"Nima, isn't 33 billion a day not much? You can't make so much money in your whole life, no, in ten lifetimes."

  "I definitely can't compare with God Su, if I could compare with God Su, would I be bragging with you here..."

  "Haha, [-] billion a day. It was said that Haoyu Group's assets were [-] billion, but now? It made [-] billion a day. Su Hao is definitely the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom this year.

  "That's for sure, the country has announced it, it was before, but now it's just that no one can shake it."

  "Give Su Hao another year. If there are no new smartphones on the market within a year, Su Hao will definitely become the richest man in the world."

  "Haha, really, [-] billion a month, plus the money earned by other companies, in a year, the assets exceed [-] trillion, and Su Hao is the richest man in the world."

  "What are you thinking, how can other mobile phones give so much time to Huaxin mobile phone, I heard that there seems to be a mobile phone to develop a new smart phone soon."

  "Really? So fast?"

  "Normal, with Huaxin's smartphone as a template, it's nothing to develop a new smartphone in half a year."

  "Oh, that's such a pity. In this way, Su Hao's time to become the world's richest man has to be delayed a little bit."

  "It's not easy to be the richest man in the world, unless both Huaxin Electric and Huaxin Computer can become world-renowned best-selling brands. It's difficult to rely on mobile phones alone."

  "What's so difficult, Haoyu Group has so many powerful subsidiaries, just YY, if YY goes public, Su Hao's net worth will definitely rise."

  "Haha, it's true, the market value of Internet companies is very high now, and the market value of Internet companies that do not make money is good, let alone a company like YY that makes money."

  "The valuation of YY has exceeded [-] billion by the outside world, don't you know?"

  "What, YY's valuation exceeds [-] billion? How is this possible?"

  "What's impossible? YY is the only chat software in Long Kingdom. As long as Haoyu Group does not collapse, YY will be the only one. In a market of more than one billion people, has YY been valued at a lot of [-] billion?"

  "It doesn't seem to be much. The valuation of 0 billion is normal. After all, YY has already made money.. [-]"

  "There are foreign investment companies that want to invest in Haoyu Group, but unfortunately they can't even see Su Hao's people."

  "Haha, that's natural. Su Hao is not short of money. It's strange that he knows those investment companies."

  "There are also foreign companies who want to find a way to get YY listed, but unfortunately they still can't see Su Hao, haha."

  "Brilliant, my Su God, YY is valued at [-] billion, what about Taotao.com?"

  "Yes, how much is Taotao.com's valuation?"

  "The valuation of Taotao.com is similar to that of YY, hehe, are you scared?"

  "Nima, Taotao.com is also valued at [-] billion?"

  "That's not it. Online shopping is definitely the trend of the future. Taotao.com is now the only retail online shopping platform in Longguo. Is [-] billion worth a lot?"

  "I dare say, whether it's YY or Taotao.com, if it goes public, its market value will definitely double."

  "Cow, the two companies have a market value of [-] billion yuan, and Su Hao's net worth has to double again."

  "As long as Haoyu Group is not listed, outsiders will never know how rich Su Hao is, only a rough figure."

  Netizens have been discussing Su Hao's net worth and the topic of earning [-] million a day.

  At seven o'clock in the evening, people still did not forget to snap up smartphones.

  This time, the rush to buy took a little longer, and the [-] million smartphones took a full minute to snatch up.

  Basically, young people who want to buy a smartphone grab a smartphone.

  "Haha, I finally got my smartphone, and soon I will be able to use it too."

  "It took a full minute to grab it all. It seems that the domestic market is approaching saturation."

  "It will not be saturated. When townships and villages are equipped with 3G base stations and 3G networks can be used, more people will definitely buy smartphones."

  "Yes, in the future, functional opportunities will gradually be eliminated, and smartphones will be the mainstream."

  "If you want to reproduce the phenomenon of stealing all in one second, the second generation of Huaxin's smart phone has to come out."

  "Haha, wait, when other brands of mobile phones develop new smartphones, there will be a new version of Huaxin mobile phones."

  "Don't ask me why I know, I just know, haha."

  "YY was like this before. Penguin kept plagiarizing, and YY would update it. It is estimated that the same is true for Huaxin mobile phones. If other smart phones appear, Huaxin mobile phones will immediately return to Huaxin 2. Other mobile phone brands can only follow Huaxin forever. Drink soup behind the phone."

  "When you say that, I kind of expect other mobile phone companies to develop smartphones."

  "Haha, this phone has only been used for half a year, what's the hurry, wait for a year before going to Huaxin 2, then it's just right to change the phone."

  "Do you think that Huaxin Mobile has already developed Huaxin Mobile 2?"

  "It is very likely that it has been half a year, and it is normal to develop Huaxin mobile phone 2."

  "Haha, maybe Huaxin 3 has been developed."

  "The more you talk, the more outrageous it is."

  With [-] million smartphones sold overseas, [-] million more people abroad use smartphones.

  In this way, these [-] million people naturally used YY, and YY became even more popular for a while.

  Forty million people drove more relatives and friends to use YY, and the registered users of YY ushered in a new round of soaring.

  The foreign chat software giant MS saw that the number of simultaneous online users was decreasing every day, and finally paid attention to the foreigner YY.

  MS executives found out that the reason for the decrease in simultaneous online users was that YY became popular and stole their users, and they were all very depressed.

