Malaysia pondered for a while, and said, "Let's do it first, let's do it first, and seal off all these merchants."

  "In this way, even if this group of merchants makes trouble, netizens will stand by us. It can also deter other merchants, killing two birds with one stone."

  "How do you feel?"

  All the able-bodied officers all strongly agreed.

  "Brother Ma, your approach is very good, yes, now we should start first and be strong, and we must not let those businesses be exposed first, as long as we drive them crazy first, and let them expose it, we all have reason to say that they are angry. slander and slander.”

  "That's right, Brother Ma, your move is very good, I'll arrange it right away."

  "Well, let's go, since they are cruel, we have to be even more cruel, shut down their store, and then make an announcement." Dama said fiercely.

  Then quickly blocked hundreds of merchants who threatened to claim compensation, and then issued an announcement.

  "After investigation, hundreds of merchants do not have business licenses. We have closed stores for these merchants. Users who have placed orders in these stores should return them in time. is determined to crack down on counterfeiting. I hope users can shop with confidence, and we will investigate further. , We will immediately close the store for any unqualified store."'s operation of shutting down hundreds of stores at one time left everyone at a loss.

  Users who support are very happy.

  "Did you see it? This is the anti-counterfeiting efforts of If it is verified, the store will be closed immediately. What do you have to worry about? Hundreds of stores will be closed if they say it is closed. What do you have to worry about?"

  " is a bull. Hundreds of stores are closed if they say it is closed. This operation is really good. I believe you for the time being. I support you., I will continue to buy, buy, buy."

  The netizens who attacked were a little confused.

  "Is this for real? Hundreds of stores are actually closed. It seems that is really cracking down on counterfeiting."

  "Forget it, no return for the time being, wait and see."

  Many netizens were shocked by's operation of shutting down hundreds of stores at one time, and they subconsciously chose to trust

  Su Hao was stunned when he saw shut down hundreds of stores at one time.

  "Young Master Su, how could this shut down so many stores at one time?"

  Su Hao thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Something must have happened between and the merchants. These hundreds of stores should all be cannon fodder of 0"

  "These banned businesses should break the news, just wait."

  Hundreds of merchants who were blocked reacted, extremely angry, and vowed to fight to the end with

  "Why did shut down my store? Because asked us to stock up, but now we can't sell it. I asked for compensation and threatened to expose the fact of selling fake goods immediately without compensation. doesn't want to. Compensation will be the first to strike first, and our store will be closed. is really cruel. I just want to say one thing. Ninety-nine percent of the merchants on the platform are counterfeit product merchants. If the words are false, the sky will be struck by thunder, and it will not be easy to die."

  "That's right, is afraid that we will expose that the merchants on the platform are selling fake goods, and they don't want to compensate us for our losses, so it's better to start first. I advise the majority of netizens not to be deceived by Selling fakes."

  ", you dare to close my store, do you think it's justified to start first? When I called, it was recorded, and there are screenshots of the information about selling fake goods in the merchant group, , I won't kill you, I swear I won't be human."

  Phone recordings and screenshots of messages were all exposed online.

  Su Hao saw this information from the merchants, and asked Li Jun to arrange for a navy to help out. For a time, the entire network was filled with information pictures of the merchants group of and the dialogue between the merchants and the customer service of

  "Have you seen it? I said that has something to do with the merchants. is really ruthless. I don't want to compensate and close the store. This is a good move, but unfortunately he underestimates these merchants. Hundreds of merchants are not so random, hehe." Su Hao smiled proudly.

  "This treasure net is digging one's own grave." Wang Chan and Zhou Xue sighed.

  Information screenshots and call recordings were exposed, and netizens chose to trust the business.

  The evidence is in front of them, and they cannot bear to believe it.

  "Nima, this is really ruthless, I'll just say, why did you suddenly shut down so many businesses, it turned out that you didn't want to compensate."

  " is dark enough, but the entire platform is full of fake merchants. My God, it's too dark. Fortunately, I didn't go to to buy things."

  Thank you for the monthly pass of the boss [doing the wildest and worse fighting], I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 218

  "I knew that is a black-hearted company. Wasn't it enough to be scammed last time? I went to buy it this time. Fortunately, posted evidence, and the matter was so big, otherwise you would all buy fake products and return. Home, when the time comes, we will see who you seek to defend your rights."

  " is too dark, my God, the entire platform is selling fake goods, all those merchants have sworn it, and it's hard for people not to believe it."

  "Don't say it's a rumor for netizens who support, itself has issued an announcement saying that hundreds of stores have been closed, not to mention that there are no such stores, this announcement is all there."

  "Fortunately, I didn't go to buy it. I only trust for online shopping. If nothing else, the rule of paying [-] for one fake makes me feel at ease."

  "That is, I only choose for online shopping. is a real conscientious company. I will not believe it if I dig Baobao.

  Almost the entire network is digging treasure nets.

  The loyal supporters of made a weak voice.

  "What's a fake, isn't it cheap? There are A and parallel goods sold everywhere. This is a normal thing. You can't buy them.

  "Yes 20. I don't have the money to buy famous brands. What's wrong with me buying parallel imports? There are also reasons for fakes to exist."

  Netizens immediately sprayed these voices.

  "Are you stupid? Fakes are infringing on the rights of real brands. You are actually speaking for them. What about the real brands whose rights have been violated? Have you ever thought about them? If you don't know, forget it. If you know, you still speak for fakes. Is it an idiot?"

