphones.

  However, the screen of Pingguo smartphones is smaller than that of Huaxin smartphones, and the hand storage is less than that of Huaxin smartphones, and there are several data that are worse than those of Huaxin smartphones.

  In general, Pingguo smartphones are completely inferior to Huaxin smartphones.. 0

  The Pingguo smartphone system is a self-developed Pingguo system. The specific effect is not clear for the time being, but Pingguo Company is very good at blowing the Pingguo system better than the Huaxin smartphone system.

  Pingguo's press conference, the emergence of Pingguo smartphones, people all over the world were shocked.

  "Finally a new smartphone is on the market, and CEFC smartphones are no longer exclusive."

  "It's actually cheaper than a Huaxin smartphone, not bad."

  "It's only [-] meters cheaper. If you look closely at the data of Pingguo's smart phone, you will find that many data are worse than Huaxin's smart phone, the product is worse than Huaxin's smart phone, and what you dare to sell is better than Huaxin's smart phone. Are cell phones expensive?"

  "Really, the screen is smaller than that of Huaxin's smartphone, and there are several other data that are worse than that of Huaxin's smartphone. It's okay to see the demonstration effect on the spot. I don't know how it will work?"

  "It's smaller than a Huaxin smartphone. What can I see on that screen? Is this a smartphone?"

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