"Yes, special deals are very troublesome, and online shopping is suitable."

  "Okay, [-]% off the price, it's the same price, this time I don't believe that the people of the Dragon Kingdom won't buy it, haha."

  "The Longguo electrical market will definitely be ours."

  After Su Hao learned from Lai Youbin's mouth that netizens were discussing the hot search topic of [-]% off the price, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

  "Someone is actually discussing this topic, it seems we don't have time." Su Hao sighed softly.

  Lai Youbin said, "Mr. Su, will foreign electrical appliance merchants directly change the price by [-]%?"

  Su Hao said: "That's natural. I suspect that this topic was initiated by foreign merchants. They want to find out the lowest price people can accept, and then act."

  "As long as people buy their appliances, we have to get in, and this time they're really paying for it."

  "Go get ready. After the price of foreign electrical appliances is changed to a [-]% discount, we will immediately engage in activities. Fortunately, we have developed new products. Otherwise, this time, our Huaxin Electrical Appliances will really be miserable."

  "Okay, President Su." Lai Youbin nodded fiercely.

  Lai Youbin knew that the next battle would determine who would be the final winner, and he couldn't tolerate failing to end the competition.

  11 month 16 number.

  The price of foreign electrical activities has changed completely.

  "The cheapest price in history, jumping off the building, [-]% discount, the lowest price of electrical appliances, don't miss it when you pass by."

  When foreign electrical appliances began to publicize, the domestic electrical appliance alliance also began to publicize.

  "One discount on the whole site, don't miss it when you pass by, there are many rewards for the event, and domestic brands are your best choice."

  People are very happy to see that the price of foreign electrical appliances is reduced by [-]%.They were even more excited when they saw the Domestic Electrical Appliances Union enter the market.

  "Haha, at this rhythm, now we just have to wait for Huaxin Electric to enter the market. Haha, it will definitely be cheaper for Huaxin Electric to enter the market."

  "That's right, everyone, don't be in a hurry, the domestic electrical appliance alliance can't help but enter the market, and Huaxin Electric will also enter the market immediately, let's see what the price of Huaxin Electric is first, don't buy it, you may buy it. Sorry, haha."

  "I will never buy it. I must wait until Huaxin Electric enters the market. If Huaxin Electric does not enter the market, I will definitely not buy it, haha."

  People all over the country are waiting for Huaxin Electric to enter the market. .

Chapter 261

  Both foreign electrical appliances and domestic electrical appliances have opened a [-]% discount promotion, and people are very excited.But the people who knew it for the first time were smart people, and they were waiting for Huaxin Electric to enter the market.

  Huaxin Electric does not enter the market, this electrical war is not a real war, and the price will not be the final price.

  "I only have to wait for one day. If Huaxin Electric does not come in today, I will buy foreign electric appliances."

  "The [-]% discount is already pretty good. It's the lowest price I've ever hoped for. I can't help but want to buy it~, haha."

  "Domestic electrical appliances have entered the market, and it is also a [-]% discount. It is also good to buy domestic brands."

  "Except for the new products of Huaxin Electric, other domestic electric appliance brands are still a little worse than foreign electric appliance brands. If Huaxin Electric does not enter the market, I can only buy - foreign electric appliances."

  "Also, other domestic brand products are really not as good as foreign ones. Although they are similar, they are always a little worse."

  "It's okay, Guomei Electric and Ningsu Electric are also good."

  "Who cares, I'll buy whoever is cheaper, and if they're all the same, I'll buy whose product is better."

  "The price of domestic electrical appliances is basically the same as the price of foreign electrical appliances. Wait for Huaxin Electrical Appliances. This event cannot end today, and it will be fine to wait a day or two."

  "Haha, we are all waiting for Huaxin Electric to enter the market, and we don't buy it. Will foreign and domestic electric appliance merchants be very depressed?"

  "It's more than depressed. No one buys it at a discounted price. It's more than depressed, it's heartache."

