It's true, it's all true, I've done it all.

  The miserable brother immediately commented, "Thank you Huaxin Mobile, thank you for giving me the opportunity, now I finally don't have to break up with my girlfriend, thank Huaxin Mobile, I will always support you."

  When netizens saw the miserable brother's remarks, they all understood that Huaxin Mobile had arranged a smartphone for the miserable brother.

  "Nima, there is such an operation, I want it too, I am even worse, I didn't win two hundred times, I am worse than him."

  [-] times, [-] times, [-] times, all of them popped up, but unfortunately there was no reply from Huaxin Mobile Store Arrangement, those netizens who faked and sold badly were destined to be disappointed.

  Longguo is snapped up on and purchased offline in 16 overseas countries.

  There are long queues at overseas sales points of Huaxin mobile phones early in the morning.

  Some people even set up tents in front of the Huaxin mobile phone store in the early morning.Many people came to the Huaxin mobile phone store at four or five in the morning to line up.

  "Nima, there is actually a buddy who pitches a tent. What time does the buddy come to line up?".

Chapter 241

  "The guy who pitched the tent is still sleeping. Who knows what time he will come."

  "Nima, do you want to be so ruthless, but this trick is really good. He is the first, and he will definitely be able to buy a smartphone."

  "Did no one wake him?"

  "The second buddy doesn't know when the tent was set up~ Did you come?"

  "I don't know, I came at four o'clock, and when I got here - he was already sound asleep."

  "The tents are all with me. It is estimated that I camped here last night."

  "It's crazy, Nima, what about a smartphone?"

  "It's not that you go back to sleep, give us your place, hehe."

  "What are you thinking? I woke up after setting the alarm clock. I can definitely buy a smartphone in such a good location. I have been thinking about a smartphone for two months. What do you want me to give it to you?"

  "My girlfriend asked me to come a little earlier to line up. I didn't expect so many people when I came so early. Fortunately, I came early, otherwise I would have been beaten by my girlfriend if I couldn't buy a smartphone."

  "Your girlfriend is so violent, so hurry up and kick it. There are also many girls lining up, just go and pick one up."

  "Fuck off, my girlfriend and I will be together forever."

  "Aren't you all concerned about price?" Someone talked about price.

  "If you have anything to pay attention to, you can buy it no matter how much it costs. It's not bad."

  "I heard that the price will be two hundred and fifty meters more expensive than Longguo. I don't know if it's true?"

  "Who did you hear?"

  "The friend of the Dragon Kingdom said it."

  "It's normal. Smartphones are subject to tariffs in our country, and it's normal to be a little more expensive."

  "For a product as advanced as a smartphone, I fully accept the price of [-] yuan."

  "Yes, smart phones are awesome, you can play games, you can make video calls, and I accept the price of more than [-] meters."

  "More than [-] meters is an exaggeration, but less than [-] yuan is acceptable."

  "Then go home and go to bed, look at the mobile phones on the market today, under the banner of high-end mobile phones, their functions are vastly different from smart phones, what are the prices of those mobile phones, [-] yuan, and smart phones sell for more than [-]. Is Mi Yuan expensive?"

  "That's right, go home and sleep if you think it's too expensive. There are only [-] million in a country and [-] in a city, which is not enough at all."

  "[-] units are really too few. There are so many young people in China who want to buy only mobile phones. Such a small number of smart phones is completely insufficient."

  "It's not bad to have it for sale. The six countries like Bangzi Country can't buy it if they want to buy it, hehe."

  "The six countries of the Bangzi country deserve it, but they don't allow smartphones to enter their national market. I really don't understand what they are thinking. Can such an advanced and great product be a country that can stop it?"

  "That's right, it's really good."

  People talk about it.

  Gradually, the day dawned.

  The buddies who pitched the tent woke up and saw the long queue behind them, all with smug smiles on their faces.

  "Haha, I still have foresight, and the people behind are all younger brothers."

  The buddies who pitched the tent began to take out the prepared toiletries to wash.

  When everyone saw that the tent brother was well prepared, they were all in admiration.

  "Nima, this guy is a real ruthless man."

  "Man, what time was the tent pitched last night?"

  "12 o'clock, hehe, sorry, I will be the first person in our country to use a smartphone, haha." The tent brother smiled proudly.

  Such things are happening in 16 countries.The local media reporters are all recording the sensational scene of the super line of Huaxin mobile phone store.

  On this day, the block where the Huaxin mobile phone store is located was congested, and vehicles had to divert.

