Su Hao followed Huang Zhenguo around the scientific research institute.

  "It's all good, Professor Huang, you've worked hard." Su Hao said with sincerity.

  "Don't talk to the old man about those falsehoods, wait a moment (Li's) to perform better, and don't give a bad impression to the state leaders." Huang Zhenguo urged.

  "Don't worry, I still count on the state to give preferential policies, hehe." Su Hao smiled.

  "I'm relieved with your words."

  It's exactly ten o'clock.

  National leaders visited the forum.

  The second elder was ushered in front, and Su Hao recognized it at a glance.Accompanied by some familiar figures, both the top and second leaders of Donghai City are there.

  The two sides meet.

  The second elder said to Su Hao, "Su Hao, aren't you surprised?"

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Grandpa Su, I am really surprised. If I am sure that you will come in person, I will definitely go to the hostel to pick you up in person."

  Second Elder: "Don't talk about those false things. It's not easy for you to be sure. Just call me directly. You didn't call me, didn't you?"

  Everyone was shocked when they heard the conversation between the second elder and Su Hao.

  Thank you [One Dance in the World] for your monthly pass, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 180

  What is rhythm?

  Grandpa Su?This name is invincible.

  Su Hao and Second Elder are very familiar?

  Su Hao's name is Grandpa Su, the second elder, and both of them are surnamed Su.

  The people who thought of this at the scene were horrified.

  Immediately, these people denied the thoughts in their hearts.It is impossible for Su Hao to be the grandson of the second elder. Su Hao was born and raised in the East China Sea, and the second elder was not from the East China Sea. The two could not be related at all.

  The only possibility is that the second elder and Su Hao know each other privately and have a very good relationship, otherwise the conversation between the two will never be as familiar and comfortable as the conversation between the grandfather and the grandson.

  Su Hao was sweating inwardly.

  Grandpa Su, you are a big man in the country, how dare I call you, because calling you about this matter, you must not scold me.

  "Grandpa Su, I'm afraid of disturbing your work, so I don't dare to call you. If you make an oolong, you must not scold me." Su Hao said bluntly.

  "Little fox, let's go, show me your research institute." The second elder had a kind smile on his face.

  Su Hao led the two elders to visit the scientific research institute, accompanied by Huang Zhenguo to introduce.

  Everyone also recovered from the relationship between Su Hao and the second elder, and carefully visited the research institute.

   The research institute is not large, and the visit will be completed soon.

  "Professor Huang, this time you can break through the key technology of the 3G network, you have a great contribution." The second elder believes that the 3G network is the credit of Huang Zhenguo and his students.

  Not only the second elders, but also the second elders and his group thought that Su Hao was only paying, and the real research was the team of Huang Zhenguo.

  Huang Zhenguo said very seriously: "Second elder, I don't dare to take the credit. The reason why the 3G network has achieved major breakthroughs is all because of Su Hao."

  "Student Su Hao not only contributed money but also contributed. Without Su Hao's many ideas and Su Hao's solution to many problems, it would be impossible for the 3G network to achieve a major breakthrough."

  "Oh?" The second elder looked at Su Hao in surprise.

  The group behind the second elder also looked at Su Hao.

  Does Su Hao have such deep attainments in communication?

  How old is Su Hao?Unlikely, everyone is skeptical.

  Everyone thought that Huang Zhenguo didn't dare to show too much in front of Su Hao, after all, Su Hao was his boss.

  "Second Elder, everything I say is from the bottom of my heart." Huang Zhenguo felt the suspicion of everyone, and said with great certainty: "If there is no Su Hao, my team will not be able to succeed on the 3G network."

  "If I really had that strength, I would have succeeded long ago, so I don't have to wait until today." In order to convince everyone, Huang Zhenguo revealed his wounds.

  For Huang Zhenguo's sake, everyone believed that it was really Su Hao's sake.


  At this moment, the word genius flashed in everyone's mind.Su Hao is undoubtedly an absolute genius with such high attainments in communication networks.

  "Hehe, Su Hao, I really didn't expect it." The second elder praised fiercely: "It is a blessing for the country to have such an outstanding young man as you."

  Everyone was shocked when they heard the second elder's praise to Su Hao.

  The second elder praised Su Hao so much, indicating that the second elder really valued Su Hao. In this way, Su Hao could almost walk sideways in the country.

  As long as Su Hao doesn't commit a crime, the future is bright and bright.

  No, with Su Hao's current achievements, it is already infinitely bright.

  985211 tutoring website, YY and, 3G network. . .

  Su Hao made such a big battle at a young age, which made everyone feel extremely ashamed.

