"They really don't give up. One move is not enough, and another move. It is estimated that those senior executives of foreign electrical appliance brands are very angry."

  "Next, you should pay close attention to the movements of foreign electrical appliance brands. It is estimated that they will make big moves soon."

  Lai Youbin asked suspiciously, "Didn't they stop the promotion?"

  Su Hao said: "To stop now is to be more fully prepared. The calm now is the calm before the storm. It's you. Can you stand the stimulation of people's harassing phone calls every day?"

  "It's definitely unbearable. If I change to 20, I must take action." Lai Youbin said casually.

  Su Hao said: "That's right, you can't help it, let alone the top executives of foreign electrical appliance brands. The calm now shows that they are preparing, you can ask someone to investigate whether there is any change in foreign electrical appliances, then we will not As for being too passive."

  Lai Youbin nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Su."

  Next, Su Hao devoted himself to research, and every day there were breakthroughs in new technology, washing machines, air conditioners, and refrigerators were developed one by one.

  Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief when these three new products were developed.

  Su Hao immediately asked Lai Youbin to arrange production in a processing factory.

  The two processing plant bases in Shencheng and Jingcheng also have production lines that can be put into use, and the production capacity of Huaxin Electric has been greatly increased, one sample a day.

  On the ninth day, the domestic electrical appliance alliance was even more depressed to see that the foreign electrical appliance brands still did not respond and act.

  "It's been almost ten days, and foreign big-brand electrical appliance merchants haven't responded yet. Are they really going to give up?"

  "It is impossible to give up. The domestic electrical appliance market is the largest electrical appliance market in the world. It is impossible for them to give up, and it is impossible to watch Huaxin Electric develop."

  "I believe that foreign big brands of electrical appliances have the same mind as ours. We will never allow Huaxin Electric to grow. Because of the expansion of Huaxin Electric, our living space will be squeezed, or even we will go bankrupt."

  "But it's been ten days, why haven't they responded yet?"

  "I don't know either. Maybe they're going to prepare again. Did they get people to investigate further?"

  "No, we didn't arrange for an in-depth investigation, just pay attention."

  "I immediately arranged for an in-depth investigation. I don't believe that those big foreign brand electrical appliance merchants really didn't respond at all."

  When the domestic electrical appliance alliance is depressed, the foreign electrical appliance alliance is quietly preparing.

  Nine days have passed since the ten-day preparation time, and major electrical appliance brands are ready.

  That day they got together for a pre-offensive meeting.

  "Have you seen the topic on the Internet of Longguo?"

  "I see, I didn't expect that it was the Longguo Electric Brand Alliance who provoked us to fight with Huaxin Electric. They are really insidious."

  "This is also normal. Huaxin Electric is a major threat. When Huaxin Electric develops, whether it is them or us, the living space is very small."

  "Even if there is no provocation from them, we must deal with Huaxin Electric, but it is not so early. Thanks to their provocation, otherwise it will be difficult for us to unite."

  "Yeah, I really thank them. If it weren't for them, we really couldn't be so united, haha."

  "This is the best. The Longguo Electric Alliance wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. This is the best. As long as they don't make a move, Huaxin Electric is not our opponent at all."

  "Yes, when we defeat Huaxin Electric, they will be next."

  "Haha, the Longguo Electric Alliance wants to reap the benefits of the fisherman. Unfortunately, they made a wrong calculation. This time our target is not only Huaxin Electric, but also them."

  "Haha, they are really stupid. Haven't they heard of Chiyu? How can the same industry not be implicated, and they want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. It's naive and stupid."

  "Haha, those people who think too naively are more beneficial to us. We will launch a general attack tomorrow, and this time we will win the Longguo electrical appliance market in one fell swoop."

  "Haha, the Dragon Country, the world's largest market, must be ours."

  "That's a must. It is impossible for our foreign electrical appliance brand to lose to the Longguo electrical appliance brand. Our brand is the best in the world."

  Representatives of several major brand electrical appliance merchants in Sakura Country are particularly proud.In their eyes, their products are the best in the world. Compared with their products in other countries, they are simply spicy chicken.

  Netizens have been waiting and waiting, waiting for the electrical war.

  Every day, netizens will ask the last question, when will the electrical war start?

  After waiting for several days, I didn't wait for the electrical war, and I didn't even feel the wind. Netizens were a little depressed.

  "Isn't it about the electrical war? Why is there no wind at all, am I being fooled?"

  "My house has been renovated and I'm waiting to buy electrical appliances. Why hasn't the electrical appliance war started yet, and the promotions of foreign electrical appliances have been cancelled. Did I miss something?"

  "Haha, what a hurry, it's only a few days, don't hurry, hurry up, hurry up."

  "I remember your nickname. You said it a few days ago. It's almost too soon. I see you still say it a few days later. I don't believe you anymore."

  "Haha, wait, it's the calm before the storm, I feel a sense of Peng Bai that the storm is about to come, haha, just have your wallet ready."

  "The domestic electrical appliance alliance and the foreign electrical appliance alliance will never give Huaxin Electric too much time to develop. Don't worry, this electrical war will never exceed this month."

  "What if it exceeds this month?"

  "If we go to war more than this month, I will eat shit upside down."

  "I took a screenshot. If you don't stand upside down and eat shit, I will kill you all over the Internet."

  "Haha, buddy, the bullshit is too harsh, and it's hard to step down when that time comes."

  "I believe in my feeling that the foreign electrical appliance alliance and the domestic alliance will never give Huaxin Electric time to develop. Just wait and see, the electrical war will definitely start within this month."

  "Is there any Huaxin Electric Supermarket in your local area being renovated? I found out that the Huaxin Electric Supermarket on my side was being renovated a few days ago."

