Su Hao has said that they only do business with ordinary people and will not threaten information security. What else can they say?Coupled with Su Hao's words about the reason for restricting the development of the Internet, the second elder team was even more afraid to speak. Before they figured out the reason, they were afraid that the second elder would blame him for saying the wrong thing.

  God knows what reason Su Hao and the second elder were discussing.

  After a long time, the second elder finally said: "Old, Su Hao, seeing you, I can't accept the old man."

  Su Hao didn't speak, waiting for the second elder's words, he knew that the second elder had something to say.

  "Involving information security is not something I can decide alone. I can give you a chance to come back to Beijing with me. If you can persuade the first elder, everything is easy to say." The second elder said later.

  When the second elder said these words, everyone was almost shocked.

  "The second elder actually asked Su Hao to persuade the first elder. This does not mean that he has agreed with Su Hao's request in his heart. It is just that it involves information security issues and he can't make the decision alone, so he asked Su Hao to persuade the first elder."

  "My God, is Su Hao going to defy the sky? With the support of the second elder, this matter is estimated to be completed."

  "The first private communication operator in China? It's scary to think about it. If it is really opened by Su Hao, the three major operators will have a headache."

  The second elder's team was silent, and looked at Su Hao with a bit more strange eyes.

  The senior officials of Donghai City looked at Su Hao with incredible eyes.

  They all knew that Su Hao's son would definitely shine.

  "Grandpa Su, do you want me to persuade the Great Elder? This is not good." Su Hao said with a bitter face.

  "What? Not afraid of me, afraid of the first elder? Didn't you just say it well?" The second chief boss asked with a face.

  Su Hao smiled bitterly and said, "No, it's because my courage just ran out. I'm afraid I won't have the courage to brag in front of the elders and your elders."

  "Haha." Hearing Su Hao's bragging, the second elder couldn't help laughing out loud.

  Everyone at the scene wanted to laugh and didn't dare to laugh, they all held back.

  "Little fox, don't think that I will speak well for you, this matter is not negotiable, you have to set up a private communication operator, you can only convince the elder." The second elder said seriously.

  Seeing that something could not be done, Su Hao said helplessly: "Alright then, I will also experience the blessing of the Great Elder."

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  "Haha." The second elder was amused by Su Hao's joke.

  In this regard, the matter of Su Hao entering Beijing with the second elder was confirmed.

  The second elder and his party still have a schedule, and they only returned to Beijing in the afternoon.The second elder invited Su Hao to go with him, but Su Hao refused directly, saying that he would wait for the second elder at the airport in the afternoon.

  Walking with the second elder, he is not so ignorant.Sometimes being too loud can be a bad thing.

  After the second elder and his party left, Professor Huang Zhenguo and Yuan Xuefei released their tense nerves.

  "Su Hao, to paraphrase the words of the second elder, you can't accept the old man." Huang Zhenguo said with emotion: "The future is the world of your young people, I am really old."

...... 0

  "Professor Huang, you are still young, 4G5G still needs your support." Su Hao smiled.

  "Hehe, I hope to see the successful development of 4G5G in my lifetime." Professor Huang Zhenguo smiled.

  "Yes, I will. I already have some ideas about 4G. After 3G is perfected, the research institute will start to study 4G immediately." Su Hao affirmed.

  "Really have an idea?" Professor Huang Zhenguo was shocked.

  Su Hao nodded affirmatively and said, "Of course, Professor Huang, don't worry, we will be able to successfully break through 4G technology and be at the forefront of the world."

  "Haha, if that's the case, my life is worth it." Huang Zhenguo laughed heartily.

  At noon, Yuan Xuefei and Su Hao went home together to help Su Hao pack up, and in the afternoon, they took Su Hao to the airport.

  "Su Hao, pay attention to safety, no matter what, just do your best, don't be persistent, I can't live without you, you know?" Yuan Xuefei hugged Su Hao tightly and said affectionately.

  "Well, concubine, don't worry, I'm not an impulsive person, I'll give up if I can't do it." Su Hao lightly stamped on Yuan Xuefei's clean forehead.

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, Su Hao and the second elder met and boarded the special plane to the capital.Ten thousand.

Chapter 182

  On the special plane, Su Hao and the second elder chatted a lot.The members of the second elder team saw that the second elder and Su Hao were chatting hotly, and they all envied Su Hao very much.

  If their juniors could be half as good as Su Hao, they would all be satisfied.

  When the special plane arrived in the capital, Su Hao was slightly excited.

  Great elder, soon he can see this great old man.

  "Su Hao, the first elder has an overseas itinerary tomorrow, and you can still catch up now, otherwise you will have to wait for a few days." After the second elder called and asked, he said to Su Hao.

  "It's okay, these are small things for me, it's okay to wait a few days." Su Hao smiled.

  The second elder said directly: "Yours is a trivial matter, and the country's construction of a 3G network is a major matter."

  At eight o'clock in the evening, Su Hao and the second elder entered Nanzhonghai in the second elder's special car.

May [-] "Su Hao, the country is very backward in the field of automobiles. If possible, your generation of young people should let the country's automobile industry catch up with the pace of developed countries." The second elder said smoothly.

  "The auto industry?" Su Hao said solemnly: "Grandpa Su, don't worry, if there is a chance, I will work hard."