  At eight in the morning, the Huaxin mobile phone store officially opened.

  Huaxin mobile phones were put in group by group.

  People didn't hesitate to buy after seeing the pricing of the two smartphones.

  The ordinary version of the smartphone is 688 yuan.

  The high-end version of the smartphone is 888 yuan.

  The price is just two thousand yuan more expensive than the selling price of Longguo.

  Su Hao thought about selling more expensive abroad, thinking that the first smartphone was to open up the market, and finally set this price.

  "688 yuan, this price is cheaper than I expected, haha, I will buy ten."

  "Sorry, everyone can only buy two." The staff said directly.

  It is Su Hao’s rule that each person can only buy two smartphones. This move is to allow smartphones to be purchased by those who need them, rather than being hoarded by scalpers.

  "Well, that's fine, I'll buy two." Most people are not dissatisfied with this rule.

  A small part of the dissatisfied learned that Longguo could only buy one per person, and the identity verification was required, and the dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared.

  The people of the Dragon Kingdom can only buy one, and it is very good that they can buy two.

  "Haha a high-end match is only 888 meters. I thought it would cost more than [-] yuan. It's too cheap."

  "The normal version of 688 and the high-end version of 888 are really about 250 meters more expensive than Longguo. This price is really cheap, I bought it, I bought it."

  Almost all of them bought two outright and left.

  At the beginning, people were still experiencing it, but people in the queue were urging people to give up the experience, come in and pay directly, and then took their smartphones and left.

  "What do you experience? Hurry up to pay and leave, and buy it home and experience it slowly?"

  "That's right, hurry up, don't you see so many people queuing? Pay quickly, take your mobile phone and leave."

  "The function of the smart phone has been verified by the people of Longguo, so you can use it with confidence. You don't need to experience it anymore. Hurry up and pay and leave."

  At the back, Huaxin mobile phone staff sold directly at the door.The people in the queue pay directly, the payment for the goods is cleared, and they leave directly.

  Su Hao had anticipated this situation early, and asked Huaxin Mobile to temporarily hire [-] salesmen.

  The team spread out, and for half a day, [-] smartphones were sold out.

  After the stock was sold out, the manager of the Huaxin mobile phone store directly announced that it was out of stock, and the sale time of the next batch of smartphones was to be determined.

  "It's gone? It's been gone for a long time?"

  "I came in a hurry and still didn't catch up, my God, do you want to sell it so fast."

  "I guessed that smartphone sales would be very good, but I didn't expect it to be so good, and it only sold out for a long time, which is too cruel."

  "Can you not be ruthless, such traffic has been blocked for most of the day, and it's full of people queuing up."

  "Knowing that I should have come earlier, I don't know when I will be able to buy a smartphone next time."

  "Alas, the smartphone passed me by, and the smart waits for the next batch."

  People who buy smartphones rush home and experience smartphones.

  After people experience it, they truly appreciate the magic of smartphones.

  "It's amazing, the smartphone is even more amazing than the Huaxin mobile phone press conference said, I love it."

  "Haha, it's really fun. The only downside is that the apps are all from the Dragon Kingdom, and you can't find any foreign apps in the app store."

  "This is normal. It is estimated that Huaxin Mobile has not had time to cooperate with relevant foreign companies."

  "I heard that YY is very popular in Long Kingdom, have you registered?"

  "Of course, I signed up, it's pretty good, you hurry up and sign up, so I can add you friends."

  "You must register. How can you video chat without registering? If you want to video chat, you have to rely on YY chat software."

  "Haha, that is, YY chat software has many functions, much better than our domestic chat software."

  "YY is really easy to use, video chat, voice call, love love love."

  After people from abroad have experienced YY, they are extremely satisfied with YY.

  So far, YY has [-] million more overseas users.

  This is only a registered user of the smartphone.After people experienced the multi-functionality of YY, they asked their friends to register on the computer one after another. For a time, the number of overseas users of YY registered rapidly soaring.

  People who have experienced YY have found that YY is much easier to use than the chat software they used before, and chat software like MSN is not comparable to YY at all.

  In the evening, media from various countries reported the shocking picture of the long queue in Huaxin mobile phone store.

  As soon as the report came out, more people knew about Huaxin Mobile's first smartphone, and many people were curious to learn about smartphones.

  After learning about the magic of smartphones, many people are extremely regretful.

  Why didn't I know about such great electronics sooner, it's a sin for me to miss out on such great electronics.

  "I actually read the news today and found out that there are real smartphones in the world. Oh my God, am I out of touch with fashion?"

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