There are also netizens who do not believe that Su Hao is the boss of Haoyu Group.

  "These are just rumors. I still don't believe that a young Su Hao can create a huge business empire, Haoyu Group."

  "Su Hao is too young to be so powerful. It is already very good to be able to create a tutoring website and Alipay. Su Hao is already better than many young people based on the tutoring website and Alipay. How could it be possible to create Haoyu Group? This is impossible. ."

  "Even if Su Hao is one of the shareholders of Haoyu Group, it is impossible to become the richest man in the country. Don't tout Su Hao."

  "That is, is it interesting to brag about a young man? How can Su Hao be so powerful when he is so young."

  "That's right, Haoyu Group drove all the six major foreign supermarkets out of the Longguo market. The boss behind Haoyu Group must be a wily old man. Even if it's not an old man, he's a middle-aged uncle. How could it be Su Hao? too much."

  These disbelieving voices were no match for most of the believing voices, and were quickly drowned out by the voices of worshipping Su Hao.

  "Su Hao is awesome, Su Hao, I love you, I want to marry you."

  "Su Hao, you are amazing, you are my idol, and you are an example for me to learn from throughout my life."

  "Su Hao, the richest man in Long Kingdom, I adore you so much. Do you have a girlfriend? I'm a stunning beauty. I want to be your girlfriend."

  There are also a lot of demons and ghosts jumping out to make trouble, but that doesn't change the result that most people believe that Su Hao is the behind-the-scenes boss of Haoyu Group.

  Over time, more and more evidence came out.

  For example, Haoyu Group's large-scale job fair at Tunghai University.

  For example, many high-level executives of Haoyu Group are from Dongda University.

  . . .

  Various signs point to the fact that Su Hao is the boss of Haoyu Group.

  Netizens talked a lot.

  After more than half a day of fermentation, in the evening, netizens were even more crazy.

  Many Dong University students also jumped out to prove that Su Hao was the boss of Haoyu Group.

  Su Hao was speechless after learning about the crazy comments of netizens from Zhang Mengqi.

  "Who exposed my identity?"

  Zhang Mengqi said: "I don't know, I can't find the source at all, I just know that the whole Internet is talking about you now."

  "My God, these netizens are too crazy. This person said that he wants to marry Su Hao." Du Ruomeng was browsing the comments of netizens.

  "This one says to be Su Hao's girlfriend."

  "This one says to give birth to a child for Su Hao."

  "It's crazy, Su Hao, you're on fire."

  Su Hao said speechlessly, "Has my photo been exposed?"

  Du Ruomeng said, "I haven't seen it yet."

  "That's okay, as long as I don't expose my photos, let them pass it on as they wish. This matter will be passed on for two or three days at most. When people no longer dare to be interested, they will naturally not discuss it." Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

  As long as his photos are not exposed, nothing else is a problem.

  "I haven't finished yet. Your photo has not been exposed, but the news of your interview has been exposed." Du Ruomeng said: "It is estimated that many people will go to the previous interview news, and then they will naturally know what you look like. ."

  "I lost it." Su Hao was extremely depressed.

  "I see, someone has exposed the link to your previous news, click on your handsome photo." Du Ruomeng said.

  Su Hao leaned over to take a look, even more depressed.

  "Why are netizens so idle and speechless now."

  "Haha, this comment made me laugh to death." Du Ruomeng read aloud: "God, how can Su Hao be so handsome, even if he has money, he still looks so handsome, how can I live?"

  "This one is funny too."

  "God, are you sending Su Hao to attack me? Su Hao is handsome and rich, and I'm ugly and poor. Nima, I received [-] million critical hits in an instant."

  "Su Hao, now the whole Internet is saying that you are the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom. As long as a small number of netizens don't believe it, most of them think that you are the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom. You are now a national idol. Are you happy?" Du Ruomeng asked suspiciously.

  "What am I so happy about?" Su Hao said, "Do you think it's easy to be a national idol? It won't be convenient for me to go out in the future."

  "Besides, if it is known that I live with the three of you, netizens will have to crusade me."

  Du Ruomeng said indifferently: "What's the matter, what's wrong with us living together, and no one knows that we are a couple, so let's pay attention outside in the future."

  "Sister Ruomeng is right, Su Hao, I will keep my distance from you when I'm outside." Zhang Mengqi agreed.

  Yuan Xuefei also nodded lightly.

  "Oh my God, who is the devil who exposed my identity." Su Hao said extremely depressed: "I have suffered before I have disclosed my identity. If I do reveal my identity, it will not be more painful."

  "Hmph, just pretend, there are so many beauties who idolize you, you must be secretly having fun." Du Ruomeng hummed.

  "Those who said they wanted to marry me might be men. Now that there are no real-name monsters and monsters on the Internet, real beautiful women would say this, do you believe it?" Su Hao asked back.

  Du Ruomeng smiled and said, "Hehe, I'll send one too."

  "Su Hao is my boyfriend, and Su Hao said I won't marry him."

  As soon as Du Ruomeng sent it out, someone responded immediately.

