Chapter 219

  "Haha, is a big deal. New Internet regulations have come out. just hit it. I dare to say that will definitely go down."

  "Needless to say, it's not surprising that is not down. It is estimated that the first Internet company to be investigated in the country is"

  "Hurry up and return it. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get the money back when goes bankrupt."

  "I'm not worried about this. I use Alipay to pay, and the money is still on Alipay. It's impossible to lose it, but I still have to return it, and the treasure net will be gone. What are you waiting for if you don't return it."

  In this way, the only remaining users of who did not return the goods returned their goods one after another, because everyone felt that was definitely going to fail.

  The country has introduced new regulations on the Internet, and it is not a miracle that just hits.

  As everyone guessed, after the new Internet regulations were released, there was an organization to investigate

  The merchants on are all counterfeit products, and there is no way to escape this. Check it out.

  At 4:7 a.m. on April [-]th, officially announced the closure of its website and permanent cessation of operations.

  Ali's father Malaysia accepts criticism from relevant organizations and accepts punishment.

  After the news came out, the whole network cheered.

  "It's good, it makes sense to sell fakes. That's what we want to do, not only to shut down his website, but also to punish him severely, to see if he dares to sell fakes."

  "The country is the best. There are many smoky platforms on the Internet. All of them have been shut down, and the Internet has a clean environment."

  "Beautiful, the country has done so beautifully, and a black-hearted company like should be punished, severely."

  "Let me say, it's easy to just close the, and Ali's father should also close it. For a black-hearted enterprise, Ali's father is not much better."

  "That's right, the same high-level leaders, Ahri's father doesn't have much to go anywhere. I suggest that the country continue to investigate Ahri's father."

  The anger of netizens was implicated in Ali's father.

  Ali's father's horse is extremely depressed.

  Ali's father is a small and medium-sized enterprise. All of them are genuine products. They are definitely not counterfeit products. Don't make trouble, okay?

  In view of the petitions of most netizens, relevant organizations still investigated Ali's father. In the end, Ali's father had no major problems and had little impact.

  Ahri's dad Malaysia was completely relieved, completely gave up the online shopping and retail platform, and managed Ahri's dad well.

  Su Hao couldn't help laughing when he learned that Ali's father was under investigation.

  "This is really hurting the innocent. I'm afraid Dad Ali's Malaysia will be really scared this time, hehe々ˇ."

  "Can you not be afraid? If you continue, Ali's father will be gone. It's really sad to be your opponent." Wang Chan sighed.

  "Wang Chan, this guy is the best at conspiracy and tricks. Be careful, don't let him take advantage of you and don't even know it." Zhou Xue reminded.

  "Zhou Xue, this is pure slander. Believe it or not, I will deduct your bonus?" Su Hao threatened.

  "You, you are unreasonable." Zhou Xue said coldly.

  "I'm just unreasonable, what can you do to me." Su Hao smiled.

  "I'm too lazy to tell you that has collapsed. I can develop my YY and Alipay with peace of mind." Zhou Xue completely handed to Wang Chan.

  "Well, Wang Chan, you will be solely responsible for in the future, lest someone always say I exploited her." Su Haoruo pointed out.

  "It was originally, I've been emaciated during this time." Zhou Xue complained.

  "Don't worry, I'll give you a little more of the bonus, it's really not good, I'll open a beauty store and let you do maintenance for free every day." Su Hao said half-jokingly.

  Zhou Xue snorted: "Who cares, I'm naturally beautiful and don't need maintenance."

  "Yes, like fairies, you don't need to do maintenance, no man dares to chase after maintenance, hehe." Su Hao joked.

  Zhou Xue couldn't stand the more and more Su Hao said, and left. ended, and completely lost its competitors and was the only one.

  Su Hao asked Wang Chan to develop If there is a problem that cannot be solved, he or Zhou Xue can be found at any time.

  "Well, Master Su, don't worry, I will definitely do my best." Wang Chan assured.

  With the introduction of new national regulations, many computer brand merchants are very excited like smelling bloody sharks and start planning big plans.

  At the same time, several big brand computer vendors who were contacted by Su Hao by phone also responded.

  It turns out that the owner of has long known that the country should attach importance to the development of the Internet, otherwise he would never suddenly want to take a stake in their company.

  The country attaches great importance to the development of the Internet, and computers will surely sell well. Who wants to miss such a good opportunity to make money.

  On this day, computer businessmen across the country are meeting again and again, discussing how to win more markets.

  Su Hao directly asked Huaxin Computer to open an online store on directly recommends it to the special session.

  Users of couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the price of Huaxin Computer.

  "¨'Is this price serious?"

  "My God, [-] yuan for a computer, is this true?"

  "My God, the middle partner is only [-] yuan. I don't have dazzling eyes, right?"

  "The high profile is only [-] yuan, Nima, are you sure this price isn't to make me happy?"

  The price of each computer, Su Hao's price is five hundred more than the cost price.The minimum price is [-] yuan, and the high-end computer is only [-] yuan. The Chinese people will definitely go crazy.

  You must know that there are more than [-] high-end computers on the market, or even more than [-], and Huaxin computers have been directly reduced by more than half. This price is definitely the cheapest price in history.

