"Walmart supermarket, give us an explanation within an hour, otherwise you will smash your supermarket, and your supermarket will not open in the United States in the future."

  Walmart Supermarket executives learned that there were protesters at the gates of supermarkets across the country, and they were completely confused.

  Walmart Supermarket used its relationship to prevent Huaxin mobile phone from entering the US market, which was revenge on Haoyu Group.Walmart had absolutely no idea that its own people would protest.

  Logically, this is a good thing. It is a good thing to refuse companies from other countries to dominate the country. The people of this country should support it, but what about now?

  The people of this country not only did not support it, but also ran out to protest, and asked them to give an explanation as soon as possible in the Walmart supermarket. Why can't the Chinese people be as united as the people of Longguo?

  Can't you be a little bit more ambitious and unite as the people of the Dragon Country?What's so good about a smartphone? It's just a mobile phone. Do you not have a mobile phone now?

  What's more, companies such as Pingguo have announced that they are developing smartphones. Can't you wait?

  Can't we develop a smart phone in the US?Will you die in a few months?

  The executives of the Walmart supermarket were extremely depressed.

  In the face of the huge crowd of protesters, the executives of Walmart Supermarket had no choice but to compromise.

  Wal-Mart cannot tolerate uncompromising, the American people do what they say.If you dare not compromise, the next moment they will hit the Walmart.

  Just for revenge on Haoyu Group, Walmart Supermarket is lonely, super uneconomical, and Walmart Supermarket executives are not so stupid.

  The Walmart supermarket side responded quickly.

  Walmart Supermarket will persuade the country to let Huaxin Mobile enter the US market as soon as possible. If possible, Walmart will cooperate with Huaxin Mobile to become a channel of Huaxin Mobile to help Huaxin Mobile sell smartphones.

  "You want to be a fart, you still want to be a channel dealer of Huaxin mobile phone, do you want to be a fool of Huaxin mobile phone? Just let Huaxin mobile phone enter the domestic market quickly, and you don't need to worry about the rest." The American people angered Walmart supermarket.

  "That's right, what rubbish, being beaten by others, not saying revenge, and wanting to be a channel dealer for others, it's naive to think, Walmart Supermarket, you're not the only smart person, what you say will only make everyone The world thinks you're a fool."

  "Walmart executives are absolutely stupid. It's just a shame that they can't get along in the Dragon Kingdom, and they use their relationships to retaliate. Commercial competition uses political means to retaliate. This is simply sad."

  "Walmart Supermarket is brilliant now, but with such a stupid executive, I'm afraid it won't be brilliant for long."

  "Walmart supermarket will be black forever."

  "Walmart supermarket will be black forever."

  "Walmart supermarket, there are ten days left until the 30th, hurry up and get it done. If there is no smartphone for sale in the United States on the 30th, don't think about me spending a penny in your Walmart supermarket in this life."

  "That's right, Walmart, remember it for me. If there is no smartphone for sale in China on the 30th, I'll smash your Walmart."

  The executives of Walmart Supermarket regretted hearing these voices.

  If they knew it would end like this, they would definitely not retaliate against Haoyu Group.There are ten days left, you have to hurry up, otherwise the Walmart supermarket may really collapse.

  The treatment of several Jacques supermarkets and Walmart supermarkets is similar, and the people of this country have given them an ultimatum.In a word, if the 30th does not have a smartphone to sell him in the country, the people of the whole country will let their supermarkets close together.

  Su Hao couldn't help laughing when he learned about the tragic experience of the six major supermarkets abroad.

  You can still live if you do evil in the sky, but you can't live if you do it yourself.

  Su Hao ordered to go on, no matter how the six countries invited me, they would refuse me.

  In a word, the global launch of the smartphone on the 30th has nothing to do with your six countries, you wait for the next batch of goods.

  The six countries benefited from the six supermarkets and invited Huaxin Mobile to enter their countries.

  The overseas person in charge of Huaxin Mobile followed Su Hao's instructions and refused ruthlessly, with no room for negotiation.

  The foreign high-level officials of the six countries did not expect that Huaxin Mobile's attitude was so tough, and they didn't know what to do for a while.When they reacted, they were full of anger.

  I give you a chance, but you refuse, then you will never want to enter the Chinese market.

  The foreign high-level officials of the six countries are used to being arrogant, and they can't bear the anger of Huaxin Mobile, so they directly give up discussing with Huaxin Mobile.

  When the six major supermarkets learned that Huaxin mobile phone refused to enter, they were all confused.

  Nima, now I beg you to come, but if you don't come, what are you going to make trouble for?

  "Leader, you must let Huaxin mobile phone enter the domestic market, otherwise the domestic people will definitely boycott the Walmart supermarket. If the Walmart supermarket collapses, there will be unrest in the country."

  "Tell it yourself, as long as you convince Huaxin mobile phone, I will let it go. I can't stand this anger. You caused the matter. You can solve it for me, otherwise your Walmart supermarket will be waiting to close down. Bar."

  External leaders don't care about the life and death of Walmart. If it wasn't for Walmart's strong capital, he wouldn't be bothered to chat with Walmart.

  Your Walmart supermarket has fallen, and other supermarkets will naturally rise. The United States has no shortage of your Walmart supermarket.Without your Walmart supermarket, the United States is the same.

  As a last resort, the top executives of the six major supermarkets came to the door and begged bitterly in person, and they almost knelt down and cried and called for Huaxin mobile phone to enter their country.

  After Su Hao heard the news, he smiled extremely happily.

  Crap, I said I'll make you beg me to sell smartphones in your country, and I'll do what I say.

