Some people don't believe the price has come down because it's already cheap.

  Netizens had to move out of the topic on the Internet to persuade their family members.

  When the family learned that Huaxin Electric and the Domestic Electric Appliances Alliance had not yet joined the competition, they all believed that the price of electric appliances would become cheaper and cheaper, and they all gave up their desire to buy temporarily. .

Chapter 259

  The advertisements of major foreign brands of electrical appliances have been playing for a whole day. Online platforms, streets and alleys are full of advertisements for foreign electrical appliance price reductions.

  Foreign big brand electrical appliances merchants have long foreseen the scene of people flocking to the store to buy frantically.

  But the current scene made them look sideways.

  The phenomenon of people buying frantically did not appear at all, so a few more people entered the store, but they just looked and didn't buy at all.

  "What's going on, why don't the people of the Dragon country buy it at such a cheap price?"

  "Could it be that the price of Huaxin Electric is lower, hurry up and check the price of Huaxin Electric Supermarket."

  High-level executives of major foreign brands of electrical appliances have sent people to check the selling prices of Huaxin Electric Supermarkets.

  When they saw that Huaxin Electric did not engage in price promotions at all, they were all confused.

  "What the hell is going on? Isn't that cheap enough?"

  "Impossible, there must be a problem in a certain link, quickly find out the reason."

  "You must find out the reason immediately, go to see other big brands of electrical appliances in Longguo, and see if they are engaged in activities."

  Soon, high-level executives of major foreign brands of electrical appliances learned that no other major brands of electrical appliances in Longguo were engaged in activities, only their foreign appliance brands were engaged in activities.

  "What's going on here, who can tell me what's going on here?"

  "At such a cheap price, no one buys it. How can it be possible? Could it be that the Dragon Kingdom restricts Chinese people from buying foreign electrical products?"

  "How is this possible? No country dares to issue such a restrictive policy. There must be a reason we don't know."

  "Look at the Internet, there will be answers online."

  "That's right, why didn't you think of the Internet, hurry up and see what the people of Longguo say on the Internet."

  Foreign high-level electrical appliances have begun to browse the topic of the Internet.

  When the domestic electrical appliance alliance learned that foreign big brands of electrical appliances launched an action, they were all smiles.

  "Haha, I knew that foreign electrical appliances could not help but act. This activity, this price, perfection, people will be crazy to buy foreign electrical appliances now."

  "Haha, that's for sure, at a [-]% discount, if you buy it, you will earn it. This time people don't believe it and don't buy it."

  "Haha, let's see how Huaxin Electric fights back this time, let's go in and fight, and the fight will be bloody, haha."

  Soon, the domestic electrical appliance alliance learned that very few people bought foreign electrical appliances, and for a moment, the domestic electrical appliance alliance represented the group in a circle.

  "What the hell is going on here, how can no one buy it?"

  "Did you see clearly, no one really bought it?"

  "Yes, there are a lot of people entering the store, but very few people buy it. Those foreign brand electrical appliances merchants are also investigating the reasons."

  "How is this possible, isn't this price low enough?"

  "It's already very low. This is already a sale that doesn't make any money. Are the Chinese still not satisfied?"

  "Look at what netizens are saying, there should be reasons we want to know online."

  The domestic electrical appliance alliance also went to the Internet to find the reason.

  After browsing the topic on the Internet, the foreign electrical appliance alliance thoroughly understands the reason.

  "Nima, the people of Longguo are so shrewd. They are waiting for Huaxin Electric and other electrical appliance brands of Longguo to join in, thinking that the price of electric appliances will be reduced again. They are really shrewd."

  "This is the benefit of the Internet age. Information spreads very quickly. Without the Internet, our event would have been very successful. Now, it's hard to say."

  "If Huaxin Electric doesn't fight back and join in, what will we do?"

  "It really doesn't work. Lower the price to the bottom, and the price has dropped to the point where it can no longer be lowered. I don't believe that the people of Longguo are not interested."

  "The price has dropped to the bottom, is it going to be sold at a discount? Then we will lose a lot."

  "What's the temporary blood loss? As long as we dominate the Dragon Country market, we don't have the final say on the price in the future. We will soon be able to earn back what we lose now."

  "Yes, as long as we can control the Longguo electrical appliance market, we will be able to quickly make back the money we lost this time."

  "That's right, it's good for Huaxin Electric to delay the time. When Huaxin Electric really develops, we can't compete with Huaxin Electric at all."

  "Don't be impulsive, let's discuss it carefully. A [-]% discount will really cause blood loss. We should discuss it first and then decide whether to sell it at a [-]% discount."

  "Yeah, don't be impulsive, it's not impossible to cut the price to the bottom, but we have to determine whether it's worth it."

  "Huaxin Electric's products are good, but our products are not bad. We are only in power saving. We are not worse than Huaxin Electric in other data, so we still have a good discussion."

  "Let's list the risks and benefits first."

  "I'll start with a few possible scenarios."

  "The first is that we defeat Huaxin Electric and other big brands in Longguo, and we dominate the electric appliance market in Longguo. In this way, we can make money back no matter how much we lose. This is based on the premise that we can succeed."

  "The second situation is that we did not succeed, we did not defeat Huaxin Electric, and Huaxin Electric did not defeat us. The market is still the same as before. We, Huaxin Electric, and other brands of Longguo coexist. In this way, Our blood loss is difficult to earn back, it is a real blood loss."

  "The third case is the worst case. Not only did we not succeed, but we were completely defeated by Huaxin Electric. As a result, everyone can imagine that it is nothing more than withdrawing from the Longguo market."

  After the three situations were listed, everyone was silent.

