"Jess, we really can't agree to this condition, but MS must be installed in smartphones, so let's continue to contact Su Hao, we promise a fair competition, but the software system will not come with YYapp, but users of the software can freely Download YY, and absolutely will not restrict YY on the channel.”

  "Our condition is that the YY smartphone system must have its own MSapp, but only the overseas version of the smartphone is needed, and we don't need the Dragon Country version."

  "If Su Hao doesn't agree, then target YY in an all-round way, and absolutely cannot allow YY to develop."

  Jace: "Okay, I see."

  Jess did not contact Su Hao immediately, but contacted Su Hao the next day.

  12 month 2 number.

  Jess contacted Su Hao and directly stated the conditions.

  Su Hao had a smile on his face after listening to the conditions Jace said.

  Does the overseas version of the smartphone come with an MSapp?satisfy you.

  As long as MS promises fair competition, Su Hao is not afraid at all. With YY's excellence, he is not afraid of not being able to do MS.

  Su Hao readily agreed, and just like that, Haoyu Group and Microsoft Corporation reached their first cooperation.

  12 month 5 number.

  The overseas version of the smartphone system is updated, and the updated system directly has one more software, MS software.

  On this day, YY announced its entry into overseas markets.

  After the news spread, people all over the world were a bit at a loss.

  "This, is this MS working with YY?"

  "No, it should be said that Microsoft and Haoyu Group cooperated?"

  "It seems so, YY Huaxin mobile phone, MS Soft and Micro Computer, Haoyu Group and Soft Micro are the real cooperation."

  "My God, it's unbelievable that Microsoft and Microsoft are actually cooperating with a Longguo company."

  "Don't look down on Longguo Company. The mobile phones we use now are products of Huaxin Mobile Company, a subsidiary of Longguo Haoyu Group. Soft and Micro Co., Ltd. cooperated with Haoyu Group because of the smart phone channel."

  "It's not surprising at all, don't you see that YY is very popular? If MS doesn't join in, the mobile market will be dominated by YY."

  "Haha, I think YY is better than MS. I don't use MS anymore."

  "That is, YY's function is indeed better than MS, and YY is much better than MS."

  "That's why MS pays attention to YY and wants to compete with YY on the mobile side."

  "Software is opening channels to YY, which is to lure wolves into the house."

  "It depends on everyone's choice. After all, most people are used to using MS, and they will always use MS."

  These are the voices of people abroad.

  Longguo netizens are more excited than foreign netizens.

  "Haoyu Group is awesome, and it has reached a strategic cooperation with Microsoft Corporation, haha, it's awesome."

  "I knew it would be like this, YY is developing so fast, foreign chat software giants will definitely focus on YY, no, MS is here, but MS doesn't care about YY, if MS really cares about YY, they won't be with Haoyu Group cooperation, but to deal with Haoyu Group with all their strength, MS doesn't pay attention to YY and will regret it sooner or later, and this post is proof."

  "Haha, this is Su Shen's awesomeness. Isn't it a magical ability to not let opponents pay attention? When MS reacts, it is estimated that YY will dominate the overseas market."

  "Software is different from other companies. The CEO of Softwealth is the richest man in the world. Can YY really do MS?"

  "Believe in God Su, believe in God Su and you will live forever."

  "Wait, since YY has announced to enter the overseas market, it shows that Su Shen has the confidence to make YY grow rapidly overseas."

  "Hope YY dominate the world and become the king of chat software in the world."

  "Haha, that's a must. I've used MS, and it's far worse than YY. As long as foreigners aren't fools, they'll definitely choose YY."

  "I don't know if foreigners are stupid, I only know that YY will soon be popular all over the world."

  "It has become popular all over the world. Since smartphones were sold abroad, YY has over [-] million registered users abroad."

  "There are [-] billion people in the world, more than [-] billion people abroad, and not many users over [-] million. We have [-] to [-] million users in Longguo."

  "That's the data that YY has not entered the overseas market. Is it good? Before, YY allowed YY to develop freely overseas. Now that YY has announced its entry into the overseas market, the situation is completely different."

  "Wait, YY will make a big move soon."

  Whatever the netizens discuss, Su Hao doesn't care at all.Su Hao just let Zhou Xue develop YY's overseas market normally, and did not enter the overseas market as aggressively as the netizens discussed.

  "Just normal development?" Zhou Xue thought the same as netizens, thinking that Su Hao had a big move.

  Su Hao asked: "Otherwise, do you have a better solution?"

  Zhou Xue shook her head and said, "I don't. If I want to be as good as you, will I work for you?"

  Su Hao hugged Zhou Xue's waist and said, "Why are we talking so politely between us, I'm the boss, you're the boss' wife."

  "Hmph, the lady boss is not the only one." Zhou Xue snorted coldly.

  Su Hao changed the subject, "By the way, did you tell Li Rongrong, when will you move in?"