  What are they doing when they are the same age as Su Hao?Die in reading?Or doing nothing every day?


  "Thank you Grandpa Su for your compliment. I just wanted to realize the idea in my heart, but I didn't expect it to be successful, hehe." Su Hao laughed softly.

  After the visit, the second elder finally got to the point.

  There were many fewer people at the scene, Su Hao was the only one left, only Su Hao, Yuan Xuefei, and Professor Huang Zhenguo were left.

  On the second elder’s side, all the members stayed, because those who could accompany the second elder were all important people.

  "Su Hao, what are your plans for the 3G network?" The second elder planned to understand Su Hao's thoughts first.

  Su Hao said directly: "Grandpa Su, Professor Huang's dream is to spread 3G networks in every corner of the country."

  The voice fell, and the second elder and his party breathed a sigh of relief.

  When they came, they were worried that Su Hao was unwilling to open the patent. Now that Su Hao said this, they were relieved.

  "You have a good dream." The second elder showed a smile.

  Su Hao said: "Grandpa Su, 3G networks have also been developed abroad. Although I believe that the 3G network technology of my research institute is better than theirs, I don't dare to expect that foreign countries can use the 3G network of my research institute. Of course, this is only a developed country. , some backward countries, I can still fight for it."

  The second elder nodded lightly, agreeing with Su Hao's statement.

  "Su Hao, you are right, some developed countries have already started to build 3G networks, but the backward countries, like our own, have not developed 3G networks at all. If you want to occupy the market of some foreign backward countries, the country can help you get in touch. ."

  Su Hao said directly: "Grandpa Su, my stall can't be that big for the time being. I can authorize the market of foreign backward countries to the country. We will discuss the specific cooperation methods in detail. Let's talk about the domestic market first."

  "Then I won't gossip with you." The second elder directly stated his intention. "Su Hao, I think you authorize the country, no, it should be said that you authorize the three major operators to support them in building 3G networks."

  "Only in this way can the whole country use the 3G network earlier, and the 3G network will spread across the country faster."

  "You can rest assured that the three major operators will not be less than a cent for the authorization fee. I can guarantee this."

  Three major operators?

  For the three major operators, Su Hao didn't like it at all.The three major operators have never solved various problems such as indiscriminate charges and too expensive traffic charges.

  Because their three major operators completely monopolize the market, in a word, it is this money, whether you like it or not, I don't ask you to use it, I'm afraid you will use it.

  Su Hao was very unhappy with the monopolistic behavior of the three major operators.There is no problem with monopoly, but it is really too much to squeeze the common people too much.

  Su Hao is determined to break the monopoly of the three major operators and benefit the people of the country.

  "Grandpa Su, I can promise you, but I have one condition. As long as you agree to my condition, everything is easy to say."

  The second elder felt Su Hao's momentum and determination, and said directly: "You say it."

  Su Hao said word by word: "I want to become the first private communication operator in China."

  The voice fell, and the audience fell silent.

  Thank you [Little Sheep Dafa] for the monthly pass of the big guy, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 181

  Private telecommunications carrier?

  Young man, you are simply out of your imagination. How could the country allow you to set up a private communication operator? Isn't that opening a back door for you to national information security?

  Professor Huang Zhenguo was dumbfounded. He had no idea that Su Hao's heart would be so big.It is to allow you to make 3G networks available to every corner of the country, but not to allow you to engage in private construction.

  The whole country is so big, when private construction can be achieved, only cooperation with the state is the kingly way.This is the idea of ​​Professor Huang Zhenguo.

  The second elder team was stunned and looked at Su Hao with an incredible look.

  Young man, you really dare to speak.

  The second elder looked at Su Hao quietly, his face full of thought.

  Su Hao said solemnly: "Grandpa Su, there are many private communication operators in other countries, and I only do business with ordinary people."

  "Everyone is responsible for the development of a country's economy. I want to make a small contribution to the country's economic development and accelerate the development of the Internet."

  "The 3G network is just the beginning. In the future, I will develop 4G and even 5G."

  Everyone felt the confidence and momentum exuding from Su Hao, and their faces were shocked.

  "This young man has such a big dream, no wonder he can be so successful..."

  "Is it an illusion? How can I feel that Su Hao exudes an extremely powerful aura?"

  The second elder listened to Su Hao's dream, felt the boundless confidence in Su Hao, and was extremely moved.

  The audience was silent, no one dared to speak, and everyone was waiting for the second elder to speak.

  The second elder team wanted to refute Su Hao, but could not find a reason to refute.

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