  "Haha, I really want to see the expressions of those top executives of electrical appliances."

  "I just support Huaxin Electric. I believe that Huaxin Electric, Huaxin Electric and Haoyu Group will not disappoint us. Just wait."

  "Everyone is shouting, calling and appealing, and they all say that we will wait a day for Huaxin Electric to see our shouting and appeal."

  "That's right, let's go to the Huaxin Electric Store and talk, and go to Su Hao's Weibo, let Su Hao and Huaxin Electric see our hearts."

  "Haha, we support Huaxin Electric and Su Hao so much. Su Hao will not disappoint us. Let's wait for the lowest price to come."

  "My wallet is already thirsty, I can't stand it anymore, haha."

  "I've been standing at the door of the Huaxin Electric store, waiting for the promotions of Huaxin Electric."

  For a time, netizens flocked to Su Hao's Weibo and Taotao.com Huaxin Electrical Appliances Store to speak out.

  This topic quickly rushed to the top of the trending search list.

  The domestic electrical appliance alliance and the foreign electrical appliance alliance saw that netizens were willing to wait for Huaxin Electric for a day, and their mood was instantly bad.

  Nima, it's all [-]% off the price. You still have to wait for Huaxin Electric. Does Huaxin Electric's fart taste better?

  Doesn't Huaxin Electric save a little electricity? Do you need to maintain and support Huaxin Electric?

  The brand of Huaxin Electric is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This battle is hard to fight.

  It is not that the brand of Huaxin Electric has penetrated into the hearts of the people, but the Su Hao effect.Su Hao is the richest man in Longguo. In addition to his young age, the people of Longguo admire Su Hao very much, so they will naturally support Su Hao's products.

  This is impossible, this is the home field advantage, we have absolutely no comparison with Su Hao Huaxin Electric.

  Fortunately, many of Huaxin Electric's electrical appliances have not launched new products, otherwise we really have no chance of winning. Now, it is not known who will kill the deer.

  Foreign electrical appliances are not worried at all. After all, many of Huaxin Electric have not launched new products, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines and other commonly used large appliances. Huaxin Electric has no new products. It can be said that Huaxin Electric has no new products in this regard. Competitiveness.

  In general, they still have the greater advantage of foreign electrical appliances.

  The domestic electrical appliance alliance is even more unhappy than the foreign electrical appliance alliance.

  Why are they all domestic brands, but people support Huaxin Electric and despise their products?

  Why, Su Hao is the richest man in Longguo, but the brand of Huaxin Electric has only been around for more than half a year. Is it worth your support?

  Our brand has been operating for so many years, is it not comparable to the brand of Huaxin Electric for more than half a year?

  The domestic electrical appliance alliance is very angry. If they can, they would like to immediately defeat Huaxin Electric and even Haoyu Group, so that Huaxin Electric and Haoyu Group disappear into the long history.

  Huaxin Electric employees, who have been paying attention to the topics discussed by netizens, saw the topics on the hot search list and immediately reported to Lai Youbin.

  Lai Youbin quickly reported to Su Hao.

  Su Hao was slightly taken aback when he learned that both the foreign electrical appliances and the domestic electrical appliance alliance's event prices were [-]% off.

  "I didn't expect that domestic electrical appliances would come to their senses. This electrical war is more complicated." Su Hao said with emotion.

  Lai Youbin said: "It was the netizens who scolded the domestic electrical appliance alliance. If the entire network was not scolding the domestic electrical appliance alliance for being a big idiot, it is estimated that the domestic electrical appliance alliance would still be thinking about watching the tiger fight."

  Su Hao said: "Don't worry about these, since they are all reduced to a [-]% discount, let's act."

  "Although netizens say to wait for us for a day, we can't make everyone wait. After a long time, the variables will be too large, and we must act immediately."

  "What are the prices of foreign appliances and domestic appliances?"

  Lai Youbin handed the price list to Su Hao.

