"Excuse me, Huaxin Electric is really willing to pay for it."

  "Stop discussing it, continue to cut prices, and must not let Huaxin Electric seize the market, otherwise we will all perish."

  "How much?"

  "How much?"

  "It is cheaper than Huaxin Electric. It must be cheaper than Huaxin Electric. It can be cheaper. We can't support it if it is cheaper."

  "That's fine, just a few dollars cheaper. Huaxin Electric's current price is already their lowest price, and they shouldn't cut prices any more."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Okay, let's make arrangements."

  The price of foreign electrical appliances is immediately reduced, and the price is a few dollars or more than the price of Huaxin Electric.

  The domestic electrical appliance alliance is also keeping up. If you don't keep up with the battle of your death and my death, it is definitely a dead end.

  People found that the foreign electrical appliance alliance and the domestic electrical appliance alliance cut prices again, and they were all dumbfounded.

  "My God, the price of foreign and domestic appliances has dropped again, and the price is even cheaper than Huaxin Electric."

  "They are purely targeting Huaxin Electric, and it's just a few dollars cheaper. It's disgusting."

  "A lot of people are excited about these few dollars. Adding up more than a dozen kinds of electrical appliances can save one or two hundred."

  "Haha, I don't even know what to buy now."

  "Who can tell me, what kind of electrical appliances should I buy? Foreign electrical appliances, Huaxin electrical appliances, or other domestic electrical appliances?"

  "Huaxin Electric is so pitiful. This is a joint effort between foreign electric appliances and other domestic electric appliance brands to deal with Huaxin Electric. Huaxin Electric is really miserable."

  "Will Huaxin Electric cut prices again?"

  "I guess not. The current price of Huaxin Electric should be the lowest price that Huaxin Electric can give. If the price is lowered, it is estimated that it will be a real loss."

  "Continue to cut prices. If you lose blood, the money earned from smartphones will not fill that hole. You must know that the national electrical appliance market is a market of hundreds of billions of dollars, and the money earned from smartphones will not fill this hole."

  "Oh, Huaxin Electric is really miserable. Forget it, I'm not short of that few dollars. I'll still support my idol."

...... 0 ......

  "Yes, I support my idol."

  Su Hao's fans all choose to support Su Hao.

  Su Hao had a wry smile on his face when he learned that the prices of foreign and domestic appliances were cut again.

  "These guys are really difficult to deal with. If you want to lose less, you can't do it. Forget it, don't bother to bother with them, and directly reduce the price to a price they are desperate for."

  Su Hao changed the price to [-]% off the cost price, so that the price is much less than other electrical appliance brands.

  Su Hao doesn't believe that they can follow up at this price. If they follow up, Su Hao will let them lose money to grandma's house.

  Su Hao updated Weibo again.

  Sorry, I just posted the wrong picture. This is the final price of Huaxin Electric's event.

  Netizens were shocked when they saw Su Hao's Weibo.

  "Nima, is this price so crazy, my God, I can't believe it's such a cheap price."

  "I didn't see Su Hao saying that I was too difficult, this price must be a blood loss for Huaxin Electric."

  "Haha, don't wait, buy it first and then talk about it. At such a low price, foreign electrical appliances merchants will not follow up. They can't bear such a big loss."

  "Yes, I bought it, Su Hao said it was difficult, we can't wait any longer, I bought it."

  "Su Hao said it was the final price, so I can't wait any longer."

  "You can continue to wait, I won't wait any longer, I'm very satisfied with this price."

  "Haha, me too, I can't wait, I'm super satisfied with this price, I bought it."

  "Wait a minute. If you wait for them to stop fighting, you won't be able to enjoy any benefits."

  "That's right, we've already hit this level, so what are you waiting for, you won't be able to buy chicken feathers if you wait any longer."

  Many people flocked to Huaxin Electric Supermarket stores, three words, buy, buy, buy.

  For a time, Huaxin Electric Supermarket was simply too busy, and sales rose steadily.

  Others are waiting and watching, waiting for the price of foreign appliances and domestic appliances to drop again.

  Foreign electrical appliances and domestic electrical appliances saw that Huaxin Electric had cut prices again, and it was a price that they were all terrified of, and they were completely stunned.

  "If we drop the selling price of Huaxin Electric, how much will we lose by selling an electric appliance?"

  "The TV loses [-], the refrigerator loses [-], and the air conditioner loses [-]... If we sell out all the goods, we will lose everything..."

  "does it worth?"

  "The R&D capability of Huaxin Electric is so strong, and Haoyu Group is backing it. If Huaxin Electric fights with us, we will not be able to make any money back from this loss."

  "That's right, Huaxin Electric has produced a lot of electrical products now. Even if we sell out our goods this time, it is impossible for us to increase the selling price in the future, because this batch of electrical appliances produced by Huaxin Electric will definitely be Sell ​​it, so he will keep blocking us, if Huaxin Electric develops better products, our losses this time are destined to not be recovered."

  "I quit this electrical war. My boss can't bear such a big loss."

  "I also quit this electrical war." Wan.

Chapter 262

  "We can't keep up with the price of Huaxin Electric. We will lose everything if we follow it. We won't be able to make back the money we lost this time in ten years. It's not worth it. I decided to quit this electrical war."

  "Yes, we quit. Even if we can't sell it in Dragon Country, we can sell it in other countries. We really can't stand it if we lose too much."

  "We can withdraw, but we can't let Huaxin Electric win too easily. I will continue to maintain such a price."

