The second elder asked, "What do you think?"

  Su Hao directly expressed the idea of ​​micro-blog.

  Su Hao intends to take advantage of this opportunity to promote him by the state to launch a micro-blog. With the national publicity and his factors, the micro-blog will definitely become popular all over the country.

  "You really don't miss any opportunity, okay, how many days do you need?" The second elder promised to give Su Hao a few days.

  Su Hao said: "Five days, at most five days, I will contact you as soon as my micro blog is finished."

  The second elder said: "That's fine, but the interview should be done first."

  "Okay, you can always have someone come over." Su Hao readily agreed.

  After finishing the call with the second elder, Su Hao went directly to the YY R&D department.

  After Su Hao explained the design plan of the micro blog, everyone was full of energy.

  "Micro-blogs are too much. In this way, YY has an additional propaganda tool."

  "There are only five days. If you complete the task in five days, the bonus will double this month." Su Hao made a direct promise.

  "Don't worry, Mr. Su, we will make Weibo within five days."

  Zhou Xue couldn't understand why Su Hao was so anxious to Weibo all of a sudden.

  "Su Hao, what's going on with this Weibo?"

  Su Hao briefly stated that the country wanted to promote him.

  Zhou Xue was horrified after hearing this.

  This, this is too shocking, right?Ten thousand.

Chapter 247

  "Su Hao, how did you do it?"

  Zhou Xue wouldn't believe it if he hadn't heard Su Hao say this with his own ears.

  National propaganda, national endorsement, this is simply a super good thing that falls from the sky. With the national endorsement, Haoyu Group and Su Hao will almost walk sideways in the country in the future.

  With the endorsement of the state, the credibility of Haoyu Group in the hearts of the Chinese people instantly rose to its peak.Coupled with Su Hao's factors, Haoyu Group has become the most powerful group in China.

  "Grandpa Su proposed it." Su Hao said softly: "Last night, I told Ruo Meng and the others that they would not reveal their identities. I didn't expect the country to use me as an example to promote publicity. ?"

  "If you don't agree, you're a fool." Zhou Xue gave Su Hao a white look.

  Su Hao said: "Actually, I really don't want to expose too much. After my identity is announced, I will be recognized wherever I go. We won't be able to have a good date in the future."

  "What is the love of children, and what is the loss?" Zhou Xue said angrily: "It's a great thing to have a date when you can't date. If you give up such a great opportunity because of the love of your children, not only will I blame you, Ruo Meng They will scold you too."

  "I can't give up, Grandpa Su has already spoken, can I refuse?" Su Hao looked like he was being good even after being cheap.

  Zhou Xue said: "You can just have fun."

  "Zhou Xue, we haven't made an appointment for several days. Taking advantage of such a big happy event today, we have to make an appointment today." Su Hao took the opportunity to say.

  A red cloud appeared on Zhou Xue's stunning pink face, and said, "Rongrong is here, she will tell me if I don't go home, we will make an appointment when Rongrong returns to the capital."

  "It's about Li Rongrong, let's make an appointment with us." Su Hao pretended to be pitiful: "After my identity is announced on May [-], it will be very difficult for us to go shopping in a big way. You have the heart to refuse in such a few days. me?"

  "Okay, stop pretending, I promise you." Zhou Xue couldn't stand Su Hao's pretence.

  "That's great, let's go, skip work." Su Hao wanted to pull Zhou Xue away directly.

  "Cut off work?" Zhou Xue was slightly taken aback, she never thought about skipping work.

  "It's okay now, it's okay to skip a day's work." Su Hao said directly: "If someone asks, just say go out with me."

  "I really convinced you." Zhou Xue still promised Su Hao.

  She doesn't have time to get along with Su Hao these days, and she misses Su Hao very much.

  Then Su Hao and Zhou Xue left the group headquarters together.

  Li Rongrong happened to meet Su Hao and Zhou Xue leaving.

  "Xiaoxue, where are you going?"

  Without waiting for Zhou Xue's response, Su Hao said directly: "Li Rongrong, Zhou Xue and I have something to do, you can do your job."

  "What's the matter?" Li Rongrong asked.

  "Confidential." Su Hao said mysteriously: "You will know in a few days."

  "By the way, Zhou Xue probably won't be able to go home in time tonight."

  After speaking, Suha directly pulled Zhou Xue away.

  Looking at the backs of Su Hao and Zhou Xue leaving, Li Rongrong looked blank.

  It's still confidential, I think he's skipping work to go on a date, right?

  Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, you are already dazed by Su Hao. . .

  Li Rongrong could not wait to rush up and pull Zhou Xue back, thinking that Zhou Xue said she was very happy, she suppressed the impulse in her heart.

  Xiaoxue, I hope you are really happy.

  On this day, Su Hao and Zhou Xuemei had a date.In order not to be recognized, Su Hao and Zhou Xue both wore masks.

  In the evening, Su Hao and Zhou Xue relived their old dreams.