  "Well, I can rest assured with your words. The future of the country still depends on you young people." The second elder was very satisfied with Su Hao's answer.

  At half past eight, Su Hao finally saw the Great Elder.

  The second elder introduced the first elder.

  "Hello, Great Elder, I'm Su Hao." Su Hao greeted respectfully.

  "Hello, Su Hao, I've been looking forward to meeting you, hehe." The elder smiled kindly.

  Seeing the big elder smiling, Su Hao's nervousness dissipated a little.

  This is a good signal. If the first elder has been keeping his face straight, then Su Hao really has to say nothing and act on the spot.

  As the saying goes, if you talk too much, you will lose. In front of the first elder, the second elder, and the two elders, Su Hao is in a wary mood.

  "It's always my honor to meet the Great Elder." Su Hao smiled.

  "Hehe, it's the same sentence again, Great Elder, you don't know, this little fox said the same thing when he saw me." The second elder directly exposed Su Hao.

  Su Hao was embarrassed.

  "Haha." The elder laughed happily.

  "Second elder, save some face for Su Hao, he won't dare to speak like you."

  The second elder said: "His mouth is very powerful. When I was in the East China Sea, I was shocked by what he said. By the way, he also proposed the policy of sending home appliances to the countryside."

  "Oh?" The Great Elder didn't know about this.

  Recently, the second elder has been planning to implement the policy of sending home appliances to the countryside. The country's think tank has been busy with this matter. I didn't expect that it was proposed by Su Hao.

  "Grandpa Su, I just said it casually, and I can't take it seriously." Su Hao repeated the original words again.

  "Hehe, why are you nervous? I didn't say that the policy of sending home appliances to the countryside is not good." The second elder casually said: "I think your idea is very good. The country will implement the policy of sending home appliances to the countryside in a while."

  "Really?" Su Hao blurted out with a face full of surprise.

  Su Hao did not expect that the country would start the policy of sending home appliances to the countryside so quickly.Originally, Su Hao thought that the second elder would take this matter to heart and would not implement it until next year or the year after, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

  "Why are you cheating on you, you must have guessed it long ago, otherwise why would you buy Huaxin Electric?" The second elder glared at Su Hao.

  Su Hao said: "Grandpa Su, you have wronged me. I got Huaxin Electric after I got Huaxin Computer. Anyway, I got computers, so I just got electrical appliances and mobile phones."

  "I plan to build a home appliance supermarket on the basis of my Jiajiafu supermarket. With, I don't have to worry about sales. That's why I started electrical appliances."

  "You little fox." The second elder obviously didn't believe Su Hao's explanation.

  However, Su Hao's approach is nothing. After all, it was Su Hao who proposed that home appliances go to the countryside. If the country really implements it, who doesn't want to make a fortune from the country's east wind.

  "Student Su Hao did the right thing. The opportunity is in front of you. If you don't cherish it, you are not a smart person. Su Hao, it is very good to do it if you have an idea." The elder praised: "If you Without such a character, 3G network will not be successful in your hands, I hope you will continue to maintain such a character, let go of it when you have an idea, don’t look ahead, you are still young and can withstand failure.”

  "Well, I will definitely remember the teachings of the elders." Su Hao said seriously.. 0

  "Elder, you should praise him less, praise him more, I'm afraid he can go to heaven, hehe." The second elder laughed.

  "Excellent young people must boast, this is their glory." The elder said casually.

  "The second elder briefly mentioned the matter of the private communication operator to me, you can talk about it in detail." The first elder cut to the point.

  Su Hao cleared his throat and said very seriously: "Elder, private communication operators are very common in developed countries, and they are developing very well."

  "On the contrary, if there are only three major operators in the country, and the three major operators have no competitors at all, they will lose their enterprising spirit and will be detrimental to the development of our country."

  "I hope that the Chinese people will accept the Internet as soon as possible, and every household will use a computer, so that our country's Internet environment can catch up with the pace of developed countries."

  "Our country has fallen behind a lot in global informatization. If there is no major change, it will be difficult to catch up with the developed countries."

  "I hope to contribute a modest contribution to the development of the country's Internet. I promise, I only do business for ordinary people, and I just want more ordinary people to use cheap Internet."

  The elders often visit various countries and realize the importance of the Internet in the development of the country, but the domestic Internet is too backward, and even the 3G network cannot be successfully developed. In addition, the country is in a period of rapid development, and the Internet is not at all concerned. .

  If it weren't for Su Hao's appearance, the country would still not pay attention to the Internet, and would still allow the Internet to develop freely.

  The appearance of Su Hao made the Great Elder see the opportunity, the opportunity of Daxing Internet.

  An Internet world with a country of [-] million people can create the richest man in the world, what can a country with [-] billion people create?

  The elders are looking forward to it.

  The first elder looked at the second elder.

  The second elder nodded slightly, and he had already agreed with Su Hao's request in his heart.

  The second elder is very optimistic about Su Hao and expects Su Hao to lead young people to create more miracles on the Internet.

  The first elder understood what the second elder meant, pondered for a few seconds, and said to Su Hao: "Su Hao, I have a question. If your answer satisfies me, I can agree to your request.".

Chapter 183

  Su Hao's face was extremely cautious, and he said, "Elder, say it."

  The first elder asked directly: "Tell me what you think of the younger generation of the country."

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