  "Absolutely stupid. If you don't have money, you can't buy famous brands, can't you wear ordinary clothes? Why do you have to wear famous names? Wouldn't it be more shameful to buy fakes and be exposed?"

  "Silly, really stupid, I don't want to talk to stupid, I'm afraid it will be contagious."

  Malaysia and the able-bodied officers are extremely desperate.

  Shuijun, they still forget the organization of the Shuijun. All the small problems will be known to the whole network after being rendered by the Shuijun. Besides, the problem of selling fake goods on is not a small problem at all.

  Although there is no policy on the sale of fake products, people are always disgusted with fake products, and this event on will definitely be cool.

  "Get out, get out first." Da Ma's face was full of despair.

  Originally full of hope, I was very well prepared. I planned to make a hit. After half a day, the results were not bad. Unfortunately, in the end, I couldn't escape the counterattack of the competitors, and everything was in vain.

  After two consecutive turmoils, the reputation of is completely rotten, and it will be more difficult to want to get up in the future.

  "Brother Ma, we can..."

  Malaysia interrupted: "No need to say any more, it's useless to say anything now, withdraw it, issue an announcement saying that an internal investigation will be conducted, and let this turmoil calm down first."

  "Okay, Marco." publishes an announcement.

  The website will conduct a large-scale investigation and will give an explanation to the majority of users.

  In this way, became a joke on this day, the event was a complete failure, the users were hacked, and the merchants were hacked became the jokes of netizens.

  Su Hao saw's announcement and smiled: "It seems that is still not giving up, let's deal with it coldly, hehe, it's a pity you don't have a chance anymore."

  "Young Master Su, will be dealt with coldly. After this turmoil is over, it will continue to operate. We can't defeat him at all. How could have no chance?" Wang Chan asked in confusion.

  Su Hao said seriously: " has completely disappointed netizens now. Even if it continues to operate, it is impossible to reverse its reputation within a year and a half. Unfortunately, he doesn't have that time, and I won't give them that much time. develop."

  "You can develop with peace of mind, and leave it to me to deal with"

  "Okay, Master Su." Wang Chan didn't ask more.

  For Su Hao's sake, she believes that Su Hao can defeat Baobaowang.

  4 month 5 number.

  The news that Duobao is selling fake goods has been reported by major news media, even CCTV has reported it.For a time, became famous all over the country.

  Too bad it's all infamy.

  When Malaysia saw the news that Duobao was selling fake goods on CCTV news, it was extremely desperate.

  "It's over, the treasure net is over, it's over."

  Mango Channel is the first time to withdraw the news of sells fake products on the entire platform, and CCTV news has reported it. At this time, it also helps to advertise, and Mango Channel will be affected.

  Mango Channel is not stupid, and quickly removed the advertisements on

  The big online platforms are very fortunate that they did not help to speak out. If they did, their platforms would now be attacked and ridiculed by netizens.

  4 month 6 number.

  The state has issued regulations, new regulations on the Internet.

  The Internet is a new element of development in the 21st century, and the country attaches great importance to interconnected development.

  The new regulations are as follows.

  The whole country must attach importance to the Internet, attach great importance to the development of the Internet, and give certain policy support to Internet entrepreneurship.

  The Internet is not a place outside the law. The Internet is the same as reality. The state will severely crack down on Internet violations of laws and disciplines, vulgarity, counterfeiting and selling fakes (more than a dozen types), and reporting telephone numbers xxxx.

  . . .

  The new Internet regulations were freshly released, and after the CCTV news report, the whole country was shocked.

  "My God, the country is coming for real. The country finally pays attention to the development of the Internet. This is great. The world's richest man is an Internet tycoon. The state gives policy support to Internet entrepreneurship. Ha ha."

  "It's great. The country attaches great importance to the development of the Internet. It is a blessing for young people. Now I don't believe my parents won't let me go online. See, the country says the Internet is good."

  "The Internet is indeed the most distinctive point of development in the 21st century. As young people in the new century, we must learn to surf the Internet. There are many opportunities on the Internet. In the future, the richest man in China must be in the Internet industry."

  Seeing the new regulations introduced by the country, Malaysia is completely desperate.

  "No, is gone, really gone."

  We will severely crack down on counterfeiting and selling fakes. The new regulations clearly point this out. The turmoil of selling fakes on is in the air, and the country will definitely crack down on

  Even Malaysia felt that the new regulations appeared at this time because of the issue of, and will become the first target of the country's shooting.

  Su Hao saw the new regulations, and his face was full of smiles.

  The time is just right, huh, it's too late for this new regulation, I don't believe you're not cool this time.

  Seeing Su Hao's proud smile, Zhou Xue reacted and asked, "Su Hao, did you know that the country would make this new regulation?"

  "That's right, you must have known the news in advance. No wonder you always say that you are not sure of the time. It is strange that you can know the exact time of the country's new regulations."

  "Hehe, that's right, I learned this from Grandpa Su long ago, so when I saw that was accepting counterfeit products, I really wasn't worried at all, hehe." Su Hao smiled proudly.

  "You are amazing." Zhou Xue praised Su Hao fiercely.

  When netizens saw the new regulations, they immediately thought of

  "Go to, see if the country's new regulations, wait for it to go bankrupt, huh.".

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