  Su Hao looked at the price list and asked slightly, "Their [-]% discount is so high?"

  Lai Youbin said: "That's right, that's the price. The price they originally sold was too high, so it's also such a high price for a discount."

  Su Hao smiled and said, "How can you fight us at this price? I thought it would be a blood loss this time, but now it seems that it won't be much."

  Lai Youbin said: "That is Mr. Su, you are amazing. The foreign electrical appliance alliance and the domestic electrical appliance alliance do not have such favorable prices as ours."

  Su Hao said: "The cost of our new electrical appliances is lower than the [-]% discount of foreign electrical appliances and domestic electrical appliances. So let's give the people of the country a big surprise first, and shock the foreign electrical appliance alliance and the domestic electrical appliance alliance."

  Su Hao began to set the activity price of Huaxin Electric Appliances, which was directly lower than the cost price. All electric appliances were sold at the cost price.

  It is this cost price, which is a little lower than the price of foreign electrical appliances and domestic electrical appliances, and this price is enough to drive the Chinese crazy.

  "We won't lose money at this price. If they continue to cut prices, I will give them another fatal blow to see what they can do with us." Su Hao said confidently.

  Lai Youbin said: "Foreign electrical appliances and domestic electrical appliance merchants probably would never dream that our price, which is cheaper than theirs, is actually just the cost price. If they knew about it, they would definitely go crazy."

  Su Hao said: "Let's make arrangements, the whole country is moving, some renovated electrical supermarkets can open immediately, and those who are renovating will also speed up the renovation progress for me."

  "The two large processing plants in Shencheng and Jingcheng are running at full speed, and we must ensure that production capacity keeps up with supply."

  "Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

  An hour later, YY popped up advertisements directly, and the entrances of Huaxin Electric supermarkets all over the country were also blaring crazy loudspeakers.

  "The lowest-priced electrical appliances in history, new products from Huaxin Electric are on the market, and the lowest-priced electrical appliances in history are on sale. Don't miss it when you pass by. The price is lower than that of other electrical appliance brands. If you buy it, you will earn it. Come and have a look. ."

  Su Hao directly posted a Weibo.

  Directly post the price list of electrical appliances.

  Have you ever seen such low electrical prices?Haven't seen it before, it's better to act if you want to, and buy it quickly if you need it, there are not many stocks.

  Netizens were completely stunned when they saw the price list posted by Su Hao, and they were immediately ecstatic.

  "Haha, I knew that Huaxin Electric's price would be lower than other electrical appliances, I guessed it right, haha."

  "This price is really lower than the price of foreign electrical appliances and other domestic electrical appliances. Huaxin Electric is really a conscience and a merchant."

  "Haha, I read that right. They are all new products. They are all new products. The refrigerators and washing machines are all new products."

  "Is it really a new product? Isn't Huaxin Electric still out of new products such as refrigerators and washing machines?"

  "It's a new product. I saw it in an offline physical store. It's an absolute new product. The product data is perfect. Power saving is the biggest advantage of Huaxin Electric. Haha, I can't help it. Buy it first as a respect."

  "When I saw Huaxin Electric's activities, I entered the store for the first time, and I was stunned when I saw the product. Large appliances such as empty, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. are all new products. Huaxin Electric is awesome. These big new products came out, bought and bought.”

  "Would you like to wait, this is only the first round, maybe they will cut the price, just wait."

  "Don't be too greedy. Seeing that Su Hao's Weibo is gone, there is not much stock. If you don't buy it now, there may be no more."

  "That's right, isn't this price enough?"

  When netizens were discussing heatedly, both the foreign electrical appliance alliance and the domestic electrical appliance alliance knew the news of Huaxin Electric's entry into the market.

  When they learned that the price of Huaxin Electric was cheaper than theirs, they were all a little confused.

  "How can it be cheaper, is it only a few dollars cheaper?"

  "It's not a few bucks, it's a lot cheaper, like a refrigerator is a hundred cheaper."

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