  Li Rongrong kept waiting, and she didn't see Zhou Xue coming back until the early morning. Knowing that Zhou Xue would not be back tonight, she sighed softly.


  9 month 13 number.

  Zhou Xue came to the group with a radiant face.

  Seeing Zhou Xue's radiant appearance, Li Rongrong guessed what Zhou Xue and Su Hao did last night.

  "Xiaoxue, you last night..."

  Before Li Rongrong could finish speaking, Zhou Xue said softly, "Rongrong, I was with Su Hao last night."

  "Rongrong, you really don't have to worry about me, Su Hao and I are very good together, very happy."

  "But he has several girlfriends, do you really mind?" Li Rongrong was still struggling with the question of how many boats Su Hao stepped on.

  If Su Hao hadn't stepped on a few boats, Li Rongrong would be willing to bless Zhou Xue with [-] million.

  Zhou Xue smiled and said, "It's nothing to mind, Su Hao is not a man that any woman can hold down."

  "Xiaoxue, you are really obsessed." Li Rongrong sighed: "Forget it, no matter what, I wish you happiness. If you let me know that Su Hao bullies you, I will never forgive him."

  "Don't worry, I'm the only one who bullies him, how could he bully me, he won't have time to hurt me." Zhou Xue's face was filled with a happy smile.

  Seeing the smile on Zhou Xue's face, Li Rongrong knew that Zhou Xue was really happy.If it weren't for real happiness, with Zhou Xue's character, Zhou Xue wouldn't have laughed so happily.

  At that moment, a thought flashed in Li Rongrong's mind, when will my Prince Charming appear?

  In the afternoon, CCTV and his party arrived in the East China Sea.

  Since Li Lihong was the interview host, Su Hao went to the airport to meet him in person.

  CCTV and his party were flattered when they saw Su Hao greet him in person.After seeing that Li Lihong and Su Hao were familiar with each other, everyone suddenly realized.

  It turned out that Su Hao personally picked up the plane because of Li Lihong.If it wasn't for Li Lihong, how could they have received such a high standard of reception.

  The interview will only start tomorrow. After the CCTV group is settled, Su Hao takes Li Lihong away.

  Watching Su Hao and Li Lihong leave, CCTV and his party had a thought in their minds.

  Could it be that Su Hao and Li Lihong are a couple?

  If Su Hao and Li Lihong are really a couple, then Li Lihong is really lucky.

  To have the richest man in Longguo as a boyfriend is simply not necessary.

  But thinking about Li Lihong's stunning appearance, everyone felt that there was nothing.

  Heroes have loved beautiful women since ancient times, and it is normal for a man as good as Su Hao to like beautiful women.It would be abnormal if Su Hao didn't like beautiful women.

  Su Hao directly took Li Lihong to find Du Ruomeng.

  In the car, Li Lihong couldn't help praising Su Hao any longer, "Su Hao, you are really amazing. The state helps you publicize and let the young people in the whole country learn from you. This is the highest personal honor."

  Su Hao said directly: "Sister Hong, if you say that, I don't know how to answer."

  Li Lihong smiled and said, "I'm telling the truth. In a few days, if people know that I can chat with you like this, they will definitely be envied by many young people."

  "Sister Hong, if you praise me again, I will float." Su Hao said casually.

  "Hee hee, should I call you Su's richest man now?" Li Lihong asked teasingly.

  Su Hao was sweating profusely and said, "No, I can't bear it."

  "The well-deserved richest man in the Dragon Country, I can't stand it." Li Lihong smiled slightly and said, "You are my idol now, and you have to sign my name when you look back."

  "Okay, I'll sign as many signatures as you want." Su Hao said.

  "Then you need to sign a few more. Maybe your autographs will sell for a lot of money in the future, hehe." Li Lihong continued to tease Su Hao.

  Soon, Su Hao and Li Lihong met Du Ruomeng.

  The two women came for a big hug.

  "Sister Hong, you have finally come to the East China Sea, this time you have to spend a few more days in the East China Sea." Du Ruomeng laughed.

  "I also want to play for a few more days, but unfortunately I don't have time. This time it's because of Su Hao's blessing. If it wasn't for Su Hao, I really wouldn't have time to come to the East China Sea." Li Lihong said.

  "Thanks to Su Hao?" Du Ruomeng asked suspiciously.

  Su Hao didn't tell Du Ruomeng about the state propaganda, so Du Ruomeng didn't know that Li Lihong came to the East China Sea to interview Su Hao, and only thought that Li Lihong came to the East China Sea to play with her.

  "Why, you don't know?" Li Lihong asked Su Hao, "Su Hao, didn't you tell Ruo Meng?"

  Su Hao said embarrassedly: "I didn't say it, I forgot to say it yesterday."

  Then Su Hao quickly explained the state propaganda.

  After hearing this, Du Ruomeng gave Su Hao a stern look, his eyes seemed to say, don't tell me and the concubine sisters about such important matters, look back and see how we will deal with you.

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