  Even though YY has not announced its entry into overseas markets, it can steal so many users.

  Smartphones, all this is because of smart phones, if there is no smart phone, people will not know YY, the chat software of the Dragon Kingdom, all the reasons are because of smart phones.

  Can't wait, must contact Huaxin Mobile immediately to make MS mobile version appear on Huaxin Mobile's smartphone.

  MS didn't pay attention to the mobile phone before. After the smart phone came out, MS gradually paid more attention to the mobile version of the mobile phone, and has also developed a perfect mobile version of the mobile phone.

  MS executives also consulted with the senior management of the head office of Microsoft and Microsoft, and the senior management of the head office agreed with their decision.

  In a word, MS must be the overlord of instant messaging chat software. .

Chapter 268

  MS's parent company, Microsoft, is a world-class super company, and the CEO of Microsoft is the world's richest man with a net worth of more than [-] billion, which is Su Hao's goal to catch up.

  MS is backed by Microsoft and is not afraid of any company at all.If there is no mobile terminal such as a smartphone, MS will not pay attention to YY at all. No matter how you develop, as long as Microsoft and Microsoft make a move to restrict the use of YY in the computer system, YY will fall.

  But not now. Even if Microsoft and Microsoft use this trick, YY can still log in on the smartphone. It can be said that the smartphone completely broke the monopoly of Microsoft and Microsoft on the Internet.

  You have a PC terminal, I have a mobile terminal, who is afraid of who.

  It is because of the smart phone that MS will think about contacting Huaxin mobile phone and let MS enter the smart phone, otherwise MS will be too lazy to pay attention to Huaxin mobile phone and will not pay attention to YY.

  MS executives to initiate relations to Lai Youbin's phone. MS executives wanted to contact Su Hao directly, but unfortunately they didn't have the contacts to get Su Hao's phone number, so they could only fall back and contact Lai Youbin.

  Lai Youbin learned about the intention of MS executives and did not make a decision immediately.

  This is a trivial matter, but it is related to the development of YY, and Lai Youbin does not dare to make arbitrary decisions.

  Lai Youbin replied that he needed to ask the boss to ask the MS executives to wait for news.

  After finishing the call, Lai Youbin immediately contacted Su Hao.

  Su Hao knew MS's intentions, and instantly understood that the other party felt threatened by YY, and could no longer resist.

  "You ask the MS executives to contact me, and I will talk to them." Su Hao intends to discuss the terms with the MS executives.

  "Okay, Mr. Su."

  Lai Youbin replied to the MS executive, told the other party Su Hao's mobile phone number, and asked the MS executive to contact Su Hao directly.

  MS executives learned that Su Hao was going to talk to him in person, and his face was extremely solemn.

  For Su Hao, the legendary richest man in the Dragon Kingdom, MS executives dare not underestimate.Even the MS executives put Su Hao in the same position as the boss of the head office.

  Su Hao and their boss, the richest man in the world, have too many similar legends.

  With Su Hao's current achievements, maybe in a few years, Su Hao will surpass their boss and become the new richest man in the world.

  The MS executive pondered for several minutes before dialing Su Hao's number.

  "Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Jess, the general manager of 20MS."

  Su Hao: "Hello, Jess."

  Jess: "Mr. Su, I didn't expect this kind of trivial matter to disturb you, sorry."

  Su Hao: "This is not a trivial matter. MS and YY are both instant messaging software and competitors."

  "I can promise MS to enter the smartphone, but I have a condition that YY will enter the soft and micro computer. In the future, YY and MS will compete fairly, and neither side can restrict each other in their respective channels."

  Su Hao knows that there is still a little gap between YY and MS now, and Haoyu Group is also a little aware of it compared to Microsoft.

  However, Su Hao is confident that he will surpass Microsoft and Microsoft in the future, and even let them fall behind.

  Now, it's better to be vulgar, and to buy a little more time to develop steadily is the kingly way.

  If he is now against Microsoft MS, Su Hao really doesn't have the confidence to work at Microsoft.

  Jess: "Mr. Su, your conditions are unequal. There are more than one billion people who use Microsoft computers and less than [-] million smart phones in foreign countries. Forgive me, I can't agree to this condition."

  Su Hao: "That's it, then forget it. I never thought about letting YY enter the overseas market. Since you don't agree, then forget it. We'll talk when you think about it. Goodbye."

  After Su Hao finished speaking, he hung up the call.

  What about Microsoft, what about the richest man in the world, give me two years, and I will definitely pull you down.

  Su Hao is not in a hurry to let YY develop overseas markets, so he is not in a hurry at all, now it is MS that is in a hurry.

  Jess didn't expect Su Hao to hang up the call directly and subconsciously wanted to call back, but the arrogance in his heart prevented him from calling back the number.

  Is this Su Hao so impulsive?How can such an impulsive person achieve what he is now?

  Immediately, Jace felt that Su Hao was not impulsive, but that he did not waste any time. Since there is no point in continuing to talk, it is not a waste of time and careful planning. The so-called impulsiveness is not the performance of aggressiveness.

  It's normal for someone so prudent and motivated to succeed.

  Jess thought for a while and contacted the head office directly.

  After the top management of Microsoft Corporation learned about Su Hao's conditions, their brows were slightly wrinkled, and it took half a minute to give the answer.

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