  "Stupid or not, there is not much inventory of Huaxin Electric Appliances. You continue to maintain the current loss-making price. When the inventory of Huaxin Electric Appliances is sold out, the people of Longguo will still come to buy your electric appliances, and they will not be able to occupy the Longguo market, so why lose money? Sell, are you an idiot?"

  "That's right, when Huaxin Electric's inventory is sold short, the people of Longguo will buy it no matter how much you buy. Why sell it at a loss? It's a fool."

  "I decided to restore the price. I really can't let Huaxin Electric win too easily. I plan to make the price only a little higher than the cost price. It can be considered to stop Huaxin Electric and make Huaxin Electric lose more."

  "As long as Huaxin Electric loses more, maybe Huaxin Electric will automatically go bankrupt."

  "Don't think about it, it's impossible. I've observed for a few days. If Huaxin Electric has always been in stock, our company will withdraw from the Longguo market."

  "Exit the Dragon Country Market, why do you want to quit?"

  "That's right, why do you want to quit? We just quit the electrical appliance war here, and we didn't say we would quit the Longguo market."

  "That's right, why do you want to withdraw from the Dragon Country market? We haven't lost any money, so why should we withdraw?"

  "Huaxin Electric will not let us live in peace. Our price is lower than that of Huaxin Electric. The people of Longguo will not buy our products. If we continue to endure it, we will only lose more. If we quit [-] early, we can recover a little loss. "

  "It's impossible for Huaxin Electric to sell electrical appliances at such a low price all the time. Doesn't he need to make money? Impossible."

  "Huaxin Electric dares to offer such a low price, which means that the cost price of Huaxin Electric is lower than ours. I dare to say that we will never be able to compete with Huaxin Electric, but I am not sure, so I said to observe for a few more days. After the past few days, the price of Huaxin Electric is still lower than ours, and I will withdraw from the Longguo market."

  "It's like that, alas..."

  All foreign electrical appliances are sighs.

  "Let's sell it at the cost price to suppress Huaxin Electric. We won't lose much in ten days. If Huaxin Electric can really last for ten days, I will withdraw from the Longguo market."

  "That's right, you can see a lot in ten days. It's okay for everyone to stick to it for ten days, right?"

  "No problem, we have a foreign market, but other electrical appliance brands in Longguo don't have a foreign market. They will definitely continue to fight with Huaxin Electric, maybe they will lose both, then we will still have a chance."

  "Haha, if that's the case, that's great, okay, just stick to it for ten days. It's nothing to lose hundreds of millions of manpower vehicles and rent."

  "That's right, if Huaxin Electric really loses out to other electrical appliance brands in Longguo, then we've made a profit, haha."

  Foreign electrical appliances unanimously decided to stick to ten days to see the battle between Huaxin Electrical Appliances and the domestic electrical appliance alliance.

  11 month 18 number.

  The Foreign Electrical Appliances Union has restored the selling price a little higher than the cost price.

  People are a little confused when they find that foreign electrical appliance brand merchants restore prices.

  "What's going on here, how did foreign electrical appliances withdraw from the competition?"

  "That's right, foreign electrical appliances were the first to start the electrical war, so why did they quit first?"

  "My God, hurry up and buy goods from Huaxin Electric to buy time, otherwise it will be bad when Huaxin Electric restores the price."

  "It's only been a day, and foreign electrical appliances can't stand it. Nima, I still think that the price will continue to drop. It seems impossible now. Hurry up and scan the goods, otherwise it will be too late."

  "The combat power of foreign electrical appliances is too weak, and it can't withstand the attack of Huaxin Electric in just one day. This is too spicy, haha."

  "Can it stand it? Everyone went to Huaxin Electric to buy it. No one patronized foreign electrical appliances at all. It's strange that they can stand it."

  "The price of Huaxin Electric is a jumping-off price. Where can foreign electric appliances dare to follow up, and foreign electric appliances dare to follow up will definitely go bankrupt."

  "This time, Huaxin Electric will definitely lose money. Buy it quickly, maybe the price will be restored in the next moment."

  "That's right, although the price of this foreign electrical appliance has not recovered to the previous high, but the price is also prohibitive for us. It is the current price of Huaxin Electric that makes people happy, haha."

  "It seems that domestic electrical appliances have not recovered their prices. What's going on?"

  It was found that the domestic electrical appliance alliance did not reduce the price, and it was still the price of yesterday, which was the same as the price of the first event of Huaxin Electric.

  Domestic electrical appliances are now in trouble.

  Faced with the desperate price of Huaxin Electric, they don't know what to do.

  They have calculated the consequences of continuing to cut prices. Even if they sell the electrical appliances, the more they sell, the more they will lose. If all the electrical appliances are sold out, it is estimated that their company will go out of business.

  All the domestic electrical appliance alliances that foreign electrical appliance alliances think of have come to mind.

  Therefore, the domestic electrical appliance alliance did not follow up immediately, and they were waiting for the action of the foreign electrical appliance alliance.

  After waiting for a day, what I waited for was the price increase of the foreign electrical appliance alliance.The price increase of the foreign electrical appliance alliance is undoubtedly a problem, and the foreign electrical appliance alliance has withdrawn from the electrical war here.

  "What do we do now?"

  The representative of Ningsu Electric said: "I am not surprised that foreign electric appliances have withdrawn from this electric appliance war. After all, the price of Huaxin Electric is a price that we cannot follow. Since we cannot reduce the price, we can only restore the price that can make money."

  "We also recover?" asked a representative of an electrical appliance business.

  "When we restore prices, won't we let Huaxin Electric dominate the national electrical appliance market."

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