In the next few days, the guardian elders of the Soul Palace and Shadow Palace began to spread throughout the entire Central Region like a flood!

Wherever they went, all forces suffered and were firmly controlled by the Shadow Palace and the Soul Palace!

Even some semi-emperor forces were invaded by the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace!

Relying on their own powerful strength, they instantly became the rulers inside!

But there is a force that they still dare not touch for the time being!

They have also been warned by the Soul Demon and the Shadow Demon!

As long as the forces related to the Heavenly Palace must not be touched, because they don’t have the strength to dare to provoke the Heavenly Palace now!

As long as a martial emperor is sent, it is enough to make the Second Palace overwhelmed!

Because the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace are spread all over without scruples, the guardian elders of the Second Palace have a total of tens of thousands of subordinates! Among them, there are countless martial emperors and martial masters! Some people have found that as long as they pass through cities and other places, there will be groups of black-robed masters walking around, as if they are inspecting something!

Without exception, their own strength has reached the martial master realm!

No one dared to ask, because the people who asked had already been tortured to death. There were also passionate young people who came to stop them, but these were useless and they were all killed!

This approach naturally attracted the attention of some top forces!

They sent their own disciples to capture this group of black-robed people. Although the capture process was very smooth, the final result was horrible!

Some people found that as long as the forces that successfully captured the black-robed people were captured, they would become a ruin in less than a day. Looking up, there was already a river of blood and corpses all over the ground. This approach has caused some forces to be afraid!

Although there are winners, they will die in the end, and even in the end it will cause a battle between half-emperors, but the half-emperor powerhouses are useless. When encountering such a strong man, the second hall master will personally kill him!

For a long time, whenever someone met a person wearing a black robe in the city, they would wave to him respectfully to show their loyalty!

At this time, the Soul Demon and Shadow Demon stood with their hands behind their backs on the top of a ten-thousand-foot mountain, surrounded by clouds and green trees!

The reason why this place is so beautiful is because the ruler here is the Heavenly Palace!

No one dares to be presumptuous in the Heavenly Palace!

Behind the two of them, there are several figures standing respectfully!

They are all the guardians of the Soul Palace and Shadow Palace. Each of them has reached the level of Martial Honor, and the strongest has even reached the level of Martial Saint!

The two of them looked at the Heavenly Palace above the clouds, and a sneer appeared on their faces under the masks!

One day, the Heavenly Palace will also surrender to them!

And Gu Yuntian and Gu Yunfeng, who were behind the two of them, couldn't help but feel amazed at what the Second Palace had done in the past few days!

It's really that the influence of the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace is so great. After only a few days, the power of the Second Palace began to spread throughout the entire Central Region. It's really like the saying: The leech passes through without leaving a trace!

Even some forces at the level of Martial Saint and Half Emperor began to be secretly controlled by the Soul Palace and Shadow Palace!

All became their slaves, and the Second Palace did this to control these forces and make them the eyes of the Soul Palace and Shadow Palace in the open!

And they watched in secret!

Every Soul Hall disciple and guardian elder has a matching technique. Even if their own strength is lower than others, they can still escape from the hands of a strong person with a higher realm!

As long as their strength is not too much higher than their own, they can escape.

After saying that!

In the imperial palace above the clouds!

Li Ziyun sat on the throne, looking down with his phoenix eyes, a pair of white and slender jade legs exposed!

In the center of the hall!

Five figures in white robes stood there respectfully with their heads down, and no one dared to look up!

If someone from the outside sect saw this scene, they would be shocked, because these five people were the heads of the lords of the martial emperor-level forces, and they never thought that they would surrender to the Heavenly Palace!

Li Ziyun looked at the five people with his eyes, opened his red lips slightly, and said:"I asked you to come here because I have something to give you. I believe that you can easily solve it with your strength!"

Hearing this, the five figures had scorching eyes.

It seemed that it was an honor for Li Ziyun to let them complete the task!

They hurriedly bowed respectfully.

But Li Ziyun did not explain it directly to them, but instead said in a roundabout way:"Have you heard of the Tianxuan Sect that performed brilliantly in the Five Regions Competition this time?"

""I've heard of it!" The five people nodded.

Of course they had heard of it, because the disciples of their faction were beaten to death by the bloodthirsty Tianxuan Sect, how could they not know?

They just happened to want to cause trouble.

"Then you have also heard the news that the disciples sent by my Tiangong died in the Tianxuan Secret Realm, right?"

The five people looked at each other with confusion, not understanding why the Palace Master said this, but nodded.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the five people, Li Ziyun explained:"The reason why my Tiangong disciples were among them this time was because their own strength and skills were not as good as others, and they were killed by the disciples of Tianxuan Sect!" Hearing this, the five people were stunned.

"It's not wrong for the Tianxuan Sect to be killed because they were not as strong as others. However, it's not their fault. Our Tiangong disciples are weak, so it's normal for them to be killed. But one thing you have to know is that the dead are our Tiangong disciples, so this matter must be resolved anyway, otherwise where is the dignity of our Tiangong?"

At this point, Li Ziyun's face began to darken, and he looked at the five people and said,"So what I have to do this time is to kill all the people from the Tianxuan Sect, and don't leave them any room. You...Do you understand?"

The five people nodded without any hesitation. They just happened to be looking for trouble with Tianxuan Sect, so this matter was what they wanted!

Seeing this scene, Li Ziyun's brows relaxed!

He waved to everyone!


Seeing this, everyone bowed respectfully and retreated!

Seeing the five people walking out of the hall, Li Ziyun stood up, her long robe fluttering slightly, her white and slender legs appearing and disappearing, and her beautiful phoenix eyes looked out of the hall!

"I want to see how strong your newly rising Tianxuan Sect is. Since you have angered my Tiangong, you must bear the consequences!"Li Ziyun said indifferently.

At this point, four dark black beads appeared in her hand. If Yun Fengyi saw this scene, she would be shocked, because these four beads are all beast beads without exception! Beast beads are not spirit stones, and it is difficult to find them, but Li Ziyun has four of them!

Looking at the beast beads in her hand, Li Ziyun smiled lightly, and then put them away!

After speaking!

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