  Three cases, only one is good, the other two are bad, and the result is not what they want.

  "I'm talking about our odds of winning."

  "In the current situation, the probability of our big victory can only be said to be half and half. Because Huaxin Electric has not launched all new products yet, our product competitiveness is better than that of Huaxin Electric, but Huaxin Electric has a home field advantage. Because of the Haoyu Group, Huaxin Electric is more popular with the people of Longguo, so our winning rate is only half."

  "The probability of the second situation is zero. The war starts. If you die, I will die. Neither we nor Huaxin Electric will allow the existence of the other party."

  "The probability of the third case is also half. In a word, it's either a lose or a win. Give everyone a minute to think about it, and then vote."

  "After winning, the Longguo market is our world. We can do whatever we want. If we lose, we will withdraw from the Longguo market, and we will miss the Longguo market in the future."

  "Everyone, think about it."

  "What I want to ask is, if we don't fight, what will happen?"

  "Is there no war? The result is that Huaxin Electric develops steadily. When Huaxin Electric develops and grows, if Huaxin Electric does not hold grudges, it will be the second situation, and if Huaxin Electric holds revenge, it will be the third situation."

  "Why isn't the first case?"

  "Of course there is no first situation. After Huaxin Electric has grown, its product competitiveness will be stronger than ours, and the price will be cheaper than ours. With the advantage of the home field, what can we use to compete with Huaxin Electric?"

  "This..." Everyone was silent.

  "Think about it, and call the boss if you can't decide."

  Someone started calling the big boss.

  There is no discussion, they are all thinking separately, and the complexion is as complicated as the complexion.

  In less than a minute, someone made a statement.

  "I support the fight."

  Someone spoke, and one after another, someone spoke.

  "I also support the fight. Haoyu Group has a criminal record, everyone thinks about those supermarket brands abroad, Huaxin Electric will not let us go, we are still fighting to the death with Huaxin Electric and there is still hope of victory, waiting for Huaxin Electric to really develop. Come on, we have no hope of victory at all, and now we won't be fighting."

  "That's right, I also agree to fight. Holding hope tightly in our hands is the kingly way. Let Huaxin Electric decide our life and death. I will never allow this."

  "I support it too."

  "I support it too."

  The crowd expressed their support.

  The brand owners who called for instructions were also instructed by their bosses to express their support.

  "Everyone is smart, and everyone's choice is the most correct."

  "Next, we have to negotiate the final price of the price reduction. Since it is a fight to the death, we must not allow ourselves to have any retreat. We must force Huaxin Electric to come out. If Huaxin Electric does not accept the move, we will not win at all. "

  "Yes, we must force Huaxin Electric to end. If Huaxin Electric does not end, it is impossible for us to really defeat Huaxin Electric."

  "Let's all open up and say, a [-]% discount is actually not a big loss. The previous price was a big profit, and a [-]% discount is not a blood loss. Will the people of Longguo feel that a [-]% discount is the reserve price that can't be lower? Gotta try it out."

  "We can only set prices if we know the final reserve price that the people of Longguo can accept."

  "But how do we know the lowest price in the minds of the people of the Dragon Kingdom?"

  "We don't know, we can ask online. Don't the people of Longguo discuss online now? We can ask online."

  "Yes, we can ask online and there will be people willing to discuss this topic."

  "All the people below are arranged to initiate this topic online, and we must find out the lowest price in the mind of Long Guoren as soon as possible."

  The foreign electrical appliance alliance reached a consensus decision.

  After learning about the activities of foreign electrical appliance brands, Su Hao said with emotion: "These foreign electrical appliance businesses are still not ruthless enough, they are only [-]% off, and they will not lose money at this price."

  "I guess not many people buy it. Netizens have become fine. They know that our Huaxin Electric has not ended. The price of this [-]% discount is not the lowest price at all. They will definitely wait for us to end and wait for a lower price."

  Lai Youbin said: "¨'Mr. Su, you are really amazing, you guessed it right, people believe that the [-]% discount on foreign electrical appliances is just the beginning, this is just the prelude to the electrical war, and the price will be lower when the war is real. It's more cost-effective to buy."

  "So people just go to see it, and very few people buy it. Now those high-level executives of foreign electrical appliance brands are probably very depressed, hehe."

  Su Hao said: "I don't know if foreign electrical appliances are willing to pay the capital. If they are willing to pay the capital and reduce the price to the lowest level, people will still buy it frantically."

  "The price is reduced to the lowest level?" Lai Youbin was a little puzzled.

  Su Hao said directly: "It is to reduce the price to a price that people think can no longer be reduced, such as a [-]% discount, such as a [-]% discount, such a price can't be reduced any more, will people still buy it?"

  "[-]% off, [-]% off, it's definitely a blood loss. Foreign electrical appliance brands wouldn't do that, right?" Lai Youbin didn't believe that foreign electrical appliance businesses would be so ruthless.

  Su Hao said with a smile, "That's why I said that foreign electrical appliances merchants are reluctant to spend their money. If they are willing, we can only fight back."

  "If they sell at a [-]% discount, they will lose money. If you let them sell it, why should we fight back?" Lai Youbin felt that at such a low price, the more foreign electrical appliance merchants sold, the more losses they would lose. The more they lose, the better, and Huaxin Electric doesn't have to fight back at all.

  Su Hao said: "Manager Lai, you think time is too simple."

  "There are only so many electrical appliances in the market. People can buy electrical appliances and use them for at least a year. Some appliances can last for three or five years. If the market is conquered by foreign electrical appliance merchants, we Huaxin Electrical Appliances will be useless at all, understand? ?"

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