  Zhou Xue smiled bitterly: "I didn't say it, I don't know how to talk to Rongrong."

  "You are too embarrassed to speak, let me go." Su Hao said directly: "Li Rongrong has seriously affected our quality of life, I have to talk to her properly."

  "It doesn't matter, don't think about it all the time." Zhou Xue gave Su Hao a white look, and said angrily, "You dare to talk to Rongrong? Aren't you afraid of Rongrong scolding you?"

  Su Hao said: "What's not to dare? She has always affected us, but Ruo Meng has been waiting for you to move there. We are separated like this, and our relationship has faded."

  Zhou Xue asked, "Will it fade?"

  Su Hao asked back: "What do you think, how much time we spent together during this time, don't you miss me?"

  Zhou Xue nodded obediently and said, "I think, but..."

  "Don't be, I'll tell Li Rongrong." Su Hao said confidently: "If she can't bear you, let her move in. Anyway, sister concubine and the others agree, as long as Li Rongrong is not embarrassed."

  With good sisters and best friends on one side, and a boyfriend on the other, Zhou Xue was really embarrassed.

  "Okay, I'm too lazy to care about you, you have to say it yourself, I can't speak."

  Su Hao lightly stamped Zhou Xue's forehead and said, "I'll go find Li Rongrong right now."

  Five minutes later, Su Hao saw Li Rongrong.

  Seeing Su Hao, Li Rongrong's face was a little indifferent.

  Two or three months have passed, and Li Rongrong still can't let go of the question of how many boats Su Hao has stepped on.

  "Mr. Su, is something wrong?"

  Su Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Li Rongrong, and said directly: "I'm here to inform you that Zhou Xue will move to my villa tomorrow. She's embarrassed to tell you, but I'll tell you on her behalf."

  "Impossible, Xiaoxue can't leave me alone." Li Rongrong firmly believed that Zhou Xue would not do this, it must be Su Hao's false edict.

  Su Hao said: "Li Rongrong, you would rather demolish a temple than demolish a marriage. You stop me from being with Zhou Xue, do you go with your conscience?"

  Li Rongrong said coldly, "You are not a good match for Xiaoxue."

  "I'm not, who is?" Su Hao asked back: "Who else is better than me?"

  Li Rongrong was completely speechless, she really couldn't refute Su Hao on this question.

  Su Hao continued: "If you don't want to live alone, you can also move to my villa, there is no shortage of your room."

  "Anyway, Zhou Xue will definitely move in with me tomorrow, you can decide."

  Li Rongrong stared at Su Hao with wide eyes. What are you talking about? I'll move in and live with you?

  I'm not your girlfriend, why should I move in with you?

  "I'm going to ask Xiaoxue, if she is really like what you said, I have nothing to say."

  Su Hao stopped Li Rongrong directly and said, "Li Rongrong, are you a child? Can you live with Zhou Xue for the rest of your life? Are you really selfish enough to not want your good sisters to be happy?"

  "Zhou Xue and I are very happy together. You have seen this. Do you really have the heart to see her embarrassed between you and me?"

  "If you are such a selfish person, Zhou Xue and I are wrong."

  Su Hao directly used the aggressive method to stimulate Li Rongrong severely.

  Li Rongrong was completely silent.

  Su Hao's aggressive approach came to Li Rongrong's heart.

  Yes, Xiaoxue has said that she is very happy with Su Hao, why should I stop it?

  Is Xiaoxue happy?Why should I stop.

  But Xiaoxue's character might be bullied after moving in, so I have to keep an eye on it.

  Li Rongrong made a decision in an instant and said, "Okay, I agree, I will move in with Xiaoxue."

  Su Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, "You moved there too?"

  Su Hao didn't expect Li Rongrong to agree to move in.According to Li Rongrong's character, how could she agree to move in together.

  Nima, this rhythm is not right. . .

  Li Rongrong said, "Didn't you say that I can move in too, and there is no shortage of my room? Why, do you want to go back?"

  Su Hao said lightly: "I'm just a little surprised, okay, you can move there if you want, but let me remind you, my villa is my site, if you want to make any crazy ideas, I advise you to keep it for me. "

  Li Rongrong said: "I don't have as many ghosts as you. I just want to accompany Xiaoxue and prevent Xiaoxue from being bullied by your other girlfriends. After I'm sure you won't bully Xiaoxue, I will leave."

  In this way, Li Rongrong and Zhou Xue moved into Villa 20 together. .

Chapter 269

  Su Hao told Zhou Xue that Li Rongrong agreed to move into Villa 20.

  Zhou Xue was also stunned after hearing this.

  "Rongrong is also moving in?"

  Su Hao said speechlessly, "Yes, she said she wanted to accompany you, lest Ruoxue and the others bully you."

  Zhou Xue said, "Then you really agree with her moving in?"

  Su Hao said: "Otherwise, I don't agree on what to do. She also said that she will move out after a while to make sure that no one is bullying you."

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