  Su Hao asked the overseas person in charge to directly ask for compensation.

  Compensation of [-] million yuan, no second price.

  On the 30th, it will not be sold in six countries this time, and we can only wait for the next time.

  As for how the six major supermarkets explained to their Chinese, Su Hao was too lazy to deal with it.

  In a word, if you don't compensate, the smartphone will not enter the six-nation market next time.

  Su Hao would rather give up the Six Nations market and fight for it.

  The six major supermarkets agreed to pay compensation, and at the same time remembered this shame.

  Adding new hatred and old hatred together, the six major supermarkets deeply remember the Haoyu Group and are extremely hostile to the Haoyu Group.If there is a chance, the six major supermarkets will definitely retaliate against the Haoyu Group and bring down the Haoyu Group.

  With [-] million credited to the account, Su Hao was very happy and earned [-] million in vain. Su Hao naturally rewarded the employees of Huaxin Mobile Overseas Company.

  The six major supermarkets explained to the people of the country on the 27,28th and [-]th.

  Due to the insufficient production capacity of Huaxin Mobile Smartphones, they could not be sold in the country on the 30th, but they have already negotiated with Huaxin Mobile, and the next batch of smartphones will definitely be sold in the country. I hope everyone will forgive me.

  In order to apologize, from today until the next batch of smartphones goes on sale, the supermarket will be [-]% off. I hope everyone will give the supermarket a chance, and I hope everyone will forgive me.

  The super sincere apology of the six major supermarkets has won the forgiveness of most of their own people.

  Who let the world know that the production capacity of smartphones is insufficient.Without this, people will not forgive the big six supermarkets if they let the big six supermarkets talk about it and let the big six supermarkets give discounts.

  The six major supermarkets escaped the disaster safely, and they were completely relieved.

  Jiajiafu Supermarket, Huaxin Mobile, Haoyu Group, don't give me a chance, don't give me a chance, I will definitely kill you.

  8 month 30 number.

  Huaxin Mobile's first-generation smartphone was launched globally.

  [-] million in Longguo, [-] million in overseas markets, and a total of [-] million smartphones are on sale at the same time.

  There are a total of 16 countries in the overseas market, with [-] million smartphones in each country.

  Longguo Market is still sold on Taotao.com.

  Netizens are very happy to learn that there are [-] million smartphones.

  "Haha, I must grab it this time."

  "Twenty million copies, there must be one of mine, this time I must grab it."

  "[-] million in the domestic market, [-] million in foreign countries, a total of [-] million smartphones, which shows that the daily production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones is definitely more than one million units, haha, Huaxin mobile phones are awesome, I can't grab it this time, Definitely get it next month.”

  "It's amazing, Huaxin mobile phone, the daily production capacity has reached more than one million units, which is really amazing. I wish Huaxin mobile phone to dominate the global market."

  "That's a must. Now there are smartphones sold by CEFC in the world. Can we not dominate the global market? We must dominate."

  "Twenty million units is still not enough. Now all cities have built 3G network base stations, and many county towns are also being built. [-] million units are not enough to plug the teeth."

  "Satisfy, now the daily production capacity of Huaxin mobile phone has exceeded [-] million units. If you can't grab it this time, you can grab it next month."

  "Hehe, you guys are grabbing it slowly. I've been using it for two months. I'm watching the show quietly."

  "Haha, I'm also watching the show quietly." Netizens who have bought smartphones are watching the fun quietly.

  At 7 p.m., Taotao.com Huaxin mobile phone shop opened on time.

  In less than five seconds, [-] million smartphones were sold out.

  "Do you want to be so crazy, [-] million copies are less than five seconds, do you want to be so crazy?"

  "Nima, I didn't get it again. I'm so miserable. I didn't get it three times. I didn't get the prize after [-] draws at the Jiafu Supermarket. I'm so pitiful."

  "You've only drawn twenty times. I didn't win fifty times. I'm worse than you."

  Netizens began to sell miserably.

  "Have I spoken a hundred times?"

  "One hundred times, that doesn't mean you have to buy something for [-] yuan. This brother is too pitiful, haha."

  "What is a hundred times, I am a hundred and twenty times, am I miserable?"

  "One hundred and twenty times, [-] yuan can buy three smartphones. This guy is too miserable."

  "This guy is really unlucky."

  "Dude, don't panic, there will be fewer people to grab the next batch, and you will definitely be able to grab the next batch."

  "The next batch, still waiting for the next batch, my girlfriend is going to break up with me, who can save me?"

  "One hundred and twenty times, I have also accepted the luck of this guy. Let's put him up and let Huaxin mobile phone shop see and save him."

  "Yes, this dude is too pitiful. Put him on top and see if Huaxin's phone can see him and save him."

  "It's really too bad, I hope Huaxin Mobile can help this poor guy and sell him a smartphone so that his girlfriend won't break up with him."

  "Haha, please forgive my unkind smile."

  Netizens commented on this poor buddy one after another.

  Su Hao just saw it, flipped the card directly, replied two words with the Huaxin mobile phone shop account, and arranged.

  Netizens were a little confused when they saw the reply from Huaxin Mobile Store.

  "Arrange, what do you mean?"

  "Yes, what does this arrangement mean?"

  "Arrange, do you mean arranging a smartphone for this miserable buddy?"

  "should be."

  Huaxin mobile phone directly sent a message to the miserable brother, giving the miserable brother the opportunity to place an order for two smartphones.

  The miserable brother will pay immediately.After completing the payment, the miserable little brother reacted.

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