  After the netizens confirmed that the price was true and correct, they were all shocked.

  "The price is actually true. Two thousand and two for a low-end computer, you can chat online, but you can't play games. It's just too suitable for my children. I just bought this. It's just right that I can't play online games. I like this one."

  "It's only [-] for a high-end match. This price is more than a half (Li Zhao's) cheaper than the physical store. If you don't buy it, it's a fool."

  "With three thousand two, no, I can't control it. I must buy one. It will be much more convenient to play on the computer at home."

  Netizens are crazy about the price of Huaxin computer and place orders one after another.

  Low configuration [-] units, medium configuration [-] units, high configuration [-] units, and it will be gone in less than ten minutes.

  "Why is it gone? It's been so long. It's actually sold out. Hurry up and add more. Huaxin Computer, hurry up and add more. I haven't bought it yet."

  "It's gone in less than ten minutes. It's too ruthless. Huaxin Computer, the speed increase, I want to buy it."

  "Speed ​​up, I must buy it so cheap."

  "I knew it would be sold out soon. Fortunately, I didn't think about it and bought one quickly, haha."

  "One million computers sold out in less than ten minutes, which is invincible."

  Thank you [what kind of toad are you] for your monthly pass, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 220

  "Do you want to be so ruthless? I just found out. I clicked in and saw that they were all sold out. There are a million computers, not a hundred. How can they sell so fast? Is the data falsified?"

  "It's too ruthless. One million units in less than ten minutes. Can it really be sold so fast? I suspect that the data is falsified."

  Some netizens suspect that Huaxin computer data is fraudulent.

  Netizens who bought Huaxin Computer countered one after another.

  "It's actually said that the data is fake, please look at the price first."

  "The high-end computer is [-] yuan, please look at this price, and then look at the prices of other brands of computers. The Lenovo computer is more than [-] yuan. Please open your eyes and see it clearly. The configuration is almost the same, and the Huaxin computer is only [-] yuan. Second, it would be bad to sell out in ten minutes at such a cheap price.”

  "That's right, to say that the data is fake, it's not to see what platform it is. This is, not Please don't use the word fraud on"

  "What's the mentality of those who say that the data is fake? Don't you see so many people shouting for Huaxin Computer to restock? I really don't understand what they are looking at. I dare to say that as long as Huaxin Computer continues to have one million units , sold out in less than five minutes.”

  "How could it be five minutes? Not many people knew about it just now. Now that the news of Huaxin Computer is super cheap, I dare to say that one million units will be sold in less than a minute."

  Just like what this netizen said, many users didn't have time to find out about Huaxin Computer. Huaxin Computer was already sold out. Restock.

  "Huaxin Computer, hurry up and restock, I want to buy it."

  "Huaxin Computer, how come you can only sell one million units, and you can sell out another nine million units. Hurry up and stock up."

  "Huaxin Computer, hurry up and ship the goods. I have the money ready. As long as you ship the goods, I will place the order and pay immediately."

  "That's right, hurry up, I can't wait."

  Those netizens who said the data were fake saw so many people shouting for Huaxin Computer to add more goods, they were all stunned and dared not speak any more.

  Other big brand computer vendors were a little confused when they learned about the ultra-low price of Huaxin Computer.

  The high-end computer is only [-], the middle-end computer is [-], and the low-end computer is [-]. What kind of fairy price is this? You can't get the goods at this price. How can there be such a low price.

  Many brand computers have clicked into Huaxin Computer's store to check the configuration of Huaxin Computer.When I saw that the configuration of Huaxin computer was good, I was even more confused.

  What the hell is Huaxin Computer doing?This configuration is at this price, there is no money at all, what are they doing?Profit at a loss and shout.

  Many big brands are making a sound right away.

  "Huaxin Computer is simply spending money to make money. The price of Huaxin Computer can't make money at all. The next batch of computers will never be sold at such a cheap price."

  "The configuration of Huaxin Computer is not profitable at such a low price. I guess Huaxin Computer is spending money to earn and shout out, and the effect is very good. Huaxin Computer has done it. You don't need to shout anymore With such a cheap price, Huaxin Computer lost at least two or three thousand units, and a million units lost two or three billion. If you sell it at this price, where does Huaxin Computer lose so much money."

  Netizens were stunned when they saw the sound of big brand computers.

  "Does it really lose that much? Two or three billion, my God, is Huaxin Computer really losing so much?"

  "Impossible. If you really spend money to make money, you don't need to spend two or three billion. How many companies can have two or three billion? Why don't I believe that Huaxin Computer is losing money?"

  "That is, if you really want to spend money to earn shoutouts, one thousand units, ten thousand units are still in the past, this million units is too cruel, I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it."

  "Huaxin Computer, say something, come out and say something."

  "Huaxin Computer, hurry up and say something."

  Su Hao had no idea that he could sell out one million computers in ten minutes.[-] yuan profit for a computer, [-] million yuan for a million units.I made [-] million in ten minutes, which is too much money.

  "Master Su, what should I do now?" Li Youwei, the computer manager of Huaxin, was stunned for a long time before he could react.

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