  "I'm here too, a new Huaxin Electric Supermarket is being opened. It's being renovated."

  "I heard that Huaxin Electric not only invested [-] billion to build a processing plant, but also invested another [-] billion to open electrical supermarkets across the country."

  "If you don't tell me, I don't even remember it. There is a Huaxin Electric Supermarket in my town which is being renovated. It is estimated that it will open soon."

  "Township, are you sure it's Huaxin Electric Supermarket?"

  "Of course, the work clothes are all of Huaxin Electric's work clothes. I'm absolutely right."

  "My town is the same. I didn't believe it when I saw it, so I asked about it, and the answer was Huaxin Electric Supermarket."

  "My God, is Huaxin Electric trying to dominate the country?"

  "That must be, if you don't want to dominate the national market, how can you open electrical supermarkets in towns and villages."

  "Huaxin Electric is too fierce, really too fierce, haha."

  "My God, the processing plant is [-] billion yuan, and the electrical supermarket is [-] billion yuan. This is [-] billion yuan. If I have so much money, I will definitely enjoy it every day and live a beautiful life every day."

  "What is [-] billion, that is, the profit of a smartphone is less than a month. Haoyu Group has this strength."

  "Haha, that's true. Smartphones can earn more than [-] billion a month. What is this investment of [-] billion? Not to mention [-] billion, Haoyu Group can invest [-] billion and [-] billion."

  "This electrical war is really exciting. I don't know how the processing plant is going. Huaxin Electric has opened so many electrical supermarkets, can the production capacity keep up?"

  "Nonsense, do you think the two large-scale processing plants are joking? In addition to the processing plants in the East China Sea, Huaxin Electric already has three large-scale processing plants in the country, and capacity supply is definitely not a problem."

  "The large processing plant is still under construction."

  "The home appliance supermarket is also being renovated. When the home appliance supermarket is renovated, the large-scale factory has already started production."

  "It has already started production. I have to admire the execution ability of Haoyu Group. The two large processing plants in Shencheng and Jingcheng have already started to produce electrical appliances, and there are many more production lines every day."

  "Hurry up and apply for the job. Now Huaxin Electric's recruitment diploma is not enough, but as long as you are familiar with it, you can also have the opportunity to enter Huaxin Electric."

  "Is it real?"

  "Just look at the recruitment advertisement of Huaxin Electric. I didn't lie to you. Yesterday, my buddy was a skilled welder. He graduated from junior high school and successfully applied for the job."

  "Oh my God, why don't I know, no wonder the pop-up window of YY recommends the recruitment advertisement of Huaxin Electric again in the past two days. It turns out that the recruitment advertisement has changed. I actually thought it was the same as before and didn't read it, my God , I missed a million."

  "It's not too late. This is the only opportunity. At the beginning of the establishment of the Huaxin Electrical Appliances Factory, a large number of people were recruited, so the skilled workers have the opportunity.

  "Haha, I'm going to apply for the job tomorrow."

  "Excuse me, does Huaxin Electric recruit people at night? I'm going to apply now."

  "I don't know. It shouldn't be recruiting people at night. You should go there tomorrow."

  "It's not safe for cars to come and go at night, so let's go during the day."

  "Well, I'm going to apply for the job tomorrow. I'm a veteran of electrical appliances for five years. I will definitely be able to apply. The girl from Huaxin Electric, wait for me, I'm here."

  "Really, I just saw the new recruitment advertisement of Huaxin Electric, and it says that skilled hands can skip the diploma."

  "Brothers, what are you waiting for, go ahead, salary starting at [-] a month, it's a fool not to go."

  "It doesn't matter, I will ask for leave tomorrow to apply for a job, haha."

  The next day, many netizens asked for leave.

  Some electronics factories are a little confused, why are so many people asking for leave today.When they learned that the people who asked for leave were all going to Huaxin Electric for interviews, they naturally refused to grant leave.

  Many people directly absent from work.

  If you can apply for a job, what is a day absent from work?I can't apply for a job, and it's okay to be absent from work for a day.

  On this day, foreign electrical appliance brands launched a general attack.At [-]:[-] in the morning, after the opening of foreign electrical appliance stores, loudspeakers began to publicize, and there were even electrical appliance brands driving cars on the streets.

  Year-end discounts, big discounts on all electrical appliances, don't miss it when you pass by, you only have one chance, buy it and earn it.

  It is completely the routine of Taotao.com, and foreign electrical appliance brands have learned from home.

  People are a little confused when they see the promotions of foreign electrical appliance brands.

  "Is this price serious? Is it really that cheap?"

  "The price is marked on the flyer, it will definitely not deceive people, let's go and have a look."

  "This price is [-]% off the usual price. You must look at such a low price."

  "My God, this price is so cheap, I have to go and see it."

  Netizens are even more troubled.

  "Come on, let's start, the electrical war has kicked off."

  "Haha, I've waited, and foreign electrical appliance brands have shot, haha."

  "I finally waited, and the guy really said it right. Foreign electrical appliance brands will never give Huaxin Electric more time to develop. It's only the 15th, and it doesn't take the end of the month to act. It's amazing."

  "Don't rush to buy it first, the electrical war will begin, and the price will be even cheaper. Wait for Huaxin Electric to fight back."

  "Everyone advises family members not to buy electrical appliances so quickly. If you buy them now, you will definitely regret them. Huaxin Electric and the Domestic Electrical Appliances Alliance have not yet made a move. Don't rush to buy them. The price will definitely be lower in a few days."

  "That's right, the price will definitely be lower, just wait, don't rush to buy it, wait for Huaxin Electric and the Foreign Electric Appliance Alliance to make a move."

  Seeing these voices, they called their family members one after another, persuading them not to buy foreign electrical appliances so quickly, and wait for the price to continue to drop.

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