  "Smelly shameless, Su Hao is my boyfriend, get out of here."

  "I've never seen such a shameless person. It's up to you not to marry. He must be a dinosaur. Humph, Su Hao is my husband. You are all dreaming."

  One after another abusive replies appeared, and Du Ruomeng couldn't even see it.

  "It's crazy, I just post a comment, and there are hundreds of replies right away, it's crazy."

  Zhang Mengqi and Yuan Xuefei were also watching.

  "Su Hao, don't you have a support team?" Zhang Mengqi blurted out.

  "Really, it feels exactly the same as the fan support group of those stars." Du Ruomeng echoed.

  Su Hao said speechlessly: "I'm not a star, where did the fan support team come from."

  "You are not a star, you are a national idol, a national idol who takes all men and women, hee hee." Du Ruomeng teased.

  "And the richest man in the Dragon Country, haha."

  "What is the richest man in the Dragon Country? This is what netizens said. I don't admit it." Su Hao didn't dare to say this. If he blows it out, I don't know how many people will spray him.

  "Sister Concubine, what is the net worth of Haoyu Group now?" Du Ruomeng was extremely curious about this.

  Netizens say that the net worth of the richest man in Longguo last year was around 800 billion. If Su Hao exceeds this figure, there is no doubt that he has a great chance to be the richest man in Longguo this year.

  "I haven't counted it, but the smartphone earned almost 3 billion." Yuan Xuefei said, "But the [-]G network construction and Dongfeng Express have also invested a lot. If you can't calculate it for a while, you have to wait for the year-end summary."

  "Yes, the construction of CEFC's 3G network is too expensive now. Fortunately, it is slowly recovering." Du Ruomeng said to Su Hao: "Su Hao, I will work hard in the next three months, and we will send you to this year's conference together. The throne of the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom."

  "I don't care about those reputations at all. What is the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom? The richest man in the world is my goal." Su Hao said in high spirits.

  "Also the richest man in the world, let's talk about being the richest man in the Dragon Country first." Du Ruomeng gave Su Hao a blank look.

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  "You don't trust me so much, do you want my family to serve you?" Su Haoxie smiled.

  "I didn't." Du Ruomeng asked instead, "Su Hao, now netizens are so curious about your identity, do you plan to announce it?"

  "Of course it's not announced. It's a lot of trouble if it's not announced. It's worth it if it's really announced." Su Hao never thought of revealing his identity.

  If he really wanted to announce it, he wouldn't be so low-key. When Haoyu Group opened last time, he wouldn't remind the media not to expose his identity.

  Du Ruomeng smiled and said, "As you go, hehe, I will continue to watch the fun."

  The discussion among netizens became more and more intense, and the matter spread to the ears of the second elder.

  After the second elder understood it, he fell into contemplation.

  The richest man in the Dragon Kingdom, a national idol?

  The second elder found the first elder, the two elders chatted for a long time, and finally decided on one thing.

  9 month 12 number.

  At ten in the morning, Su Hao received a call from the second elder.

  Seeing the second elder's call, Su Hao was slightly taken aback.

  This was the first time that the second elder took the initiative to call him. Usually, he took the initiative to contact the second elder.

  Su Hao subconsciously thought that the second elder was looking for him on something important.

  "Good morning, Grandpa Su."

  Second Elder: "Su Hao, I'm calling you this time to ask for your opinion."

  Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, you said, if I can do it, I will agree."

  The second elder: "Su Hao, there has been a lot of discussion about your identity on the Internet these days. After discussing with the first elder, I decided to make you an idol for young people in the country, so that young people in the country can learn from you and make you a young person in the country. The motivation for progress, would you like it?"


  Su Hao was completely stunned when he heard the words.

  This this. . .Is the country going to endorse him?

  Second Elder: "Su Hao, do you have any concerns? If so, please tell me directly."

  Su Hao came back to his senses and said, "Grandpa Su, I have no worries, I just didn't expect such a good thing to happen to me."

  Second Elder: "It's not that you can have anyone else. You are now recognized by the whole nation as the richest man in the country, but you just don't admit it."

  "It's a lot of good for you. Of course, if you don't want to, you want to continue to live a quiet and low-key life, and the country won't force you."

  Su Hao hurriedly said: "Grandpa Su, don't say that, I'm very happy. It's my honor to be the idol of the young people in the country and to make the young people of the country make progress."

  "It's just that it was so sudden that I couldn't react for a while."

  "Like what you said, Grandpa Su, this matter is very beneficial to me. The country will give me publicity. In the future, I can walk sideways in the country, hehe."

  The second elder said solemnly: "What are you walking sideways, you must lead by example and become stronger in the future."

  "Grandpa Su, you are right, I will definitely work hard." Su Hao assured.

  Second Elder: "That's fine, I will arrange for CCTV News to interview you in the past two days, and then you will cooperate with the state to publicize it across the country."

  Su Hao's mind flashed, and he said, "Grandpa Su, can you refuse for a few days, I want to take the opportunity to launch a software."

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